Captured: A Dark Vampire Motorcycle Club Paranormal Romance (Nightborne Renegades MC Book 1)

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Captured: A Dark Vampire Motorcycle Club Paranormal Romance (Nightborne Renegades MC Book 1) Page 4

by Imani L. Hawkins

  Chapter Six


  I’d stood in the entryway, trying to build the courage to come into Smoke’s office before I realized, if they were going to kill me, they’d kill me regardless of where I was. Refusing to meet with him would do me no good, neither would running which was clear by how easily Jon was able to track me down. No. I need to just get it over with and that was the thought that had me barreling into his office, flopping myself into a plush, black wingback chair seated before his desk, and tossing my legs up on the arm. May as well get comfortable for the news to come.

  Jon had told me enough about him I nearly knew what to expect, but I hadn’t expected my life to be in the hands of a man so strikingly handsome I was instantly disarmed. Like, damn, I get it. Most vampires were beautiful. It was the very thing that made them so lethal, their ability to attract and mesmerize their prey. It couldn’t be at all difficult to lure humans into their lair when most of the population would be throwing themselves at them, bending over backwards to be part of their company. That combined with their super speed and superhero strength, they were the deadliest creatures that ever walked the Earth. So, why, even knowing this, did my eyes light up at the look of him - the way his blonde hair was slicked away from a perfectly symmetrical face with a celestial nose and a mouth that had nothing but indecent thoughts going through my mind. Though his beauty held that dangerous edge to it, I still couldn’t help the tremor of excitement that crept into my chest.

  A bewildered look flashed in his eyes before being replaced with something near arrogance. Damn them and their heightened senses. I tried to look everywhere I could to keep myself from looking at him. My gaze slid from the large wooden desk, to the massive bookcase behind him. With the wood-paneled walls and linoleum floors, it certainly didn’t look like a vampire’s office. No. It reminded me of the office my guidance counselor used to use in high school, one I’d found myself in one too many times for poor grades and fights with other students who liked to pick on the homeless kid. A tinge of anger had me setting my jaw and meeting the vampire’s gaze head on.

  “If you’re going to kill me, you may as well get it over with. I’m not going to beg for my life.”

  It sounded convincing, even though I knew I’d probably end up begging before it was all over, but he didn’t need to know that. I slid myself down so that my back was up against the arm of the chair and my feet where dangling off the side. My last act of defiance or a pitiful display, I wasn’t sure but I’d hoped it would at least make him curious enough I could plead my case.

  “We’re not going to kill you, Davina,” he said, my name gliding off his tongue like a gentle caress.

  Just my name on his lips was doing odd things to me, and I found myself tensing up with equal parts terror and lust. Something was definitely wrong with me.

  “Ok, so you’re thinking about making a meal out of me?”

  His brow lifted. “Would you like me to?”

  The implication of his tone was obvious. He was toying with me, enjoying his little game of cat and mouse with me being the mouse. Only this mouse had every intention of fighting back, no matter how futile those actions might be.

  Releasing an exaggerated breath, I shrugged my shoulders as best I could, given my position in the chair. “Can I have a few days to think about it? As interesting as that sounds, a girl needs to weigh all her options.”

  He laughed at that. It was a rich, hearty sound that filled the small space. “I was right. You’d fit in perfectly.

  Horror gripped me at those words. Where once I’d thought the worst they could do was kill me, I hadn’t considered they’d turn me and the thought terrified me. I swung my legs to the front of the seat, straightening my posture as my hands gripped the arms of the chair. I could feel a lump growing in my throat that remained there no matter how hard I tried to swallow it down.

  “If you’re suggesting…” I began, but panic raced through me so violently I couldn’t get the words out. Not that it mattered. If they’d intended to turn me, there was nothing I could do or say to stop them, and for the first time in forever, I felt like I was no longer in control of myself.

