Claiming Quinn (Other World Series Book Five)

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Claiming Quinn (Other World Series Book Five) Page 9

by Ramona Gray

  She made herself scowl at him. “I’m not interested.”

  “Li - ”

  “Danen,” she interrupted, “you’re very close to having your tongue cut out of your head.”

  “Why don’t you glow when I touch you?” He asked.

  Quinn stared at the blade she was pressing to his throat. “Perhaps you don’t turn me on nearly as much as you like to think you do, danen.”

  He laughed, his chest reverberating against her breasts. She glanced nervously at Kila but the girl didn’t move.

  “I know exactly how much I turn you on, Quinn. Your glowing ability must be broken.”

  Now it was her turn to laugh. “That isn’t how it works.”

  He pressed even closer to her, not noticing or not caring when a thin trickle of blood dripped from his skin under the blade. “Why don’t I put my hand between your legs? If your pussy is wet, I’m going to sit on that stump right there and you’re going to ride me until I come.”

  She stared at him, her nostrils flaring as warmth filled her body. “If I’m not?”

  He grinned as his hand inched down her thigh to the hem of her skirt. “You’ll be wet.”

  “Stop it, danen,” she warned.

  He ignored her and slid his hand under her skirt and up her warm thigh. He touched the edge of her panties and she inhaled sharply.

  “Open your legs, honey,” he coaxed quietly. The endearment, one she had not heard in many years, weakened her resolve and she shifted her legs apart. He cupped her through her panties and she cleared her throat nervously.

  “Not wet, danen.”

  He twisted his fingers under the crotch of her panties and glided them across her wet pussy lips before rubbing at her swollen clit. She moaned lightly, the knife falling to the ground as she shuddered and twitched her pelvis against him. He pulled his hand free and showed her his glistening fingers. “You were saying, Quinn?”

  He backed away from her and sat down on the stump. She watched as his long fingers unbuttoned his jeans and he pulled out his erect cock. She licked her lips as he stroked it back and forth.

  “A deal’s a deal.” He crooked his finger at her.

  “I – I didn’t agree to the deal,” she whispered.

  He continued to rub his cock, circling the head of it with his thumb. “Come ride me, Quinn. Don’t you remember how good it felt when I was fucking you?”

  She made a soft whispering sound of need and glanced at Kila again before she walked toward Silas.

  “Take off your panties,” he said in a low voice

  She slipped them down her legs and stepped out of them. Her legs were shaking and her body was on fire with need. She couldn’t stop staring at his cock and he held the base of it with one large hand as she straddled his thighs.

  “You cannot tell anyone, danen. If you do, we both die. Do you understand?”

  He nodded and reached under her skirt to squeeze her bare ass with one hand. “I won’t say a word.”

  She gripped his shoulders and lowered herself down, biting her lip when she felt the head of his cock press against her pussy. She hesitated and he kissed her lightly on the mouth.

  “Keep going, honey. Slide your tight pussy down my cock.”

  She moaned and impaled herself on his cock. He kissed her again and swallowed her loud cry with his mouth as she stretched around his thick length.

  “You’re so damn thick,” she murmured as she slowly settled onto him.

  He brushed a strand of her hair back from her face and smiled at her. “You’re so damn tight.”

  “We have to be fast,” she said with another nervous look at the sleeping Kila.

  “Sadly that won’t be a problem,” he said. “It’s been a while for me.”

  “Me too,” she admitted as she wrapped her hands around his thick neck. Her fingers brushed against the leather collar and she bit back her urge to remove it.

  She squeezed his dick experimentally and he cursed under his breath. “Honey, you keep squeezing like that and it’s going to turn from fast into embarrassing.”

  She couldn’t help but grin at him and he returned it before cupping her face. “Hang on tight, Quinn.”

  She clung to him, her fingers digging into the back of his neck when he thrust roughly. He claimed her mouth again, sliding his tongue between her lips to taste her. She sucked on his tongue as his arm wrapped around her waist. He held her steady and shoved himself deep into her warmth.

