Sparrow Man

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Sparrow Man Page 22

by M. R. Pritchard

  “You think the King will let you take my place? You don’t think he will suspect something?” He has to suspect something, or he wouldn’t have given me back my memories, he wouldn’t have given me his blessing.

  “I don’t care what he thi-”

  I press the tip of the machete harder against his balls, tearing the fabric of his pants. “Take me to the portal or I swear to God in Heaven I will disembowel you. Starting with your nutsack.”

  “You can’t go through it.” His fingers dig into my shoulders where he’s holding me. “You’re dead.”

  “I know.” I figured that out the moment that guy Meg stole the fried dough from looked right through me. It seems she can flash a soul out of Hell, nice trick. I just hope this plan works or we’re screwed.

  “Fly faster, fuckhead. I might be dead, but down here this weapon still slices through everything like it’s made of butter.” I press the machete harder between his legs.

  “This isn’t going to work.” Marcus picks up speed. “You’re fucking crazed. Been down here too long.”

  I notice the clearing ahead of us, true sacred ground. Marcus drops me in front of the portal. Nothing but a stone arch in the middle of the clearing.

  Marcus inspects the hole in his crotch. “Damn it. I just got these!”

  Looking at the stone arch, praying that this works, I pull the white feather stained with her blood from my pocket. Marcus’ eyes widen as I suck Meg’s blood off of the feather.

  “That’s disgusting.” Marcus curls his lip in repulsion.

  “It’s not as bad as what the King’s going to do to you.” I turn to the portal and run through it.


  Even though twenty-five years have passed, the feeling of passing through realms is familiar. There’s the tingling, the lightness, feeling like I’m flying even though I haven’t been able to since I’ve been banished.

  Exiting the other side, I am met with a sharp gasp. I recognize Teari’s voice, and the light-a brightness I haven’t seen in a quarter of a century. I forgot how bright it is here, home.

  “You can’t be here.” Teari places a hand on my shoulder.

  “Have to be.” I push myself to stand, shield my eyes from the light. It doesn’t come from the sun in the sky, but from everything. It sparkles and shimmers and I want nothing more than for Meg to see this for herself. “I have to speak to the King.”

  Teari stares at me, her mouth agape.

  “Gather a team, we’re going back to save her,” I tell her.

  “You don’t give orders. You aren’t our leader anymore, Sparrow.”

  “I don’t give a shit, Teari! Marcus planned on leaving Meg behind. Did you know?”

  She shakes her head.

  “Gather a team. Now! I’ll be back.” I run for the castle.


  I run, ready myself for a fight. The guards at the front door do nothing but stare as I push the doors open, run down the marble hallway, and try to remember where the King’s quarters are. A servant presses herself up against the wall as I pass. Skidding to a stop, turning, “Where is the King?” I shout.


  “Now, Woman! I don’t have all day!”

  She points down a hall to my left. “Dining room.”

  I run, harder, with everything I’ve got left in me. I push the doors open and hear them crash against the wall.

  King Gabriel sputters, liquid spraying out of his mouth, across the huge dining table. “How the hell did you get here?” he asks, standing and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

  “Your daughter.” I bend, trying to catch my breath, a breath I feel as wavering. Her magic is wearing off. I don’t have much time.

  “Where is she?” He leans to look behind me. “You were supposed to bring her home.”

  “Marcus is about to get her killed. Sent her into the burning caves, alone. I couldn’t talk her out of it.”

  He slams his fist on the table, cracking it. “Little prick! Knew I couldn’t trust him. Sonofabitch!”

  “I need help.” As much as I don’t want to admit it, I’ve failed, again. “I can’t do this alone.”

  Gabriel hollers to the servants near the door. “You! Gather my gear. And Sparrow’s, from his… er… crypt.”

  “That’s nice,” I mutter. “Banish me but still allow me a holy crypt.”

  “Didn’t want it to happen. Damn sad that it did. But rules are rules. The Council decided. My hands were tied.” His eyes narrow on the newly cracked table. “Let’s get this done, Sparrow, fulfill your redemption. Hasn’t been right here since you left us.”

