Flames of Chaos

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Flames of Chaos Page 40

by Amelia Hutchins

  “You’re mortal,” I whispered in horror as her blood hit my nose, along with the scent of rotting flesh.

  “My name is Irina,” she whispered. “I’m from Italy.”

  “How are you inside the Nine Realms?” I asked.

  “I was in Italy, giving a speech about how an author had published work I felt forced an opinion on helpless women. Others argued that fiction writers aren’t providing ‘how-to’ guides when creating those scenes, and in most cases, have given victims an outlet to work through their own personal demons, something I hadn’t considered before making the accusations. Before I could apologize to the author, something grabbed me and brought me to this place. Am I bleeding?” she asked, turning around to expose a gaping wound in the lower region of her backside, between her butt cheeks. “It aches, and the numbing medicine does little to stop the pain since he continues to fuck me there. He prefers that spot after ruining my pussy to the point that not even he stretches it anymore.”

  I swallowed. “It’s not that bad,” I lied, fighting nausea as I took in the gaping hole in her ass, if you could call it that. She’d been brutalized, raped, and from the looks of it, he’d either used something to hold it open to fit himself inside of it, or he was way bigger than his son was. “I wouldn’t sit down for a while.” Or like ever again.

  “It really hurts.”

  “Uh, yeah,” I whispered softly. “Maybe you should lie down on your side.”

  “I can’t. The thing inside of me is eating me. Tomorrow I will go to the king, and he will release it if I am good and please him well.”

  I sat down, staring at her stomach, watching it move, and I leaned over, dry heaving until my body rocked with the spasms, even though nothing came up. I didn’t even know how long I had been down here, or what to expect other than complete hell. My sister was worse than we’d assumed, a monster who wanted us all dead. Tears burned my eyes as I wiped my mouth off with the back of my hands. I would die here, and no one would ever know where I was or what had happened to me.

  Chapter 53

  The next morning, I was yanked out of the cell roughly and stood in front of guards that towered over me as Amara glared, stroking the fur that adorned her neck. Her dress was black with shimmering jewels that looked utterly ridiculous on her. A silver crown sat on her head, and her lips were slathered in black lipstick that had smeared on her teeth. Gone was the sister I thought I knew, and in her place was a sadistic, cold-hearted bitch that got off on fucking monsters and hurting others.

  “Wash her, but do not touch her cunt. She is a virgin and must be presented as one to the Minotaur King. The ice-blue dress will work and use the glitter to entice him with her beauty, add extra to her parts that we want him to admire the most. No makeup, only a thin coat of gloss to plump her lips, so he sees how welcoming her mouth is. She must be perfect. Her hair should be down, and her breasts should be pushed up since she doesn’t have much to work with. Be certain that they add the drugs, but not the pain agent. I want her to feel everything he does to her.”

  “Yes, Princess Amara,” the guard said, pushing me forward.

  The cells were all filled with women in different states of decomposition or degradation. Irina hadn’t made a sound all night, and when I’d peered into her cell, something had been slithering out of her mouth. I looked away, knowing without having to touch her that she hadn’t made it through the night.

  At the stairs, we turned into a large room where beasts chewed grizzled meat, chomping it while grease and bits slipped down their chins. They were grotesque creatures, ones who consumed the flesh of their victims willingly. The large guard pushed me into a room, giving instructions to the women who stared at me with emptiness in their eyes.

  I was washed in ice-cold water and stood naked in front of an older woman as she looked me over. Another stood behind me, brushing my hair until she was satisfied with the sheen and texture before adding a light sprinkle of glitter to it. A short, thin dress was slipped over my head, and then more glitter was added until I looked like a Winter Queen Barbie doll. They dabbed mascara on, and then a thin coat of lip gloss. Something pushed into my arm, biting as I jumped and looked at a needle emptying into my bicep.

  “Slip these on,” the woman ordered, staring at me before she shook her head.

  She handed me thin silver slipper-like shoes, and I bent down, feeling the air on my ass as I did. I stood up, staring at the guards who had watched the entire thing, and frowned as I noticed one had drool dribbling down his chin.

