Claiming Quinn (Other World Series Book Five)

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Claiming Quinn (Other World Series Book Five) Page 14

by Ramona Gray

  “We can’t. I need to collect your seed,” she said breathlessly.

  He muttered another curse and she rubbed the back of his neck soothingly before sliding from his lap. He missed her soft weight immediately and pulled uselessly at the chain. “Unchain me, Quinn.”

  “I cannot. It is against the rules.”

  He hesitated, remembering what had happened to her the last time she broke the queen’s rules. “How’s your back?”

  “I – what?”

  “How’s your back?” He repeated.

  “Fine. Much better.”

  “I doubt that,” he said. “It’s only been a few days. Can I see it?”

  “No,” she said. “Be quiet, danen. We’re not here to talk.”

  “I know,” he replied. “Are you feeling well enough to do this?”

  She laughed. “It is my hand I’ll be using not my back, danen. Maybe my mouth.”

  His cock twitched and he released a harsh breath. “Fuck, yes. Use your mouth. Please.”

  She knelt in front of him and he wished desperately that he could see her. The room was pitch black and she was nothing more than a dark shadow in front of him.

  “Quinn, a light, please,” he pleaded. “I want to watch you suck me off.”

  She squeezed his naked thighs. “Not this time.”

  “Quinn, just one candle, please. Light one goddamn candle I’m begging – oh sweet, fucking hell!”

  Quinn’s mouth – her wet, deliciously hot mouth – had slid over his cock. He arched desperately, his arms rattling the chain uselessly as he made a low pleading noise.

  She sucked him lightly for a few moments before raising her head. “Do you like that, Silas?”

  “Yes,” he said hoarsely. “Keep sucking.”

  “Don’t come in my mouth,” she said. “If you do we’ll both be in trouble.”

  “I won’t,” he promised immediately.

  She rewarded him by sucking his cock back into her mouth. As her tongue slid up and down his shaft she cupped his balls gently with her right hand and held the base of his dick with the left. He moaned harshly, his hips rising and falling with the rhythm of her mouth. He liked being in control but there was something exciting about being chained and helpless while Quinn sucked his dick.

  He closed his eyes and let his head fall back as Quinn licked the ridge around the head of his cock. He groaned and trembled violently when she took over half of him into her warm mouth and sucked in a deliciously firm rhythm. After only five minutes he was shuddering and close to the edge.

  “Quinn, I’m so close,” he moaned.

  She immediately released him. He made a truly pathetic whimper of disappointment that quickly turned into a groan of pleasure when her hand stroked him back and forth. The edge of something smooth bumped against his dick and Quinn rubbed harder and faster.

  “Fuck!” He shouted as his climax roared through him. He was barely aware of Quinn pumping him with rough, brisk strokes or the low sound of approval she made. He collapsed against the chair, panting heavily and twitching. Quinn stroked his naked thighs with her warm hands and he cried out when her mouth surrounded the head of his dick one last time.

  She released him with a soft pop. “Sorry, danen. I wanted at least a small taste.”

  He groaned and yanked at the chains that bound him to the chair. “Unchain me, Quinn.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You can,” he insisted. “Unchain me so I can make you come.”

  “Silas, we can’t do that. If we were caught, the - ”

  “I’ll eat your pussy,” he said. “I’ll make you come in less than five minutes, I promise.”

  She hesitated and he leaned forward. “You know you want my tongue in your pussy, Quinn. Unchain me.”

  She sighed with regret. “No, Silas. The risk is too great. Naveen’s home is filled with others right now.”

  “I’ll be quick,” he wheedled. “No one will find out.”

  There was a knock on the door and they both stiffened. It opened a crack and Naveen said in a low voice, “Massina, are you finished? The others will be done soon and it’s best if you leave before they do.”

  “Aye, Naveen, we’re finished,” Quinn replied. She reached out and ran her fingers through Silas’ hair. “Do not tell anyone I was the one who tested you.”

  She traced the line of his jaw then walked toward the light from the open door. “Here.”