  The tingles that have been running through my body since I tasted Meg’s blood lessen. “I have to go,” I warn him. “The power… it’s going away. I have to go back now.”

  Gabriel nods, waves his hand. “Go. I’ll bring reinforcements.” He palms his fist, cracks the knuckles. “Been a while since I’ve been in a good fight!”

  I turn and run for the portal, praying to God that I make it through before whatever magic it is that Meg possesses leaves my system and what’s left of my soul and goes… somewhere.


  Chains and chains

  Twisting my wrists in my new shackles, I inadvertently break the skin and fresh blood seeps out.

  “Keep that up,” Jim warns from across the room. “I won’t stop them from draining you. It might be worth it to watch again.”

  “You’re fucked in the head,” I mutter.

  “Probably.” He turns back to his planning.

  I look up to find seven sets of eyes on me, empty and hungry. My stomach churns. Fuck! This is taking too long. I can’t remember those words to poof out of here. I’m stuck, trapped, waiting for help that’s taking too long.

  I shake my head, knocking the feather loose from behind my ear where Sparrow put it before the fight. It flutters to the ground in front of me. My eyes focus, it’s a loon feather. Oh jeez, my heart cracks a little. Sparrow gave me the feather from my favorite bird. Picking it up, I press my finger to the quill. It’s hardened from the glue, solid. Good thing Noah taught me how to pick a lock when we were dating.

  I twist my arms, press the hardened quill into the keyhole of the shackles, pull my legs up and try to hide what I’m doing. Digging with the tip of the quill, I hit the locking mechanism. I push, waiting to feel the lock click open. It doesn’t happen. The quill starts to bend. I stop, take a deep breath, get ready to try again from a different angle.

  There is a knock on the door.

  “What the hell is it?” Jim shouts.

  He moves to the door and opens it. There’s nothing but a pile of feathers that mess the hallway, like a chicken wandered into the burning caves and exploded. A colorful chicken.

  Jim bends, picks up a handful of feathers. “Motherfucker!” he shouts, but before he can turn or move away, his body slumps to the ground. The Hellions run for the door, two stay behind, eyeing me from the other side of the room. I press my knees to the handcuffs, holding them in place, hiding the feather in my hand.

  A thick smoke invades from the hallway. Flames dance on the feathers, enveloping Jim’s body-his headless body.

  My heart leaps in my chest! There are footsteps, running, the sound of metal on metal, men grunting and groaning. Two more bodies fall on the burning pile of feathers.

  The Hellions remaining in the room start to make their way towards me, only to be interrupted by two figures rushing into the room. I recognize them as Sparrow and… my father, my real father.

  “Don’t think so, jackholes!” The two fly across the room with the wave of the King’s long arm.

  Sparrow runs for me. I stand, holding up my shackled wrists to him. “What took you so long?” I ask.

  Sparrow stops, his fingers reaching towards the chain connecting my wrists. “Did they hurt you?”

  I shake my head, trying to control the emotion swelling in my chest.

  “Can you walk?” he asks.

  I nod.

  “Can you run?”

  “I can try.”

  “Good, because I’m pretty sure your father is going to kick some ass and as much as I’d like to watch, I have to get you out of here.”

  We run for the door, Sparrow pushing me to jump around the burning bodies. I turn back to see at least a dozen winged warriors fighting in the hall.

  “Who are they?” I ask, trying not to slow down.

  “The Legion.”

  We exit the cave, a full moon illuminating the broken ground, the bodies of the walking dead strewn about, sleeping. Sparrow stops near the tree they left me in and grabs his coat off of the ground.

  I step towards him. “Oh God, I was afraid I’d never get to see you again. I’d never get to kiss you again.” As I reach for his face, the shackles jangle.

  Sparrow smiles his perfect smile, reaches for the metal at my wrists. He mumbles some words, his fingers pressed to the metal, and without a key, they click open.

