Space Fun 3

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Space Fun 3 Page 3

by Tom Harem

  He fell to the ground. Dust rose up around his body. A pool of blood settled under his forehead and the red liquid flowed under his right arm.

  "Yes! Vic said, and raised her hands, "I knew you would make the right choice, Jenna. I can call you that, right? Come down fast. We have to get out of here. There must already be groups on the way here," she said.

  "I'm... I'm coming." Jenna answered, "I have to go around to get out of here. 2 minutes. Wait for me..." She asked. Without the man on her side, she looked like a different person. She was afraid that we would have used her and now we would leave her there. It was easy to see why. In a place like that there may be few people who can be trusted.

  "Don't worry. You helped us, we'll repay you," I replied and smiled.

  She smiled timidly back and turned her back, disappearing as she walked to the opposite side.

  "Do you think your Captain Amelia will accept her?" Vic asked us.

  Emma looked at me, "Of course, she's a lovely person," she replied, trying not to laugh.

  "Emma! Amelia is a difficult person but I don't think she'll object after knowing she helped us," I told Vic.

  Chapter IV

  A few minutes later, Jenna stepped in from the same opening where the man had come from. She passed one foot over his body, and only then the other. She still looked at him and, for a moment, I thought she was going to spit in his face but she didn't do it.

  "Well, time to get out of here," Emma said, "Are you sure we're on the right track?"

  "Yes, it's this way, isn't it?" Vic asked Jenna.

  "Yes, but it won't be easy to get out," Jenna told us, "There are always people at the entrance, waiting exactly for people like us who want to run away," she said.

  "What do we do then?" I asked her.

  "I'm not sure. It's the only way out. I think the only way is to kill them," she answered me.

  Damn it. I wasn't really going to get out of there without killing someone. I was piling up bodies. It was definitely not what I thought I would do when I ran away from home. I wanted new adventures and adrenaline, not to almost become a killer.

  "Well, that works for me," Emma said and held the knife, "one more, one less, it won't make any difference, either.

  She was exactly the opposite of me. Maybe that was what attracted me most to her. The fact that she acted when I could not, that she was the real embodiment of that part of me that repeatedly reminded me, in my ear, that I had to kill in order to get out of there. Damn it. I wondered if my father had also gone through this. However, I think he edited his diary so as not to contain all his doubts and frustrations. In all the stories where death could become his new companion, he never talks about having to kill anyone. There is always a solution that falls from the skies and real life is not like that. But when I was a child, everything sounded beautiful and even poetic.

  We continued our journey; more detours, long brown corridors, crows dancing across the air, some standing there watching us.

  "Aren't crows a sign of death? Vic asked.

  "Yes, but it won't be ours," Emma replied and winked at her.

  "I hope not. Vic replied, "It would be very anticlimactic. Jenna, don't you feel much better now that you're free?" Vic asked, smiling, carrying more enthusiasm in one hand than probably all of us together.

  "It depends whether I die now or not," Jenna replied. Her answers were short and dry. She wasn't very chatty. She also didn't know who we were or what we were doing there so it wasn't so hard to guess why her answers were so laconic.

  She kept her bow close to her left leg. On her back, over the brown mantle, she carried a bag of dozens of arrows. She had even gone to the trouble of picking up the arrows that were on the ground, including the one that had been on Vic's foot and the one between her ex-boss's eyes. Finally, we seemed to be circling the mountain and heading for an area close to where we had entered. No one spoke. The silence was overwhelming. I could hear my heart beating louder than usual. The only one who was making noise was Vic. Even after Emma's help in stopping the blood on her toe, she still had trouble walking. She put her back foot on the floor before the front. She told us that it hurts less to walk like that.

  As we were in a crack twice as big as the rest, the sun fell on us as if it was a heat wave. The clothes stuck to the body and sweat flowed down our foreheads. The only thought in my head was that I should have stayed on the ship or at least on the waterfall. My feet and knees were already aching. Even my chest felt heavy.

  There wasn't even any wind breezes going through there. Nothing refreshed us. We were doomed to that scorching heat.

  "We're getting there," Vic said to us.

  "I didn't even ask before, but how did you know which way to go?" Emma asked her. It was a good question.

  "I had done it before. Several times even. But I had never had the courage to try to leave this place by myself. One of the people who had come with me had warned me of the dangers, of how the savages waited at the entrance. All the mountains here are the same.

  "You did well then. Especially when you knew someone was coming to rescue you. Not everyone is that lucky," Emma said to her, biting her lip, moving forward on her own.

  "What the hell is wrong with her?" Vic asked me.

  "A difficult past," I answered her. It was not my job to tell her and the last thing I needed was to have Emma mad at me.

  "We all do," Jenna added.

  I nodded. We arrived at another crossroad; this time five tunnels leading to other similar passageways. Vic guided us into the second entrance. She took us to a wide space where the walls seemed older than the others and where the sun shone with all its might.

  "The exit is after we pass that sand arch," she said and pointed to an arch that connected two sides of the mountain, giving way to another ample space.