  They led me through a long, winding hall filled with decapitated heads behind glass, lit up and on display. Some were mummified, while others were flesh, but all had a horrified look on their faces.

  Amara held her hand up at the end of the hall of trophies, and I stared at her blankly. She smiled and shook her head.

  “You never noticed how unhappy I was around you after I discovered what you had done to me. Selfish, narcissistic people often never see what they do to others, even those closest to them. My sources say that you were almost charged with Jasper’s death and somehow escaped the charges. How convenient for me, being it would have ruined my fun.”

  “Your sources?”

  “Suck enough dicks promising them unlimited power, and men become nothing but bitches. What do you think I was doing there? Running that worthless store so you could all get paid? Or sitting on the council listening to the self-absorbed pricks? I was building alliances for this kingdom. I fucked so many cocks, Aria, pretending to love all of them. They’re weak creatures, grown lazy in their leisure in the new realm. Garrett proved that when he grew jealous that they touched my flesh. He broke their necks, and I made it look like a sacrifice to the gods. Even poor Jasper couldn’t escape his fate from my husband. I watched you, you know? I watched you sitting on the balcony, crying because you missed me. You never realized that everything I did, I did for myself. I hated you from the moment I discovered you had taken everything from me. I could have been powerful, and yet I am not. What I lack in magic, I make up for in intelligence. I guess I took yours, because you covered for me perfectly nearly every time I got in trouble, but then you refused to continue, and I hated you even more.”

  “That’s called selfish, and you’re a bitch,” I growled as I was pulled out of the cell by force and stood before her.

  “It’s called self-preservation, Aria. That realm is about to become the hunting ground for this kingdom, and we will grow much more powerful than any other kingdom in the Nine Realms. The Kingdom of Unwanted Beasts will rule them all.”

  “God damn, I really wish mom would have swallowed you.” I watched the anger igniting in her eyes and smiled. “You can throw me to the wolves…or, in this case, whatever the hell they are, but I won’t fall, and I won’t break. You will, though, Amara, that much I promise you.”

  “I’m glad she didn’t, or I’d never have met Garrett and become his princess. I will be queen here one day, and I will ensure that it is prosperous.”

  “Who the hell are you, Amara?” I demanded.

  “The same little girl who slept in your bed and slowly made you think you were going insane with nightmares. The noises that kept you up as you feared our mother returning, that was me too.”

  “You’re sick. I held your secrets, and you held mine.”

  “Careful who you let in, Aria,” she smirked as she started walking away. “Most of us just want to destroy you.”

  “Wow, could have used that advice in the womb,” I snorted, wincing as the guard grabbed my wrist, pulling me away from her. “Bye, sis! So glad to see you again, chat later?” Bitch.

  The room we entered was large and already filled with people. They drank from expensive champagne flutes while dressed in silk pants and matching tops of every hue of the rainbow. There were creatures from different realms, or what I assumed was different since this was the Kingdom of Unwanted Beasts, and most unwanted creatures were sent here.

  I was placed in handcuffs, the
n watched as they attached the cuffs to a hook that had been lowered from the ceiling. I was raised up on a hook, and a light was shone onto me, causing the glitter to sparkle in the burning heat of the room. People turned around, staring at me as I hung like a slab of meat on a butcher hook.

  The Minotaur King turned, rubbing his hooved hand over his mouth before nodding. I swallowed bile as he shook his hooves into hands, clapping loudly at the assembly, stopping their endless chatter.

  “Tonight is a time of celebration and new alliances. My daughter-in-law, Amara Hecate, has brought me a gift: her own sister, Aria Primrose Hecate,” he exclaimed, and the crowd clapped before he held up his hand for silence. “The High King and the King of Norvalla have both decided to join us tonight, let us welcome them to a new era. Norvalla is here to sign the papers of a new, stronger alliance for our people than we’ve ever secured before today. The High King is here to witness the signing of the alliance between our two kingdoms, how fortunate that it comes at a time during great revelry. Are you ready to celebrate with me?”

