Flames of Chaos

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Flames of Chaos Page 25

by Amelia Hutchins

  “You are not good at this,” I whispered huskily.

  His brow lifted. “You fucking hate me. I pushed you away, and you almost fucking died because of it, and then you changed. What are you?”

  “I’m me.” I watched as he pushed down his pants, and I smiled at how large and erect he was. “Oh, it’s nice. It’s a good thing it is large since you are too stupid and probably will not live much longer.”

  His head lifted, and he stared at me as his mouth opened and closed several times. Yup, he had no brains and all dick, but it was a very nice dick. He could not even speak well. I sort of felt bad for him, but he’d be okay, or he’d get eaten. Either choice would be okay with me. Maybe after I’d sated my need for mating, I’d eat him for dessert. Yes, he’d make a good meal, considering how big he was.

  I moved toward him as he studied me. Music started in the room, and I paused, frowning as Pop Evil’s Monster You Made started through a speaker in the corner. Aria played this song, loving the music. I listened within, preening that she loved me without knowing she had a monster inside of her, and I was such a good monster. One day, we’d become one.

  This male needed help figuring out what I needed from him. My eyes slipped to his cock, erect and dripping for me, and yet still, he couldn’t figure out that my desire was literally dripping down my legs. He needed help.

  Dismissing the music after a moment, I continued walking to him, dropping to my knees and touching my tongue against the scent of him I craved. My hand wrapped around it, but my fingertips wouldn’t fully meet around the massive appendage. He really was well-endowed, made for fucking. It explained his lack of brains. His hand lowered, lifting to my mouth to brush across my lips before he let it drop, pushing the other one through my hair while he studied me on my knees.

  “Eyes are slanted with silver specks in them; ears are slightly pointed as well.”

  I licked my tongue over the velvet-soft head, tasting the bead of cum that held his unique scent before purring. His hands pushed the hair away from my face as he swallowed audibly. I smiled, wrapping my lips around the tip of him before pushing him into my mouth, not bothering to stop until I had all of him buried deep in my throat. He cried out, staring down at me with wide eyes as I used my mouth to pleasure him. I smiled around him, watching his mouth open and close as my tongue darted out, licking him more, trying to get him to purr for me.

  He didn’t purr. He was such a disappointment. I pulled back and then took him again, staring at the confusion in his eyes. My tongue licked his balls, and I moaned to get him to respond to what I was doing for him. Man, didn’t he like getting his cock sucked? Maybe he was more into men than women? I glared up at him, wondering if he would respond if I let my fangs out to shred his dick. Instead, I swallowed him several times, trying to force him to give me what I wanted from him.

  “Bloody hell, woman.” He brushed both thumbs over my cheeks, staring at my lips around the base of his cock. “Jaw extends, fully.”

  “Did she just swallow your entire cock?” A male’s voice echoed through the room, and I pulled away from him, standing to look around the room for the voice, dismissing him. “Knox, please tell me she did what I think she did.”

  Hands cupped my breasts, pulling my attention back to him as he smirked. “The entire thing, which hasn’t ever happened before,” he said to the air. “Her body is defined, harder than it was earlier today. Her skin is the same color, but muscles are more taut, and firmer. She looks feral, yet the same. Her features are sharper, more distinct.”

  I dismissed him again, rolling my eyes as I moved away from his hands. He followed me, watching me as if he expected me to pleasure him more. As if, not with him talking to the male as I’d gotten down on my knees for the prick on his dirty floor.

  “That’s it for now; turn off the camera and the microphones.”

  “You’re just getting to the fun part,” the voice said.

  “Turn the fucking camera off, Lore, or I’ll rip your heart out, and you can regrow it.”

  I moved around the room slowly, letting him follow me with my back to him. He stopped, sensing I was playing with him. Males hated being played with, but so did females. At the water, I bent over, taking a long pull from it before turning around, gazing at him as it dripped from my chin, reminding him he could have been dripping from it if he wasn’t so dense.

