Claiming Quinn (Other World Series Book Five)

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Claiming Quinn (Other World Series Book Five) Page 7

by Ramona Gray

  “I can’t do that,” Kila said in a horrified whisper. “Quinn, I – I cannot.”

  “Then give your sword to the danen and he will do it,” Quinn said flatly. “If I lose control you can’t let me live. You know that, sandora.”

  “This sounds like a really terrible plan,” Silas said. “I don’t even understand half of the plan and even I know it sounds terrible.”

  “It’s the best one we have,” Quinn said. “Kila, you will make the trade. Move slowly and do not touch your sword. They will dart the both of you before you even have a chance to tell them you wish to trade. Do you still remember their language from your studies?”

  “Mostly,” Kila said.

  “Do you or don’t you?” Quinn said sharply. “Your life depends on it, sandora.”

  “I know enough,” Kila said. “What happens once I have the antidote?”

  “Leave the danen with them and return to the forest. We will allow them to start the mating ritual. Once they are all gathered in one spot I will do the rest.”

  “This mating ritual thing – what happens when I don’t get an erection?” Silas asked. “Will they kill me right away or give me a second chance to get a woodie?”

  “Do not worry, danen, you will be freed long before they start trying to get your dick to come out and play,” Quinn said.

  “Super,” Silas muttered.

  Quinn rose to her knees and hauled Kila up before hugging her firmly. “Be very careful, sandora. Speak their language and do not reach for your sword. Do you understand?”

  “I do. I’ll be careful, Quinn.”

  Quinn studied Silas. “Keep your mouth shut and don’t antagonize them. Understand?”

  “I don’t speak their language,” Silas said. “Pretty sure I’m not going to piss them off.”

  “Don’t say anything,” Quinn advised. “They may cut out your tongue just because they find our language annoying.”

  “Thanks for the tip,” Silas said.

  Quinn stroked Kila’s face before kissing her forehead. “Go, my sweet sandora. I’ll be waiting for you here.”

  Kila took a deep breath before standing and tugging on Silas’ arm. “I must chain you again, danen.”

  He allowed her to chain his wrists behind his back and didn’t object when she curled her small hand into his leather collar. With one last look at Quinn, Kila led Silas toward the caves of Wintoria.

  * * *

  Kila started speaking in the guttural language of the gorans before they even breeched the glow of the fire. The gorans jumped to their feet and Silas stiffened when they reached for the wooden tubes jammed into their leather skirts. Kila was repeating the same phrase. He guessed it was some kind of “we come in peace” message because the gorans regarded her suspiciously but didn’t dart them.

  There was a harsh hooting noise and they watched as a very large woman walked out of the caves. Her breasts were huge and barely contained by the leather band around them, and her thighs were as thick as his. Her stomach was a hard slab of muscle and she absently flexed her biceps as she walked toward them. Her black hair hung to her knees and was held back from her face by various sticks and long leather straps.

  He stared at the ground as Kila spoke to the woman in a soft voice. He grunted but didn’t object when the goran rubbed his chest. He waited, keeping his mouth shut as she touched his entire upper body before shoving her hand down the waistband of his jeans. Her hand wrapped around his dick and she made a hooting noise of pleasure before squeezing him.

  He winced and Kila’s hand tightened on his collar, keeping him in place as the woman squeezed him again before releasing him. She yanked her hand out of his pants and turned to the other women, hooting loudly and excitedly. The others moved a little closer as their leader studied Kila.

  She spoke rapidly in her own language – he hoped Kila could understand what sounded like complete gibberish to him – and Kila nodded. She spoke slowly and clearly but Silas’ pulse pounded when the leader scowled at her. She made a harsh noise of disagreement. Kila, showing more courage than he would have expected, shook her head and pointed at him before speaking again.