  “Jesus,” he muttered. “You feel so fucking good wrapped around my cock, Quinn.”

  “Please, danen,” she whispered. “Don’t stop.”

  “Silas,” he said. “Say it.”

  “Silas,” she moaned before burying her face into his neck. He fucked her hard, bouncing her on his cock. She arched her back and clung to him. She widened her thighs when his hand moved between their bodies and slipped under her skirt. He rubbed at her swollen clit and tugged on it lightly. She arched again with a soft, broken cry.

  Her sword was still around her waist and bumping against their thighs and he touched it lightly. She moved his hand away and he smiled at her before bouncing her on his cock again.

  “Silas, oh God, oh,” she panted into his ear. “I need more.”

  “What do you need?” He whispered. “This?”

  He grabbed her wrists and yanked her arms behind her back, holding them tightly with one hand as his other hand continued to rub her clit. She struggled to free herself, a little thrill of excitement running down her spine when he kept her completely immobilized.

  “No,” he said firmly. “Be a good girl and come for me.”

  His hand tightened on her wrists and he tugged again at her clit. She clamped her mouth shut against the scream that wanted to escape as she came with a roaring rush of pleasure that made her entire body shake. She clenched down on him as she climaxed and he moaned harshly into her ear before arching into her. She welcomed the rush of wetness as he came deep inside of her. Her pussy squeezed him firmly and he moaned again before releasing her wrists. Panting heavily, he rested his forehead on her upper chest and she stroked his thick hair before glancing at Kira. She still appeared to be sleeping and Quinn breathed a sigh of relief as Silas raised his head.

  “Tell me that fell under the fast category and not the embarrassing category,” he said.

  She tried to stand and he clamped his arm around her waist. “Where are you going?”

  “Let me go, danen,” she said as she stared into the dark forest. “I’m supposed to be on watch, remember?”

  “I remember,” he said but kept her seated on his lap. “Listen, I’m clean. I’ve been tested recently and I’d offer to show you the results but I left them on my world.”

  She controlled her urge to smile and gave him a quizzical look. “Tested?”

  “In my world people can get, uh, diseases from unprotected sex. We use a rubber - well, it’s called a condom - to protect ourselves.”

  “I do not have any sex diseases,” she said. “In this world that sort of thing does not exist.”

  “Are you certain? A lot of the, um, diseases aren’t really that noticeable until it’s too late.”

  “I’m certain,” she said. “You will not get any hidden sex diseases from me or any of the others in my clan.”

  “I guess with your fiery need to procreate you never use anything like condoms,” he said. His eyes suddenly widened. “Shit, what if you get pregnant?”

  “I won’t,” she said.

  “You don’t know that,” he said. He stared at her flat stomach as if he expected it to start rounding out any minute. She tugged lightly on his hair.

  “I will not get pregnant, danen. I promise you.”

  “You can’t have children?” He asked.

  “Something like that.” She was definitely not telling him about the plant she took every month. No one but Naveen knew that she took it. The plain yellow plant was this world’s version of birth control and Naveen had first given
it to her when he saw the way she suffered each month during her menstrual cycle. It was strictly forbidden in her clan to ingest the plant – even the queen’s massina was encouraged to bear children – and if anyone found out she’d be cast out from the clan.

  “Release me, danen,” she said. He hesitated and then let her go. She climbed off his lap and picked up her panties, shaking them out before sliding them on. “Go back to the fire.”

  He stood and buttoned his jeans before running his fingers across her bare upper back. She shivered all over before stepping away. “Don’t touch me, danen.”

  “Don’t touch you,” he repeated.

  She nodded and looked away from the hurt she could see in his eyes. “I enjoyed this but we cannot do it again. Ever. Do you understand?”

  “Why not?”

  “We just can’t.”

  “Explain it to me.”

  “No,” she snapped at him. “For Garna’s sake, danen, just shut your damn mouth for once and do as I ask.”

  “So you just used me to scratch an itch, is that it?”

  “Yes. As did you,” she said.