  She handed a bowl to Naveen and a trickle of embarrassment went through Silas when Naveen said, “That is an impressive amount. Well done, massina.”

  “Goodnight, Naveen.”

  She left the room and Silas squinted at Naveen. “Unchain me.”

  “I will return shortly and release you,” Naveen replied cheerfully before shutting the door and plunging Silas into darkness again.

  Chapter 13

  “So how do we know if we passed?” Craig asked.

  Lloyd shrugged before tearing a piece from the blue bun he was holding and shoving it into his mouth. “If you got a stiffy and shot some of your boys out last night during the testing then you passed.”

  “Are you serious?” Kyle said. “That’s all you had to do to pass?”

  “Well it ain’t like they got microscopes to see if your boys are swimming, do they?” Lloyd said with a laugh. He took a swig of water and wiped his mouth. “Maybe Naveen does some hocus-pocus shit to it. I don’t really know. But as long as I’ve been here if a guy blew his wad during testing he passed.”

  “Have there been guys who haven’t?” Gage asked. He was sitting next to Silas at the table and he grinned cheerfully at his brother. Based on Gage’s mood Silas had a fairly good idea who had tested him last night.

  “There was one since I’ve been here,” Lloyd said. “Couldn’t shoot his load no matter how hard they yanked him. Hell, he couldn’t even get his tent to pitch.”

  “What did they do to him?” Kyle asked apprehensively.

  “They kept him for a couple of months, used him for manual labour like the rest of us and tried pullin’ his tallywacker on a weekly basis. Rumour is that he never busted a nut once so eventually they traded him.”

  “Traded him to who?” Gage asked.

  Lloyd shrugged again. “Just one of the traders. Don’t know for sure what happened to him after that but I overheard one of the warrior ladies talkin’ to another chick and she said he’d be sold to another clan.”

  He swallowed a large piece of pork before studying Evan. “Who popped your weasel last night?”

  “She said her name was Dora,” Evan replied. “She was nice.”

  Lloyd laughed loudly. “Dora works in the castle and she’s got a face like a dog lickin’ piss off a nettle. She’s one of the rare ugly ones in the clan.”

  Evan flushed. “It was dark. I never saw her face.”

  “Lucky for you,” Lloyd said. “You’da never got your general to stand if you’d seen it.”

  There was a grunt of disgust from Vida who was sitting on the left side of Silas. “Show more respect to Dora or I will remove your tongue.”

  Lloyd paled and took a quick look at the others. “All right, all right there, big fella. No need to get testy. I didn’t know you had such a hard-on for her.”

  He cleared his throat before nudging Steve. “Who’d you get?”

  Silas tuned out Steve’s reply as Vida scowled at him. “I dislike that human very much.”

  “Are you – do you have a relationship with Dora?” Silas asked.

  Vida shook his head. “Breeders do not have relationships with the females of this clan. But I have been with Dora a few times and she is sweet and kind-natured. Do you believe because she is ugly that the human should be allowed to treat her so disrespectfully?”

  His big hands were curling into fists and Silas shook his head hastily. “No, of course not.”

  “Good.” Vida relaxed his hands before biting into a purple piece of fruit. At least Silas thought it was fruit. He had tr
ied it yesterday and it had a slightly grainy taste and reminded him vaguely of pears.

  “Silas, who did you get?”

  He glanced at Lloyd. “Don’t know, she never said.”

  “Never said?” Lloyd frowned at him. “Did she talk?”

  “Not a word.”

  “That’s real weird. I ain’t never heard of a woman refusing to talk during testing. Hell, in my test I had Fionn and let me tell you – that girl’s got a filthy mouth. I almost shot my wad just from the shit she was whisperin’ in my ear.”

  “Mine didn’t say anything either,” Gage said quickly.

  “You serious?” Lloyd asked.

  Gage nodded and Lloyd shook his head. “That’s some weird fuckin’ shit right there.”

  “Five minutes,” one of the guards suddenly called.

  Lloyd popped the last piece of pork into his mouth before standing. “Well, boys, looks like your vacation is over. You’ll be put to work with the rest of us.”

