Home > Other > INTERLUDE II > Page 5

by Stone Richards

  “Come with me. I must have you.”

  All sense of reason took flight from his mind. He grasped Ray’s hand and pushed his way through the crowd en route to the bathroom. He had only one thought in mind—he was going to have sex with Ray.

  The men’s restroom was a dingy room with a row of stalls along one wall, a row of urinals on the adjacent, flanked by a wide mirror and twin sinks. Graffiti was scrawled across the walls. The stench of urine and semen was strong and assaulting.

  He pushed Ray into one of the stalls and began pulling at his shirt, releasing it from the waistband of his jeans. Bronzed flesh appeared and he ran his hands across the enticing contours, pulling in a quick breath at the warm feel of his skin beneath his palms. His fingers lowered to the snap on Ray’s jeans and released it, then slid his zipper down.

  “I’ve dreamed about you.”

  In a second he was holding Ray’s hard prick in his palm, stroking it with his fingers, gasping at the sheer thought of feeling it inside him. He shuddered and released his fly, freeing his own rock-hard rod. He grasped its hairy base and pushed it against Ray’s erection, reveling in the hot feel of him.

  “And I wondered why you broke our date.” He ran his hands over Dan’s erection, and then teased the bulbous head with one fingertip.

  Ray’s hands were gentle, stroking just firm enough to bring moans of delight from Dan’s lips. He pushed his hard shaft into his grasp, needing release, yet not wanting to hurry the outcome.

  “Take down your jeans.” His voice trembled. Sweat stood in tiny beads on his forehead. “For God’s sake—I need to have sex with you.” For a moment he envisioned himself begging Ray to oblige his sexual needs. A pulsing throb, as hot as a volcano, gripped his senses.

  He watched with eager anticipation as Ray stripped his jeans down the length of his powerful thighs. He reached out and caressed his naked body, roaming his hands across his bare buttocks and the hair-roughened length of his powerful thighs. The feel of warm male flesh beneath his palms brought a battery of untold emotions spilling from his body. He pulled Ray against his body suddenly, pressing his mouth against his in a heated kiss that belied every unspoken desire streaming through his body.

  The allure of hot male flesh pressing against his drove all notion of sanity from his mind. He had come to find Ray—to be with him and now that he was in his midst—he intended to have him. The need to join his body with Ray’s was paramount in his mind.

  He stroked his hands along his chest, traveling along his trim waist to his side, then his back and his naked buttock. He spread his fingers and felt the smooth skin of Ray’s ass cheek, sucking in a quick breath as Ray leaned into his body, pressing hot and firm. He felt his hands exploring the rise of his hip, lowering onto his buttock. He shivered in anticipation.

  His chest heaved with his rapid breathing. His tongue poked into Ray’s mouth, tasting, tangling erotically with his tongue in a sensual dance of promises to come. He moaned deep in his throat.

  Why did I stay away so long?

  The heat of his body engulfed him, sent his senses soaring in lofty abandon. He pressed him back against the toilet stall and brought his hand to his crotch, grasping Ray’s hard shaft. He fondled and stroked, pumped and massaged until Ray pushed out of his embrace and bent over at the waist, turning his ass to Dan.

  “Take me, for God’s sake! I know you’re wanting to!”

  A shiver of unadulterated lust shook Dan’s body. He felt sweat pop out on his naked chest and back, felt his balls tighten in prelude to climax. He grasped Ray’s naked ass and pushed apart his butt cheeks in search of his rear orifice. He sucked in a quick breath as Ray pressed back against his crotch, urging him on.

  “Don’t hurt me.”

  A high-pitched giggle leapt from Dan’s mouth. He had almost forgotten their first encounter—his virginal mating with Ray. He leaned down and licked Ray’s round orifice, wetting the place of entry and bringing an audible sigh from Ray.

  “Your tongue feels good.”

  Dan was suddenly overcome with the urge to pleasure Ray. He licked his orifice again, stroking it lightly with his tongue while he delved his fingers between Ray’s legs, tracing lightly around his hairy balls with his fingertips. Ray moaned and spread his legs, inching his jeans down around his ankles. He braced his upper body on the wall of the stall and pressed his ass into Dan’s face.

