The Break Up

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by Rebekah Sweet

  The Break Up

  By Rebekah Sweet

  The Break Up

  Published by Rebekah Sweet

  Copyright © 2016 Rebekah Sweet

  All rights reserved

  Kindle Edition one

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Chapter One

  I stood in the kitchen, joking about the fancy clothes that we would wear to our wedding. He was fixing us a drink. He listened to me blabber about all the fancy clothes. There was no date planned yet, nor was there a venue for the wedding. Just the idea was in place. When he finally said the most heartbreaking words any woman could hear.

  “I don’t want to get married, I’m not in the position to get married. I never wanted to get re-married. And we shouldn’t get married because you are still on your ex-husband's medical.” He said coldly.

  He shut me down so fast I think I did two things, I stop dead in my tracks and I died inside. What the fuck I have I been wasting the last four years of my life with this guy then? I already had kids from my first marriage which was incredible abusive there was never any love between us. I thought I finally found the man of my dreams I thought I finally found someone who loved me for me and not what I could give them in the bedroom. I hated being a redhead all the fucking guys on the face of the planet thought redheads were amazing lovers. Yes, they were but that was only because their love was pure, raw and rare. But piss her off or hurt her, and your world just became the most miserable thing in your life.

  I didn’t answer him; I didn’t know how too. I tried to stay calm I didn’t want to say anything. So, to get away I from him I excused myself to use the washroom. He continued to watch whatever stupid show was on the TV that night. So, I used the opportunity to text my friend my woes. She never did answer me; she never does at night time. Probably because she herself is dealing with what used to be the man of her dreams, but more than likely isn’t anymore.

  So instead of hounding her non-stop, I threw my engagement ring in the bathroom trash and instantly changed my relationship status to single, and of course Facebook sweetly asked me if I wanted to delete all tagged posts, pictures of us together, restrict him, and if I wanted to keep my newly single status secret, for now, I answered yes to all. There done.

  Go back to your fucking ex-wife you son of a bitch, I thought, maybe she will feel sorry for your nightly fucked ass because you aren’t getting it from me anymore.

  I didn’t speak to him at all I didn’t want too. I was so hurt and completely heartbroken I was trying to figure out how to move out of our home so I never had to see him again. Never again would I ever let myself fall in love with another man, it was a total waste of time.

  I trained and showed horses for a living and while the pickings for a job were rare these days, there were some good ones to be had if you were willing to travel. Finding out this man that I had fallen completely head over heels for couldn’t give me the one thing I wanted so badly, traveling for a new job didn’t seem so bad. I just had to take the leap of faith with a broken heart…ok, so how does one do that? Well, I’m not exactly sure so I just sort ran with it.

  I put my kids to bed, tucked them in, kissed them good night, and read them stories. Now before I forget my kids were not his kids they were just his step kids, so he owed us nothing. I went and looked up all the horse job postings and found one in Prince George BC. Ok I had to admit I had no idea where that was but the offer was amazing it was full paid work, the hours were Monday to Friday, offered full living apartment with three bedrooms, and I could bring my own horses, now mind you I only had a couple to worry about my dressage stallion and my daughter’s eventing pony. And it was far away from where I sat now.

  So how the hell was I going to move myself, two kids and two horses all the way up north with winter just about to start? I knew enough horse people in the industry so I was sure I would get the help I needed. With a deep breath in I applied for the job, sent in my resume and filled out the on-line farm application form.

  I went back to bed and mentally started to make my list of things to do, I figured that the owner of that farm would feel my credentials would suffice since I had breeding experience, horse training experience, lesson, and barn management. And mostly I was single again it would be easy to dedicate the time needed to the farm without any distractions, especially since my kids grew up around the barns and show grounds they knew how to pull their weight and help when it came to farming duties.

  I didn’t sleep well that night how can you when your heart was just ripped out. I didn’t stop to cry yet, I think I was still in denial or shock. But I knew one thing was evident I needed to start packing and leave my last four years behind me. The supposed man of my dreams was gone to work for the day. I’m sure he had an idea what was causing my anguish but he kept his distance from me for I believe he knew the impending break up was on its way.

  I wasn’t sure how I was going to tell him but I knew I didn’t want confrontation and me sure as hell didn’t want to even look at him or even be in the same room with him so with him gone I started writing my letter of intent to him;

  To my dear Mason,

  This kills me inside to write this to you. I love you with everything that is inside me but I cannot stay here with you and live this life without a future for us. I understand that marriage is not for you and that is fine. But it is important to me. For it signifies the most sacred bond between two people to me. So, with the words, you said last night it is no longer in the cards for us to be together. I am not going to hold you to a relationship that you do not want in your heart or mind, it is not fair for me to ask you to do that nor is it fair for you to ask me to stay for something that you can never give me.

  You can keep the house; I will be taking the kids and my belongings and moving out as soon as I hear back from a job offer which I am certain I will get. I won't bother you again with the petty little things that cause such pain in leaving a home that we built together.

