by Rita Hestand
"Thank you, Captain…" she sighed heavily.
"Don't thank me yet. Of course I'll be more than a little indignant about the escape." He smirked, "but it is necessary, we all owe the man."
Katherine smiled and reached to kiss his cheek. "You are a good man, Captain."
"Will you go with him?" he asked, pulling her closer.
"Yes…I must go…"
"I know…but I wish you wouldn't." He smiled tenderly into her face, taking her hand and kissing her fingers slowly.
"Captain," she pulled her hand from his, "I'm a breed too."
"I know," he whispered. "I was there when your brother spoke of it…"
She gasped aloud her smile widening. "And yet you still kiss my hand?"
"You are a beautiful woman, no matter what lineage you might have. I would not be much of a man if I failed to appreciate that." He chuckled and kissed her tenderly on the lips. "Goodbye and good luck."
"Goodbye, Captain, and thank you…" she whispered.
He saluted and turned to leave.
It was nearly midnight when Lee tapped on her window. She cracked it.
"I'll meet you in the stable in ten minutes."
"Okay, I'll be ready," She assured him and accepted the clothes he handed through the window.
"It'll be easier getting around in these; I took the liberty of getting them from one of the kids." Lee explained.
She stripped and quickly redressed. Carefully she laid out the dress on the bed. Admired it one last time. Silks and satins didn't suit her, she grimaced.
She carefully tucked her hair in the hat. Once she checked the boardwalk and was sure no guard stood outside, she slipped out and hurried toward the back of the barracks where the stable was.
Ten minutes he had said. She didn't have a watch, but she gathered three horses and brought them to the stable door, cracking it so she could peek outside.
It wasn't long until Lee and Chase ran through the shadows towards her. She opened the door for them to let them in.
"You are coming too?" Chase asked.
"That's the plan…"
Suddenly the door opened and the Captain walked in. Lee drew his gun, but Katherine moved so that he couldn't fire. "Put it down, you won't need it."
"Lee, there'll be a price on your head," The Captain warned.
"I know, Captain." Lee put the gun away and they mounted. "But I owe this man…"
"Katherine, if you ever need a home, mine's open," The Captain offered, as he gathered her to him and kissed her on the lips.
Katherine blushed. As he let her go, she saw Chase's jaw tighten just a fraction. "Thank you, Captain."
"Don't tell me where you are going Lee, I'd rather not know for certain. I suspect Mexico would be a logical choice for me to report."
"All right, thanks, Captain…" Lee held out his hand to shake it. "Good luck to you too."
"Rivers, you mistreat this girl I'll have you shot on the spot, understood?" The Captain looked him in the eye.
"Understood Captain, and thanks…"
"Good luck to you all," The Captain said. "Now get out of here."
With that they quietly walked their horses to the rear of the fort and snuck out through the small gateway.
Breaking into a full gallop they ran for safety. No one had spotted them, and they were a long distance away before any sign of daylight.
It seemed like hours until they finally slowed down. Chase pulled her off her horse and asked her how she was doing.
Katherine nodded. "I'm fine."
Chase looked at Lee. "Will you go with us to the Shawnee camp?"
"I'll be sayin' goodbye now, Chase. I couldn't stand by and let them hang you, now could I?" Lee laughed.
Katherine hugged him and kissed him tenderly on the lips.
Lee sighed, "Wow, for that I would almost go with you."
Katherine smiled and let him go.
"Good luck to you both. Hope you have many children…" Lee chuckled.
And then he was gone…heading south. Heading home…
Chapter Twenty-Four
As they made camp Katherine seemed very tired.
"So…you go with me?" Chase asked as he joined her and they made a small fire to smoke a rabbit. He tensed around her now, as though he wasn't sure what she might think or do.
"Yes…I go with you." She admitted, but her smile was tight and tense.
The meat cooked slowly as they stared into the fire.
"I sense there is more to this than you are telling me." Chase watched her expressions change from one to another.
"You will not touch me again, Chase Rivers…I am not your woman, do you understand?" she frowned at him.
He nodded almost instantly. "I understand. You go for my people, not for me…"
She nodded. "And to learn more…."
"That is good…" he encouraged.
"You aren't angry?" she asked, a little shock showing on her furrowed brow.
"No…why should I be? You go to save my people."
"I sense you want to claim me…" Her face blushed bright red..
"I do…but only when you are ready," He coaxed.
"And if I am never ready?"
"Then I must live with your decision." He nodded.
"Good," she seemed to relax then and ate heartily.
"I will be your servant for the rest of my life, I suppose," he muttered.
"My servant…but why?"
"Because we shared ourselves, and are bonded by our God."
"Tell me about Burning Tree…" she coaxed him, her tone light and her frown gone.
His eyes unclothed her slowly, but he did not reach for her. "Burning Tree is very old, and very wise. He is the medicine man of the tribe, a Shaman of sorts. He has visions. The people respect him."
