Flames of Chaos

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Flames of Chaos Page 18

by Amelia Hutchins

  I’d set the stage, unhinged the staff. My men fought to get through the door, scaring her until she did what I had wanted her to do, letting me write my name on her flesh. I tagged her cunt, her body, her pleasure. I wrote my name on her flesh, watching as it pushed through her flesh, marking her immortal soul forever. The only way out of that marking is through death, and I wouldn’t allow that to happen. Not after tasting her passion or seeing those eyes igniting with need. I may hate that I fucking wanted her, but that didn’t change the fact that I still did.

  I’d tasted her delicious pussy, licking it greedily when the magic took hold and held her within a state of need neither of us could fight. She’d dripped down my chin as I fucked that heated slit with my mouth, knowing damn well they both watched me taking them over the edge. I’d felt her body shivering, shaking, and the sweet noises she’d made as she rode my face, making my cock explode without even being buried in her untried flesh. That shit never happened to me until Aria, but her pleas had fucked me harder than any woman had ever managed before her. I’d made her hurt from coming so hard and so fast that she’d whimpered, crying my name, pleading for me to stop giving her pleasure.

  I’d punished her for making me come like some little fucking boy finding his first wet hole and playing with his cock in it. I didn’t grant her wish for mercy, devouring her until tears streamed down her cheeks. Hours had passed by in a blur, hours of nothing but tasting the sweetness of her body as she came apart for me beautifully as her inhibition shed, and the glimpse of the woman she was becoming was uncaged.

  I’d never wanted to fuck anyone as hard as I wanted to fuck her with her thighs dropped wide open with invitation, and her pussy glistening with cum as I’d eaten that pineapple-flavored flesh, and fuck if I didn’t crave pineapple after tasting it on her. It had taken everything I had not to fuck that pussy, which dripped so wantonly against my lips. I still tasted it, and fuck if I didn’t still crave more.

  She had no idea that she’d held my mouth to her pussy, begging me to fuck her sweet flesh to ease the ache that I’d left. Aria had pleaded for me to batter past her innocence and take what she offered, but I wouldn’t. Not like that. Not with the magic drugging her mind and her reaction to me while under its influence.

  I wanted her very aware when I fucked her, and I wanted her to need it because her body responded to mine, not the magic that rushed through us as the mark seared us together. It was ancient, dark magic, enhancing everything as it connected us on a deeper level.

  I saw the moment she realized what she’d allowed me to do to her cunt. The regret and hate that sank in as her mind returned from the pleasure I’d given her. She’d have hated me for making her body respond in the way it had. It wouldn’t have been the hate I desired, but a painful hurt that women got after the body cooled, and the mind told it things.

  She’d have blamed me for forcing it, unable to take responsibility for asking me to make her come undone. I’d watched her pretty eyes filling with self-loathing, and I’d hated watching the change in her. I didn’t want her to feel guilty about fucking my mouth, not when we’d both been under the influence of the ancient magic.

  It had taken everything I had in me not to rip those thin lace panties apart and drive my thick, hard cock into her as the magic fucked us both. Had I? No. I’d behaved, and I’d let her find release without taking what she certainly would have regretted later. I fucking gave the little bitch mercy, and that pissed me off more than wanting her.

  I’d taken her memories to stop it from happening and gave her my name on her flesh. I’d told her she could not lie to me if I used the perfect tone and sent subliminal messages into her subconscious to enforce them. My name on her flesh claimed her as mine.

  It ensured that if anything thought to hurt her, I could find her quickly and know she was in danger before she realized it. No one was breaking her but me. I shouldn’t want to protect her, but I fucking did. It was a primal need, something so possessive that I didn’t even fully understand it. I should want the little bitch dead, but even thinking of a world where she didn’t exist pissed me off. It was a fucking complication that I hated, and yet she wasn’t fucking dying unless I decided she could.