  The crowd cheered as a male in armor stepped out from the protection of his guards. He was huge, his armor as black as midnight with something etched into the chest plate. His crown was etched in firestones, sparkling as the light caught them. The mask he wore was created from a skull, held together with a silver material that made it look evil and deadly. His boots clicked across the floor as he moved, following the Minotaur King until they both stood before me.

  The Minotaur King grabbed my foot, staring up at me before turning to who I assumed was the King of Norvalla. He peered up at me through black eyes, and I looked away from him. Someone else stepped into the room, causing the crowd to go silent, but I couldn’t see him since he was hidden by guards in armor that looked as if it was crafted from scales.

  “She will break so beautifully, don’t you agree?” The Minotaur King asked.

  “I heard you made a woman’s entrails come out her mouth one time, is it true?” The King of Norvalla asked, ignoring Gerald’s question.

  “Yes, but she was a mere child. Seventeen, I think. I had captured her along with her mother, so I let her mother watch me with her daughter, and then I played with her, too,” he chuckled as I gagged. “Will you scream for me, pretty witch?”

  “Maybe as I remove your fucking head,” I preened, watching his eyes narrow as he pulled on my leg, forcing my arms to burn, but I never screamed for him.

  “Play tough while you can, but no woman can handle me for long, no matter how strong they think they are. They all break for me.”

  The sound of metal clinking against glass drew his attention. Amara stood, preening beneath the attention of the crowd as she pointed at me with a beaming smile on her black lips. “I give you my sister, Aria Primrose Hecate. She’s a pureblood Hecate witch, and a virgin one at that, which, as you all know, is unheard of in our line. This is my gift to you, Sire. My own twin sister for you to play with, which I pray you do so violently, my king. It is a symbol of my devotion to you, and my new life here. I hope you enjoy her.”

  “Choke on a dick, you evil bitch,” I screamed, but the words were drowned it out by the crowd clapping for Amara.

  “Would you like to join me in raping her?” Gerald casually asked the King of Norvalla.

  “She is a gift; you should enjoy her on your own.”

  “Fine, but I insist you try out my new daughter-in-law before you go. She’s a gluttonous whore who enjoys pain. Amara dreams of being queen, but Garrett doesn’t have the heart to tell her my reign only started ten years ago.” He began stripping, and my eyes dipped to the mutilated organ that was knotted and deformed. He shed his clothes onto the floor, and I closed my eyes, praying to the beast within me to get the fuck with the program.

  He reached up to touch me, and flames leapt over my flesh. I peered up at my hands as he growled and shouted at Amara, who apologized profusely. Metal dripped down my arms as I watched him backing up, gaping as he watched the flames consuming me. The moment I was free, I jumped into the air, feeling my fangs and claws extending. I landed on his shoulders, ripping through his throat with my claws and severing his head before pulling it from his shoulders, smiling when his spinal cord came along with it.

  The entire assembly was silent for seconds before total chaos ensued. Guards in matching armor swarmed around the King of Norvalla, while I turned my head, staring at him to see if he would move against me. Amara’s screams ripped through the crowd as Garrett called for her from across the room. I looked between them, knowing I couldn’t kill them both. I moved toward Amara with purpose, turning to miss people that jumped out of my way. Launching myself into the air, I landed on her, using my claws to pin her to the ground.

  “Told you, bitch.” I pushed my nails into her abdomen, slowly cutting my way through her stomach. She screamed in excruciating pain as I meticulously ripped her apart.

  “I’m your sister!” Amara cried.

  “No, my sister is dead, I know, because I’m about to remove her fucking head,” I smiled coldly, slashing through her until her screams turned wet, and blood dripped from her mouth. “You earned this; blood of my blood, I banish you to the Void of Nothingness,” I whispered, drawing my nails down her legs until I flayed them open. “I grant you eternal pain for what you have allowed to happen to those innocent women you gave to that monster.”

  “Aria,” she sobbed, so I smiled down at her coldly as her blood coated my hands.