She nodded. "How long will it take to get there?"
"About three days," he answered, stirring the embers of the fire.
"And will your mother be there?" she asked in an almost whisper.
"Yes, she'll be there."
"She's really married to the chief?" she asked innocently.
"Yes…." He chuckled. "When my mother refused to leave, he took her as his wife, there was a ceremony and they were married."
"And Burning Tree can teach me to use these…special powers…?" she kept asking questions.
Although his loins burned to hold her and make her his again, he answered every question and did not touch her.
But as nightfall came she found herself shivering from the cool air and not knowing how to warm herself since the fire went out. Katherine moved about the camp restlessly till he finally stared up at her.
"Come here…" he commanded.
"I will not let you touch me," she chided him.
"Fine, I will not touch you…. But you will freeze like that, come here and I will keep you warm for the night, and safe," he muttered miserably.
Unable to figure out anything else, she finally lay down beside him and his big warm arms came around her, surrounding her in his own warmth.
She relaxed after several hours and fell asleep.
Chase didn't understand her and almost wished he hadn't brought her with him. For what would happen to her if she walked away from him? What was her fate if she denied what they were to each other?
The next day they traveled quickly, only stopping long enough to eat. But as nightfall came, Chase found a stream and fished for their supper. He was very adept at providing food and pleased her with several good catches. She prepared the fish and he cooked it over the open fire.
"I'm surprised no one followed us…"
Chase stared at her a long time. "You are worried about the Captain?"
"Of course I am. He took a great risk you know. He had to stay there and face the General," She shrieked.
Chase nodded. "You are right. He risks his entire career, and I wonder why?"
Katherine frowned. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, h
e kissed you as though he had every right to do so. As though you and he shared something. Perhaps you regret coming with me. You could be back at the fort wearing beautiful dresses and dancing regularly with the Captain," Chase offered, his anger barely in check.
"I could…but I didn't stay, did I?" she challenged.
"No, but I wonder why?" Chase frowned openly at her.
"I might have, but I realized I cannot lie about who I am any longer. And if this tribe you take me to is related, then I suppose it is where I belong." She sighed, but the frown on her face told him she was scared of where she was going, too. He reasoned she had every right to be. In her shoes, he would be too.
"Katherine, my people will welcome you with open arms and love you, as you are one of their own, descended from one of the most famous chiefs in the nation. It is a great honor to be with you. But because you are a breed, you can make up your own mind if you choose that kind of life. You will not be forced to endure any more than you can…" he smiled sympathetically.
"It will be different…" she gulped.
"Yes…very different." He smiled. "They live in wigwams. Long lodges. My father is the chief, a good chief who wishes peace with the white eyes and tries to obey the laws of the white eyes. He is educated as I am. He is a Christian, thanks to my mother. And we have as a people adapted many of the white man ways, as you will see," Chase informed her.
"Our children play much like yours do…" he continued.
"Children…" she looked at him strangely.
"Do you want children, Katherine…?" he asked suddenly.
"I never thought about it before. But I have no husband, and that must come first. Will the other men of the tribe consider me a …squaw?" she asked.
Chase wondered if she was planning on flirting with all the men of the village. He wondered how much of this torture he might endure. But perhaps she was the greatest test of his strength, and not having her would take much courage. Seeing her with other men of the tribe would boil his heart. But he refrained from telling her so. Before he could speak what was in his heart, he had to know if Katherine could accept the Indian ways.
Chase felt he was losing her now, and a great sadness filled him. "If you like living with them they will all accept you. And if a brave wants to marry you, he will bring horses and offer them to Burning Tree, as Burning Tree will be your adopted father now."
"That sounds like a great honor…," she said with a smile.
"It is…no one is more respected than Burning Tree," he informed her.
"What kind of powers will I have?" she asked as she tasted the fish he had cooked.
"I do not know, I only know you will have them, but Burning Tree must train you for them, so that you can accept them," Chase answered.
After eating she asked if she could bathe in the stream.
Chase's entire body lit with a fire, his loins craved her, but he would not weaken in front of her. If she was teasing him, then he would pass every test.
"Go ahead, but don't be gone too long," he warned.
"All right, I'll be back soon…" Katherine chuckled.
He heard her singing and imagined every moment of her bath. How she would splash the water on her golden body, and rub the water over it, over her. He was so into what it might feel like his manhood seemed to jerk to attention.
He heard her singing again and he rattled everything he could to drown her out.
He was on fire for her when she came back with the dew settling on her skin. He wanted to hold her and make love all night, but knew it would never work. She still reacted like a white woman and he would merely scare her.
He didn't offer to share his bed tonight because he feared he would give into his own feelings and take her.
The third day proved to be as nerve rattling as the others, and Chase was almost wishing he'd hanged.
Anything would be better than this torture he suffered with her.
Perhaps he should leave her at the tribe and not come back. He would consider it.
The sweet smell of wood smoke alerted Chase that they were close to the village. He slowed his horse beside Katherine.
