The Alpha's Domination

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The Alpha's Domination Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Chapter Three

  Daniel struck her twice more with the cane surprised that she kept up with the counting. She was such a good sub. He wouldn’t trade her in for anyone.

  She likes pain to the point of bleeding.

  In some transitions from human to wolf, the line between pleasure and pain got switched. He heard of some men and women who could take so much pain they could be on the verge of death and it wouldn’t affect them emotionally. The workings of a wolf body surprised him. Dawn wasn’t strange or different from many of them. She was afraid, untutored, and alone. Her wolf was torn in two between wanting him and being afraid. He wasn’t an idiot. Dawn had done something to cause this problem.

  Putting the cane down on the floor, he stared at her body hating the sight of the clothes. He’d give anything to have her spread out and naked, her dark flesh revealed for him to touch, caress, or punish.

  Wait, have patience. She’ll be ours.

  His wolf passed along the walls of his mind. They wanted to claim the female in front of him. He picked up the paddle. This one had holes inside, and he brought it down on her ass. He made sure to strike hard enough for pain but not enough to bruise.

  It was almost impossible to use a paddle without bruising, but he didn’t give her everything.

  She cried out, screaming the numbers he wanted to hear. The scent of her arousal filled the room, and his wolf howled inside his mind. They wanted to slide between her thighs and lick her creamy cunt. She’d be dripping wet by the time he got his mouth around her clit, swallowing down her juice. The smell of her pussy alone was driving him crazy. His cock thickened, imagining what it would feel like to her wrapped around his length.

  Don’t push.

  Once he was done with the paddle, he decided not to use the whip. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he touched her back. The shirt she wore was soaked in sweat.

  “When you see me enter a room, I want you to present to me. This will be the case inside my house. If we ever have company, you do not need to present to me. The only exception to this rule is when we’re outside. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I understand,” she said.

  Daniel pushed some of her hair that had fallen over her face out of the way. Her beautiful brown eyes stared back at him. She didn’t smile, but then, Dawn rarely smiled. Before their time was over, he wanted to get that smile on her face.

  “We’re going to talk about your past and your future. My house is open and surrounded by land for us to run freely. If you think to run from me then I’ll tell your father the truth.”

  “This is blackmail,” she said.

  He slapped her ass. “I hadn’t finished speaking.” Daniel glared at her before continuing with what he was talking about. “As I was saying, if you run from me then I’ll tell your father. You do anything to ruin this and I’ll make sure to ruin you as well. It’s blackmail, but try living for a year with knowing your mate is being a stubborn woman.”

  Her gaze left him, and he gripped her chin to force her to look at him.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Good.” Daniel got to his feet and removed the silk tying her to the bed. He’d love to keep her bound, but it wasn’t what he had to do.

  Once she was released and sitting up, he noticed she didn’t rub at her wrists or ankles like other women did. “Call your father.”

  He pointed to the phone at the side of the bed.

  “If I use that phone he’ll know where the call is coming from. I may as well tell him where I am.”

  “It’s a personal and private line, Dawn. Untraceable. He can try to find you, but unless you give a location, he won’t.” He folded his arms over his chest and watched her type in her father’s number.

  “Hey, Dad, it’s me, Dawn.”

  “What’s the matter, honey? Do you need a ride or something?” her father asked. Daniel was able to listen to the conversation. Wolves had brilliant hearing.

  “No, no. I just wanted to let you know I wouldn’t be back home for a couple of days. I’m going to stay with a couple of girlfriends and have some fun.” She looked up at him.

  Daniel waited.

  “Honey, are you sure you’re okay? You don’t sound fine.”

  “I’m sure. I’m fine. Nothing is wrong with me. I’m calling so you don’t worry and send out a search party.” She forced a laugh. Daniel watched her knowing in his heart he needed to fix what had gone wrong during her transition.

  “Okay, honey. I’ll see you when you get back. Keep in touch.”

  “I will.”

  They said their goodbyes, and she put the phone back in the cradle.

  “Do you feel pain?” he asked. He didn’t know why, but his gut was telling him something wasn’t right. Every other sub would be wincing at the spanking he’d given her, yet Dawn didn’t respond or show any sign of being aware of it.

  She looked up at him. “Yes, I feel pain. My dad doesn’t have a true mate of his own. He settled down for the strongest female in the pack. She’s my mother.”

  “You’ve never mentioned your mother.”

  “She’s not the kind of person I like to talk about.” She dropped her gaze again, and he sensed the hate inside her.


  She blew out a breath before running her fingers through her hair. “I don’t know. I just don’t.”

  “You don’t mention her, and you didn’t ask about her. Why?”

  “My mom, she’s not the greatest example of a mother.”

  Daniel waited for her to continue. “You’re not going to say anymore?” he asked when she showed no signs of saying anything more.

  “No. My mom is not a topic we need to discuss.”

  The fact she didn’t want to discuss her mother meant it was a more important topic to talk about. Daniel stayed silent, filing the information away ‘til later.

