Claiming Quinn (Other World Series Book Five)

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Claiming Quinn (Other World Series Book Five) Page 4

by Ramona Gray

  He snorted angrily to himself as she gave him another piece of the sweet, pink plant. She had him trussed up like a turkey and wouldn’t give him information about his brother. It didn’t matter how gorgeous she was, the first chance he had he would throttle her pretty little neck.

  Still, why was he so goddamn obsessed with her mouth? Why did he have a vague memory of those lips on his and of her soft moan? He shook his head to clear it and then groaned at the pain that ripped through his skull.

  “Are you going to throw up again?”

  “No. But remind me not to move my head.”

  She fed him more food and then gave him another drink of water. He swallowed it down eagerly and licked the drops from his mouth before discreetly tugging at the chain that connected the leather cuffs around his wrist.

  She grinned at him. “The chain is heavy, danen. You will not break it no matter how hard you try.”

  He gave her a look of anger. “I want to know what’s going on. Where are we? Who are you people?”

  She closed the bag before setting it on the floor. “Everything will be explained to you tomorrow, danen. I promise you.”

  “My name is Silas.” He spoke through gritted teeth. “I want to know right now.”

  She cocked her head and stared at him thoughtfully. “You’re a man used to getting what you want, aren’t you?”

  He didn’t answer and she pinched his cheek playfully. “Tomorrow, Silas. Go to sleep.”

  She started to push him back and he leaned forward. “I have to go to the bathroom.”

  “Can you not hold it until the morning?”

  “No. But if it’s too much trouble to uncuff me I can just piss in your bed,” he snapped.

  She sighed irritably and then untangled herself from the blankets. “Come then.”

  She helped him to his feet. He weaved a little and she steadied him. “Can you walk?”

  “Yes,” he grunted.

  She tugged on the collar around his neck and led him out of the tent. They stepped outside. Silas took a deep breath of the cold air and looked around for his brother. They were in a large clearing and there were a number of tents scattered throughout it. Six horses were tethered to the ground and there was a wagon parked at the far side of the campsite.

  “Where is my brother?” He said loudly.

  She turned and clapped her hand over his mouth. “Garna! Be quiet, danen!”

  He glared at her and she stepped closer, tilting her head until her mouth was at his ear. “You need to keep your mouth shut. It’s not safe. Do you understand?”

  He snorted against her hand and she used her other hand to yank hard on his hair. “I mean it, danen,” she hissed. “Your brother is fine. If you say one more word I will tie you to a tree for the night and see what remains of you in the morning. Do you understand?”

  He nodded and she released his mouth cautiously. She grabbed his collar once more and pulled him roughly toward the edge of the campsite.

  He jumped in surprise when a soft voice drifted out of the darkness. “Massina? What are you doing?”

  “Taking the danen for a piss,” Quinn replied softly. “Has it been quiet so far?”

  Fionn stepped out of the trees. “Aye. No sign of any other clans.”

  “Who is on watch next?”



  Fionn stared at Silas who was shivering in the cold air. She studied his bare legs and when she glowed softly Quinn smacked her hard on the arm.

  “Control yourself, Fionn.”

  “Sorry, massina.”

  Quinn led Silas to the treeline and moved behind him. He waited for her to free him, his body beginning to tense as adrenaline filled his veins. The moment she removed the cuffs he would take her as his hostage. She was tall and strong but she was also weaponless. Without her dagger, he could easily overpower her.

  He jerked in surprise when instead of removing his cuffs she reached around his waist and yanked down the front of his underwear.

  “What the fuck?” He grunted.

  “Go, danen. I don’t have all night,” she replied in a whisper.

  “Remove the cuffs.”

  She laughed lightly. “Not a chance.”

  “I can’t go like this. I’ll piss all over my goddamn feet,” he retorted.

  “Oh for the love of garna.” She reached around him with her breasts pressing into his back and held his cock in her hand, aiming it away from his feet. “How’s that?”

  Silas didn’t reply. Her hand was surprisingly soft and he was trying desperately not to get an erection.

  “I don’t have all night, danen,” she warned again.

  He took a deep breath and concentrated. After a moment his urine flowed and he breathed a sigh of relief. He may have brought her out here in a desperate attempt to gain his freedom but he also did have to take a piss.

  Quinn was immensely relieved that she was standing behind Silas. Her face was blushing brightly and her pelvis was aching and throbbing. Garna, his cock was huge in her hand. She could only imagine the size of it when it was erect.

  His flow trickled to a stop and she gave his cock a quick shake before releasing it and pulling his underwear back over it. He turned around and she reached for the collar around his neck. He stepped back and arched one eyebrow at her.

  “Are you going to wash your hands first?”

  She tamped down the laughter that was bubbling up in her chest. “Let’s go, danen.”

  He took a few steps forward and then stumbled to a stop. “What the hell?”

  She followed his gaze up to the sky above them.

  “The fuck? Why are there two goddamn moons?” He stared in disbelief at the two pale yellow globes in the sky.

  He looked at her and she was impressed by the calmness in his face. “Why are there two moons? Where the hell are we?”

  “Tomorrow, danen. It will all be explained tomorrow.”

