2 valnirs bane

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2 valnirs bane Page 16

by ich du

  About thirty paces ahead a hole had been worn through the wall by the constant abrasion of the water. Reiner could see the river through it, and a brackish backwater filled the tunnel to knee height just inside it. More water lapped in and out constantly with each cresting swell.

  Reiner and the others waded down to the hole and looked through. Reiner winced as the fiercely cold water topped his boots and trickled down his calves. There was little to see. The river rushed out of darkness on the left and into darkness on the right. There was no sign of a bridge.

  They moved on, winding through tunnels and galleries, tall chambers, and passages through which they had to crawl on hands and knees. There were many openings to the river, some intentional, some, like the first they had encountered, mere erosion, but no bridge. They found once the remains of one - a spur of rock that jutted out only a few steps over the river. There was another spur on the opposite side, and a tunnel mouth, beckoning invitingly.

  'Can we bridge it?' Reiner asked Ulf. 'If we found some timber?'

  Ulf shook his head. 'No, captain. The river is too wide and too fast. We would need two tall trees and a pier in the centre to span it.'

  'All right. Let's try further on.'

  But there was nothing. Closer to the main chamber, they found the first of a series of narrow landings - built out into the water at the bottom of stone ramps - but these didn't reach far enough to be of any use. There were a few on the opposite side as well. Some of them had stone pilings that jutted up like crocodile teeth along the water's edge.

  At last they could go no further. The last landing they discovered was so close to the main chamber that they could see part of the bridge from it, and hear the bellowing of the Kurgan over the rush of the water.

  Ulf squinted at the rebuilt bridge with a critical eye. 'Orc work,' he said with a sniff. 'Shoddy construction. The biggest bits of timber they can find, and string to hold it together. Surprised it's still standing.'

  Reiner shrugged. 'Maybe they'll all fall in.' He turned back the way they had come. 'Let's get back and see if the others have found anything.'

  Ulf followed, but Franka continued to stare at the bridge. 'I don't suppose we could float down to it from here, then cross underneath it through all those beams.'

  'What?' said Reiner, turning back. He smirked. 'Well, you could, I suppose, if you didn't get swept away by the current, but then where would you be? Trapped under the bridge on the far side with the Kurgan marching over your head. And soaking wet to boot.'

  'Aye,' agreed Franka. 'But what if there was another landing on the other side, downstream from the bridge?'

  'You would still be swept away,' said Reiner.

  'Not if you used ropes,' said Ulf, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. 'Yes. If we did it in stages, it might work.'

  Reiner scowled, thinking of the cold water in his boots and imagining immersing himself entirely in it. He sighed. 'Let's see if the others have found a more civilized crossing.'

  THEY HADN'T. ALL paths stopped at the river.

  'But,' said Pavel, when Franka had mentioned her floating-down-the-river plan, 'there was a landing on the far side of the river, now that you mention it. About thirty paces below it.'

  'Fifty-five feet,' said Oskar sleepily. 'Give or take a foot.'

  Everybody turned to stare at him.

  'Can you truly be so precise?' asked Reiner.

  Oskar shrugged. 'It is my curse.'

  'The landing above the bridge is roughly the same distance,' said Ulf. 'Perhaps a little closer.'

  They moved away from the main tunnel into the criss-cross of side passages and measured out all the rope they had. Some of them had lost theirs in all the running and falling and hiding, but among them they had more than a hundred and fifty feet.

  Ulf nodded, satisfied. 'This may work.'

  Reiner though it was the first time he had seen the big man happy.

  Once they had worked out who would do what and how, they made their way through the twists and turns of the city of tunnels until they reached the river again.

  Reiner and the others eyed the water with trepidation. Talking about jumping into it was one thing, the reality was quite another. It was terrifyingly swift and sure to be colder than glacier ice. Visions of smashing into the granite piers at full speed filled Reiner's head, and from the shivers and swallows of the others they were having similar thoughts.

  'I can't swim,' said Hals, anxiously.

  'Nor can I,' said Pavel.

  'There will be no swimming involved,' said Ulf, tying the longest length of rope around a stone piling. 'The current will carry you faster than you could swim anyway.'