  Concern creased his brow as he regarded me, perhaps trying to figure out why I’d reacted so badly to his words. Maybe he figured I’d be like the rest of the human population, willing to give up everything I was for the promise of a new life with new powers and immortality. Not that I couldn’t see the allure. Who wouldn’t want to live forever, free from disease and impervious to all the many dangers humans faced on the daily basis? No one. At least I’m sure he thought so. But after losing everything at a young age, all I had was my identity and I’d die before I gave that up too.

  “Just kill me,” I managed to choke out, before gasping for breath, still clutching the arms of the chair so tightly my hands began to ache.

  “You’d rather die than work for us?”

  My heart was pounding so loud I could barely make out what he’d said, but when it did register I began to calm. “Work for you? You mean, you aren’t planning on turning me?”

  He let out another laugh. “Is that what you were afraid of? Maybe, I should have led with that.”

  He continued to laugh, though nothing about it was funny to me. Instead, it infuriated me.

  “Go to hell,” I spat out, standing from my seat and pointing my feet toward the door.

  I’d only managed a couple steps before he was in front of me, his hands gripping my shoulders hard enough it was a bit uncomfortable but not hard enough it actually hurt.

  “I’ll be honest. Killing you was at the top of the list, especially when we can’t be certain you didn’t access more sensitive information in the time you spent hacking into Devon’s computer. And, though Jon seems to believe your only motive was paying off Zed, I’m still not convinced you weren’t sent here by the purists. For all I know, you could have been sent here to infiltrate our little club and steal information.”

  “I wasn’t.”

  He stepped toward me, closing the distance between us. His proximity to me was alarming, even more so when I finally realized just how huge he was compared to me. At five feet, three inches, most people were taller than me, but he was exceptionally tall and well built. Even in a dark sweater I could see the ripples and planes of sculpted muscle pushing up against the fabric. If he’d meant to intimidate me, he’d failed. His actions had a different effect and I couldn’t help the indecent thoughts that tumbled around in my head.

  Just like before, he must have sensed my thoughts. He removed his hands from my shoulders and stepped away from me, a smirk playing on his lips. I made a mental note to control my emotions and whatever else he was able to pick up on around them.

  “Look,” he said. “I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Truth is, we can use someone with your skills.”

  “You want me to hack for you.” He gave me a nod. It was certainly better than the alternatives but I needed to be sure of what I was getting myself into. “I have conditions.”


  Without thinking, I told him my demands. “I refuse to hurt anyone in any way. The only reason I had no issue targeting your club was I knew fifty grand was pennies to you. So, please don’t expect me to hack into bank accounts and take someone’s life savings. I also want your assurances I don’t have to worry about being attacked or bitten against my will. I refuse to be a chew toy for any of you. Also…” I paused thinking about the apartment above the club. Why not? I had nothing to lose at that point. “I need a place to live.”

  “Would you like me to throw in an all-expenses-paid vacation with that?” he chuckled, clearly taken aback by my demands.

  I waved a hand in the air. “Not at this moment, though it’s definitely something I’ll consider in the future when I’m able to negotiate a salary.”

  He grinned at that, perhaps impressed by my audacity. “Done. Pretty Jon will be here shortly to take you to your apartment. Collect your belon
gings quickly and he’ll take you to your new apartment above the club. Grab a bite to eat and rest up. We start tonight.”


  I wasn’t sure I’d manage to grab everything I had, considering Jon showed up on his motorcycle, but when I entered the apartment, I knew there wasn’t much I wanted to take with me. Most of my clothes were pieces I’d thrown together from thrift stores and charity shops. The few outfits I’d managed to buy were meager enough they fit in my backpack.

  “You’re not moving out, are you?” Sophia asked, her words slurred as usual. She sat forward in her seat on the couch, her hazel eyes trained on me. “You’re at least a month late on rent and you haven’t given us any notice, so you’re responsible for next month’s rent as well.”

  “Who should I give it to? You or your dealer?” I swung the backpack over my shoulder and gathered up whatever trinkets I still had left after they’d pawned the rest to feed their addictions.