  She led him back to her tent and he followed her quietly. He sat down in the nest of blankets and lay back with a loud sigh. He was more tired than he thought and his headache was coming back.

  “Do you need more pain relief?” She asked.

  He shook his head. “No.”

  She climbed in beside him and blew out the candle, plunging them into darkness. She tucked the blankets around them both and he shifted onto his side to face her. He moved closer towards her. She didn’t protest and he shifted even closer until their bodies were touching.

  “Are you cold, danen?” Her voice was slightly breathless.

  “Yes.” He wasn’t that cold but he wanted to see what she would do.

  She hesitated and then wrapped her arms around him. He shoved his large thigh between her legs and she twitched but made no attempt to move away. He pressed his face into her neck and closed his eyes. She might be holding him hostage but it was a long time since he felt a woman’s body against his own and he had to admit that it felt good.

  Chapter 5

  She woke from her dream reluctantly. In it she was on her back with her legs spread wide and the danen’s muscular body wedged between them. His cock was sliding in and out of her, hard and throbbing and filling her tight pussy to the point of almost pain. She arched her hips again and again, moaning softly and lifting her head so that he could nip the tender flesh of her neck.

  “Oh please,” she sighed softly. She would never admit this and would go to her grave carrying the secret but she wanted to give up control in bed. She kept such tight control on every other aspect of her life, needed to in order to survive, that it was a relief to give it up in the bed. To allow a man to take control of her and allow him to use her body for his own pleasure was a shocking departure from her normal self. If the others were to find out –

  A low groan forced her eyes open. She blinked in surprise at how close Silas’ face was to hers.

  “Good morning.” He grinned at her and she realized with horror that she had both legs clamped around
his large one and she was humping his hard thigh like a bitch in heat.

  Before she could untangle herself, he pushed his body onto hers and pinned her down.

  “Get off me, danen,” she whispered weakly. Her entire body was throbbing and pulsing. Being pinned down by his large muscular body was making her so wet it was dripping down her thighs.

  “No.” He smiled again and rubbed his crotch against her.

  A small moan escaped her mouth and his smile widened. “Open your legs.”

  She was squirming to open them before he even finished speaking. He shifted between them and let his full body weight rest against hers. She was finding it hard to breathe but she didn’t complain when he leaned down and kissed her hard on the mouth. She opened her lips willingly and tangled her tongue with his. He kissed her until she was thrusting her pussy against his erection and running her hands restlessly over his broad back.

  “Release me so I can fuck you,” he demanded.

  Without stopping to think about it she reached down and unhooked one side of the heavy chain from one leather cuff. The moment he was free he slid his hand around her throat and squeezed lightly.

  She stared at him, feeling the cold chain against her chest through her sleep shirt and his warm, hard hand around her throat. She had made a mistake. She was helpless under the danen and he was about to choke the life out of her. Her need for him and her need to let him take control was going to end her life.

  He growled low in his throat and then he was kissing her again, his hand leaving her neck to cup one large breast firmly. She clutched at his shoulders as he pushed his hand under her sleep shirt and plucked at one erect nipple. He pulled and rolled it between his fingers until it was hard and throbbing and she was writhing under him.

  He reached between them and shoved down his underwear. His cock was at the entrance to her pussy and thrusting in before she could even think of stopping him.

  “Christ, you’re fucking tight,” he muttered.

  He forced her thighs wider before shoving in more of his cock. She moaned in a combination of pleasure and pain. Her pussy clamped down on him and made him release his breath in a drawn-out hiss. He propped himself up above her and Quinn pressed her naked thighs around his hips as he forced his cock deeper. He was so big, so thick, and it had been many years since she had had a man between her legs.

  She pushed at him experimentally and realized that she really was helpless under him. She was trapped beneath his large body and he was going to fuck her whether she wanted him to or not. The realization made her shudder with pleasure and a surge of wetness flooded her pussy. The additional moisture lubricated his cock and made it easier for him and he entered her fully with a loud grunt.

  He stared down at her, his eyes hazy with lust and pleasure as her pussy stretched to accommodate him. “Fucking you feels so good, Quinn.”

  “Danen,” she moaned quietly.

  “Silas. Say it,” he demanded.

  When she stayed silent he took her hands and pinned them above her head, driving hard into her. “Say it, Quinn.”

  “Silas,” she whispered.

  She bent her knees and braced her feet on the blankets crumpled beneath them. She thrust her hips at him and he growled his approval before kissing her roughly. “Do you want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes,” she murmured. “Please, Silas.”

  “Please what?” He sucked on her lower lip as she wiggled under him.

  “Please fuck me. Please,” she moaned when he released her lip.

  “I like it when you beg.” He grinned at her. She felt like she should be embarrassed but he was easing his cock in and out of her in a slow, deep rhythm. Her embarrassment disappeared under a wave of pleasure so intense it was nearly painful.

  “Ohh…” She moaned and pushed her hips at him in a silent plea to move faster. He refused, keeping the same slow rhythm that was driving her mad with need. She tugged at his hands. She wanted to run her hands under his t-shirt and feel that hard chest but he pushed her hands deeper into the blankets and shook his head.