  “How did you do that?” I ask as the shackles drop to the ground.

  “You going to show her all our secrets now?” I hear a deep voice from behind me.

  Sparrow grabs my arms and forces me behind him, but not before I get a good look at Marcus walking towards us.

  “She’s one of us. She’ll learn of these things.” Sparrow pauses, tips his head. “Nice wings.” He smiles.

  I look around Sparrow, find Marcus and see that his wings are bare. The beautiful white feathers are gone. The only thing left is a bony scaffold, just like Sparrow had before I glued it full of feathers.

  “I told you what the King would do to you would be worse,” Sparrow replies.

  “At least he left me my memories,” Marcus sneers. “That’s more than he did for you.”

  “Good luck with those,” Sparrow replies with a tone that’s as flat as shit.

  The figures of the warriors exit the burning caves and head towards us. Marcus looks their way, his face twists, he spits on the ground. “I won’t forget what you’ve done to me.” He jabs a finger at Sparrow.

  “You did this to yourself,” Sparrow says as Marcus backs up into the shadows. “Enjoy your time down here.”

  Marcus turns and runs.

  Sparrow turns to me. “Where were we?” He draws me tight against his side. “Oh, yes, I plan on kissing you every day of my life.” He presses his lips to mine. “Now, imagine heaven and poof us the hell out of this place.”

  “I can’t. I can’t remember those words.” I look away, embarrassed-I think for the first time in my life.

  “Angele Dei, illumina, custodi, rege et guberna,” Sparrow whispers, his fingers pressed against my leg.


  “It’s about goddamned time,” a familiar voice bellows.

  My eyes flutter open and I find myself standing in a well-lit room. Someone grips my hand and when I turn I see Sparrow, now with perfect white-feathered wings on his back.

  “Thought you kids were going to drag this out for all of eternity,” the voice continues. I immediately recognize the large man in front of me. I recognize him from the zoo and the burning caves. My father. He stands from his seat, takes a few long strides towards me and wraps his arms around me.

  “I’ve been waiting to do this for twenty-five years,” he whispers in my ear. “I’m so glad that you’re finally home. Just where you belong.” He straightens himself and turns to Sparrow. “You!” He flicks his index finger off of his thumb and plucks Sparrow hard in the forehead. “Jesus Christ, boy! You goddamn near took all of eternity to figure this shit out. We still have to worry about that asshole John. And I’m sure Marcus will be getting into trouble soon. Oh, and the King of Hell’s top demon is gonna be pissed when he finds out we decapitated his only son and burned him up like a campfire marshmallow.” The man turns and walks away from us, returning to his seat… no, his throne before us. “Christ, we can worry about that shit another day. My daughter is home!”

  “That’s my father?” I whisper to Sparrow.

  “Yeah. King Gabriel. Can you see the resemblance?”

  “Is it our eyes?” I recognize his have the same blue hue as mine. “Our hair?”

  “No, your foul language,” Sparrow replies, the corner of his lip tipping up.

  “Now!” My father, my real father, rubs his hand over his chin. “Welcome home, Meg. What’s mine will be yours once my time is done. And…” His eyes flick around the room as though he’s lost his train of thought. He slaps his knee, focus renewed. “Mother of pearl you’re feisty girl! Just like your mother. Been watching you for a while now. You’ll do good here. Don’t think the Council will like your attitude though. Well then.” He clears his throat and narrows his eyes on Sparrow. “You, boy, better get to courting my daughter properly. We need heirs to the throne. Don’t want her taking off like her mother and leaving you behind.” My father looks at his feet and a sadness spreads over his face. “Well now, I guess I should save that conversation for another day...”

  I get the feeling that twenty-five years without the woman he loved by his side must be hard. As hard as it was to look at Sparrow on that cavern floor and realize I’d never see him again.

  “Oh,” escapes my lips. Something runs through me, some feeling of relief of finding something I had lost. I turn to Sparrow, look into his green eyes, his handsome face.

  “Are you okay?” Sparrow asks, his brow creased with worry.