  'What you must do,' said Reiner, dreading it himself even as he did his best to make it sound easy, 'is hold your breath and try to stay underwater until you are beneath the bridge. We don't want some dirt-eater looking over and seeing us floundering about.'

  'We shall have to leave our breastplates behind,' said Ulf, 'or we will sink like stones.'

  'Leave our breastplates!' cried Hals. 'Are you mad? What if we have to fight the Kurgan?'

  'If we find ourselves fighting the Kurgan,' said Reiner, 'breastplates won't be enough to save us.'

  Ulf looked toward the bridge again, paying out rope, then turned to Oskar. 'Gunner, how far to the bridge?'

  Oskar was examining a hole in his jerkin with an all-consuming interest.

  'Oskar,' said Reiner. 'Oskar, wake up, lad. How far is it to the bridge?'

  Oskar looked up, blinking, then squinted at the bridge. 'Forty-seven feet. I'd like another sip from the bottle, please.'

  'When we reach the far shore,' said Reiner.

  Ulf paid out forty-seven feet of rope, using his enormous boot as a measure. 'Too little and we won't reach the bridge,' he said. 'Too much and we'll bash our heads in.'

  Reiner swallowed thickly, 'Then I better go first, as I have the thickest head.' He wanted to go last, but it was expected of the leader that he lead.

  Ulf tied the rope around Reiner's waist. 'Don't gasp as you come up,' he said. 'They may hear.'

  'Why not tie a stone to my feet and knock me senseless,' snarled Reiner. 'They'd never see me then.'

  Ulf looked as if he was considering it.

  Reiner turned and sat on the edge of the stone pier. He took a deep breath, and then another. He realised that no amount of deep breaths was going to prepare him, so with a sigh he began to lower himself into the river.

  The shock of the cold water almost made him scream, and the strength of the current pulled at his legs so fiercely that what he had meant to be a silent graceful slide became a clumsy plop as he was yanked away from the landing by the rushing water. There was no difficulty in staying underwater. The river pulled him down like a lover. He could see nothing - feel nothing but cold and the pummelling power of the current. But almost as soon as the journey had begun it was over. He jolted to a stop, face down, the rope pulling tight around his waist, and the river knocking him back and forth like a kite in a high wind. He stretched out his arms, feeling for the pier.

  It was almost impossible to push against the current, to hold his arm out to his side. If he relaxed at all his arms snapped above his head. His lungs were burning, exploding, desperate to take a breath. At last his left hand touched stone and he pulled himself toward the pier.

  His head broke water and he remembered at the last moment not to gasp, inhaling slowly instead, though he longed to suck in air in great gulps. The granite pier rose only a few feet out of the water. He climbed onto its crumbling top and clung, shivering and weak, to the wooden understructure of the orc bridge.

  He looked up, listening for some sign that he had been spotted, but heard nothing except the endless tread of Kurgan boots passing overhead. He was so cold he could barely feel his fingers. When he had recovered himself somewhat he untied the rope, gave it a sharp tug, and let it slip back into the water. He watched it slither away into the shadows like a snake on the rolling surface of
the water.

  After what seemed to him to be an endless wait, in which he became convinced that the rest of the party had been discovered and slaughtered and that he was stuck on this pier alone, surrounded by Kurgan in an endless underworld, Oskar broke the water an arm's length from the pier. He was remarkably calm, and Reiner pulled him in with no trouble.

  'All right, Oskar?' he whispered.

  'Oh yes,' said Oskar, wiping water from his eyes. 'I have no fear of water. I was raised near a lake. It is remarkably cold, though. I might just have a little sip, to keep the chill away.'

  'This is not yet the other side.'

  They sent the rope back and were joined in turn by Franka, Pavel, Hals and Giano and lastly Ulf. Everyone made their landing quietly except Hals, who cried out in pain because the rope had twisted around his broken leg and wrenched it when he stopped short. Pavel clapped a hand over his friend's mouth until he had recovered himself and everyone looked up, waiting for a horned helmet to peer down at them. Fortunately the roar of the rushing water was loud enough to cover incidental noises.