  “You taught yourself how to speak, didn’t you? You adapt to your surroundings.”

  “Mmm, so I do. Too bad you don’t. You are not smart enough to pick up on my needs. You are a horrible provider for a female. You also speak to the air, and strangely enough, it speaks back to you, which is rather disturbing. You made it only a few moments in my flesh before you succumbed to the pleasure, which was a letdown. I’m looking for a mate strong enough to provide me what I need, but you lack brains, strength, and you’re too weak to handle me. You don’t even hunt for your female, do you?” I asked, carefully studying the anger that burned in his gaze at my overall assessment of him. “Are you looking for a female strong enough to maintain your life expectancy because you are too weak and should have been eaten before you drew air and sustained life?”

  “You’re not mine, Aria.” Growling, he turned dark, his eyes narrowing to mere slits, and something akin to regret mingled with sadness tainted the air as I inhaled it deeply.

  “You mounted me indicating that you were interested in mating,” I countered as my finger tapped my chin, noting he wasn’t pleased with me. “You wanted to be inside of me, and it was a primal need, yet you lacked the stamina to continue. You enjoyed it and purred your approval for my flesh.”

  “You released pheromones to lure me in.”

  “Before I came out to play, you took us then too. I leaked nothing for you, yet you still fucked Aria. You called us yours,” I pointed out, studying him.

  He frowned, reading me with a sharp gaze, showing me he did house some intelligence, but maybe he didn’t know how to use it correctly. “You’re awake within her, aren’t you?”

  “Aria and I are the same person, silly beast. She’s in pain, so I am here to protect her as she protects me as I grow stronger within her. When she is ready, we will meld together and be one.”

  “You don’t know what you are, do you?”

  “Does it matter? There are no creatures here like you and me. They’re like she is, and she protects me as I rest.”

  “You’re not a part of this realm, but you know that. You are from my realm, which is why you crave knowledge of Norvalla.”

  “Your mouth bores me, male. I prefer it to be busy elsewhere.”

  “It didn’t bore you earlier when you screamed my name as I ate that drenched pussy, now did it?”

  “No, it made me scream loudly. You enjoyed the screams, didn’t you?”

  “Immensely,” he acknowledged.

  His head turned from side to side as it made a cracking noise. He knew that I planned to fight him, which lost the element of surprise. I started walking again, needing to exercise my cramped limbs. My arms stretched behind me as I gave him my back, a ploy as old as time. Turning around, I discovered him directly behind me close enough to touch his nose against mine, his eyes heavy with lust. He hadn’t made a single noise when he moved, which was a sign of a good predator.

  “Are you planning to fight me, or fuck me, little monster?”

  “Both, and then I will eat you.” I shrugged nonchalantly. “It matters little in which order the events occur.”

  Chapter 36

  The Creature Within

  He smiled wolfishly, which exposed a dimple in his cheek. “You washed my scent off your pretty cunt. I should spank it for doing so without my permission. I placed it there to mark you as mine, creature.”

  “You suck at providing; I had to be ready if another male entered the room. I need a male who is up to provide for my needs and will hunt fresh meat. I need someone strong enough to satisfy my urges, but you leave me when I am in need, proving you
are not the male for me.”

  “You think I’d let anyone else in here to fuck you, little girl?”

  “It isn’t your choice. I choose my mate, not you.”

  His eyes dipped to my mouth and back up. “Mates are messy. You get attached, and then they fucking die on you like some fucking martyr.”

  “If they’re weak, yes, they eventually die, or a bad provider, such as you, and needs to be taken down so a new male can service and provide for the female,” I stated casually, shrugging to be sure he got the message since his skull was very thick. “A female needs very few things in her life. She needs a strong mate who can provide her substance, dick, and a home for the babes she will eventually give him to fill it. You locked me in a room when I was dripping my scent for you, indicating my immense painful need for your cock. You still chose to abandon me. Even scenting the need I had, you couldn’t pick up the hint. You fed me old, dead meat, which is lazy. A beast needs to hunt for his bitch, giving her enough sustenance to be able to be bred roughly and often. This room is cold, sterile, and reeks of other bitches you’ve fucked, which I do not care for or wish to smell while I fuck you. It proves you are a horrible choice in a mate, and that I need to be ready to find a new one.”