  “Let’s go back to my place,” Dan said, his senses taking flight. “Let’s go back to my place and fuck all night.”

  Ray sighed and glanced over his shoulder at Dan. “You came here to fuck me—“

  “You’re delicious to sample—very pleasing to my tongue.”

  He felt his reserve waning—he grasped his cock in his right hand and pressed its round head against Ray’s wet opening. He gave a hefty shove and felt his prick sink into Ray’s hot core. He began to pump, rising up on tiptoe to get better leverage.

  I want him in bed!

  He pushed all the way inside Ray’s orifice, reveling in the hot feel of Ray’s body surrounding his hard cock. He paused and savored the feeling, grinding his crotch against his bare ass cheeks. He dug his fingers into the rounded flesh surrounding Ray’s orifice and began to pump his hips, pushing inside, pulling back, lunging in again, pushing deeper and deeper into Ray’s hot insides.

  He felt the hand at his balls and shivered. Caressing fingers tweaked and stroked, fondled and rubbed. He pumped quicker, feeling the first tingling sensations of orgasm gathering in his balls. He pulled in a deep breath and pushed Ray against the toilet stall, ramming harder into his body with his hot prick.

  The orgasm crashed through his insides, bringing a loud bellow of joy from his mouth as he savored the spiraling sensations racing along his limbs. His balls knotted, his muscles tensed. He clenched, tightening the muscles of his buttocks as the orgasm came full bloom within him.

  He listened to his own panting breaths, felt sweat stream down his naked chest, could hear his own heart beating wildly in his ears. He didn’t want it to end—didn’t want to pull out of Ray’s sweet ass. He moved his hips slowly, milking his shaft of every last drop of semen.

  “Come home with me.”

  Ray pulled his hand from between Dan’s legs and straightened, making Dan pull out of his orifice. He turned to face him. He stroked Dan’s chest with one hand, then leaned his chest against his, making their male nipples touch.

  “Will you make me a promise?” He leaned forward and kissed Dan’s lips, licking his tongue along his bottom lip before withdrawing. “If I come home with you—will you promise me you won’t deny our attraction ever again?”

  Dan felt the sting of Ray’s words. They were true. He had found him—and then denied him.

  “Yes.” He nodded his head as his hands found their way down Ray’s muscled chest. He grasped his hard cock. It felt so good to wrap his fingers around it—to feel it thrust against his palm. He needed him—he needed him to be with him forever.

  “Move in with me.” He blurted out the suggestion, staring at Ray through the dim light of the bathroom. “Move in with me and we’ll never be apart again.”

  “Do you love me, Dan?”

  “I think I might, Ray. I—“

  Ray placed a fingertip across Dan’s lips, silencing him. “I’ll come home with you—and we’ll make love—wild, crazy love. And we’ll see…we’ll see.” He inched his lips closer to Dan’s, smiling slightly as he pressed his mouth to his in a kiss that held a promise of togetherness.


  The old town looked the same—if you didn’t count the new Main Street

  slicing right through the middle of what used to be Henry Dowd’s cornfield. Billy Montgomery steered his sleek Cadillac through the avenue, marveling at the number of storefronts situated along the sidewalk. He raised both eyebrows in surprise.

  Damn! Somerset had evolved into the twenty-first century after all.

  Probably did it kicking and screaming though.
  He laughed and shook his head. The mop of blond curls spilled about his broad shoulders and flopped across his forehead. He swept the tresses away, brushing one hand across his face as he spotted a familiar sight coming out of the post office.

  Marvin Crump. I’ll be damn.

  He pulled the Caddy to the curb and pressed the chrome button to slide the window down.

  “Hey, Mar!”

  The tall man just stepping to the sidewalk paused and looked in Billy’s direction.

  “I thought you’d be long gone from this hick town!” Billy yelled, humor in his tone.

