The Alpha's Domination

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The Alpha's Domination Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2014 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-032-8

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  The Alpha Shifter Collection, 4

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Daniel Brennan ran through the forest inhaling all the delicious scents and listening to all the sounds that surrounded him during a run. He needed to clear his head before he headed toward his BDSM club. Some of his pack was following him, being the loyal guards they craved to be, while others were at the club. None of his pack lived with him. He’d never been one of those Alphas who demanded the pack’s presence at all times. They were free to roam within his area, and the only rule he demanded they all follow was that the secret of the wolf be kept at all times. Obviously, if one of the men or women were to find their mate, he wouldn’t mind that secret being divulged. Serious shit happened between mated couples, and secrets were easily kept.

  He rounded the forest and took off at a run with the others following behind him. Being the Alpha of the pack made him faster and stronger than anyone else. Daniel loved the power even though he never used it against any member. He’d never been into cruelty or demeaning others. They were his pack, and he loved them like he would his children. Daniel had heard of other packs where cruelty occurred, but he’d yet to meet any of them.

  Once he ran off the burst of energy, he stood looking over his property. His family came from old money, and so his house was large, big enough to contain a pack.

  “Okay, you’re fast, we get that,” Jake said, taking several deep breaths. “Shit, did you have to prove to us how great and powerful you are?”

  Chuckling, Daniel glanced at his friend, who also happened to be one of the guards who assigned himself to taking care of him. “You’re the one, along with Dave and Bill, who sticks around to protect me. I don’t need protecting, Jake.”

  “We all know this, and none of us care what you say. We’re going to stick beside you no matter what.”

  Daniel rolled his eyes. He wasn’t being a pain in the ass and truly believed he didn’t need help protecting himself. In all the years he’d been alpha he’d not once had any conflict with any outsiders. Any pack that entered his territory presented themselves and requested permission to stay within his area for a few days or weeks. Not once had he encountered a rogue wolf or someone of any threat. They were all peaceful, and he worked with them to ease life for his pack. He heard of other Alphas who did nothing but fight, argue, and cause problems trying to overtake other territories.

  “Are you going to see her?” Jake asked.

  The smile on Daniel’s face disappeared. The her being his very stubborn, pain in the ass mate who didn’t acknowledge him as a mate or anything other than a Master.

  “I’m going to see her. I’ve got no choice.” He gritted his teeth, fisting his hands as the anger and longing combined together. Daniel couldn’t have the woman he wanted as she held herself away from him.

  “You’re going to Kinkster’s then?”

  He nodded. Kinkster’s was the local BDSM club that he helped to run. They catered to the wolves with a taste for the rougher, kinkier side of sex. Some of the members were human as mates were not restricted to their own kind. Daniel didn’t mind. He wasn’t against mates in whatever form they came in. The world, at times, was extremely cruel. For a wolf to find their one true mate was a gift that few enjoyed. Some men stopped looking for their mates and settled down with the next best thing. The only problem with settling down for the next best thing was when they finally stumbled upon the woman destined to be theirs.

  “I’ve got no choice. She’ll be there, and I know my wolf will not allow me to lose her because I hate what’s going on between us.” There was nothing going on. Dawn Weldon had entered his life one year ago and taken to screwing with his head. She didn’t know how she screwed with him, but she was stubborn.

  Dawn wasn’t part of his pack, but, however, she’d approached him for permission to be allowed inside Kinkster’s. She was a submissive inside, craving whatever his men could dish out, whether it be from a hand or a cane. The moment she entered his house he’d scented the need to mate, to claim, to possess. Those feelings only intensified while she’d been in his company dressed in a simple black pencil skirt and white blouse. The conservative clothes didn’t repel him. He scented the darker cravings within her. The submissive wolf begged for some help, his help to tame the fire within. Not one word left her lips as they’d stared at each other, assessing, waiting.

  He sensed her wolf, could see it as if she changed in front of him. The dark black wolf with hints of brown needed a strong hand, a firm hand. For the first time in his life, he’d sensed what true submission was all about, and Dawn had it all locked up in her dark skinned body. Her hazel eyes shot fire at him while her curvy body begged for him to take her and fuck her. Dawn was all woman with large tits, full rounded hips, and a curving stomach. To him, she would take a fucking without any fear of hurting her. Her legs were thick and strong as well. Her body was pure perfection, and always had him hard as rock. Even as her wolf wanted to lie down in submission, the woman in front of him put up a fight. Dawn and her wolf were together as one, but she was determined not to put her future in the hands of a person she didn’t trust. For as much as she was submissive, she wasn’t stupid either. Daniel respected her.

  His mate didn’t crave any kind of submission at the hands of a cruel man. She wanted to be submissive for the right man who’d take care of her and treat her right, not like some animal.

  The scars inside her ran deep, and yet, she boxed them away as if there was not a care in the world. She wouldn’t acknowledge his claiming. They’d never fucked, and he’d not met her pack alpha.