  “I had shit to tend to, such as your sisters upstairs causing a shit-storm because you caught fire and freaked them the fuck out. I didn’t have time to hunt for you because you were starving and needed to be fed immediately before your dainty little ass tried to devour me instead of fuck me. The room is sterile because it is fireproofed since you’re a fucking newborn…whatever the fuck you are, and you more than likely have no fucking control over those flames. I have provided for an entire kingdom, and they have never said I wasn’t a good provider to them. You don’t even know what the fuck you are, and you think I’m not good enough? Fuck you, creature.”

  “Did your kingdom consist of only your needs? Because it seems to me that is only what you wish to soothe. I am also not a newborn anything. I was born in Aria the moment she inhaled her first breath, and therefore I am not new. I am twenty-five years old. I have slept so she can grow in power, and I can grow in strength.”

  “Oh, my bad,” he chuckled, narrowing his gaze on me. “You’re practically a fucking antique.”

  “You are mocking me. How old are you?”

  “Over one thousand years old, give or take a few centuries,” he replied, carefully studying me and noting the way I sucked my lip between my teeth as I thought within her.

  “Your dick works awfully well for someone so ancient. Do you often swallow little blue pills? I saw an ad in a magazine that Aria read one time that said you could get erect at even ninety-four years of age, but they did give a few warnings and precautions for someone as old as you. As long as you do not suffer a heart condition or drink nitroglycerin gas, you should be okay. I guess your balls weren’t too bad; they were firm to the touch with my tongue. You could still produce offspring, but one would assume your age could be an issue. You’re ancient as fuck.”

  His lips twitched, and I grew angry as he continued to question my intelligence. “I am very virile and can handle you, creature. You absorb everything Aria sees or reads, don’t you?”

  “Aria is brilliant on everything but males.”

  “Is that so?” he asked, stepping closer to touch my unhealed shoulder and brushed his fingertips across his bite.

  I shivered with the reminder of how his teeth felt buried in my flesh. I danced out of his reach as he watched me, smirking devilishly as he once more closed the distance between us, prowling toward me and letting the sheer masculinity of his body lure me in. Idiot, I was a needy bitch, and it took more than just strength to get me.

  “She chose weak men, and I made her sick, so we didn’t mate with one. It would be a waste to find a lame mate who couldn’t satisfy our needs; they’re ravenous as we will become once we are one being. I’d have to eat him, and that’s just messy and not worth the trouble. Plus, they’d have left weak creatures in our womb, and I’m not much for eating my own offspring. I also don’t think Aria would be okay with that before the merge is completed. She loves little ones, mostly. Not so much when they stink.”

  He smiled, and it touched his eyes, watching me as he bent over, kissing my shoulder. “But you let me fuck her.”

  “You smelled powerful and of equal strength. You and I held a mutual connection, or it was until you hurt her. Witches are sexual creatures, but her bloodline more so than usual because of the curse placed on them. Normally, presenting their virginity to a male is a significant thing, a gift they can only part with once. In her mind, she chose you, but you made her hesitate, and so she chose another. You then played a trick on her when she was already upset that it would not be you. Then when she was happily surprised it was you who would receive her gift, you made her feel as if it was garbage, and not a gift at all. You made her cry, and Aria does not often cry, if ever. Not even at the memories of her mother trying to murder her. She compartmentalizes it and pushes it deep within her soul to use as fire and fuel. You’ve made her cry more than you know, which also makes you, as she says, a dicker.”

  “Aria will survive. She’s tougher than she looks. Dicker?”

  “It’s just another example of why you won’t be our mate.”