  I wish you all the best in your future life. Please don’t look for me, please don’t try to find me, please just let me get over you.

  All my undying love for you,


  I read over my letter about a hundred times. Clean, cut, and to the point. I needed to do this to move on and at the same time with the new job on the horizon, I thought it was best to just forget men altogether for a long time. I could finally focus on a management and training career that could open up all kinds of possibilities for the kids and I. With those positive thoughts in my head, I started packing up my clothes, doing laundry for the household, and packing up my youngest boy’s toys that he didn’t play with anymore. “I’ll donate the toys and books he doesn’t use anymore, and besides I’m pretty sure we can find a new toy store up in Prince George where ever the hell that was,” I said out loud.

  As I sorted through stuff I knew I was jumping the gun on the new job possibility but come on I fit all the qualifications that they were asking for and then some, and the pay by itself without all the extra perks they were offering was unheard-of, must be quite a horse farm I thought. These days it was the hunters and jumpers and dressage barns making all the big bucks.

  After returning to my own barn after working one of the young stock we had at the barn, he was a handful, but submissive and j
ust had more energy than he knew what to do with. I spent more time with him to try and tire him out a little more than the others I rode. I didn’t want the barn manager to have to worry about getting after him because he had a brain fart on most days. Jenna was my barn manager, she was a short witty stout girl with the sweetest personality. She had been a friend of mine for a long time and knew her stuff when it came to caring for the horses.

  I noticed I had four new emails on my phone that I had received while I was riding. I was eager to open them; my heart was racing inside my throat I was really hoping this could be my ticket out of a go-nowhere relationship. First, email Facebook update ugh I thought, a second email stupid wedding planner from Vegas lets just delete you, third email results from the vet, I had been waiting for those, fourth email from a Geoffrey Fortes. Oh, shit I thought here we go another man, but of course, he would be married so I should be safe.

  The email read;

  Dear Miss Striedter,

  Thank you for your interest in our program. We at Fortes Show Park pride ourselves in the most prestigious breeding program, training program and showing program.

  After reviewing your CV we feel that you have the opportunity to be placed on our short list. We are looking for one person to manage our facility. We will need to meet with you before you are placed on our short list. Once we had decided on who will be on the short list you will be notified either way as then you can make your decision to apply for other work elsewhere or continue with the interview process with our facility.

  Please get back to us at your earliest convivence as we would like to start the process late tomorrow.

  Best regards,

  Geoffrey Fortes

  Well, that didn’t give me a lot of time to make this all happen, but I was so excited by this news I had to reply straight way. There would probably be a ton of people applying so I needed to ensure that I was on the short list, no matter what it took to do it.

  I hit “reply”

  Dear Mr. G. Fortes,

  I am very much interested in pursuing the opportunity you and your facility offers. I would love to have the chance to be on the short list for the position you are needing to have filled. I am available to meet as early as tomorrow afternoon, although I am not sure where you would like me to go to meet with you and your team. I will be there.

  Thank you for the opportunity to meet you, and please get back to me at your earliest convenience so that I may make the necessary arrangements to meet you.


  Patricia Strieder

  I hope that would be okay, I was never sure what to say when replying to an email. But one thing was for sure I was finally single, and there wasn’t a man on the face of this planet that could change that now.

  Chapter Two

  I guess Mason got his letter and went out again as the house was dark. I wanted to drop the keys off and make sure I had grabbed any last items the kids may want before we left on our new life together. I promised the kids we would hit Denny’s for dinner since it was close by to the hotel that I had made reservations at and I was beaten after rushing to move everything we needed out of the house and riding that little firecracker of a horse so to speak. I phoned a moving van company to have everything I needed out of the house moved into storage. Short term plan until I knew I had the job.

  I let Jenna my barn manager know my plans and to my surprise, she knew of this Geoffrey Fortes. She did caution me about him for he was the most sought after bachelor in the horse industry. I had waved my hand at the thought of a bachelor wanting to chase the farm help it wasn’t unheard of, but for crying out loud I had kids and had lived through two major breakups in the 10 years I wasn’t on his radar I assured her.

  Later that night sitting in the hotel room with the kids, I finally could breathe I opened my laptop and logged into my email I eagerly checked to see if I got the email I was excitedly expecting, and of course, it was there right on cue.

  Dear Miss Strieder,

  Thank you for your prompt reply we appreciate your enthusiasm for the position our farm is offering. We will be flying into your location first thing in the morning. Since you have provided the farm address that you are currently training at we will meet you there to observe how you work with the horses that train under you.

  We will be at your farm promptly at noon. My partner and I look forward to meeting with you then.

  Best Regards

  Geoffrey Fortes

  Well, there you had it they were coming to me...oh, my god they were coming to me. My horses needed to be perfect I started to panic did I get them all clipped for winter? Did I have their manes pulled perfectly? And what about me, I looked awful I had big black circles under my eyes, my hair wasn’t washed in days, oh my riding clothes and what about my boots you could tell a lot from someone’s shoes and boots. What about my riding tack I hadn’t oiled anything since summer, the bits were clean but not the leather. I had to text Jenna to make sure she was up early to get the barn in pristine order. My daughter finally told me to stop pacing the room like a freak, I told her what I was up against and that this was an amazing opportunity for us. Her response was simple “relax you’ll be fine just don’t fall off the horse mom.” I stopped and smirked she was right, I could get to the farm in the morning and have lots of time to prepare.