  The leader of the gorans traced one hand down his chest before cupping him through his jeans again. He stared at the ground until she squeezed him tightly. He grunted in pain and raised his gaze to the woman’s face. Her pupils were bright yellow and her irises the same shade of green as her skin. He held his breath as she leaned forward. She opened his mouth and examined his teeth before touching his thick hair and poking at his ears. When she stepped away Silas took a quick glance at Kila. Her face was pale but calm and only the tight grip she kept on his collar gave away her nerves.

  The leader turned to the closest goran behind her and spoke quietly before gesturing at the caves. The goran ran nimbly to the cave, disappearing inside briefly before returning. She carried a small glass vial topped with a bit of moss. It was filled with a dark pink liquid and Silas watched eagerly as she held it out to Kila. Kila reached for it and the woman scowled at her before pointing at Silas. Kila released her hold on his collar and pushed him forward. She took the vial as the goran leader wrapped her large hand around Silas’ collar. Kila backed away and disappeared into the cover of the trees.

  His heart pounding rapidly, Silas stared at the goran leader. She was nearly as tall as he was. When she yanked him forward he wasn’t surprised by her strength. She led him toward the opening of the caves and he scanned the trees around them. Quinn didn’t appear and he tried to keep his panic level from rising. She wouldn’t leave him to his fate, he was sure of it.

  Are you?

  No, he guessed he wasn’t. But it was obvious that Kila cared about Gage and no matter what she would get the antidote to him. That’s all that mattered.

  The others were crowding around him now, reaching out to touch and poke his body. He tried to ignore the hands that were cupping and caressing his ass. The leader stopped him just in front of the caves and he leaned back when one of the others handed her a long, sharp dagger. She made another hooting noise and he flinched when she used it to slice open the front of his t-shirt. She cut the shirt off his body with precise motions. When it was lying in strips on the ground she caressed the front of his chest. She made an appreciative noise as she tugged on his chest hair. He winced and turned his face away when she leaned closer. She growled at him and bared her small and yellowed teeth. He tried not to grimace at the smell of her breath.

  Four other women with their hands coated in some sort of red liquid – Christ, he hoped it wasn’t blood - drew symbols on his naked chest and back as the others watched excitedly. His eyes widened with dismay when the leader stripped off the leather band across her breasts and shoved down her skirt until she was standing naked in front of him.

  She reached for the waistband of his jeans and despite Quinn’s warning to keep his mouth shut, he said, “Listen, not that I’m not into casual sex – it’s great, really – but maybe we could get to know each other a little better before we start fucking.”

  The woman cocked her head and stared quizzically at him. Feeling desperate, he said, “You’re, uh, you’re an attractive woman – love the green skin, by the way – but I’m kind of seeing this other woman. Maybe you know her? Tall like you with dark hair – sliced up a whole bunch of your people earlier in the day?”

  She scowled at him and he cleared his throat nervously. “Forget that last part. Anyway, I can’t have sex with you because that other woman will be pissed and no one likes a pissed-off woman, am I right?”

  He took a step back and pulled at the chain connecting his cuffs when the woman reached for him. She hissed like an angry cat and he made a loud grunt of surprise when a hard hand shoved him in the middle of his back. He pitched forward and landed on his knees with a painful thud. He was face-to-face with the woman’s crotch and he stared at her pubic hair as she made another hooting noise of pleasure and ran her hand through his hair.

  “Oh hell,
no,” he said. “Lady, don’t take this the wrong way but I never eat pussy on a first date. It’s a personal rule.”

  Her hand tightened in his hair and he tried to strain back as the others pushed him forward. Before they could shove his face into her crotch, there was a loud humming noise and the goran leader stiffened. She backed away as the trees lit up with a bright, green light and a figure emerged from the darkness.

  Silas squinted at the figure as it moved forward rapidly. It was Quinn - at least he thought it was Quinn - but her dark hair was now bright jade and her eyes shone with a hellish green light. The goran leader made a harsh shout and the others reached for their weapons. Silas shouted in warning when the goran closest to Quinn raised her wooden tube to her lips and blew harshly. Quinn held up her hand and the dart stopped in mid-air, spinning lazily before falling to the ground. The gorans made loud noises of surprise and fear and their leader screamed harshly at them. They hesitated a moment longer before charging forward with their swords and daggers drawn.

