Breaking Free (Second Chances Book 4)

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Breaking Free (Second Chances Book 4) Page 10

by Megs Pritchard

  Luke glanced down at the cup in his hands and watched the liquid move within it. He was only twenty-two, but some days he felt so much older. He would look around at the other students, those who were younger than him and those older, and wonder what had happened in their lives. Some of the other students seemed so innocent, and at times, Luke was envious. His innocence had been taken away a long time ago.

  But it was those events in his past that had led him to where he was now. So, even though those years in foster care and the two years he'd spent on the streets with Matt selling his body had been painful, they had all led to something good and positive in his life. Luke was doing a degree he never expected he'd be able to do. He had great friends, a family, and now it looked like he might be dating a man, something he never thought he would do.

  He'd sworn off men. He was never letting one near him again, but Krish had somehow managed to break down his barriers. He'd even taken on the fact that Luke had told him that he might never be able to suck him off.

  Luke chuckled quietly to himself. It seemed that Krish wanted to be dominated and Luke was more than happy to do that for him.

  "Are you okay?" Seb asked, frowning over at him.

  Luke smiled again. "I was just thinking about Krish."

  "Are we going to meet him, then?"

  Luke groaned glancing over at Tom. "Don't do the Dad act on him, please. He's a nice guy, and he's not bothered about my past. That has to mean something, doesn't it?"

  "Course it does. Doesn't mean I can't ask any questions, though." Tom grunted.

  The doorbell rang, and Luke stood. "Please," he begged. "Be nice to him."

  Tom grunted again. "As long as he treats you right, I'll be nice."

  Luke rolled his eyes. "Gee, thanks, Dad."

  As he walked out the room, he heard Seb laughing behind him, and he smiled to himself. He stopped by the front door and wiped his clammy hands on his jeans. His stomach felt like butterflies lived in it, and he bit his lip, bouncing on the soles of his feet.

  Taking a few deep breaths, he reached forward and opened the door.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Krish sucked in a breath when he saw Luke stood by the open door. Fuck, he looked gorgeous. Wearing a black shirt and tight black jeans, the colours highlighted his pale skin, bright blue eyes and curly blond hair.

  Krish swallowed hard and his dick hardened in his jeans, begging to be released. At that moment, the last thing he wanted to do was go out for a meal. He wanted to take Luke back to his bedroom and have him fuck him as hard as he could. He could feel his hole twitch with anticipation of Luke's dick filling it.

  Luke's smile widened like he knew what Krish was thinking. Krish eventually coughed, trying to clear his throat. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and took a step back. "Are you ready to go?"

  "Almost," Luke answered. He held the door open and turned sideways, nodding his head. "Do you want to come in?"

  Krish nodded and stepped in, waiting for Luke close the door behind him.

  "It's just this way," Luke led him into the living room where he found two men sat on the sofa close together.

  One blond-haired man frowned when he saw him, looking him up and down, and the other with dark hair smiled up at him. "Hi, you must be Krish. I'm Seb, and this is my partner, Tom." Seb glanced over at Tom and saw the expression on his face. "Ignore him. He's like this when he first meets people he doesn't know."

  "Yeah, my nickname for him is Dad," Luke smirked at Tom, who now crossed his arms over his chest sticking his bottom lip out.

  "I just want to make sure you're okay."

  "And I'm grateful for it." Glancing at Krish, Luke said, "Just give me a minute to grab my wallet, and we'll be ready to go."


  Luke left the room, and Krish stood there. He could see both Tom and Seb glancing at him from the corner of his eye. He shoved his hands in his jean pockets. "So, what do you two do?" Could he think of a worse question to ask?

  Seb chuckled. "We're not that bad. Sit down and relax." Once Krish sat down, Seb asked, "Where you two going tonight? Anywhere special?"

  Krish shrugged. "I thought we'd go out for a meal and then we can go for a drink after."

  Tom leaned forward. "So, how long have you known Luke for?"

  Seb glanced over his shoulder, frowning at Tom. "Luke's right with the nickname, Dad."

  Tom shrugged. "So? I just want to make sure he's not out to hurt Luke."