  Her one and only request was that her presence remain a secret. She didn’t want him to approach her pack alpha, and as her mate and Dom, he couldn’t do what she asked him not to. With every day that passed he tried to prove to her over and over again that she could trust him.

  She allowed him to touch her, but only in punishment never in intimacy.

  Their relationship was pitiful, but it’s what he needed. His wolf calmed a little when he was with her and now refused to lose that just because of her being difficult.

  “You could find someone else, Daniel. You don’t have to put up with this crap.” Jake placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “I’ve got no choice. She’s my other half. My only reason for going to Kinkster’s now.” From the moment Dawn entered his life, she’d destroyed him for any other woman. He used to take pleasure in training submissives and sharing a unique lifestyle with other women. Now, he depended on Dawn. She didn’t have the first clue of the power she held over him. He saw it in her eyes when they were together. She didn’t trust her responses or her senses. Had her senses let her down in the past? He didn’t know. There was so much he didn’t know about his woman. She was a mystery he wanted to solve.

  “The rest of the pack, do they share your thoughts?” Daniel asked.

  “They’re concerned for their Alpha, their leader. Yo
u’ve got to understand their worries.”

  “I’ve got to understand nothing, Jake. I care for my pack, and no decision I make is easy.” He ran a hand down his face feeling the desire to find his mate. His wolf wished to bask in her scent and to see her submission at his feet.

  “We know you’ll take care when you make this decision. We’re just concerned about you. Your wolf has run every day for the last month. Nothing you do seems to lock him up tight. Dawn keeping you at arms’-length is driving your wolf hard. One year, Daniel, one year you’ve been going through this. Something needs to stop.”

  He turned to look at Jake. Dave and Bill were standing a good distance away, but he saw the tension in their bodies.

  “You’re worried I’m going to let my beast take over?” Daniel asked.

  “Worse things have happened in the past.”

  Some women who deny their mates could sometimes set about the feral beast within. When the feral instinct hit, everyone was in danger.

  “I’m not going to let it get that far. I’ve got a handle on everything. Dawn needs guidance and care. I’m not going to rush her just because my wolf demands more.” If he rushed Dawn all the work they’d put in together on their relationship would be over. As much as he’d love to spread her open and fuck her from sunrise to sunset, he knew he craved more.

  “We trust you,” Jake said.

  The look Dave and Bill sent him told him another story. They trusted him, but with Dawn they were starting to doubt his leadership.

  It was time to put Dawn in the picture of what she was doing to him.


  Twirling the straw in her glass, Dawn watched the liquid swirl around. She’d been sitting at the bar for the last hour. The sounds of feminine and masculine moans filled the air. Kinkster’s wasn’t like many BDSM clubs. The bar didn’t sell liquor but cups of tea, coffee, espresso, or in her case, sodas. She loved drinking soda. The taste was so refreshing, reminding her a lot of her youth when life was easy, simple. Life had stopped being simple at her transition when her life had changed forever. Dawn held a secret that she couldn’t tell anyone, not even her own father. She was wolf, through and through, and only her need to be controlled set her apart from others within her pack. Spinning around in her seat, she looked at the people before her. Some of the people were human mates while many of them were wolves. Her pack was in the territory three towns over, and she came to Kinkster’s as none of them did. None of her pack ever believed in BDSM. She’d heard what they said when this club opened.

  Running fingers through her hair, she watched a woman who was bent over a spanking bench get her ass tanned. Her tender white flesh blushed a nice rouge as the man, her Dom, went at her for some misdemeanor. The scene left Dawn’s cunt creaming. Her skin was dark, and it took a lot for her ass to show any hint of red. She knew as she’d been told before. Finding a man to become her Master or Dom had put her in some bad situations. The men within her pack didn’t believe in taking a hand or cane to woman, let alone punishing her. She wished she could say as much for one woman in the pack. Dawn closed her eyes as memories flooded her at what she’d done to herself. She’d gone out amongst the humans to find what she craved. Her fear and need had disguised the natural scent of the people around her.

  The first man she allowed herself to be free with had tied her up for two days and whipped her body leaving blood trailing down to the floor. He’d been a sadist of the worst kind. While he’d been in his high of thinking he was hurting her, he let slip that he’d killed a woman because she couldn’t handle his kind of punishment.

  Her wolf hadn’t liked that and had come out of her haze to kill him. She had turned her hands into claws and torn him apart. For a long time she’d stared at the mess she created of the man then took care of the evidence. He was scum, and no one missed him. After her first disaster in BDSM, she’d decided to leave it alone. Wanting pain, needing pain, and craving pain had to be pushed aside. The pain she craved that no matter what anyone did to her, she couldn’t feel. She couldn’t allow herself to become vulnerable to anyone. Wolves were not submissive and did not enjoy that bite of pain to get them off, nor did they hunt for someone to hurt them in the hope of feeling it. She didn’t know why she was different from the others in her pack, but out of fear she didn’t ask anyone what they experienced.