  Silas tried to struggle to his feet and the leader knocked him flat on his back with one hard shove. He twisted around, watching wide-eyed as the gorans descended on the glowing Quinn. She stared serenely at them. He shouted hoarsely when she raised both her hands and a flash of green light shot out from her palms. The light washed over the gorans. Their flesh began to melt and they shrieked piercingly. They fell on the ground, writhing and screeching with smoke rising from their melting flesh as the goran leader and Silas watched in horror.

  Quinn walked toward Silas without sparing a glance at the mass of wriggling, smoking bodies screaming into the night air. As she approached, the leader dropped her sword and fell to her knees. She stared silently at the glowing Quinn and Silas shook his head when Quinn reached out.

  “Quinn, don’t - ”

  Quinn placed her glowing palm on the forehead of the goran woman. She made a strangled yelp, her hands curling into fists around Quinn’s wrist as Quinn’s hand sank into her forehead. The goran’s skull collapsed under the pressure, her forehead caving in as her eyeballs popped and green light poured from the empty eye sockets. She collapsed in a crumpled heap and Silas surged to his knees. The smell of burning flesh coated the air and a few of the gorans were still making dying moans that reminded him of animals trapped in a cage.

  Quinn turned her gaze toward him and he made a low moan at the emptiness in her eyes.

  “Quinn,” he said as she walked toward him. “Quinn, it’s Silas. Remember me?”

  “I remember you, danen.”

  Her voice was different, gargled and sounding more animal than human. All the hair on the back of his neck stood up when she reached out and ran her fingers through his hair.

  “Such a pretty man,” she crooned.

  She stared down at him and when she scowled he could feel his bladder wanting to let go.

  “She will take you for herself,” she said quietly. “You belong to me but she will try and take you.”

  Silas cleared his throat. “Quinn, I don’t - ”

  “You belong to me. Say it, danen,” she growled.

  “I belong to you,” he replied quickly.

  “I will kill her when she tries to take you,” Quinn said. “I’ll burn her eyes out of her head and feed her flesh to the pigs. Would you like that, danen?”

  “Uh, sure,” Silas said. “Quinn, why don’t you tell that, uh, bobbin thing to take a hike and you come back to us, okay?”

  She smiled at him, that terrible green light escaping from her mouth. “I like where I am, danen.”

  “Massina, listen to the danen.”

  Kila’s soft voice came out of the darkness and Silas breathed a sigh of relief when she stepped out of the trees and moved cautiously toward them. “The boden must be removed before it takes further hold of you. Please, massina. Rid yourself of it now.”

  Quinn ran her hand through Silas’ hair as she stared at the young woman. “You dare to tell your massina what to do?”

  “Please, massina,” Kila pleaded as her hand tightened around the handle of her sword. “Release the boden, quickly.”

  “You want the danen for yourself,” Quinn said as her body trembled and the light surrounding her pulsed brighter. “You wish to have him between your thighs. Is that it, Kila?”

  “No,” Kila said. “It’s his brother I want. You know that, Quinn.”

  “The danen is mine,” Quinn said, her hand tightening painfully in Silas’ hair. “I will kill all those who try and take him from me.”

  “No one is going to take him from you,” Kila said.

  “You lie,” Quinn said.

  “I don’t,” Kila said quickly. “The danen is yours. It is the boden who lies. Release it, massina, before it is too late.”

  Quinn bared her teeth at her before studying Silas. She bent until her face was inches from his. The glow of her light made his eyes water and he blinked rapidly as she whispered, “I wish to fuck you, danen.”

  “Yes,” he said, “but not until you release the boden.”

  She snarled at him and he said, “I won’t fuck you until you get rid of the boden.”

  She hesitated and he made himself smile at her. “Please, Quinn. I want you, not the boden.”

