Claiming Quinn (Other World Series Book Five)

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Claiming Quinn (Other World Series Book Five) Page 12

by Ramona Gray

  “I want to see her,” Silas said.

  Naveen wiped some paste onto the cut on his forehead. “She is sleeping, danen. She needs her rest.”

  “I just want to see her for a minute,” Silas said.

  Naveen washed his hands. “I will remove the stitches in a few more days. Come, you can see your brother now.”

  Silas followed him down the hall and into Gage’s room. Gage was propped up in the bed. He was pale and sweaty but awake and he gave Silas a weak smile.

  “Gage!” Silas hurried forward and hugged him.

  Gage winced and patted his back. “Careful, man. I’m as weak as a goddamn kitten.”

  “How do you feel?”

  “Okay. Pretty tired. Naveen said it’s because of the poison and that it should dissipate after another day or so. How are you doing? How are the rest of the guys?”

  “They’re fine, we’re all fine,” Silas said. “Jesus, you fucking scared me.”

  Gage smiled again at him. “I’m okay, Silas. How is, um, Kila doing? Have you seen her at all?”

  Silas frowned at him. “You’re asking about Kila? What about Angela?”

  Gage flushed a little. “What about her?”

  “Aren’t you two dating?”

  “No. She hadn’t agreed to go out with me yet. You know that, man.”

  “Doesn’t mean you should just forget about her.”

  “I haven’t. Naveen said that she and Veronica were fine. They’re being treated well.”

  “Kila is the queen’s daughter. Did you know that?” Silas said.

  Gage’s eyes widened. “No.”

  “Stay away from her, Gage. The queen is,” he glanced at Naveen who was watching them with bright interest, “crazier than a shithouse rat.”

  Naveen snorted laughter. “Do not say that in front of others, danen. Your tongue will be removed from your head.”

  He moved closer to the bed. “Your brother is right, Gage. You would be wise to stay away from Kila.”

  Gage didn’t reply and Silas took his hand and squeezed it tightly. “Gage, stay away from Kila.”

  A stubborn look crossed Gage’s face and he shook his head. “I’m not a kid anymore, Silas. You can’t tell me what to do.”

  “Jesus, Gage, this is not some kind of fucking game,” Silas said. “We’re on a different world and shit here is different. We need to be very careful until we can escape.”

  “You cannot escape,” Naveen said cheerfully before taking Gage’s hand from Silas and pressing his fingers against his pulse. “There are worse dangers outside of these walls. I thought you would realize that by now.”

  Silas didn’t reply and Naveen smiled at Gage. “Your pulse is getting stronger by the hour. Rest some more and I will bring you food in a little bit. All right?”

  “Thanks, Naveen,” Gage said. He patted Silas’ arm. “Don’t worry about me, Silas. I can take care of myself.”

  “You almost got yourself killed trying to save a woman you just met,” Silas said. “You’re not thinking straight when it comes to Kila.”

  Gage just shrugged. “I like her.”

  “You don’t even know her.”

  “Can you go, Silas? I’m pretty tired,” Gage said suddenly. “We’ll talk about it later, okay?”

  “Yeah,” Silas said. “Just get some sleep, okay?”

  “I will. Bye, Silas.”

  Gage closed his eyes. With one last worried look at his brother Silas joined Naveen in the hallway.

  “Naveen, what happens if the queen finds out that Gage likes Kila?”

  Naveen gave him a grave look. “You must make sure that never happens, danen. You and your brother are here for one purpose only and it matters not if Gage falls in love with Kila. He can never have her for anything more than sex.”

  He patted Silas’ arm. “Kila knows the rules. It’s obvious she is fond of Gage but she will not allow him any closer than is wise.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Silas said.

  “I am,” Naveen said confidently. “Kila knows better than anyone of the cruelty of her mother. Come, it’s time to return to the quarters.”

  “I want to see Quinn just for a minute,” Silas replied.

  Naveen hesitated. “I don’t think that’s wise, danen.”

  “Please, Naveen. I want to apologize to her. It’s my fault she was punished.”

