by Mike Doom
Brief History
2093AD - Mars is terraformed, three colonies centered around advancing science, sponsored by coalition of the UN and several private firms
2105AD - Jupiter activates several colonies on satellites orbiting Io, and five orbiting Jupiter itself
2107AD - Mars files for autonomy from Earth, citing differing goals
2110AD - Jovian colonies move for autonomy from Earth governments
2150AD - Europa Station is activated as a new mining based colony, using new technology for fuels based on Jovian atmosphere
2155AD - First Arc Ship leaves for Bellatrix using advance engines
2215AD - Earth meets first alien race, Tellurians meet a UN Space Force outside of Bellatrix System. UN Space Force takes 60 years to reach Bellatrix, and is back in two days.
2216AD - Earth incorporates jump gate technology into current fleet, begins testing of long range LTR flight
2218AD - Orion is colonized
2219AD - Europa files for autonomy from Jovian government
2221AD - Earth unifies its governments into one, joining the rest of Sol System into the GovPlex pact. GovPlex takes over governing of all planets in Sol, as well as Orion in the Bellatrix System.
2230AD - Andromeda is colonized, but does not join GovPlex pact
2232AD - Isis is colonized
2234AD - Paris is colonized
2235AD - Arturis and Gliese are colonized
2240AD - Hess, Noro, and Abringe are colonized, Begin period of mass expansion
2245AD - Isis and Paris join GovPlex pact
2250AD - Frees are invented, a new form of self replicating AI. Federation agrees to avoid action until AIs are capable of holding own colony. Crimes against AI are monitored.
2292AD - Rejuvenation technology is perfected, allowing for near infinite lifespan
2299AD - Selba is colonized
2319AD - Cloning is forbidden accept in rejuvenation procedures, Clones of existing humans are given official status in GovPlex systems.
2320AD - Peppermint White Ninja is born on Orion
2322AD - Clone violence takes major tolls in Sprawl systems. Sol and Orion send troops to squash an uprising.
2399AD - The first Haze generator is invented by low-tech zealots on Isis as a reaction to the clone violence and Free labor driving down wages for the poor. Leads to LTZ cities and some whole countries throughout the Colonies
2433AD - Epic Death is born on Isis
2492AD - Terrorist act committed in Hess, demands for free access to jump gates lead to a stand-off with Andromeda and the Sprawl systems. The non-conformist systems are sequestered from the remainder of the human colonies
2493AD - Arturis and Gliese join GovPlex pact
2498AD - Baby Doll Judah Stardust is born on Arturis Central Kigh
2500AD - Another terrorist act in the mining colony of Abinge IV, GovPlex declares war on the non-conformist systems. The Colonial Revolution begins.
2503AD - Coral-Cor is founded around ansible technology, formally creating the current World technology, allowing near instant contact with every colony connected to the World
2510AD - GovPlex troops accidentally attack a Tellurian settlement on Andromeda IV. Federation forces approach GovPlex about their use of Frees as front line troops with no compensation.
2512AD - Geneva Peace Treaty is signed. GovPlex is broken into GovPlex, GovNet and the Federal Police (or Federalis). GovPlex holds planetary level government, GovNet holds country level, and Federali patrol space and hold non-planetary colonies.
2513AD - The Central7 form a coalition inside GovPlex, making a High Council to avoid further conflicts in the future amongst the central human colonies. The Sprawl is given one vote on the High Council, but holds more individual votes in the GovPlex Congress (based on number of planets colonised), thereby creating a balance.
2514AD - Fulfilling the requirements of the Federation, the Colonial Government joins the Federation as a full member. Creation of Frees are banned in the Colonies, any existing Frees are given full citizenship of the planet they were created on.
2515AD - Free refugees form the colony of Tetra Phi in the deep Sprawl system of Turing.
2520AD - Coral-Cor discovers modern LaGrange jump technology using Gravlifter technology. Jump gate use falls in wake of new design, which allows for far faster travel over longer distances.
2521AD - Following years of protests from anti-centralization activists, GovNet dissolves most of it's police force, privatizing most cities to independent contracting firms chosen by elected city councilmen.
2524AD - Checktiza is founded on low-tech principles
2532AD - Toro Abobo is born on Orii IV
2541AD - H.O. Abobo and five other gang leaders buy Orii System from its shareholders, re-christening Orii Station as Orii Chi Chi
2590AD - GovPlex cuts off most contact with Dub-X, stationing more troops on Torch
2591AD - Sunshine Apocalypse and Last Chance are born on Selba Prime
2605AD - Stephen Corialis is born on Isis
2617AD - Vincent Corialis quits Coral-Cor, leaving the business to a conservatorship for his son Stephen. Victor promptly quits public life.
2618AD - Truckee Dumpstar is born on Selba Prime
2619AD - Under the conservatorship, Stephen Corialis invents the Gravsling, making pushing items off planet much quicker and cheaper.
2622AD - Incident on Tenda Station Occurs
2623AD - Cirrhosis Induction is born on Selba
2623AD - Corialis takes control of Coral-Cor, moving forward on various improved designs to previous projects
2649AD - Corialis sponsors the Crystal Plaza on Selba Station in exchange for getting the rights to build Corialisana
2678AD - Truckee Dumpstar gains the Jewel of the Ancients, wishes to be an intergalactic creature of interest
2682AD - Current Day
Thanks for reading my novel to the very end. Please give me some hot reviews or comments where ever you picked this up.