  She jumped from her seat and stepped toward me, in that way she often did when trying to intimidate me. Normally I’d cower. Normally, I’d step away from her, putting my arms up between us to keep her at bay. I’d needed the place. I’d needed a place to lay my head at night, a place that sheltered me from the elements, and a place I could be fairly safe. What she didn’t know, then, was I didn’t need her anymore.

  “Bitch, you better…”

  Her words were cut off when I brought my hand up and slapped her, hard enough my palm ached and burned from the contact, and enough to leave a noticeable impression on her face.

  Stunned, she reached for her cheek, pressing her hand against it as if she couldn’t believe I’d done that. Hell, I couldn’t believe it either but, I had to admit, it felt damn good.

  Adrenaline coursed through me, amping me up as I took a step toward her. This time, she was the one cowering as she stumbled back into her seat. Shoving a finger in her face, I said, with all the fury I could muster, “You won’t get another dime from me until you return everything you’ve pawned. And if you even think about sending your little friends after me…”

  “You’ll what?” she interrupted, shifting her weight back in the seat.

  As if he’d heard the entire conversation, Jon was beside me in an instant, his arms folded across his chest, his hair spiked up into a sort of mohawk with green and purple tips. His appearance there would have been comical were it not for the menacing way he dragged his tongue across the tips of his fangs.

  Her frightened expression was enough to let me know she’d gotten my point, and we left her there, trembling in fear.

  Chapter Seven


  “Room service! Knock knock!”

  I pushed myself up on the bed, shoving the covers aside. Glancing at the bedside clock, I realized it was six in the evening, an odd time for a visit from a vampire, but apparently Jon didn’t see it that way.

  With a huff, I sauntered toward the door, sliding my feet as I went and opened it. The sight that greeted me was ridiculous at best. He’d managed to pull off the pink biker look with a hot pink leather jacket above tight blue jeans and a white shirt. His hair was streaked with pink and thrown up into a messy man bun. Faux green eyes met mine with something close to a gleeful glint as he swept into the room, pushing past me.

  “Girl, you know how long I’ve waited to get up in this room?” he said, spinning on his heel and looking around the place. “This is a far cry better than that old shack they put me in.”

  I doubted that but I didn’t tell him that. Instead, I asked, “What are you doing here?”

  “They are having a meeting downstairs and Smoke thought it would be a good idea to include the resident hacker.”

  Of course, he did. Anything to keep me in line. Thankfully, he’d sent Jon instead of the other assholes roaming around place. I’d managed to run into a few of them earlier that day, having done nothing more than ventured down to the bar to grab a drink and a bite to eat. They made it clear they didn’t trust me and that I was borrowed time, something I already knew but I hadn’t expected random people I’ve never met before to issue me any threats. Just like in high school, I ignored the bullies, taking my food up to my room.

  Now with Smoke summoning me to a meeting, I knew I’d be forced to deal with more attitudes from the rest of the club. I just hoped Smoke’s promise to keep me safe was as good as gold as I walked to the bathroom to freshen up.

  Jon led me down to the bar and down a set of stairs situated behind the bar where no one would notice it there. The descent was pretty frightening, considering I could barely see anything in that darkened area and had to rely heavily on Jon’s guidance. Was at the bottom, Jon knocked on the wooden door below, a cadence I’d never heard before. The door swung open into a large room, nearly as large as the bar area upstairs, except the walls are all wood paneled, and the only light came from wooden torches that sat in each corner of the room. It had a dark, almost ominous feel to it, as I was lead past a wall decal of the club’s logo, a skeleton with wings and the words Nightborne Renegades beneath it, to a large wooden table with their emblem carved into its center.

  Jon pulled out a chair and gestured, with his hand, for me to take a seat. I did as I was told and looked around, my gaze flitting from one vampire to another, noticing how they grimaced or smirked when our eyes met. All but two, Smoke and Jackson, regarded me with open hostility, some even making it a point to drag a finger across their necks, threats that had me shrinking in my seat, doing everything I could to make myself much smaller.