  Morning came with the sunshine and a crisp fresh winter air. I got the kids to school and off to the farm I went. I felt great I wore my black cotton full seat riding pants a light blue long sleeve riding shirt, I washed and braided my red locks and even touched up my makeup to make myself look fresh. The barn was perfect all my training horses were still inside, the barn smelled of fresh timothy hay and clean bedding, the aisles were swept and sprayed down, my grooming stalls were prepped with all my freshly cleaned oiled tack, my leg wraps were neatly set to the side ready for me. The indoor riding ring was harrowed and classical music was softly playing in the background, the mirrors in the ring had been Windex. It almost looked like the farm had been staged to go on the market. It was beautiful.

  Jenna, came down from the loft “well, Patti what do you think? Does it pass the test for today’s first interview?”

  “Oh, Jenna it is perfect it absolutely is perfect. I guess I should get the first two horses groomed for Mr. Fortes.”

  “Just a thought Patti, but perhaps I should assist you today I will act as your groom and the manager. The thing with Mr. Fortes is he is most interested in your riding abilities and posture. Trust me I have been at other farms when he comes to observe and he isn’t interested in how you turn out your horses because your grooms will be making sure that is done. He is coming to make sure you can ride and handle anything.”

  How she said the last part of her statement sent chills down my spine. I wasn’t taking this job to get messed up with a new romantic adventure. I shrugged off what she said and tried to ignore how she said her last comment.

  “Oh, of course, Mr. Fortes is only interested in my riding and handling abilities Jenna. That’s the biggest part of his business riding, training, and showing.”

  She laughed “That isn’t the only biggest part of his business. Look, Patti, I want you to get this job more than anyone. He is awesome to work for and he does pay well in more ways than one. And you of all people deserve this big break. But I don’t care if you believe me or not he is the most sought after bachelor in the country. And his goal is to find someone who can run his farm, and fuck him, and she will be well taken care of in her lifetime. But understand not all girls are into being spanked with his riding crops and wearing his bridles with his snaffle bits. That is just one of his kinks that are rumored in the horse industry.”

  She walked down the isle to get my two training horses that I had been working with for some time to get them ready for my big break interview. All I could think about now was this guy that was into some strange shit and I may have bitten off more than I could chew. There was no way I was going to have sex with my b
oss so that I may have a chance at a half decent lifestyle. No, I was going to do this the right way with hard honest work. Not lying on my ass getting spanked like a horse.

  Chapter Three

  ** Jenna **

  “Oh, Mr. Fortes and partner I presume. Come this way please, Patricia is warming up in the indoor.”

  “Yes I’m Mr. Fortes and this is my partner, Mr. Wilburn,” he said tipping his white cowboy hat to me. Oh, my god this man could make any woman weak in the knees. He had crystal blue eyes, a rugged unshaved look going on, but it was tidy and well-kept face scruff. God, I bet he could make that face scruff feel good in places I thought. He was making me aroused just by his first looks. He was totally my type. And Patricia hadn’t even met him yet. His shoulders were broad and his chest was well built and defined you could see the outline of his arms from the sun reflecting through his white cowboy shirt. Mmm, I bet he could wrestle a good battle that leaves you horny for hours. I eyed him in his Wagner jeans and noticed his nice bulge neatly tucked into the side of his pants. Oh, yes, he is hung. Oh, I hope Patti gets this job, she needs a well-endowed lover for once in her life. As I showed the men to the indoor I let them wander ahead of me so they could feel free to walk as they watch Patricia ride or find a private place to sit to chat amongst themselves. I drooled at the sight of his perfect round ass in those jeans of his. It would be so exhilarating to just give those cheeks one little squeeze. I was making myself so swollen as I drank him in. I didn’t know how Patricia would feel about this sexy cowboy, now as she was on this anti-man kick after what Mason said and did to her. But I would let Mr. Geoffrey Fortes have his way with me anytime.

  I wasn’t too sure what the purpose of Mr. Fortes partner, Mr. Wilburn played in all this but he was your typical handsome suit kind of guy. You know the one who always plays it safe and never lives on the edge, cowboys always live on the edge and have a bad rap for breaking young cowgirl hearts. Mr. Wilburn was definitely easy on the eyes, he was softer around the edges of his face and freshly shaven, he had soft deep brown eyes that could melt your heart. He had salt and pepper hair that was cut short and spiked with gel. He lingered in old spice after shave. The last time I smelled that was when I was a kid and my dad and grandpa used it religiously. The suit he wore was a typical men’s store suit in a double-breasted navy blue, he completed his look with a polished black oxford shoe. I was thinking he may be the financial advisor or perhaps business Lawyer.


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