  “Okay, right, grab your bag. We’re going to head to my place,” he said.


  “Yes.” He took her hand in his, and he walked toward the bar. She didn’t fight him as he placed her on the stool. “Stay here. I’ll be back to collect you shortly.”

  Leaving her alone, he went into the far security office where he found Jake staring at the screens.

  “I need you to spread the word that until further notice my house is off limits to the pack. Tell them if they need me they’re to call me and I’ll deal with whatever problems they have.”

  “Why can’t we come to the house?” Jake asked.

  “I’m taking Dawn with me.”

  “You’ve finally got her to admit you’re mates?”

  Daniel shook his head. “Will you do this for me?”

  “Consider it done. I’ll put the word out immediately.” Jake took out his cell phone and started to type. “Are you sure about this?”

  He stopped to look at his friend. “She’s my other half, Jake. I’m sure, and I’m going to fix whatever has been broken inside her.” He looked at the security cameras. “Please keep this place in order.” He nodded at the men then left the room.

  Walking back to the bar he watched Dawn sipping from a straw. She always ordered a soda, a clear cream soda. Her eyes were closed as she enjoyed the taste of her drink.

  Running a hand down his face, he wondered if he was doing the right thing in taking her back home with him.


  Dawn was his mate, the other half of him, and he’d be damned if he let her get away. He touched her shoulder as he approached. She jerked at his touch yet didn’t pull away.

  “Finish your drink and then we’re going.”

  “Can I ask you a question?” Her brown eyes were wide as she stared at him.

  “Yes,” he said, taking a seat.

  “Why now? Why wait a year to put me in this position?”

  He smiled. “I’ve finally had enough of our games. You’re holding back from me, and that I don’t like. I’ve played it your way and gotten fuck all out of it. It’s time
to play it my way, and I’m going to do that now.”

  She finished her drink leaving a tiny amount of soda in the bottom.

  “Why haven’t you finished your drink?” he asked.

  “I have.”

  Daniel pointed at the remnants she left in the glass. “If I drink that it’ll make a noise with the straw, and if I pull out the straw, it’ll make a mess on the side.”

  He stood taking her hand. There was more to that explanation. His gut was telling him he wouldn’t like what she had to say.


  Daniel’s house was old and huge. He stopped outside a large iron gate and typed in a code that opened those imposing gates. She looked behind her to see the gates close up after him. They shut closed, trapping her inside the grounds with Daniel. There were worse people to be locked up with.

  Mother’s one of them.

  She shut off her thoughts and turned to face the front. He drove down a really long driveway that was surrounded by large, thick trees.

  “The house has been in the family for generations.”

  “Were you all wolves?” she asked, glancing toward him.

  “Yes. Some of my ancestors married humans and moved away and others stayed close.”

  “Where are your parents now?” she asked.

  “They’re enjoying a much needed vacation. They’re exploring Europe, visiting with some packs they’ve not had the pleasure of seeing in years.” He tapped the steering wheel as he talked.

  “How did you take over as alpha?”

  He smiled. “My dad told me it was time to take the spot. He was getting old, and he said a true alpha knows when to step aside and bring in a new one. I was the next in line, and so I stepped up to the role.”

  “What about the other men in your pack? Weren’t they annoyed to be passed over by you?”

  “Some of the men challenged me in battle. I won, but I always refused to do battle to the death. I don’t want anyone’s blood on my hands.”

  She tensed at his words.

  I’ve got blood on my hands.

  Staring out of the window she gasped as his house came into sight. It was so huge she doubted she’d have to see him for days at a time. They could play hide and seek and still miss each other.

  “This is your house?” she asked, amazed.

  “Yeah. The pack can come and go as they please. Don’t worry, they know not to come here until further notice.”

  She climbed out of the car once he brought it to a stop.

  “You’re amazed? Did you think I lived somewhere small?” he asked, coming to stand beside her.

  “I was thinking a cabin somewhere out in the sticks. I didn’t even imagine this.”

  “Does it make my mating claim more appealing?” he asked.

  She turned to look at him. “I’m not a gold digger, and neither do I hope to make a claim on anything.”

  “I didn’t say you did. Sometimes, female wolves like to see that they can be taken care of. Does your wolf like what she sees?” He stood right behind her with his palm lightly resting on her back.

  Dawn paused as she listened to her wolf.

  “No, we don’t think you’re a better catch or anything. We’re worried what you owning this big house means.”

  “Why would it mean anything?”

  “You’d be surprised how dangerous large houses and big men are.” She stared up at the house feeling … happy, safe? Dawn didn’t know which emotion to trust or to savor. Daniel wouldn’t hurt her. He’d been her Dom for a year and he never left her scared, nervous but never scared.

  “I’m going to know all of those secrets you’re hiding,” he said.

  “They’re not secrets.” They’re just memories of a time I’d like to forget.