  Naveen sighed and Silas waited anxiously as he glanced down the narrow hallway. “Fine, but only for a moment.”

  “Thank you.”

  He sucked in his breath in a horrified gasp when they entered Quinn’s room and he saw her back. Her flesh was swollen and dark bruising covered her from the top of her back to the bottom. Akia had been brutal in her beating and had left no space uncovered.

  “Jesus Christ,” Silas whispered. He felt more than a little sick to his stomach as he stared at Quinn. She was lying on her stomach with a sheet pulled to her waist. He couldn’t stop staring at the bruised and swollen flesh of her back.

  “It’s only going to get worse as the day goes on,” Naveen said solemnly. “Although the poultices I’ve been using will help reduce the swelling.”

  “Have you given her anything for the pain?”

  “Aye, she’s had quite a bit of the yellow powder you found so foul,” Naveen said. “As much as I can give her without killing her.”

  He glanced at the sun out the window. “You have seen her, danen. Come, you must leave. I need to prepare more poultices for the massina’s back.”

  “Let me stay with her while you’re doing that. Please, Naveen.”

  “I can’t leave you alone with the massina,” Naveen said with a frown. “Not when she is injured so badly.”

  “I’m not going to hurt her. I promise,” Silas said.

  Naveen studied him carefully before nodding. “Aye, I do not believe you will. Fine, you can stay with her for a bit. But if you do hurt her I will make sure the queen allows me to feed you to the pigs myself.”

  “I won’t hurt her,” Silas repeated as the old man slipped out of the room.

  He crouched beside the bed and touched Quinn’s arm lightly. “Quinn? Are you awake?”

  Her eyelids fluttered open and she stared hazily at him. “Silas?”


  “Wh-what are you doing here?”

  Her voice was slurred and her eyes were hazy from the drugs that Naveen gave her.

  “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  Her eyes slipped shut and he rubbed her arm. “I’m sorry, Quinn.”

  She moaned quietly. “It hurts, Silas.”

  “I know it does, honey. I’m sorry.” He hesitated and then stripped off his shirt before sliding into the bed beside her. He stroked her dark hair. “What can I do?”

  “Help me turn to my side,” she muttered.

  He helped her ease onto her side, his stomach churning at her small grunts of pain. He rubbed her upper chest lightly. She smelled strongly of mint and other spices and he smoothed her hair back from her face. “Better?”

  “A little,” she sighed. She wormed closer to him and he carefully pulled her into his embrace. He rubbed the back of her neck soothingly and pressed a kiss against her forehead. She sighed and rested her head against his broad chest as she eased her arm around his waist and clung tightly to him.

  “You shouldn’t be here, Silas,” she whispered.

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  “No,” she said. “I’m so tired.”

  “That’s the drugs Naveen has given you. Sleep, Quinn. It will help,” Silas said.

  She nodded and continued to cling to him even after she fell asleep. He rubbed the back of her neck again and stared silently at the wall. He stayed perfectly still and kept his eyes closed when Naveen returned.

  “Danen, turn onto your back,” Naveen whispered.

  Silas kept his breathing slow and even and Naveen sighed loudly. “I know you are awake, danen. Turn onto your back and bring the massi
na with you. I need to put more poultices on her back.”

  He put his arm around Quinn’s hips and shifted onto his back, bringing her with him. She moaned but didn’t wake. When she was sprawled across his body with her legs entwined with his and her face buried in his neck, Naveen rearranged the sheet around the both of them before placing the white pouches across her back. They were warm and steaming in the cool air and Quinn groaned again in her sleep at the weight of them.

  “What are those?” Silas asked.

  “They’ll help heal her faster,” Naveen said. “Can you stay like this for a while, danen?”

  “Yes,” Silas said.

  Naveen touched Quinn’s hair affectionately before giving Silas a careful look. “Falling for the queen’s massina is just as dangerous as falling for the princess. Remember that, danen.”

  He left the room before Silas could reply.

  Chapter 12

  “It is looking much better, massina,” Naveen said happily as he studied her naked back.