  I lunged, slapping him across the face with my claws extended. He was faster than I assumed he would be, pulling my arm behind my back as he slammed me down on the bed, growling in anger. Blood dripped down from his face, and I moaned as he rubbed against my core. Too bad he’d have to prove his worth first. I was needy and shit.

  I bucked against his head, turning to use my legs to kick him across the room. He hit the glass and shook his head at the velocity of the impact, staring at me as his teeth grew, and his eyes turned to mere slits. His hands balled into fists at his side as I swayed my hips, walking toward him slowly. He moved, and it was faster than I could detect. I was thrown across the room, landing against the glass to slide down it to the floor. Knox’s bare feet padded across the floor as he kneeled down, rattling from deep in his chest.

  My foot came up, moving with speed and brute force to send him to the ground, but he deflected it, pulling me up by my hair to slam me against the glass. His mouth lowered to my shoulder, and I dropped my weight, raking my nails down his chest before I rolled, coming up on my feet at his back. I lunged, but his elbow connected to my face, pulling a gasp from my lungs as he added his brutal strength to the blow. I danced back, dazed as I shook it off. I watched his body moving, lowering to lunge, and at the last moment, I jumped and flung his body mid-air, watching as he slid down the glass, and I snarled.

  Standing up, he tilted his head, watching me prowl slowly around him as I tried to cage him in against the glass. His smile was cold as he moved against it and watched as I leapt toward him, only for his hand to catch my throat, slamming me against the glass until it trembled and groaned from the pressure. My knee lifted, landing against his balls before I grabbed his hair and slammed his face into my knee, laughing as I danced away from the anger in his stare. I made it a few feet before he moved with unnatural speed, lifting me up to throw me against the glass, watching as I slid down it to my knees.

  I winced, wiping blood away from my nose to stand again. I crouched, and he smiled darkly, mimicking the movement with the sleek muscles of a predator. Standing back up, I narrowed my gaze at the way he stalked me, sensing my movements with ease. Leaning against the glass, I watched him, letting his gaze slide slowly down to where my naked flesh was red and swollen with a need for him.

  “You want to fucking play with me, creature?” Lust dripped from his lips, and my body arched before I smiled, nodding my answer.

  I didn’t need to vocalize my reply as I moved around him, intending to get to his back to subdue him. Every time I got close, he’d easily dodge my attempt. He was faster, stronger, and outdid me in every maneuver I tried, as if he sensed it coming before I had even moved.

p; “You’re not even on my level, little monster.”

  I danced around his lunge only to realize he was playing with me. He was wearing me down, but he had no idea what he was playing with. Not that I knew what I was since I’d been born in the Human Realm. Aria didn’t even realize I was a part of her yet, or that we were meant to combine into one being. Claws pushed out of his fingertips, and I paused, knowing that Aria didn’t heal fast. She hadn’t fused our souls, and if he used them, we’d be scarred forever.

  “She will not heal,” I whispered.

  “Then concede defeat to me,” he demanded coldly, and yet lust was dripping in his words, aching for my submission. He was all male, and his power ignited a flame within me that wanted to burn.

  Still, denial entered my mind and slipped to the tip of my tongue as he prowled closer, his claws extending to large black talons. I was an alpha female, and he would be a good fight. I wouldn’t care about scars, but Aria’s needs surpassed mine. I turned around, moving my hair as my nails retracted, and his breath fanned my shoulder.

  “Good girl,” he muttered.

  He sank his teeth into my shoulder, deep enough that my body sagged as everything within me stilled to absolute silence. He’d done this to Aria without her understanding what it did to us. He licked it slowly, healing the bite with his saliva once he knew I wouldn’t fight him. Backing me up, he pushed me against the glass wall, staring into my eyes with my blood dripping from his lips.

  “You’re more durable than she is, right?” he asked huskily, his fingers slipping to my pussy to slide through the heat of it. He pushed them into my body, and I purred as he watched me, knowing I craved this from him.


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