  No one took a step forward. We were all waiting for someone else. We had come this far and no one wanted to be left behind.

  "I'll go first. Kane, give me the gun," Emma told me.

  "Do you have a gun?" Jenna asked, surprised, her green eyes now glowing in the sunlight.

  "Yes, but only with two bullets. We had to spare them," I replied.

  Emma elbowed me in the belly. I knew right away that I shouldn't have said anything. Emma still didn't trust Jenna. I mean, not that she trusted anyone. I pulled the gun out of the holster and handed it to her. I wasn't exactly confident about it, but if anyone could get us out of there, it was her. After what I had seen on the ship, I didn't think there was anything she couldn't handle.

  "Come on," Emma said and moved on. We followed her, "Jenna, prepare the bow. There must be people at the top of the mountain," she said.

  As soon as she said it, we all looked around. No one saw anything, but the feeling of being watched hung in the air. Emma placed the gun under her clothes.

  As soon as we walked under the mountain arch, a chill ran through my body. I was sure someone was behind us or above.

  And it didn't take long for someone to show up. This time a group of five men.

  "Weapons to the ground. Don't think you're getting out of here." One of them, probably the leader, told us.

  We all looked at Emma. Her eyes drifted between the men. I knew that she was picturing all the different battle possibilities. Four of them had a sharp spear and only the leader had a semi-automatic weapon. She only needed to shoot him and then we could run away, hoping that none of the spears would catch us. The problem was that Vic couldn't run.

  "When I tell you to start running, run like never before" Emma said, with her hand already slipping towards the gun.

  "But there are five of them," Jenna said, yet to know Emma's skills.

  "And I can't run," Vic added, "Run for your lives,"

  "Are you stupid? We came here to save you and you think we'd leave you behind now?" I said to her, "Jump on my back. I will run like I never have in my life,' I said to her, already prepared for everything.

  We only had to get to the ship
. By now, Matilda had already solved all the problems and Amelia should be waiting for us well-armed. Damn it. I should have asked her for a bigger gun, or at least one with more bullets.

  "I'll trust you..." Vic said, the voice trembling.

  The five men had their eyes on us. I wouldn't be surprised if they fired at our mere movement. I'm pretty sure they hadn't done it yet because they liked to see the despair in our faces. There, fear was almost food. They seemed to feed on it.

  "You are very quiet," the leader told us, "you should take the opportunity to speak now. Without a tongue it will be difficult," he added and laughed. The rest took advantage of the cue and also did so.

  The sound traversed the mountains and seeped into our bones. It was creepy. They would have no mercy on us if they caught us. Emma nodded. Our time had come.

  "Get ready," Emma said, "I'm going to count to 3. It's going to happen very quickly," she said.

  "I'm ready," Jenna said.

  "I too..." Vic said, looking at me, "Are you ready?"

  "I am," I told her. I took a deep breath and closed my hands. I could not fail her. To neither of them.

  Emma started. 1. 2. The first breeze of the day ran across the mountain. The sun fell on the desert. The sand burned and the horizon resembled a curvilinear rope from the way it wobbled. It was hard to keep my eyes open in the heat.

  "3" Emma said.

  Chapter V

  Suddenly she pulled out her gun and fired. The leader dropped the gun from the mountain below. Blood flowed from his fingers.

  "Run. Come on, hurry!" Emma screamed.

  Vic jumped on me and I started running straight off the mountain. I didn't even look back. Jenna was in front of me. I heard another shot and then Emma's voice, behind me, screaming at us to not stop. We stepped into the desert and kept running. We didn't even know if we were headed in the right direction but nobody wanted to try to confirm it.

  By the time we thought we were off the hook, we heard the sound of engines being started and wheels rolling on the ground. Only then did we stop to look back. Two jeeps, each with two men, at high speed and heading towards us. Their boss must have been still recovering from Emma's clean shot. The only thing in our favor was that they didn't have guns but the spears. I mean, it wasn't exactly something positive but it was something less negative. The desert was endless. It made no difference where we went. We rushed once again, but it was hopeless to walk away. They made their way onto us. The wheels smashed the sand along the way, leaving behind traces of their power.

  The sound of the engines increased as they drew closer to us. They were already nearby.

  My body was knocked down. I didn't see what happened, but I fell to the ground, scalding sand sticking on my chin and tongue. My clothes, especially my shirt, were shrouded in sand too. As soon as I got up, I looked back. I needed to know what had happened. Nothing had hurt me; I hadn't been hit.

  Emma was on the ground. One of the spears had gone through her leg. She had thrown herself forward and acted as a shield. I had not even noticed that they had thrown a spear. But there she was, on the ground, blood flowing in the sand, with clenched fists and biting her lips. Despite the pain she must have been feeling, she remained silent.

  "Run," she shouted. The men stopped the jeep and got out of it. They were just steps away from us.

  "Don't even think that I will leave you," I said to her.

  "Go! Do you think they scare me? I was 20 the first time I was captured by a criminal. I survived that one just as I survived all the others. Don't worry about me. At least I can say that this time I was caught doing something good for someone," she said and smiled even though the pain seemed excruciating.