  Jon had been right. News had traveled much faster than I’d thought it would and I could imagine I wouldn’t be making friends any time soon.

  Smoke sat at the head of the table, just to my left, with Jackson seated across from me. If the seating arrangement made any sense at all, I was occupying Devon’s seat, the seat of one of the Notorious Trio’s, a leader. From everything I’d learned about motorcycle clubs, a woman’s place was never at the table, let alone in a seat of position, and something told me they’d all felt the same way. I dragged in another breath as I glanced over at Smoke. His red gaze was trained on me like a predator to its prey, watching every move I made and every tremble of my body as a feeling of dread took over me. But there was something else in that gaze, something that told me he’d known how the others would react to me being there and he was disappointed by my reaction.

  What did he expect? I’d never been around a large group of vampires before, especially a group that looked like they wanted to tear my head off the first chance they got. Any human would be intimidated in situations far less hostile. But, as I sat there, something occurred to me. Not only was I under his protection, but I’d be forced to work with everyone there and I couldn’t crumble each time I was in their presence. Perhaps it was time I used some of those acting skills I’d acquired in middle school, they had to be good for something.

  I stretched myself up in my seat, straightening my back. With a few calming breaths, I’d managed to bring my heart rate back down. This time when I glanced around the room, I held my own, besides there was nothing they could do me, anyway. Finally, meeting Smoke’s gaze again, I stuck my tongue out at him petulantly before folding my hands on the table and looking forward.

  Jackson seemed less impressed by my tactics. He gave me a disinterested stare before slinking down into his own chair and propping his booted feet on the table. “Everyone’s here now, so you can bang your little hammer and get this thing started.”

  Tipping his baseball cap forward so it covered his eyes, he folded his arms over his chest. Hell, I’d take disinterest over hostility any day. At least I knew where I stood.

  Smoke picked up a wooden gavel and banged it against the table a few times. “Okay, brothers, we have a lot to discuss.”

  “I’ll say,” the one next to me piped up. He scratched as his dark beard, leaning forward. “What is the thief doing here?”

  “She’s my guest,” Smoke replied. He glanced across the tab
le. “And as a guest, I’m hoping you’ll all treat her with the same hospitality you would any other guest I bring to this table. She’ll prove herself to be very valuable to us going forward.”

  The man beside me scoffed at that, “I highly doubt that.” He reached out and grabbed a strand of my hair, twirling it around his fingers. “But I’m sure she’ll make a good meal. What blood type are you sweetie?”

  A few chuckles erupted from the others before Jon came forward, grabbing the vampire by his throat and tossing him into the wall on the opposite side of the table. For such a pretty vampire, he sure did love showing his strength any chance he got, and I was grateful he’d shown it defending me.

  Smoke laughed as the vampire picked himself from the floor, dusting off his clothes. “As you can see, Jon likes this one. I promise you he’ll have no trouble ripping the head from anyone who puts a finger on her. Now, does anyone else have anything to say before we move forward?”

  Other than a bunch of grunts and mumbles, no one said anything.

  “Good. Now, first on the agenda, we have a new mark.” He reached into a briefcase beside him and pulled out a folder. After shifting through the contents, he plucked out a portrait and showed it to the group. My heart sank when I saw the subject. Zed. “As you all know, Zed was the recipient of the fifty thousand that was stolen from Devon’s account this morning. Our brother Jon, here, was kind enough to let him keep most of it. We’ve had our dealings with him before and we’ve managed to keep a bit of a peace as long as he stuck by his agreement with us. Unfortunately for him, he did not. While Jon was there earlier today, he noticed a few boxes labeled Compound M68 stacked behind him. After dropping Davina off at my home, he went back and collected a few vials to show us.”

  Smoke reached back into the briefcase and rolled a few vials of a clear substance on the table. I wasn’t sure what they were, but by the angry murmurs that filled the space, I was certain it wasn’t good.


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