  I didn’t even like her, but I wanted her. I hated everything about her, down to her pretty painted toes. I loathed that she fought against me, and she did it with a fire smoldering in her eyes. Her pretty pink lips parted with a ‘pass’ on them anytime her mind showed her us fucking. It wasn’t because she didn’t want it. I could smell the need to rip her clothes off and mount me pouring through her flesh. No, she knew that when it happened, she’d never be the same. She’d be a broken, destroyed thing that no amount of magic could fix, and it terrified her—and worse, it excited her. Good. It should.

  “Knox, can I ease your mind?” Regina asked, her eyes studying me with fear and hope.

  “Get on your fucking knees and open your worthless fucking mouth.”

  “I thought we could do more this time?” she whispered, and I turned, staring at the brainless bitch who thought she was more than warm flesh. Regina was ancient, useful at the moment, but still, she would die here. It was written in the lore that her life would end here and now before we ever finished in this worthless realm of humans.

  She thought she could play me, yet she didn’t even know the rules of my game. Aria was fire and passion. Regina was ice and lackluster. She was here because she served a purpose in my plans, but she was easily replaceable. Aria wasn’t. She was different, more than just warm flesh to sate a need, and I fucking hated it.

  “Get on your fucking knees or get the fuck out, hag.”

  “It’s Aria, isn’t it? You want her. I watched you with her; you were crazed with need. She will be the death of you if you do not end her life now.”

  I didn’t answer because it wasn’t a question and I didn’t answer this bitch; she answered to me for crimes against my kind. She was pathetic and worthless, her body used by all, and yet she wanted me because I had no care if I broke her. She smelled of my men, and it disgusted me.

  Aria wouldn’t be like that when she got fucked. She wouldn’t need to part her cunt and beg men to fuck it. What we were, we didn’t beg; we took and wrecked them for any other man or creature alive. We didn’t fuck worthless creatures unless we were playing a part. I was playing it, but the thought of fucking Regina made my dick go limp.

  “Get out.”

  “Knox, baby,” she uttered, and I let her hear the monster’s call, let the power within me brush over her, causing fear to ignite in her eyes.

  Aria got excited without knowing what it was. She fucking rattled back, and everything within me went silent, craving to hear it. Most women would run, but she faltered, studied, and wanted to examine it deeper. Aria was beyond intelligent, and that fucking excited me more than her pretty pink flesh could ever achieve. She wasn’t just three holes to destroy; she was brains and beauty.

  Her need to know our land made her a step better than the other useless originals in this strange realm they craved to become a part of, yet hide within the shadows like weak-minded bitches. They hid, Aria didn’t.

  She watched, learning, studying, and knew every way to bring this place down upon their heads should the need arise, and she didn’t even know she was doing it. She even did it with me, learning me as I abused her to bring out the beast within her, and fuck if I wasn’t pushing her around just to watch that fire burning inside her.

  I was a bastard, but I didn’t enjoy hurting women. I hurt her to push her, to drive that thing inside of her to the limit and watch as it raised its head, baring its teeth in warning.

  Chapter 27


  I had purposely pinned Aria to my bed, my cock on her stomach showing her exactly how deep I’d be in her pretty cunt the moment I took her. I’d fucking wreck that innocent flesh, and she knew it. She had a healthy dose of fear for a moment, but in her eyes, there was excitement.

  Aria knew th
ere would be pain, yet she still wanted it. If she’d have asked, I’d have fucking went to war on her cunt in a way that she wouldn’t have understood. I’d spared her because I couldn’t stand the idea of hurting her, why? She was my fucking enemy, and I should have wanted to destroy her, which I did, just not beyond repair. Not yet.

  It had taken every ounce of willpower I had not to rip her thin panties off and let loose on her just to show her what I would feel like buried in her pussy. Her scent drew me to her, but the fire that burned in her soul and eyes? It brought me to my knees like some fucking child who had just discovered his dick. I hated it, hated the need I felt for her, marring the memory of my mate.

  I had never wanted my mate as much as I wanted Aria. That fucking made me hate her more than I already did. That made her a target for rage she didn’t understand and never could. I shouldn’t feel shit with Aria. I hadn’t ever kissed anyone except for my mate, but I’d wanted to kiss Aria. I wanted to be her first, and I’d fucking made sure the bar was set so high she’d find anyone else lacking.