  "I'm not." Krish sighed, eyes dancing around the room. He'd only just met these two and had a feeling that he had to be open with them both. "I like Luke. I have for some time, but he was in a relationship, and I didn't think he liked men, so I never thought of asking."

  Tom stared intently for several seconds before finally nodding. "Just as long as you know that if you hurt Luke, I will find you, and I will damage you."

  "For fuck's sake, Tom! You can't go around threatening people."

  Tom sat back, folding arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow at Seb. "Can't I?"

  "He's not even been in the house five minutes!"

  Krish suddenly found the situation funny. It was obvious both of them cared deeply about Luke, and both knew what Luke had experienced on the streets. It was nice, if unwarranted. "I promise not to hurt Luke. I waited until I was sure and then I asked him out. And let's be honest, he's had an awful time recently."

  "That bitch," Tom muttered darkly, a frown on his face. "If I ever see her, I'm gonna give her piece of my mind. I've never wanted to smack a woman before, but trust me, I've come close to it several times with her."

  "Yeah, she's not exactly been nice, has she?" Seb said, glancing over at Krish.

  "Yes, I've witnessed it a couple of times now. I can't understand why she just won't move on? She appears to be seeing someone else, but for some reason, she just won't leave Luke alone." Krish shrugged. He thought about the situation a few times, and even now he still couldn't understand why Sarah appeared to be hounding Luke. Following him to places she would never normally go. Maybe now he'd cut down all his social media interaction, that was the only way she could get to him.

  "She's a bitch," Tom muttered.

  At that moment, Luke entered the room, and Krish felt his heart pound in his chest. He looked him up and down, sweat breaking out over his skin, and he swallowed hard. His dick, which hadn't really gone down, swelled back up and was rock solid in his jeans, rubbing painfully against the zip.

  What Krish wanted to do was to ravish every inch of Luke's body and then lie down and watch and feel as Luke took ownership of his.

  Standing, Krish attempted to discreetly move his dick into a more comfortable position. Glancing over at Tom and Seb, he saw Tom smirk at him.

  Feeling his face flush, Krish smiled at both Tom and Seb. "It was nice to meet you."

  Seb laughed, standing up, holding his hand out. "Are you sure about that?"

  Krish shook his hand. "I've had worse."

  Seb laughed again. "I'm sure you have." Releasing Krish's hand, Seb said, "Have a good night and try the Italian down the road if you haven't already booked in somewhere."

  "We'll try it. I'll see you both later." Luke grabbed Krish's hand and led him from the living room.

  As they left, Krish heard Tom shout, "I hope you have a condom and lube!"

  Krish chuckled as Luke groaned. "I'm so sorry. It's like meeting the parents!"

  "They care, and that's what counts. Take me to this Italian then."

  Luke's answering smile was worth the semi-interrogation and threats Krish had faced.


  The Italian was busy, and they had to wait for a table to become free. They sat at the bar with a glass of wine and talked about the people on the course. Krish found Luke to be insightful, sensitive, and caring. He didn't have many friends, but the friends he did have, he'd formed close relationships. Jack and Toby seem to be his closest friends on the course. Two people who he spent most of his time wi
th. From his description, Toby seemed more laid-back. Jack was more in your face. Luke had also told him that Jack was attracted to Otis, and Krish knew who Otis was and had to agree. Otis was very attractive. And he had seen Otis looking at someone, and now that he knew who that someone was, he smiled to himself. Krish was under no illusions that if Jack did ask Otis out, the answer would be yes. The looks Krish had seen Otis give Jack. Wow, hot.

  When the waitress came over and advised them that their table was free, both picked up their glasses of wine and followed her. There were a couple of glances thrown their way, but on the whole, most people ignored the fact that two men had come to a restaurant for a meal together. Times were changing, and Krish was glad.

  Maybe even a few years ago, two men having a meal together would have been met with hostility in certain areas, but now things were different.

  They both sat and ordered another glass of wine while Krish picked up the menus and passed one to Luke before glancing over his own. It had been a long time since Krish had asked a man out on the date.