  He gave her a considering look before saying teasingly, “Maybe I don’t want it to be the last time. Maybe I’ll let it slip that we fucked if - ”

  Her look of pure fury made the words die in his mouth. “This is not a joke, danen. It is forbidden to sleep with a breeder you have not claimed. If you tell anyone they’ll kill us both. It matters not that I am the queen’s massina or that you are a healthy breeder. They will slit our throats and feed our bodies to the pigs. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” he said. “I’m sorry, Quinn.”

  “Go back to the fire,” she repeated, “and forget this ever happened.”

  Chapter 10

  “Holy shit,” Silas said.

  “Hurry, danen,” Quinn said before tugging on the chain attached to his collar. As they approached the edge of the forest she chained his hands together again and attached the chain to his collar.

  “It’s a goddamn actual castle,” Silas said. “How many people are in your clan?”

  “We are a very large clan,” Kila said proudly. “There are more than six hundred of us.”

  “Holy shit,” Silas repeated.

  Their home was at the foot of a large range of mountains. A river flowed in front of them and they quickly crossed the sturdy wooden bridge. Silas studied the fast-flowing water beneath the bridge. He guessed the river was about fifty feet wide. Once they were over the bridge, they followed a dirt path toward the giant stone wall that surrounded their home. Women were patrolling the top of the wall and one of them waved before shouting, “Hello, massina!”

  “Open the gates, Barkha,” Quinn shouted. “Hurry!”

  Barkha whistled piercingly. After a moment, the large wooden gates in the centre of the wall opened slowly.

  “Let’s go,” Quinn said with nervous glance at the dark forest behind them.

  Silas stared curiously as they walked past the walls. To the right, he could just make out a large wooden structure rising into the night sky. “Is that a water wheel?”

  Kila nodded as they hurried past a stable full of horses. There was a blacksmith’s next to it and Silas stared in utter fascination at the forge. It glowed with a dim light from the burning coals.

  “Fuck, it’s like I’m in the eighteenth century,” Silas breathed.

  “What?” Kila asked curiously.

  “Kila, take the danen to the breeder’s quarters, and then meet me at Naveen’s,” Quinn said as she pulled out the small vial of bright pink liquid.

  “I want to see my brother,” Silas said. He dug in his heels and refused to move when Kila pulled on the chain.

  Quinn sighed irritably. “You can see him when he wakes, danen. Once he is fully awake Naveen will bring him to you.”

  “I want to see him now,” Silas insisted.

  Quinn glanced at Kila who nodded. “Let him, massina. It is his brother.”

  “Fine,” Quinn said. “Move quickly.”

  Silas followed them down the dark streets to a large stone building. After the castle, it was the largest building in the village and he waited as Quinn knocked on the door. It swung open and Naveen gave them a beaming smile. “Massina, you live! When you told me you were going after Kila and the danen, I thought for certain that the three of you would be murdered by the gorans.”

  Quinn laughed and let the old man embrace her. “You know it’ll take more than a clan of gorans to kill me, Naveen.”

  “Aye,” he said agreeably. “Did you get the antidote?”

  “We did,” Quinn said as the three of them followed him into the house and down the hallway. Doors lined the hallway and he opened the third door on the left before ushering them into the room.

  “Gage!” Silas started forward and glared at Quinn when the chain around his neck pulled taut. She let it go and he stood next to the bed and stared anxiously at his brother.

  “His breathing is slower.”

  “Aye,” Naveen said. “The poison is almost through his body.”

  He took the vial from Quinn and stared critically at it before pulling out the bit of moss that plugged the opening. He sniffed the liquid before pointing to Gage’s head. “Massina, lift his head.”

  Quinn propped up Gage’s head and Naveen pried his mouth open before pouring the liquid down his throat. He closed Gage’s mouth and rubbed his throat for a few seconds before nodding happily. “There, that should do it.”

  “He isn’t waking up,” Silas said. “Why isn’t he waking up?”