  * * *

  “Shoveling shit?” Craig moaned. “I’m getting my degree in engineering and I’m shoveling pig shit?”

  “Could be worse,” Vida grunted. “You could be cleaning the pits.”

  “What are the pits?” Silas asked as he pushed past one of the large hogs and tossed the shovel of manure into the wheelbarrow. He studied both the shovel and the wheelbarrow, surprised all over again at how many things in this world were similar to their own.

  “Where the human waste from the castle and other buildings collects,” Vida said. A small grin crossed his face. “I believe the babbling idiot human is cleaning it today.”

  Craig lightly slapped a pig on the hindquarters. It squealed angrily and took off across the pen. “You know what? Cleaning out the pig shit is just fine with me.”

  Silas grinned a little before throwing another shovelful of manure into the wheelbarrow. He stuck his shovel into the ground and stared thoughtfully at the forest beyond the pen. The clan kept two extremely large pens with simple shelters against the elements just outside of the walls. The one they were currently standing in had at least a hundred pigs, maybe more. The second one was smaller and it had a herd of about twenty large, shaggy-haired creatures. One lifted its snout to the sky and made a sound that was half-moo and half-bellow. He nudged Vida. “Those are the graffins, right?”

  Vida nodded. “Stupid creatures but the humans here use their bodily fluids in the most creative ways. They give it to the young ones to drink and they make a rubbery substance that is rather tasty.”

  “Cheese,” Craig said absently as he shoveled shit. “In our world it’s called cheese.”

  “Cheese,” Vida repeated slowly. “I enjoy the taste of cheese very much.”

  Silas continued to stare at the forest as one of the guards standing outside the pen frowned at him. “Back to work, breeder.”

  “There is no point in thinking of escape,” Vida said to him in a low voice. “They would catch you and even if they didn’t, you wouldn’t survive long. The forest is full of strange creatures.”

  Silas decided he was probably right. If Quinn was telling him the truth, he was almost killed by a naked woman no bigger than his finger. He picked up another shovelful of manure as Vida winced.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” Vida replied shortly. He rubbed at one of the horns growing out of his temple as Silas gave him a once over. The big man’s blue skin was looking cracked and irritated and his eyes were bloodshot. There were deep grooves in the skin around his eyes and his thick hair and horns looked dull. Silas could feel heat radiating from him in a slow wave.

  “Are you sick?”


  “You look sick.”

  “I’m not.”


  Silas’ head snapped up at the sound of Quinn’s voice. She was standing just outside of the pen, dressed in a plain white shirt and leather pants. Her dark hair was braided and she held her sword loosely at her side.

  “Good morning, massina,” Silas said.

  She ignored him and continued to stare at the blue man beside him. “It’s time.”

  A look of relief crossed Vida’s face and he stuck the shovel into the ground and hurried across the pen to the gate. Silas followed him and pretended to shovel as he strained to hear their conversation.

  Quinn was studying Vida and she touched the dry, scaly skin on his forearm. “I should have taken you yesterday. I’m sorry, Vida.”

  Vida shrugged. “You needed time to heal. Do you feel better, massina?”

  He eyed Quinn’s body with obvious appreciation and Silas tried to ignore his immediate jealousy. He liked Vida well enough but he didn’t like the way he was looking at his woman.

  Quinn’s not your woman. Stop thinking that way, idiot.

  He drifted a little closer as Quinn favoured Vida with a rare smile. “I’m fine, Vida.”

  “I am glad to hear it, massina,” Vida said in a low, seductive voice. “If there is anything I can do to help you heal do not hesitate to tell me.”

  More jealousy flooded through Silas and he scowled at Vida’s back.

  “That’s kind of you,” Quinn said. Without looking at Silas, she said, “Is there something you wanted, danen?”

  “No,” Silas said as Vida glanced over his shoulder at him.

  “Then get back to work or I’ll have them move you and your shovel to the pits,” Quinn said coolly.