  Liliana had been gentle and everything soft. Aria, she called to the beast and sensed his need to consume her. I’d had to be careful with my mate, but they had created Aria to be savagely fucked, and she craved it. Liliana had never argued or complained, but Aria was quick to. She would go toe-to-toe in and out of the bedroom regardless of what I was.

  I’d been a heartless prick to Aria, but she fucked my mind in the worst way. She made me want her, made me crave to taste those pouty lips, and know the feel of them against mine. I betrayed the memory of my mate every time I tasted Aria’s fire. It made me need to snap her pretty neck and fuck her throat to show my dead, murdered mate that I hadn’t forgotten my promise to avenge her. Destroy the Hecate bloodline and make them all pay.

  Yet I’d had Aria in my bed, needing to know how she felt from the inside as I wrote my name upon her womb. I’d wanted her so badly that it scared me, and I was never afraid of anything. I was the creature who murdered those who wreaked havoc on our realms, and yet that little bitch had terrified me. It pissed me off. So I’d been a prick, scaring the hell out of her, but my monster? He’d fought me. He’d fought me until I’d won, and she knew it wasn’t me and yet had been about to whisper the words that would have sealed her fate.

  One wrong move she’d have been mine. One single noise, and it would have snapped the thin thread of control I’d held. I almost lost it, and I never lose control, ever. She may not want me, but that beast within her? It would have been primal, visceral, and I’d have fed that bitch until she purred like a kitten pinned on my cock. My teeth in her shoulder made the beast within her calm to a subdued mess, and that had scared Aria. Pliant, submissiveness came to mind when my mouth touched her shoulder, and even the hint of teeth made whatever is hiding within her submit to me.

  I fucking craved her submission. I also craved the fight I watched burning in her eyes.

  Then I’d gone and fucking kissed the little bitch.

  I kissed her, me, the monster that didn’t fucking kiss anyone because that shit insinuated feelings, and that shit made it messy. Still, I’d needed to taste her passion, feel it firsthand and know what it looked like. It knocked me back, me, the bastard who fucked women and watched them vanish into oblivion as their souls left through their eyes to the realm within the Void of Nothingness.

  Her kiss had knocked me on my ass, creating a storm within me that threatened to snap what little control I had. No one had ever fucking kissed me like that, nor had my body ever responded to a simple kiss. Aria, though, that girl kissed me back like I was the air needed to fill her lungs.

  I took what I want, and I fucked hard. I didn’t take her, which pissed me off.

  I enjoyed breaking pretty things and leaving shells of what they’d been in my wake. If that girl fucked like she kissed, I was in trouble. That’s the kind of girl you got attached to, needed to keep around to get fucked by, and fucked by often.

  Aria was all fire and about to set the world ablaze in her wake.

  I sensed her the moment she stood on that hill. I hadn’t even stopped to think as we’d raced to her location, prepared to claim her. My dick had gotten hard by her scent, but the moment I took in her pretty stare, I fucking ached. My balls ached to release within her, marking that pussy as mine by adding my scent to hers. I never placed my scent on pussy, so why her?

  I felt something lethal watching me from within her, and I had been pissed when I figured out that she was fucking clueless. Her pussy begged to be fucked, it got wet around me. Those pretty pink nipples responded to my voice and fuck if I didn’t want to suck on them. She didn’t understand why or how it could respond to me, but I sure in the fuck did.

  That creature within her needed something more powerful than it was, and my men had stepped back, sensing the fight it would give them. They weren’t willing to take her on, but I was.

  She was a challenge, and it was one I wanted to take.

  Aria was an alpha in her own right. She was fast-witted, and her mind worked overtime when she was working together pieces she shouldn’t be able to see. She refused to back down. She dug her heels in and watched as she waited for any sign of weakness. The best part about that was, she didn’t even know she was waiting for that one subtle sign of weakness to slaughter the victim.