  “No, Quinn. I like you this way – pinned and helpless as I fuck you,” he growled.

  Her hips bucked against him in response and another slow grin crossed his face. “I think you like it too.”

  He licked her mouth. “Do you?”

  “Yes.” There was no point in denying it.


  He thrust into her hard and deep and she gave a low cry of need. Her hips were rising to meet him and her breath was coming in short, harsh gasps as she reached for her climax. Silas slammed in and out of her, his hard cock pounding into her aching pussy and driving her deep into the blankets. She was so close, so –

  “Get off of her now, danen, or I’ll slit your thick throat.”

  Quinn’s eyes popped open as Silas ground to a halt inside of her. A sharp blade was pressed against his throat and he stared down at her, breathing heavily. She looked in surprise at Kila as the young woman pressed the blade harder against Silas’ throat.

  “Get off of her. I won’t ask you again.”

  Silas eased out of her and kneeled on the blankets as Quinn scrambled to her feet, pushing her sleep shirt down as Kila glared at Silas.

  “Put your hands behind your back, danen.”

  He complied with her order and keeping the knife at his throat, she quickly linked the chain to the cuff.

  “You would rape the massina?” Kila sheathed her knife and raised her arm, her hand curling into a fist. As she brought her fist towards his face, Silas clenched his jaw. The blow he was expecting never came. Quinn had caught Kila’s arm.

  “Enough, Kila.”

  “Massina?” Kila frowned at her, taking in her flushed cheeks and the embarrassment in her eyes before looking down at Silas. Confusion crossed her face. “How did he free himself of the cuffs, massina?”

  “Kila, I…”

  “You released him,” Kila whispered. She gave Quinn a horrified look. “Massina, what have you done? You – you never fuck the breeders. And to do so before the claiming ceremony?”

  Quinn didn’t reply and Kila took a step back.

  “She will hurt you so badly if she finds out,” the young woman moaned. Her voice began to rise. “If she finds out, if she - ”

  “Kila – be quiet!” Quinn hissed. She yanked Silas’ underwear back up around his hips. The danen’s large cock was still half-hard and glistening with her juices. She ignored the twinge of longing that went through her at the sight of it.

  She cupped Kila’s face and stroked it gently. “Listen to me, my sweet sandora. She will not find out. It was a – a moment of madness, nothing more. It will not happen again. You just need to keep quiet about this okay? Promise me, sandora.”

  “Quinn - ”

  Naveen stuck his head into the tent. “Massina, we need to get on the road. Are you - ”

  He frowned at the sight of the two women standing above the kneeling Silas. “What is going on?”

  “Nothing, Naveen,” Quinn said quickly. She grabbed her clothes and headed toward the opening of the tent.

  “Help the danen dress. I’ll change in Kila’s tent.”

  Naveen nodded as Quinn left the tent with Kila trailing after her.

  * * *

  “Stop staring at me like that, Kila.” Quinn dressed quickly, shivering a little with the cold.

  “Why did you release him, Quinn? He – he is so big. He could have killed you,” Kila said soberly.

  “He didn’t,” Quinn replied. She rubbed her throat, remembering the way Silas had squeezed before releasing her.

  “Quinn.” Kila took her arm. “Please, look at me.”

  Quinn sighed and turned to her, willing herself not to blush.

  “Why did you let the danen fuck you?” Kila whispered. “You – you’ve shown no interest in any man before this. I thought - ”

  “You thought what, sandora? That I do not like them? That I do not crave a man’s touch from
time to time? I may be the massina, I may serve the queen and do her bidding but it does not mean that I don’t have my own wants and desires. My own - ”

  She stopped, breathing heavily as she stared at the young girl. She gripped Kila’s head tightly and rested her forehead against the young woman’s. “Promise me you will not say anything, Kila. It was a moment of weakness on my part and it will not happen again.”

  “I won’t, Quinn,” Kila whispered. “Will you try and take him for yours at the claiming ceremony?”

  Quinn shook her head immediately. “No, sandora. I told you, it was a moment of madness.”

  She hugged the young woman briefly. “Come, we must get going.”

  * * *


  Silas breathed a sigh of relief at his younger brother’s call. “Gage, are you hurt?”

  Gage shook his head as Silas walked carefully toward him. He stood in front of Gage, grinning happily at him.

  “How about you? How do you feel?” Gage peered at his forehead as the others crowded around them. Like Silas, they all had their hands still cuffed behind their backs and Lacey made a groan of discomfort.

  “Christ, my arms hurt. They made us sleep like this,” she groused.

  She blushed when Akia, standing behind them, laughed derisively. “They’re always so weak when they first arrive. Are they not, Fionn?”

  “Aye,” Fionn agreed. “A few months of hard labour will toughen them up. It always does.”

  “What are you talking about?” Veronica asked suspiciously.

  Fionn only smiled at her as Gage stared anxiously at Silas.

  “Silas? How do you feel?”

  “He’s better.” Naveen walked up behind them and pushed on Silas’ broad shoulders. “Kneel, danen. I want to look at your head wound.”

  “It’s fine,” Silas grunted. “It doesn’t need to be looked at.”


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