  “Give it time, danen,” Naveen said. He moved about the small room and lit the cluster of candles on the night table and the windowsill with flame he produced on the tips of his fingers. Silas stared at Gage in the flickering light as Kila knelt beside him.

  “It will work, danen.”

  “What if it doesn’t?” Silas said hoarsely. “What if we’re too late?”

  “He still breathes,” Kila said soothingly. “It isn’t too late.”

  She rubbed Gage’s bare chest before pulling up the blanket and then standing. “He will be just fine.”

  Quinn joined them at the bed. “The danen needs to go to the breeder’s quarters and we need to go to the castle. She will be looking for us and - ”

  “You are right, massina. I am looking for you.”

  Silas stared at the woman standing in the doorway. She was small and dainty with blonde hair that fell to her knees. Her slender body was wrapped in blue silk and Akia and a woman he didn’t recognize were standing behind her. Quinn shoved him to his knees on the hard floor before kneeling on one knee and bowing her head. He could hear Naveen groan softly as he knelt to his knees as well. Without speaking, Quinn placed a hard hand against the back of his neck and forced him to look at the floor.

  “My Queen,” Quinn said softly.

  “Rise, massina.”

  Quinn rose gracefully to her feet and Silas lifted his head a little. The queen’s gaze had turned to Kila who was still standing.

  “Hello, child.”

  “Hello, mother,” Kila said. Silas’ mouth dropped open as Kila hesitated before walking forward and embracing her mother. The queen allowed her to press a soft kiss against her cheek then stepped away. She held out her hand and Quinn kissed her knuckles.

  “You are late.”

  “I’m sorry, my Queen,” Quinn replied. “We had some trouble with the gorans and - ”

  “I know what happened. Akia was very thorough in her explanation.”

  “I’m sure she was,” Quinn said.

  The queen stepped around her and studied Gage lying in the bed. “Did you give him the antidote, Naveen.”

  “Aye, my Queen. He will wake soon.”


  Silas twitched when the queen touched his dark hair. He stared grimly at the floor as the queen ran her fingers over the back of his neck and the collar. “Look at me, breeder.”

  He raised
his gaze to her face and her eyes widened before she smiled at him. “Aren’t you a handsome one.”

  Her eyes were a very light blue, her skin was flawless and she was breathtakingly beautiful. Despite her exquisiteness, he preferred the warm loveliness of Quinn to the ice-cold beauty standing above him.

  “Rise, breeder.”

  He stood clumsily and her eyes widened again. “A danen.”

  She ran an appreciative hand over his naked chest and he tried not to flinch when she traced the waistband of his jeans. He waited for her to just grab his junk and breathed a sigh of relief when she turned to Quinn.

  “Why did you take the breeder with you?”

  “I thought he would come in useful as a trading tool with the gorans, my Queen,” Quinn said. “We traded him for the antidote and then I returned to the goran’s camp and took him back.”

  “Did you?” The queen said thoughtfully. “You are very skilled, massina, but I find it hard to believe that you defeated an entire camp of gorans.”

  “We killed most of them when they attacked us,” Quinn said. “It was not difficult to kill those who remained.”

  “I see,” the queen replied. “What did I request you to do, massina.”

  “To retrieve the breeders from the orb and return to the clan.”

  “Did you do that?”

  Kila took a step toward them. “Mother, I - ”

  “Hold your tongue, Kila,” the queen said calmly. “Massina, did you do as I asked?”

  “Yes, my Queen,” Quinn replied.

  “Did you? Or did you risk the life of my child?”

  “Kila was never in danger, my Queen. She simply made the trade with the gorans and then waited for me to return with the danen.”

  Quick as a striking snake, the queen struck Quinn across the face with a hard blow of her fist. Quinn’s head rocked back and she staggered on her feet as Silas started forward. He glared at Naveen when the old man placed a hand on his arm. Naveen shook his head warningly and dug his fingers into Silas’ flesh.

  “They could have killed her when she made the trade,” the queen said calmly. Quinn’s cheek was already starting to swell but she stared steadily at the blonde woman.


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