  The couples she saw in the pack were always sweet together. Her first time had been awful, and the guy she’d shared it with had held her down as he rode her body hard. The only thing she recalled liking was being held down and the fact she couldn’t feel anything as he bit her during his release. From that point her need to find pain had only grown. Her wolf knew what she wanted, and so did Dawn.

  “I’m sorry, Master.”

  Dawn followed the sound to see a man embracing his submissive. He wore a pair of jeans, and that was all. His arms were around his woman, and he stroked her hair. “Next time you’ll take care, won’t you?” he asked.

  Her curiosity got the better of her, and she found herself watching the couple. She didn’t know their names or their relationship to each other. The scent coming off them told her they were both wolves.

  “Tara didn’t take any precautions while she was out shopping and walked in front of an oncoming bus. If Dale hadn’t been close by, she’d have lost their unborn baby, and could have been killed. We can withstand a lot, but a head on collision with a bus is pushing it a bit,” Daniel said, sitting beside her.

  Fisting her hands on her knees, she tried to fight the need to look at him.

  You’re mates. Stop fighting it.

  According to Daniel they were mates, but she didn’t trust the feelings going through her body. She’d been in such awful predicaments that she didn’t have the first clue what to believe anymore. Her wolf craved his harsh punishment as did she, yet they were both cautious, their past mistakes and cravings making them wary.

  He stared at her. All his male perfection taunted her with what she could have and held herself away from. Was he here to mock her?

  He’d never do that to you. Stop treating him like the others.

  She forced herself to look at him and then wished she hadn’t. Daniel wasn’t wearing a shirt like most of the men in the club. However, when Daniel was semi-naked, she couldn’t focus on anything but his revealed flesh. His usually pale skin was tanned from the hours he spent in the sun. The same skin was covered in different kinds of ink. None of the ink was colored or elaborate. The designs were in black ink, pretty simple, yet they stood out on his body, which was strong, thick, and muscular. He made her mouth water when she simply looked at him. She quickly glanced down at her skirt, wishing she’d put something more on. When Daniel stood beside her, he made her feel small, delicate. Her size sixteen curves next to him felt like nothing. He pulsed with energy and power. The Alpha wolf inside him exuded everything she wanted in a man and a leader.

  Don’t trust.

  Her wolf’s inner warnings made her tense up.

  “Look at me, Dawn.”

  He spoke harshly. Her body awakened once again, and she looked at him. His black hair hung over his face brushing the tops of his eyes. Daniel didn’t have a lot of hair, but he had enough of it that she was left wanting to run her fingers through it. His brown gaze was focused entirely on her. She shivered at the power, the slight hint of amber as his wolf came to the surface.


  “Thank you for telling me,” she said. “Are they your wolves?”

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Nothing. I was just curious about the couple.” She offered a smile even though smiling was the last thing she wanted to do.

  “You’re lying to me again.”

  She bit her lip, glancing down at her hands.

  Dawn released a gasp, and he picked her up off the stool she sat on and took her seat. In quick moves he had her sitting on his lap. The evidence of his erection pressed against her ass, mocking her.

  This is what you could
have but never will because you’re a coward.

  His hand settled on her leg. Daniel didn’t push the boundaries she set. He was the perfect gentleman and Master.

  “Tate and Dale have been coming to Kinkster’s for five years. They’re a truly happy mated couple.”

  “She’s happy being a submissive?”

  “They like to play, Dawn. Mated or not, they know what they like.”

  Dawn licked her lips as her nipples beaded at the sound of his voice. The heat of his body surrounded her, filling her with hope for something more. Her pussy was on fire for his touch. It had been a year since she last experienced an orgasm, maybe a little longer. Her last partner left when he couldn’t give her what she wanted. He told her she needed to find someone willing to put up with her crap. She was always on the hunt to feel pain, a lot of it, and she liked being held down. Some men didn’t like being in charge completely. That’s all she wanted, a man to be in complete control and to give her pain. During her early years, she would have given anything to stop feeling pain. Now, she wanted the pain to know she was alive, that something wasn’t missing.

  Look what happened all the times we’ve let them.

  She closed her eyes as all of her failed attempts played through her like a broken record. At the ripe age of twenty-nine, she’d killed one man and been hurt by six more in a relationship. Being told you were a sick, disgusting, or plain weird, hurt just as much as punch. Dawn didn’t like being punched at least, or she didn’t used to. Now, she didn’t feel it. She liked being spanked, punished in the most delicious of ways as the touch was better than nothing.

  “You can’t go anywhere,” Daniel said, capturing her chin and turning her to face him. The grip on her face was hard, and he didn’t let go. “What did I tell you when you came here?”


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