  She opened the gate and Vida followed her out of the pen. Silas watched as she and two other women took Vida past the graffin pen and toward the river. When they reached the edge of it Vida stripped out of his clothes. The two women immediately glowed brightly at the sight of his naked body. Silas was slightly mollified by the fact that Quinn didn’t glow at all.

  She doesn’t glow for you either.

  He ignored his inner voice as Vida dived into the river.

  “What’s he doing?” Craig wandered over and stared curiously at Vida.

  “Swimming,” Silas said.

  “Get back to work.” One of the guards watching them reached over the fence and prodded Craig in the arm.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said before saluting her.

  She grinned a little and Craig winked at her. She began to glow softly and gave his body a slow perusal. “I find you handsome, breeder. Perhaps I will bid on you at the claiming ceremony tomorrow night.”

  Craig leaned against the fence. “I don’t have a problem with that.”

  She laughed and touched his arm again. This time she let her hand linger on his biceps and Silas rolled his eyes when Craig flexed his arm. He burst into loud laughter when the woman shrugged before flexing her own arm. Her muscles bulged and Craig blushed lightly when she said, “I don’t mind fucking breeders who are not as strong as me.”

  Silas laughed again and Craig gave him a dirty look before glancing at the river again. “Why are you letting him swim in the river?”

  “The blue breeder needs water to live. Without it he’ll die,” the woman replied.

  “Why doesn’t he just swim to freedom?” Craig said in a low voice to Silas.

  “Why would he?” The woman asked. “He is treated very well here and even one as big as he is would not survive alone in the forest. Now, continue with your work or when the massina returns she’ll move you both to the pits to clean.”

  * * *

  “You know, this really isn’t all that bad,” Evan said cheerfully as he sank into the steaming water.

  “Speak for yourself,” Craig said from the tub next to him. He sniffed at his armpit before grabbing the soap and rubbing it vigorously over his skin. “You didn’t have to clean up pig shit all day.”

  “Hey, it wasn’t exactly easy weeding the crops,” Evan replied. “Most of their weeds have these thorns that are as big as my thumbs. Dora gave me leather gloves but I still got stuck a few times. Hurt like a son of a bitch.

  “So you saw Dora, huh?” Gage said. “Is she as ugly as Lloyd

  Evan shrugged. “She’s not gorgeous or anything but she’s sweet. She said she was going to bid on me at the claiming ceremony and ask one of the queen’s guard to fight on her behalf. I’m cool with it.”

  Gage glanced at Silas. “You’re quiet.”

  “Just tired,” Silas said.

  Just before dinner, about half the men had been led from the common room to what was obviously a communal bathing room. A dozen metal tubs were lined up in two neat rows of six. There were no faucets but each tub had a hole plugged with a small metal piece of rod. Below each hole in the tub there was a larger hole in the floor. Each tub was filled with steaming hot water and all of the men had stripped eagerly and climbed into a tub.

  “Lutan, will the other men bathe after we’re done?” Craig asked the man in the tub beside him.

  The dark-haired man shook his head. “Nah, they’re the breeders this month so they have a bath every morning. If we’re not breeding they only let us bathe every couple of days. Except for Vida. He gets a bath every day. He didn’t used to but the massina made a special rule for him. She also convinced the queen to let him go swimming in the river once a week. He swims unbelievably fast. I thought for sure he’d try to escape but he never has. Between you and me, I think the massina has a thing for the blue guy. She’s always getting him special treatment.”

  Ignoring his jealousy, Silas stared at the tub to his right. Vida had climbed in about ten minutes ago, submerged completely in the water and hadn’t reappeared since.

  “I thought the massina didn’t sleep with the breeders,” Gage said with a quick look at Silas.

  “She never bids at the claiming ceremony,” Lutan said, “but I think she gets up to it with Vida even though it’s against the rules. They’re just really careful not to get caught.”

  “Why does he get to go swimming and bathe every day?” Evan asked curiously.

  “He needs the water,” Lutan replied. “He gets all cracked looking and dries out like a croken in the sun if he doesn’t.”

  “Croken?” Evan said.


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