  He dropped the menu on the table and wiped his suddenly clammy hands on his jeans. His stomach rolled, and he took a couple of deep breaths, trying to calm himself. He wanted the night to go well. He liked Luke and enjoyed spending time with him. When they weren't together, Krish found himself thinking of Luke and looking forward to when he could see him again. Luke dominated his thoughts, and at times, Krish had found it difficult to turn attention to something else. He'd lost count of the number of times he'd come fantasising about Luke and what Luke would do to his body. Krish shook his head slightly.

  They both ordered, spaghetti Bolognaise for Luke and the calzone for Krish. The time passed quickly, conversation flowing easily between them. The heated gazes were hard on Krish. He licked his lips, watching Luke's eyes drop to them for a moment before they flashed back up to his. His pupils were so dilated, the lust evident in his gaze. The flush across his pale skin highlighted his sharp cheekbones, and Krish struggled to breathe.

  Even though he was enjoying their meal together, he wanted nothing more than to be back to his bedroom with Luke and let Luke do whatever he wanted to his body.

  Every one of his previous partners had assumed that Krish was the top. He was tall and broad and was in control, and that naturally led them to that assumption. Krish only wanted to bottom. To have someone take control of him, to do with them what they wanted. To own him. He wanted to feel someone pounding into him, holding him down.

  The fact that Luke was a top was everything Krish wanted. The man was gorgeous, intelligent and funny. Krish had no problem handing control of his body over to Luke. He wanted Luke to have control, needed Luke to have control.

  He reached for his glass of wine and paused, noting his handshake. He clenched it into a fist, breathing deeply, and closed his eyes.

  His eyes shot open when he felt Luke's foot rub against his calf and his gaze snapped to Luke's.

  Luke was biting his lip, messing with the cutlery on his empty plate. "Are you ready to go?"

  Krish swallowed hard, nodding quickly. Oh yeah, he was so ready to go.

  They both looked around until he saw the waitress and Krish waved her over. He quickly paid for their meal, and within a few minutes, they were leaving the restaurant.

  Krish had only had a couple of glasses of wine, and even though he was fairly certain he wouldn't be over the drink-drive limit, he didn't want to take that chance, especially if Luke was in the car with him. He phoned for a taxi and was dismayed when the woman answering advised him that it was a forty-five-minute wait. He hung up and looked over at Luke.

  "It's a forty-five-minute wait for a taxi."

  "Are you over the limit?"

  "No. I've only had two glasses of wine so I should be fine."

  "So, why can't we go home in your car?"

  Luke frowned, tilting his head as he glanced at Krish.

  Krish shrugged. "Because you're going to be in my car."

  Luke's face broke out into a wide grin. "Taking care of me already?"

  Krish glanced down, feeling his face flush. He pushed his hands into his pockets and rocked on his feet. He glanced sideways at Luke, seeing the smile still on his face, and he shrugged.

  "It's nice, but I'd prefer you to drive." Krish looked up, raising his eyebrow. Luke stepped up close to him and placed his hand on his chest. Krish glanced down at his hand then back at Luke's face. "I want to go to yours. The sooner we get there, the better."

  Krish swallowed. Luke's lips were open, and he could feel small puffs of air on his chin. He stared into Luke's beautiful blue eyes and was held by them. Never before had Krish been so affected by someone.

  The hand on his chest gripped his shirt and pulled him forward. He dropped his head as Luke's inched up and their lips met briefly.

  As Luke leaned back, he whispered, "Yours?"

  Krish nodded quickly. "Yeah."

  Chapter Seventeen

  The door to Krish's bedroom banged open as Krish and Luke stumbled through, kissing frantically and pulling on each other's clothing. Krish kicked the door shut behind him and moved them towards the bed. Luke was busy undoing the buttons on his shirt, and Krish groaned when Luke took one of his nipples into his mouth, sucking hard.

  Krish tangled his fingers in Luke's hair, holding his head to his chest. The back of his legs hit the bed, and he fell backwards taking Luke with him, who never let go. Luke was moaning, rubbing his groin against Krish. Krish groaned as his balls tightened. If Luke carried on the way he was, Krish would be coming in his pants.