  It was three days later and Quinn sat up in the bed, pulling on her shirt as Naveen patted her shoulder. “You are a fast healer.”

  “That’s good,” Quinn said absently. Her back was still aching dully despite the yellow powder she ingested earlier and even the pressure of her shirt caused some pain.

  She stood and slipped into her pants as Naveen frowned at her. “Where are you going, massina?”

  “Back to my home.”

  “You should stay another night. It is better but if you leave the queen will put you back to work.”

  “I know,” Quinn said before yanking on her boots. She winced at the flare of pain in her back. “I’ve been here long enough, Naveen. I’ve shown too much weakness as it is.”

  Naveen snorted loudly. “Weakness? Massina, you took fifteen blows without a single cry of pain. There is no doubt of your strength. Do you remember much of the last couple of days?”

  She shook her head and Naveen said, “I’m not surprised. I gave you a lot of pain meds. Both Kila and the danen came to see you. Do you remember?”

  “No,” Quinn said. She didn’t remember Kila’s visit but she had a hazy memory of being in Silas’ arms and his low voice whispering in her ear.

  “How is Gage?” Quinn asked.

  “The breeder is better. I sent him to the quarters yesterday. Kila was here twice to see him as well.”

  Quinn gave him a startled look and Naveen nodded. “Aye, she was. Both times I covered for her with the guards and made it appear like she was here to see you. But I fear her affection for the breeder will not remain secret for long.”

  “Garna!” Quinn said. “What is she thinking?”

  Naveen shrugged. “She fancies him.”

  “She’ll get him killed.”

  “She’s young and impulsive,” Naveen said. “She asked me to allow her to be the one who tests him.”

  “Fuck, did you say yes?”

  “Of course I did. I cannot deny a direct request from the princess.”

  “Do not tell anyone you’re letting her test him,” Quinn said.

  “I won’t,” Naveen said. “It will be easy enough to keep it secret. We’re testing all the new breeders tonight and I can slip her into his room without the others knowing.”

  “You haven’t tested any of them yet?” Quinn gave him a look of surprise.

  “I have not. I was busy taking care of you and the breeder,” Naveen replied.

  “Who have you chosen to test the danen?” Quinn asked casually.

  Naveen gave her a shrewd look. “No one as of yet, massina. Although I have been deluged with requests from many. Akia has been the most persistent.”

  “She is not to touch him,” Quinn snapped.

  “Did you have someone else in mind?” Naveen asked.

  “No,” Quinn muttered.

  Naveen leaned closer. “Perhaps the massina wishes to test the breeder herself?”

  Quinn hesitated and Naveen said solemnly, “There is nothing wrong with taking a breeder for yourself, massina. Many find it strange that you do not.”

  “You know why I don’t,” Quinn said. “I can’t let her have any power over me.”

  “Aye, I know. But taking the danen for a month doesn’t mean anything.”

  “She’ll take him for herself so this whole conversation is pointless. You saw the way she looked at him,” Quinn said. “I’m surprised she’s not doing his testing.”

  Naveen laughed. “Like the queen would ever lower herself to do the testing. Should I put your name down for testing the danen, massina?”

  “No,” Quinn said. “You should not.”

  * * *

  “You fellas excited about your big night?” Lloyd asked as he joined them at one of the tables in the common room.

  “I’d be more excited if I knew exactly what was happening,” Craig said.

  “I told ya,” Lloyd replied. “You get your tallywacker pulled by a hot chick.”

  “Lovely,” Kyle said. “I don’t suppose we get any say in who pulls our dick?”

  “Nope. Naveen chooses who does the testing. It’s no big deal. Just try and last as long as you can. They like men who have stamina, if you know what I mean. Hey, ya big smurf,” he said cheerfully to Vida when the man joined them.

  “What is this smurf you keep calling me?” Vida asked as he sat next to Silas.

  “Uh, never mind,” Lloyd said. “What’s up?”

  Vida glanced above him. “Nothing is up.”