  I’d smelled the likeness, but then I’d pushed the pieces together to force the witches to come back to this town. Amara, worthless and self-absorbed as she was, was an easy fucking target to get to in the Nine Realms. She’d already been moving in that direction on her own, grasping on to things to hold her there, so I’d given her a little push. She’d been unclean, tainted by magic she craved and could never reach. Fueled by greed and anger that Aria was stronger, but then Aria was the whole package deal. Amara was a basic bitch who craved things she couldn’t have. Only one monster was born that day, one child created from Freya lying in a bed of monsters, unable to deny their need as her cunt wept to be fucked by the kings of the Nine Realms, all of them. Magic was a bitch when thought you were invincible to it.

  The question was which king had planted the seed into her poisonous womb, and grown the beautiful prickly rose? I intended to find out and see what emerged from the cocoon that housed it.

  Regina’s sobs filled the room, and slowly, I turned to glare at her pathetic attempt for sympathy, watching her walk out of the library with defeat oozing from her pores, I smiled coldly. Stupid bitch. She thought I wanted her when the only thing I wanted was for her to do her job. She could either help me get the witches back into the Nine Realms, or she could die. She was useful, but the moment that ended, her life would too.

  Lacey tried to warn Aria, and Brander fucked her into a state of nothingness, and yet she clung on tightly within her mind. Didn’t fucking matter. She’d lost the ability to communicate without us controlling what slipped from her tongue.

  I was here to destroy them all for what they did, and while I wanted to keep Aria around, I doubted I could achieve it without starting a fucking war. Wars didn’t scare me; I’d fought thousands of them and bathed in the blood of the fallen creatures who had thought to rise above their rank. I didn’t have time to wage one when everything I’d planned for over five hundred years was finally coming together.

  She was in my way.

  Unexpected, but a fun distraction, nonetheless.

  Unfortunately, it was one I didn’t need right now. I’d fuck her and be done with it, and the moment that monster rose, I’d fuck it too, and if it fought me, I’d kill it to protect my plans. It would be a waste of what I assumed would be some very good pussy, but waste it, I would. I’d deal with the consequences—and those who demanded she was returned to the Nine Realms alive—afterward.

  These assholes had murdered my child, cursing him to die one thousand times at his tender age of seven. I’d held him through them all, weeping as I begged the witches to spare his life, but they had refused.

  I would show th
em what pain felt like, let them feel it on a level so profound and deep that none of them got back off their knees. My mate took her life after his death, seeking a witch to end her immortality. She found one of Hecate’s daughters and achieved the one thing our kind could never have: death.

  Now…now, I would destroy them all and send their realms into an eternal darkness that they’d never forget. I was about to start the war against them, and I wasn’t planning to give them an ounce of mercy. I’d been planning this since the day I’d returned to find Liliana dead in our bed. I’d lost my family, and in return, I would destroy theirs.

  Hecate’s daughter had laughed, smiling at me as I’d wept while begging her to bring my family back, but she refused. Now I would end her entire line for what she had done to mine.

  I’d give it back to them tit for fucking tat. The only problem I could foresee? Aria Primrose Hecate—but she was only a problem if I let her become one.

  Every time Aria smiled at me, it made me feel shit. Her sweet smile made me want her on a deeper level than just fucking. I hated it. I hated her for marring the memories of my wife and mate. Wanting her shouldn’t happen. I hadn’t wanted another woman for anything other than rutting since the first moment I’d met Liliana, until Aria, and that was a fucking problem. She was a problem.

  I’d been mated, truly mated, and in love, which our kind only got once in a lifetime. Yet, I had never felt the raw need to fuck with Liliana. I’d never felt her kiss me as Aria had, nor the need to continue kissing her regardless of the air we needed to breathe to sustain life. Aria had made my heartbeat thump for the first time in five hundred years. It had raced with her lips against mine, both fucking sets. Her pussy had made it erratic, but her lips? Her lips had brought it back from the grave where it had remained since I’d buried my wife. It made the need to hurt her deeper, to punish her for making me feel anything and betraying the love of my life.


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