  When at last Ulf arrived and had untied himself, he pried a piece of crumbling rock from the pier and fixed it to the end of the rope so that it would sink and not betray their presence by floating on the surface.

  'First part accomplished,' said Reiner, relieved. 'Now for the far wall.'

  In a drier environment, those of the party who had a full complement of working limbs would have had little trouble navigating the understructure of the bridge, for the logs were wide and numerous. Unfortunately, the wood had not been seasoned or treated in any way - and was in fact just fresh-cut trees, with sap still oozing from the cut ends - and was slimy with moss and algae, so each step had to be carefully made. In places the logs were so poorly joined - tied together with rope rather than pinned with nails or dowels - that they shifted when weight was put on them. It reminded Reiner of a time when he had been fooling about in the apple trees of his fathers orchard after a spring rain and sprained his wrist when he lost his footing. For Hals, with his broken leg, and Oskar with his broken arm, the journey was impossible unassisted. They had to be helped every step of the way. Pavel looked after Hals as usual, and Reiner stayed at Oskar's side, bracing him and taking his hand when he needed it. There were a few near disastrous slips, but at last they all reached the far wall and sat or leaned on the slick logs, catching their breath.

  Ulf was shaking his head in dismay. 'Shocking. A child could have built a sturdier bridge. Look.' He poked a thick finger at the ropes that held the logs together. 'They have used the poorest quality rope. It has loosened and rotted in the damp. Why a few strokes with a knife here and there and the whole structure would...' He trailed off, his eyes glazing over.

  'Not on your life, you madman,' said Reiner, catching on.

  'But we must!' whispered Ulf, suddenly alive with urgency. 'We must! We can stop them in their tracks. More than half of their force would be trapped behind the river. The cannon as well. It would take them days, maybe weeks to rebuild it.'

  'What's this now?' asked Hals. 'What does he mean to do?'

  'He wants to knock down the bridge,' said Reiner. 'With us on it.' He shook his head at Ulf. 'You'll kill us all.'

  'I won't!' said Ulf. There was a catch of desperate hope in his voice. 'If I loosen it just enough, I can tie a rope to a key support and pull it out once we are all clear.'

  'And if you loosen it too much, it all falls on our heads before you get a chance,' countered Reiner.

  Ulf clenched his fists, controlling his temper. 'Captain, I am an engineer. This is what I know. Will you not trust me in my field as I have trusted you in yours?'

  'I do trust you, as an engineer. My fear is that you are allowing your eagerness to stop the Kurgan to drown your engineering knowledge in wishful dreams.'

  They all looked up as they became aware that there was silence above them. No troops were crossing the bridge.

  'Have they all gone?' asked Franka.

  'They can't have,' said Hals.

  The silence ended with a fresh roaring and cracking of whips, followed after a long moment by a creaking of wood, a groaning of slaves, and a grinding of iron on stone.

  'The cannon,' said Pavel. 'They're moving the cannon.'

  Ulf turned to Reiner, eyes pleading. 'Captain, this is an opportunity not to be missed. If we can drop the cannon in the river, we will not only slow them, we will... castrate them! They will be half the threat they are now. They may even give up and go home.'

  Reiner bit his lip. They didn't have long to act. 'All right,' he said at last. 'What do we need to do?'

  Ulf grinned, and began tying what was left of their rope to the support closest to the wall. 'Hals and Oskar. You will tie yourselves to this rope and wait here. The rest of us will spread out along this side of the bridge and cut the ropes that join the supports together. Once you unwind the rope, bring it here and tie one end to this pillar, the other around your waist. We do not want to leap into the river untethered, but if the bridge begins to go, jump, tethered or not. You understand me?'

  'I understand yer a madman, and yer going to kill us all,' said Hals, but began to tie the rope around his waist.

  Reiner, Ulf, Franka, Pavel and Giano started working their way quickly back through the timbers. The cannon was rolling closer. There wasn't much time. Reiner braced himself in a V and began sawing at a knotted mass of rope that lashed two logs together. For all of Ulfs talk of rotten rope, the fibres were tough and fought his blade. He longed to chop at them, but didn't want to risk the noise. To his left Franka was cutting feverishly. Giano was on his right, cursing under his breath as he worked and looking up constantly.