  He leaned in close. She felt his breath across her cheek. Her body tightened with the heat of him. Inside her wolf started to growl, wanting to get a little closer to his body. What would it be like to strip naked and turn? To run with him in the wild of the forest without anyone to hear her thoughts? She’d stopped running in the forests back at home as the connection of the pack allowed them to access her thoughts if she was close enough. They would all be repulsed by her if they knew the truth. She didn’t hold any doubt that they’d cast her out as if she didn’t exist in her parents’ world.

  “There are always secrets in this world, pet.” He dropped a kiss to her cheek, and for the first time she was charmed by his touch. No one ever took the time to touch her, hold her, reassure her.

  All thoughts of her mother were cut off.

  “I don’t have any changes of clothes,” she said, turning to look at him.

  “You don’t need any clothes. We’re alone, and that’s the way it’s going to stay.” He took her hand leading her up the multiple steps to get to the main door. She watched him pull out a set of keys and start to unlock the large door.

  “Don’t you have any other alphas trying to take over your territory?” she asked.

  “No. I treat all packs with the respect they deserve, and I demand they treat me as such.”

  Her father didn’t allow any other pack to walk through his territory. If another wolf from another pack walked on his land, he’d give the wolf a beating. She had grown tired of watching men and women beg. For a woman, her mother delivered the beating as her father didn’t believe in hurting a woman. Her mother never had a problem with causing pain.

  “They come to me for permission to enter my lands, and I grant it to them. I don’t cause fights that are unnecessary. My pack likes to live in the open without fear of being approached by others. I make sure they’re all taken care of.” Daniel switched on a light as she entered his home.

  The door closed, and the sound echoed throughout the old house as if it was a sign of approaching doom.

  We’re trapped!

  There was no getting out of this house until Daniel was satisfied. Would it be so hard to agree to his claim of being her mate? She truly didn’t know what to think about his claim. Dawn was torn in two between wanting his claim more than her next breath and then scared of accepting his claim.

  Once he knew the truth, would he really want her? No man truly wanted a murderer for a mate.

  She cut the thoughts off, staring at Daniel as he turned back to her. He slid the bolts into place locking them inside the dominating house.

  “For tonight, we’re not going to do anything. We’re going to enjoy some good food and drink, and then we’ll go to bed.”

  “Where will I sleep?” she asked.

  “Where I tell you to.” He walked down the long entrance hall, taking a left. She hurried her steps to keep up with him. Considering the age of the house, the scents were sweet, charming.

  Whoever lived here they were happy. The house smelled of happiness, of peace. It was such a strange scent to have around the house. She rushed toward him, following him through three more rooms before they made it to the kitchen.

  “The house has multiple rooms for the pack. They do visit, and when they do I like for them to make themselves at home. Unfortunately with wolves, they fight. I’ve got four television rooms so there’s no fight over the remote or what they watch.” She chuckled, imagining an argument turning heated in the sight of a remote. Ravaging wolves, attacking each other just because they didn’t want to watch a television program. “You can laugh all you want. It’s happened.”

  He entered a large kitchen. She stopped to admire the room, which was set in an old country style fit with a porcelain sink. The island in the center was large, yet it would fit many people sitting around helping.

  “Again, the kitchen is large enough for the whole pack.”

  “How do you keep this place cleaned?” she asked.

  “I’ve got a wolf who’s a little obsessive when it comes to cleaning. She makes sure everything is clean when she comes to visit. Also, I make the pack clean up after themselves. I won’t have shit lying around because they’re too fucking lazy to do their shit.” He mov
ed toward the fully stocked fridge. She smelled the freshness in the vegetables and the meat inside. Had he planned for her to be spending time with him?

  No, he’s got a pack who also needs to eat.

  “Do you cook?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I cook, and I occasionally clean. I also do the washing.” He turned to offer her a smile.

  “Are we in a scene right now?” she asked, unsure about the proper protocol she needed to give him.

  “Would you feel safer being in a scene?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Then we’re not in a scene. We’re just two people, Daniel and Dawn for tonight.”

  Relief swamped her. She could handle simply being a woman sharing a meal with Daniel.


  He bent over to grab something out of the fridge, and she checked out his ass. It was tight and firm.

  “You’re checking out my ass,” he said, smiling as he turned to face her.

  “Am not.”

  “Don’t worry, Dawn, I won’t put you over my knee.”

  She saw he was teasing her and couldn’t help but smile. “I like the thought of going over your knee.”

  He laughed, throwing his head back.

  Yes, she could handle being alone with him for a few days.

  Chapter Four

  Daniel started to cut the chicken, and with each inhale he smelled Dawn sitting at the island. She smelled like sweet citrus, addictive and something he wanted to smell over and over again. He washed his hands before walking toward the pantry. Daniel grabbed the spices and noodles he needed to finish off dinner.

  “Do you want a drink?” he asked, spreading his ingredients out over the side.


  He passed her over a soda from the fridge. She took the can from his hands. Their fingers touched, and he didn’t want to let her go. Drawing his attention away from her, he started to cook.

  “Would you like some help? I love to cook,” she said, standing beside him.


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