  Shit. I didn't want to run away but I couldn't do anything either by staying there. We no longer had bullets and I had no chance against those two men. I gave her my hand and she crushed it.

  "No,' I said to her, still unsure that it was the right decision, 'I am staying here. We're a team. If one falls, so does the other,"

  She looked at me and, for the first time, a tear slipped down her eye. I wondered whether it was because of what I had said or because of the pain, perhaps both. I smiled and told her that everything would be all right. The man's crazy laughter worked as a background. They were walking towards us, one of them with a spear in his hand. Emma took hers off her leg without even hesitating and asked me to help her in turning her over.

  "I'm not going without a fight," she said, pointing the spear at the men, the sharp part dripping with blood.

  I stood up and positioned myself, bent legs and fists beside my chest, "You're not going to fight alone," I said.

  Chapter VI

  As soon as I spoke, two bullets went right past me and hit the men in the head. The bodies collapsed onto the sand and were gradually swallowed up by it. I looked back. Amelia was on top of one of those cars that were used on golf courses for the rich, which only existed on planets where money was the main word. Jessy was driving. Her long blond hair matched the crimson sky.

  "You were taking too long," Amelia said, jumping out of the car and walking up to us, "what happened here?" she asked, looking at Emma who was lying on the ground.

  "She protected me just as she said she was going to," I replied, "I said she deserved a vote of confidence," I said.

  "She just did the job she had to do. Now help her up and put her in the car. Jessy will give her a quick bandage, at least until we get to the ship. The rest... two new people? The mission was just to pick up one person," she said.

  "We've encountered some problems along the way. Can we get out of here in the meantime? There are still more groups that can come after us. I’ll explain everything after." I said.

  "Yeah, you're right. The rest come with me. The ship is not far from here. Matilda has already fixed it. We'll be out of here in no time," she said.

  I carried Emma to the car. Jessy helped me pushing her inside. She pulled some material out of a car compartment and, in a little less than a minute, had stopped the blood and wrapped a white cloth around the wound.

  "This will last until we get to the ship. There I will take care of you in an instant. I've been experimenting with a new gum bandage that does miracles," she said.

  The path back to the ship was peaceful. No one tried to stop us. Me, Jessy and Emma were the first to arrive. The rest of the girls arrived about 15 minutes later. Amelia was still at the front, guiding them, and motivating them to not stop. Vic was in the back, complaining how much her legs hurt and how hot it was while Jenna remained silent.

  "You really are a princess," Amelia said. Most likely she asked which one was Vic on the way.

  "Don't say that!" Vic said as soon as she came close to us, "They said I could join you,"

  "They said what?" Amelia asked, looking at me with a fierce gaze.

  "I did not say that! I said that we would talk to the captain and try to convince her to let you stay!

  "Things don't work that way," she said.

  "Amelia, she wasn't born to be a princess. Don't you think that you of all people can understand that we can be more than what is expected of us?" I asked her.

  "Maybe," she answered me, "now get on the ship. For now, you can all stay in the ship. There is no other solution. Draken's ship should no longer be in orbit. And who the hell is that girl?" She asked, pointing to Jenna.

  "I'll tell you everything inside, I promise. But she saved our lives," I said.

  "You're softening me up. I trust you. Go on, everyone into the ship. Let's get out of here,"

  We all boarded the ship. As soon as Matilda saw me, she ran to me and hugged me. She told me that she was worried that I would not come back. I did not tell her that I was also afraid that I would not return. I just hugged her back and said that everything had gone well.

  I felt safe there. There was a passage in my father's diary which I had never understood until now.

  "The good of adventures is not what you live with but with whom you
live them,"

  Now, finally, I learned that the soul of the journey was in the people around me. And, best of all, I had only just begun. We still had dozens, maybe hundreds, of adventures to live on.

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  Other Books

  Succubus Fantasy Online

  Part One


  I started out by kissing her neck. She smelled like camellias and licked her thick lips every time mine touched her skin. I had never kissed anyone whose skin was red before. Or even thought about it. Her skin was smooth and her moans soft. The hornier she got, the more her tail flame grew. It was beautiful to see. I lifted my head, placing my hand around her neck, and going back down, interlacing our lips. The game was more than real. There wasn't a single sensation that didn't feel like real life. A breeze of wind was flowing all throughout the tunnel. My body heated up and sweat rolled down my back. I wanted more than just kissing her. I started by loosening the two buttons on her top and taking it off. She didn't have any clothes underneath. The red and big tits swung as soon as they were freed.

  Warrior Fantasy Online

  Part One

  Part Two


  "Don't go yet." Mimi said, "You sacrificed yourself for us." She said and walked up to me, swinging her hips.

  "Impossible to be wary of you after that one." Carly added and leaned on me...

  "It was no big deal. I said I'd help you." I answered them.

  "Still, we think you deserve to be rewarded." Carly told me, "Unless you're not interested."

  "It depends on what you have in mind," I said, and before I knew it, Mimi had already thrown the upper part of her clothes to the ground. The medium-sized round tits swinging as she walked away from me.


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