  Lloyd laughed and nudged Kyle. “Vida takes everything real literal like.”

  The blue man glared at him. “It is Vee-da, you idiot. How many times must I tell you that?”

  Lloyd grinned nervously. “Right, sorry. Anyway, you should be happy. Once you’re tested you’ll finally get out of this room and get to see all the lovely ladies on a regular basis. Plus, you’ll get to participate in the claiming ceremony. It’s only a couple days away.”

  “What if you don’t want to participate?” Kyle asked.

  “Jesus, boy, I already told you a million times – you ain’t got a choice. You worried that you’re gonna get an ugly chick? Don’t be – most of the ladies here are real fuckin’ lookers.”

  Kyle sighed loudly and shook his head as Lloyd reached across the table and poked Silas. “You’re going to cause a real battle at the claiming ceremony. I guarantee it.”

  He grinned at Vida. “Finally got yourself some competition, big guy.”

  Vida just grunted and Lloyd stood up. “I gotta go. Loena buttered my biscuit but good last night and I need to get in a nap before tonight. Later, boys.”

  He sauntered away as Vida glanced at Silas. “Are you certain you’re from the same world as him?”

  Silas nodded and Vida shook his head. “Until you and your friends arrived I believed all men from your world were babbling idiots.”

  Silas gave him a curious look. “Do they speak English in your world, Vida, or did you learn it here?”

  “We speak this language although we do not call it ‘English’,” Vida replied.

  “What’s the name of your world?” Craig asked.

  “Medina,” Vida said. There was a note of longing in his voice.

  “Does everyone look like you?” Ethan asked.

  Vida nodded. “Yes, although I am big even for my kind. Our women are big as well, not like the females in this world.”

  “Quinn is pretty big,” Ethan said.

  “True,” Vida said. “She would do well on my world. The women of my world are all warriors like her.”

  “Are they blue?”

  Vida shook his head. “No, they are the loveliest shade of purple. They match the sky.”

  “Purple sky,” Craig said with a small shake of his head. “How many moons?”

  “Only one. Over half of my world is covered with water. This world is a desert,” Vida said with a note of bitterness in his voice.

  “I take it your people like to swim,” Craig said.r />
  “We do,” Vida said before folding forward one of his ears. The others stared at the gills in shocked silence. “We breathe under water as well as we breathe above it.”

  “Holy shit,” Gage said. “You’ve got goddamn gills.”

  “How long have you been here?” Kyle asked.

  “Many years. At least twenty-five, by my count.”

  “Fuck, how old are you?” Gage asked.

  “Sixty-five,” Vida said. “I am in my prime.”

  The others stared silently at him and he gave them a curious look. “What?”

  “Sixty-five isn’t exactly young on our world,” Silas said. “You look around my age and I’m in my thirties.”

  Vida shrugged. “We can live to be well over a hundred. It is considered tragic if we die before then.”

  “What was this place like twenty-five years ago?” Craig asked.

  “Very different. The queen had just taken power and the clan was in chaos. Many did not support the way she overthrew the previous queen but she had a big enough army that she was able to contain them.”

  “How did she contain them?”

  “She murdered all those who opposed her.”

  “Shit,” Kyle breathed.

  “The clan was rather large even back then. But by the time she was finished it was half the size.”

  “Jesus, she’s a fucking lunatic,” Kyle said.

  “She is insane but the clan has flourished under her rule. When I first arrived, there were only ten breeders and now there are nearly fifty. It was dirty and smelly and there were no clear rules. The queen changed all of that. It was she who started the trading, she who found the majii who can predict the orb’s arrival and she who brought order out of chaos.”

  “Yeah by murdering anyone who stood up to her,” Steve said.

  “That is true,” Vida replied.

  “Has it always been like this with the breeders?”

  “If you mean the claiming ceremony each month, yes,” Vida said. “For a time the queen decided the women could fight with real swords but it resulted in too many deaths so she switched back to wooden swords.”

  “Isn’t that nice of her,” Kyle said.

  “How long has Quinn been the massina?” Silas asked.


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