"We are here…," he said simply, as his eyes watched her carefully.
Katherine looked around and then at him.
Before she could react a multitude of people came out of the woods to greet them. Chase got down and hugged some of his people and shook hands with others. Then he helped Katherine down off her horse and brought her to meet everyone.
The women giggled and hugged her and she timidly tried to smile. Chase could see how nervous she was and suddenly wished it was easier for her, but there were some things he couldn't do for her.
Then Burning Tree came through the crowd, everyone stepped aside to let him through. Katherine looked up at the tall Indian man. She tilted her head and then glanced at Chase.
"This is Burning Tree," he said.
Katherine seemed to study him, and then put out her hand. "I'm Katherine…"
"It is good that you have come… come…come to my wigwam we will talk…," he offered.
Katherine followed him.
After Chase had time to chat with some of his friends, spoke with his mother and father, he went to Burning Tree's wigwam.
The old man brought her in, and made her comfortable. Then he sat down by the fire in the middle of his home and stared into her eyes. "Has Chase Rivers explained things to you?"
Amazed that he spoke such good English, Katherine nodded. "Why yes…to some extent."
"Good…I am pleased that you have come. It took powerful magic to make sure you would. The magic of the Great Spirit and the magic of the dream catcher. Do you know what a dream catcher is?"
The old Shaman took something from the side of the wigwam and handed it to her. It was lovely, a round looking net, with feathers hanging from it, with a bead in the middle.
"It is not of my people that this comes. It is from a tribe that is far north of here. An old friend once shared the knowledge with me. It is to catch the good dreams and to send the bad ones away. It is to protect. I used this for you and for Chase Rivers. The Great Spirit bound you long before you got here."
Katherine tried to smile, but blushed as she saw Chase staring at her.
"But it is all for my people that I ask for you to come, My people and your people. You are the great, great, great, great, granddaughter of one of the most famous chiefs of our people. He was a leader, he was a peacemaker. Because you are of his blood, you carry a magic within you, that I will help you discover. You will be purified and then you will learn the magic. If you wish," he said then he began to smoke his pipe as though she were no longer there.
Katherine watched in fascination. "I am ready to accept this, but will you accept me as your own?"
"You are already part of my family if you stay. You will have a home; you will be treated with great honor, and respected by all. You will be my daughter until you legally marry."
"And would I have a choice as to who I married," she asked, casting a quick glance at Chase.
Burning Tree looked at her now, a frown lining his forehead. "I understand what you feel, as you are my daughter. The magic used to get you here was Beyond the Dream Catcher; do you understand what that means?"
"No, I do not understand it," she said her voice shrilling some.
He nodded, "She is honest and wise to come to me with this. I knew of it before you arrived. The magic was used to make sure you would come. Now you are here, and you are free to choose a husband, but it must be done soon, as you are no maiden now."
Katherine hesitated. Her cheeks were crimson, and Chase felt almost as uncomfortable as she did.
"Burning Tree, I accept the fact that she no longer wants me…I will still protect her, defend her…"
"Be still my son. I must know the reason for your change of heart, for you truly loved him in your dreams." Burning Tree puffed on his pipe.
sat rigid.
Katherine turned beet red now, and lowered her eyes, "Must I speak in front of him?"
"Has he not protected you, loved you, and done everything I ask of him?" Burning Tree asked her.
"Yes, I suppose so…but…"
Burning Tree stood up and paced. "What is it that you wish daughter? He's entitled to know the truth from your lips. Your rejection of him has put him in an embarrassing position with our people. He must know why you reject him."
Now she looked at Chase and tears were in her eyes. "I made love with him without benefit of marriage. I sinned. He sinned. I am ashamed. He has not said he loves me, nor wishes to marry me and now I am at a loss for what I should do…"
Burning Tree shook his head and frowned, "I, Burning Tree together with the Great Spirit created the magic for your love to bring you here. But it was his love that saw you through trials and problems. Is that not enough?"
"No…I mean….I need to…hear the words…" Katherine cried. "He should marry me, but only because he loves me…Not because of your magic."
Her bold words brought both the men to their feet and Chase came forward. His frown creased his forehead as he looked at Burning Tree. "Very well, I will offer ten horses, and twenty hides for her hand in marriage."
"It is accepted my son," the Shaman said with authority. "The marriage will be in three days. There is much preparation for such a feast. You will not talk to her, or walk with her for three days. It is agreed." Burning Tree smiled at Chase.
Chase stomped out of the wigwam and headed for his mother's home.
He was angry and hurt and his pride wounded, but deep down in his heart, he was more than happy that in three days, she would be his.
What manner of woman was she that she demanded they marry the moment she set foot in camp?
"So…I have seen her, my son, she is beautiful as the setting sun. Are you not happy with her?" his mother asked with a knowing smile.
"Happy? We have been through hell and back and she has barely spoken to me since we started for this camp. I should leave and never come back…"