  She released her grip and turned away. Kila drew her sword as Quinn bent at the waist. She made a harsh gagging sound, her entire body heaving. Silas struggled to his feet. They watched as Quinn gagged again before coughing repeatedly. Silas started forward and Kila grabbed his arm.

  “Wait, danen.”

  Quinn dropped to her knees before making a loud retching noise. The glowing green ball shot from her mouth and landed on the ground in front of her. It glowed with a much duller light than before. Quinn picked it up with a trembling hand and shoved it into the leather pouch around her waist.

  “Massina?” Kila said softly. “Is it you?”

  “Aye,” Quinn said hoarsely.

  “How do you feel?” Kila asked as Quinn stayed on her knees with her head hanging down. Her hair was beginning to darken. The jade colour faded away to become her normal dark brown as she coughed again. She groaned and rubbed at her temples.

  “I – I feel fine, sandora,” she said as she craned her head to stare at them. “A headache and a little tired but - ”

  Her eyes rolled up in her head and she fell to the ground. Kila squatted and pressed her hand against Quinn’s chest. “She’s all right. Just fainted.”

  Silas stared silently at her and Kila gave him a weak smile. “That worked pretty well.”

  “Pretty well?” Silas said. “I was almost raped by a large green woman, Quinn melted over a dozen women using some weird green ball she swallowed and I came this close to wetting my fucking pants and you think it went well?”

  “We have the antidote for your brother and we all live,” Kila said. “It went well.”

  Silas snorted angrily as she stood and unchained him. “Can you carry the massina?”

  He nodded and rubbed his arms before kneeling and picking up Quinn. “How far?”

  “Not far. I just want to get her away from the smell.”

  Silas followed Kila’s gaze to the goran women. They were reduced to a pile of green goo and bones and he swallowed down bile as he followed Kila into the forest.

  * * *

  She woke slowly. She kept her eyes closed and listened to the gentle lapping of the water, the murmur of Kila’s voice and the deeper voice of the danen replying. She turned her head carefully. At least it no longer felt like someone was repeatedly slamming her head with a sledgehammer. She moved all of her limbs, grateful to have full control over them again. Ingesting the boden was necessary but the power and the almost complete lack of control over her own body had frightened her.

  The weaker boden had given her power but wasn’t strong enough to take control of her body. This one, humming with its full abilities, was too eager to stay within her. It was almost gleeful in its annihilation of the goran women. Frankly, she
was surprised she expelled it. The urge to keep it within her and to let it feed from her was almost too much to resist. The only reason she released it… no, better to let that thought rest. It, much like the boden, was too dangerous to consider.

  Why? Why can’t you admit that you released it because Silas said he would only fuck you if you got rid of the boden? It’s been years since you’ve had sex and do you really think Kevin would care? He’s been dead for over a decade.

  It wasn’t about Kevin. She knew he wouldn’t want her to stay celibate forever. It was about her revenge and she would never have it if she allowed her judgment to be clouded by the danen.

  Silas. His name is Silas.

  She sighed inwardly. Better to think of him as the danen. In fact, it was better to not think of him at all. If the queen even suspected that she wanted Silas she would use it to her advantage. She was the massina and the queen valued her for her protection and her abilities but it didn’t mean she trusted her. The woman trusted no one. It was what kept her in power for so long.

  “Massina? How do you feel?”

  She opened her eyes and smiled at Kila. She was kneeling next to her and Quinn didn’t object when Kila helped her into a sitting position.

  “Better, sandora.” She studied the darkening sky. “How long was I out?”

  “Hours,” Kila said worriedly. “We’ve been waiting all day for you to wake.”

  “Garna,” Quinn swore softly. “We must keep moving.”

  Kila shook her head. “It’s almost dark. It’s safer to stay where we are for the night.”

  “What about Gage?” Silas had joined them and he frowned at the two women. “What about my brother?”

  “He will be fine,” Kila said soothingly. “If we leave at dawn, we will be home before nightfall. The poison will not kill him before then.”

  “How do you know that for sure?” Silas asked as he scanned the growing darkness. “If you’re wrong - ”


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