  Mar grinned and headed down the sidewalk. Billy watched him walk, a long forgotten note of sexual lust rising within him. Mar had been his first sexual experience—one he’d never forgotten and one he’d measured all the others by. He watched Mar’s hips swing as he came toward him. He could almost remember the feel of his hard cock against his palm. He stifled a shiver of longing as Mar drew near the car.

  “Get in.”

  Mar came around to the passenger side of the expensive car, admiring it as he rounded the front end and reached for the door handle.

  “Damn, Billy! Did you win the lottery?”

  Mar folded his tall, lean form into the plush camel tan leather seat and fixed his hazel brown eyes on Billy’s tanned face. He smiled slowly, displaying a row of beautiful white teeth.

  “Life’s been good to me, Mar. How have you been?”

  Mar shrugged his broad shoulders and gave a brief shake of his head. “All right, I guess.” He swiveled in the seat, leaning his back against the door. “I never thought I’d see you again. What brings you back this way?”

  Billy studied his old friend for a moment. He had aged a little; his body was a bit heavier. His eyes traveled across Mar’s chest and lingered on his crotch. A quiver of desire began in the pit of his stomach and spiraled out along his limbs. He jerked his eyes upward, only to lock gazes with Mar. His cheeks flamed suddenly.

  Mar laughed out loud. “Didn’t you find true love in the big city?”

  Billy shook his head. “You’re hard to forget, Mar. I swear.”

  Mar drew in a long breath and adjusted his body in the leather seat. He stretched one long arm across the back of the bucket seat and clasped Billy’s shoulder. “I haven’t forgotten you either.”

  Billy smiled and reached one hand to Mar’s leg, patting him on the knee. “So, what are you doing these days?”

  “I own the newspaper.”

  Shock filtered through Billy’s well-muscled body.

  “Did you come home for a job?”

  “As a matter of fact, I did.” He eyed Mar. His old friend was smiling at him like the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland.


  There was a curious tone to Mar’s voice and Billy cocked an eyebrow in speculation. His vast background of news reporting had enhanced his people skills considerably.

  Mar laughed out loud. “You want to work for me?” He slapped Billy on the shoulder. “You want me to be your boss?”

  Billy grinned and shook his head. Once, a million years ago, it seemed, he and Mar had been bosom buddies. They were in the same graduating class in high school, left for college on the same day, spent their final evening together drinking beer and having sex. Had Mar changed so much in fifteen years?

  “Well,” Billy began, his words coming slowly as he eyed Mar. “I thought I’d return to the old home town and settle in. You know—buy me a house and—“

  “Raise a family?” Mar cut him off.

  Billy shook his head. “Not exactly.” He aimed a teasing smile at Mar. “I came back in the hopes that you might be—you know—still unattached.”

  Their eyes met, held, spoke untold musings of sexual innuendos.

  The air in the car seemed to grow stifling hot. Billy slid the window open, hoping to let in a little springtime breeze—and to break the spell he seemed to have fallen under just looking into Mar’s brown eyes. His insides were feeling as though he had eaten something that didn’t agree with him. His heart hammered against his ribs.

  “Let’s go to my house and talk.”

  Billy jerked his head around staring at the side of Mar’s handsome chiseled face. He was buckling his seat belt in preparation of Billy taking him up on his offer.

  Billy started the car and pulled away from the curb. He wondered if he should bother asking Mar if he still lived in the same old neighborhood—or just drive over to Elm and Third.

  “I live outside of town now. In Somerset Hills subdivision. Go north on Main until you get into the city limits.”

  He settled into the seat and turned his eyes out the side window. Billy drove and tried to settle his raging hormones. If there was one thing he’d planned on when he decided to return to Somerset, it was having sex with Mar. But could it be like old times—since Mar was the owner of the newspaper he hoped to find employment with?

  Billy slid his gaze across the bucket seats to Mar. He was sitting with his legs spread, one hand lying in his lap.

  And a bulge in his crotch!

  Mar had a hard-on!

  Billy jerked his gaze back to the road just in time to see the sign denoting the subdivision. He turned through the massive stone pillars onto a wide concrete roadway. Large sprawling homes were situated on either side of the curving road with lush green lawns spanning the distance between house and street.