  Luke suddenly lifted his head and sat up, placing his knees on either side of Krish's hips. He undid a couple of buttons and pulled the shirt over his head. As Luke undressed, Krish also sat up and pulled his shirt free before reaching up and pulling Luke back down to him. Their lips met, mouths opening, teeth clashing as their tongues tangled together.

  The kiss was hard, dominant, possessive, and Krish gave himself over to Luke. Krish ran his hands down Luke's back until he gripped his arse, pulling the cheeks apart. He wanted them to be naked so we could feel all of Luke on top of him. Skin to skin was what Krish needed. He needed to have Luke on him, naked.

  Luke suddenly stood up and kicked his trainers off, pulling his pants and boxers down. When Krish realised that Luke was getting naked, he quickly followed. He struggled to undo the button on his jeans. Why now? He never had this problem before, so why now?

  He grunted in frustration, his hands gripping his jeans tightly. He took a deep breath and slowly popped the button through the hole and pulled down the zip. By the time he got his jeans and underwear off, Luke stood naked in front of him. Krish stopped. And stared.

  Luke was glorious in his nakedness. Not a mark on his skin. Beautiful, creamy and pale.

  Krish raised his hands and ran them along Luke's thighs, up over his hips, abdomen and then his chest. When he reached his nipples, Krish tweaked them with his fingers, listening to Luke hiss and watching his body jerk.

  He let go of Luke's nipples, and his hands moved back down his body, pausing at Luke's rock hard dick in front of his face. He licked his lips when he noticed a drop of pre-come bubble from the tip, then roll down the side.

  Krish glanced up at Luke, and seeing him nod, he leaned forward, licking up his shaft then sucking the head into his mouth.

  Luke's hands tangled in his hair and held his face to dick. Krish's dick pulsed with excitement. He loved the fact that Luke was controlling him.

  He opened his mouth wide and swallowed Luke whole. As he pulled off, he kept suction tight, hollowing his cheeks, listening to Luke moaning and whimpering above him. As he reached the head, he swirled his tongue around it, sucking the pre-come oozing steadily from it. He released it, watching Luke's dick bounce back onto his abdomen, and slowly raised his gaze up to Luke. When their eyes met, Krish gasped at the intensity of the stare. He licked his lips again and watched Luke watch the movement.

  Luke's hands ti
ghtened on his hair and pulled his head back, and Krish followed willingly. Luke bent over him, licked Krish's lips then leaned slightly back so that they could stare at each other.

  "Do you like it when I take control?"

  Krish nodded quickly. Fuck, yes, he loved when Luke took control of him. When Luke owned him.

  Luke broke the stare, released his hands from Krish's hair, and stepped back. Krish watched, frowning. He bit his lip. Why had Luke had stepped away? Was it too much now that Luke had witnessed it?

  He watched him take several deep breaths, his gaze anywhere but on him. Just when Krish thought that there was no chance of things continuing, Luke's eyes locked on his and there was such intensity in the gaze that Krish gasped. Heat and lust were clearly visible in Luke's eyes, but also determination, and Krish swallowed.

  "I want you in the middle of the bed on your back. Hands gripping the posts and keep them there. Limbs spread," Luke told him in a hard tone.

  Krish swallowed again and glanced down. His dick was so hard, so engorged, the head a deep purple colour. Pre-come oozed continuously, running down the side, and Krish clenched his hands into fists, taking several deep breaths, trying to calm himself. His balls pulled up tight, and he could feel a tingling around his groin. He was fairly sure if Luke ordered him to come, he would.

  He moved quickly, wanting to obey Luke and not disappoint him. He lay on his back in the centre of the bed his arms and legs spread staring up at the ceiling waiting for Luke's next command.

  Luke didn't move, and for a few seconds, Krish thought that he'd changed his mind. He knew this was a huge step for Luke, considering his past, and he watched Luke as he clenched and unclenched his fists. Krish could see the conflicting emotions cross Luke's face, and eventually, Krish decided that it didn't matter how much he wanted this, he wouldn't force Luke.

  Just as he was about to speak, Luke crawled onto the bed until he sat between Krish spread legs. "I've learnt a few things on the streets, and I know a submissive when I see one. The way you reacted" -- Luke shook his head -- "just then? I'm glad you are."


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