  “Oh, calm your tits, don’t lose your head over it, Amara.” I lifted her by the hair as I severed her head from her shoulders. “Oops, you always were a drama queen.” I stood, watching the wall of guards that were slowly approaching me.

  I ran in the direction of the hallway, dripping flames as I went. People who rushed down the halls caught fire as I passed. They wailed as their silk turned into a weapon, and they cried as the flames licked their flesh. I could feel the drugs starting to enter my system and heard guards issuing orders behind me.

  Turning a corner, I slammed into a body and bounced back, holding on to my sister’s head, amazed that it hadn’t turned to ash by now. Turned out, Amara was immune to my flames, not that it mattered now. Dismissing the thought, I jumped back to my feet and stared at the male who leaned against the wall.

  “Took you fucking long enough,” Lore snorted. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “My sister…Well, I took her head because she was…” I said, stuttering as I began swaying on my feet.

  “Was a sadistic bitch that enjoyed watching women being raped and slaughtered? Yeah, we figured that out soon after they took you.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “Someone had to rescue you,” he chuckled as feet sounded down the hallway. He pushed me into a room and bolted the door, staring at the couple who watched us inside the room. “That’s a problem.” He withdrew a sword and sliced through the male as the woman screamed. The doors shook, indicating the guards heard it, and I turned to look at the door before looking back as Lore severed the man’s head, and then the woman’s. He moved to the window, peering down and whistling. “Tell me you’re not afraid of heights?”

  “I’m not afraid of heights.” I moved to where he stood, peering down at the drop to the next tier. “That’s not realistically possible.”

  “Oh, it’s possible. It’s also our only way out at the moment,” he exclaimed as more guards started beating against the barred door. “I’m going to step out, and you’re going to climb on my back, understood?”

  “What if you drop me?”

  He smirked, staring at me as if I was cute for asking such a thing. “I will not drop you.”

  Lore climbed out, bracing his hands on the stone slabs etched with runes. At least Amara hadn’t lied about that part. Once he was securely holding on, I climbed up and exhaled slowly before slipping onto his back. His armor bit into my flesh, and the sword on his hip was luckily secured in a leather sheath. We both looked into the room as the door ga
ve way, and guards began rushing in. Lore released his hand, and we started falling. I screamed, and I hugged him tightly as he searched for another window to grab. When he found one, we jerked to a stop, and I slid, holding onto him even tighter.

  “Aria, I cannot breathe. I’m all about you climbing on me, or holding on, but I can’t save us if I can’t get air into my fucking lungs.”

  “Sorry,” I whispered as my heart pounded, and my body trembled. He dropped again, and this time, I somehow managed not to scream as his feet hit stone, and we started sliding.

  Lore gripped onto the stone roof and slowed us, but it wasn’t enough to keep us from going over. His hand caught the rough edge, and I slipped, crying out as his other hand grabbed mine. I stared into amber eyes and held my breath, even though my mouth was wide open.

  “Climb up,” he ordered.

  “I can’t.” I watched him turning into multiple people as the drugs grasped hold of me. “The drugs!”

  “What fucking drugs?”

  “They gave me something in a shot.” I stared at the sky, refusing to look down.

  “I’m going to swing you to the next roof, and then I want you to jump down two more. You understand?”

  “You’re going to throw me?” I hadn’t heard a single thing he’d said after swing.

  “Yes, and you will get to the lowest level and jump into the moat, Brander is waiting down there in case shit went south; it’s way south, glitter tits. You understand, lowest level? Jump into the moat on the east side, and he will get you to the woods. We’ll meet you there. I have to go back and murder the guards who saw my face.”

  “Lore!” I screamed as he sent me sailing through the air.

  I landed hard, scratching my hands on the stone as I struggled to hold on to anything. I fought to hold on to the roof, but my claws refused to obey me as the drugs dug deeper, making the world spin around me. I dropped to the battlement and turned mid-air, falling on my ass before getting back onto my feet, swaying, watching as the guards who paused looked up the way I’d just come from.


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