  “Down at the end of the street.”

  Billy drove on, until he came to the last house on the road and pulled into the driveway. A towering red brick house stood at the end of the drive, flanked by evergreens and decorative window trims. A massive oak door with glazed windows beckoned at the front porch.

  There has to be a woman here—this house just screams ‘female’.

  Billy felt his hopes flag. Mar hadn’t mentioned a wife—but there had to be. What guy in his right mind would live in a house this size without benefit of wife and kids?


  Mar opened the car door and levered his tall form out. Billy followed him across the concrete drive and onto the small front porch. A concrete statue of a cherub perched on the edge of a fountain sat beside the massive front door.

  Oh yeah. There’s a woman inside.

  He followed Mar though the front door, across a polished hardwood floor into a lavishly decorated living room. He couldn’t hide his surprise as he gawked around in wonder.

  “Would you like a drink?” Mar asked as he left the room.

  “Anything will be fine,” Billy called after him.

  He took a seat on a brocade couch and surveyed the impressive surroundings. Mar had done all right for himself—or so it appeared. He looked for signs of a woman, or children, his gaze taking in the polished furniture and exquisite décor. Despite his keen ability to spot the extraordinary, he couldn’t find one thing that gave him the impression there was a woman on the premises.

  “I live here alone.” Mar grinned.

  Billy’s face turned beet red.

  Billy accepted the glass of wine Mar handed him and took a sip. Relief flooded his body as he digested Mar’s answer to his unspoken question. Mar settled in a chair across the room from Billy, his eyes pinned on his face.

  “I’ve thought about you for years, Billy. Thought about the way we used to fuck and the fun we had.” He heaved a big sigh and took a gulp of his wine. “I kept thinking you’d come back to Somerset and we could pick up where we left off—“

  Billy levered himself off the couch and hurried over to Mar. His old friend was speaking the words he had hoped to hear. He perched on the arm of Mar’s chair, his hand resting on his friend’s shoulder.

  “You’re the reason I never married, Mar. I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind.”

  Mar sat his glass aside and pulled his shirt over his head, baring his chest. He stood up and unzipped his pants, pushing them down the length of his long legs.

  “Take your clothes off, Billy.” He pulled
in a long breath and cupped his erection. “Can’t you see I’m ready to have sex? If you want it to be the way it used to be between us, you have to show me. You have to show me!”

  Billy heard the concern in Mar’s voice. He stood and removed his clothes, tossing them on the chair. Soon, he stood naked in front of Mar, his cock engorged with semen. He reached out and wrapped his fingers around Mar’s hard cock, making him suck in a quick breath.

  “Where’s the bedroom?”

  “Bedroom? Hell, we’re going to fuck right here—right here in the living room, Billy—just like we fucked the last time we were together. Don’t you remember?”

  “Remember? Hell I can’t get the memory out of my mind, Mar. You were bent over the arm of the couch and I was jabbing it to you. You were squealing like a girl and—“

  “—And you were humping my ass for all it was worth. I remember!” He rushed over to the couch and bent his upper body across the arm. Pulling his ass cheeks apart with his hands, he beckoned to Billy with a wink. “Come and get it, Billy. Come and fuck me real good—for old times’ sake.”

  A quiver of relief snaked through Billy’s insides as he grasped his cock in his right hand and stepped between Mar’s splayed legs. He felt all a quiver inside and for the life of him, he had never wanted anything more than he wanted Mar right that very minute.

  He aimed his cockhead at Mar’s round orifice and pushed inside, giving Mar a real good lunge against the couch arm. Mar grunted and braced his feet apart on the hardwood floor as Billy drove into him. The couch legs squeaked on the polished surface as Billy began moving and Mar grasped the couch cushions in an effort to steady himself.

  Billy rammed his cock inside Mar’s ass while he gripped his rounded buttocks in either hand. The heat of Mar’s orifice engulfed his prick, surrounding it with delightful heat and a tight sheath. He pushed in, and then pulled back, only to repeat the act until his balls knotted in anticipation of the climax bearing down on him.


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