  “I’m fine. This is just so much.” I walk towards him and stretch my arms behind his neck.

  “Oh, for Christ’s sake, get a room,” my father bellows and raises his hand. The doors on the far end of the room fly open. “Go! Before I puke.”

  Sparrow pulls my hand from behind his neck and leads me out the doors.


  We step out of the building into the bright sunshine and walk down a set of stone steps. I look around, taking in the brightness, the green trees and grass. There are fountains and walkways and mountains in the distance. It all seems to sparkle and shimmer so bright I wish I had sunglasses.

  “Is this real?” I ask.

  “Very. From here we watch over the human realm, we guide and protect. Participate in wars when it’s warranted. Keep the demons from Hell in check.” Sparrow looks off in the distance.

  I glance around us. “How do you leave here? How did you make it to earth and Hell?”

  “Normally, we use the portal.” He points across a courtyard to our left where there is a large arched building with winged guards standing as still as statues. “But you.” He runs his finger down my arm. “You do that poof thing. No one has ever been able to do that before.”

  “Would you like me to take you to your living quarters?” I startle as a woman appears next to us. It’s Teari. “Welcome home, Meg.” She smiles.

  “Sure, Teari,” Sparrow tells her.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask.

  “This is my home and since I am the King’s personal healer, he sent me to check on you and show you to your room. You look good, Meg. It’s amazing what five minutes of Sparrow leaving his pants on can accomplish.” She gives Sparrow an annoyed look.

  I feel my face flush.

  We follow Teari through a courtyard, up a set of stairs, towards another entrance at the side of the towering castle, and down a stark stone hallway where she stops in front of a large wooden door. Sparrow reaches for the door handle and pushes it open.

  “Make sure she gets some rest.” I hear Teari’s voice, then her footsteps echo, as she walks down the hall, away from us. “Servants will send food.”

  Sparrow leads me into the room. “Wow.” He circles the room before closing the door. I stand still, taking in the large room. There are floor to ceiling windows, a sitting area, large fireplace and massive four-poster bed covered in golden linens.

  “What do you think?” Sparrow stands behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. “This is way nicer than my place.”

br />   He shrugs. “I think so.”

  Noticing a door near the fireplace, I head towards it. Sparrow follows. Pushing the door open, we walk into a huge bathroom decorated in gold and tiny glass tiles of every color imaginable. There is a sunken tub in the middle of the room, a large vanity with double sink, gigantic gilded mirrors, and a glass door, which I can only imagine leads to a shower.

  I head for the shower door. Wrapping my fingers around the golden handle I pull. “Dear God.”

  “What’s wrong?” Sparrow asks.

  Before me is the most luxurious shower I’ve ever set my eyes on. More glass tiles, multiple shower heads, and fluffy towels hang on a golden rod. I turn the shower on, adjust the dial, and watch as there is an explosion of water. Steamy mist surrounds us and, it seems, even the water in this place glistens. It’s like diamonds are shooting out of the shower heads.

  “We are definitely in heaven,” I whisper.

  I kick off my boots and reach for the hem of my shirt. There is a loud knock on the door. Sparrow hesitates for a moment before turning and leaving the bathroom. Stripping off the rest of my clothes, I hear the murmur of voices, followed by the scent of something amazing. Sparrow walks into the bathroom again.

  “Food’s here,” he says, stopping near the sinks. “What do you want to do first, eat or shower?”

  Toughest. Decision. Ever.

  My stomach grumbles loudly. I wave the steam away from my face, bite my lip. Sparrow glances towards the bedroom, then back at me. It seems neither of us knows which luxury to indulge in first.

  A hint of mischief ignites in Sparrow’s eye.

  “What?” I ask.

  “You’re already naked.”

  I kick my clothes past the threshold of the shower. “It seems I am.”

  He toes off his shoes, pulls his shirt over his head in one swift movement, and as he moves at a near running pace, removing his pants on the way, he says hurriedly, “Food can wait.”



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