  The cannon was picking up speed, and despite being wet and half frozen, Reiner started to sweat. There was a good chance the great gun would bring the bridge down without their help. Visions of being pinned to the river bottom flashed before his eyes.

  Shouts of alarm came from above and the bridge shook with a jarring impact. Reiner clung to the supports as they shivered and swayed. He held his breath. Amazingly, the bridge remained intact. He exhaled. He could hear the Kurgan screaming and a fresh flurry of whip cracking. It sounded as if the slaves had steered the cannon into one of the railings.

  A reprieve. Reiner began cutting again as the slaves moaned out a weary chant and began pulling the cannon back for another try. At last he parted the heavy hemp and started unwinding it, reaching around the trunk again and again like a tailor measuring the waist of a fat priest.

  He had the binding unwound and had sawn halfway through the fixed end when the cannon rumbled forward again, and this time the slaves' aim was true. The heavy, iron-shod wheels boomed onto the wooden planks and the entire bridge groaned in pain. Reiner could feel the timbers compressing and shifting around him.

  When the bridge didn't collapse immediately, he returned to cutting. Franka spidered past him, a coil of rope over one shoulder. Giano was nearly finished as well. They'd done it!

  A sudden cry and a splash from the far end of the bridge snapped Reiner's head around. Pavel was clinging to a support beam, his legs dangling over the water. A length of tree trunk was bobbing away down the river, followed by a tangle of rope.

  'Sigmar's balls!' cursed Reiner, glancing up fearfully. Had the Chaos troops heard? He chopped through the last few strands of his rope, slung it over his shoulder, and monkeyed toward Pavel as fast as he could. The pikeman's hands were slipping as he tried to get purchase on the slimy log.

  A harsh voice barked down from above. Reiner looked up, and locked eyes with a Kurgan overseer, his helmet glinting in the torchlight. For a moment, both of them froze, then the overseer disappeared and Reiner heard him shouting a warning. The cannon stopped.

  'Ulf!' Reiner cried as he reached Pavel. 'We have been discovered! Rope off and into the water.'

  'But I must still remove the centre joist!' came Ulfs reply.

  'It's too late!' Reiner braced himself, gr
abbed Pavel's arm and pulled.

  'Shouldn't we just drop in?' the pikeman asked as he struggled to get on top of the log.

  'Without tying off?' asked Reiner. 'We'd never stop.'

  Pavel was fortunately wiry and light. With Reiner's help he got a fresh grip on the log and swung his legs up to brace against another. 'Sorry, captain,' he said as he scrambled to his feet. 'It fell away as I stepped on it.'

  'Forget it. Just move. We need to tie off by the wall or we'll miss the landing.'

  But as they turned toward the south bank, Kurgan began climbing over the side of the bridge.

  'Hurry!' said Reiner, drawing his sword.

  As he and Pavel clambered through the beams, the cannon began moving again, but this time it was moving back toward the north side of the bridge. The slaves were pulling it back, out of danger.

  'No!' wailed Ulf. He started forward, maul in hand, ducking recklessly through the supports. 'The cannon must fall!'

  'Urquart! Fall back!' Reiner bellowed. 'I order you...!'

  A Kurgan dropped on the beam before him, roaring and swinging his axe - and immediately slipped and fell into the rushing water. He disappeared instantly. Reiner laughed, but a second, a hulking heathen with a flaming red beard, was more cautious, bracing with one hand while menacing Reiner with his sword. More were climbing down behind him.

  'We'll never get through that lot,' said Pavel.

  Reiner pulled the coiled rope off his shoulder and handed it back to the pikeman, his eyes never leaving the advancing Kurgan. 'Tie off. We'll go together.'

  Pavel hesitated. 'But did you not say...'

  'We'll have to risk it. It may be death, but it's not certain death.'

  The redbearded Kurgan lashed out. Reiner ducked and the heavy sword bit into a support trunk. Reiner had a clear shot. He thrust at the man's chest, but his sword glanced off the norther's mail shirt.


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