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Coming Home (Friends & Lovers Book 2)

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by PE Kavanagh

  Coming Home

  Book Two of the Friends & Lovers Series

  PE Kavanagh


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Thank You


  Also By


  About the Author


  Copyright © 2018 PE Kavanagh

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  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  For information contact: Pascale Kavanagh

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  Cover designed by Olivia Pro Designs and Bliss Designs

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  E-book ISBN: 978-0-9994679-6-1

  Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9994679-7-8

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  First Edition: May 2018

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  For all of us who had to leave home to discover how much it meant to us.

  Chapter One

  A bit of melted Cheddar oozed out between crisp slices of bread, warming the corner of Ramona’s mouth. She flicked out her tongue and caught the errant piece of deliciousness. The sharp tang, tempered by something earthy and creamy, pushed a satisfied groan up from the bottom of her belly. This was turning out to be a whole body eating experience.

  With one more bite, the first piece was gone. She looked up from the other half of the sandwich, cut into a perfect triangle, crusts removed, to find Lucas’ gaze intent on her. “I have to say, your grilled cheese sandwiches are even better than I remember. Even though they were always amazing.”

  Lucas leaned forward, tanned forearms flexed on the expanse of the stainless steel worktable. “Glad to see my extensive culinary education wasn’t a complete waste of time.”

  She picked up the remaining piece and paused, deciding to exercise the tiniest bit of self-control and not put the whole thing in her mouth. “No. I think you picked right. All this scrumptious food would have been wasted on a bunch of stuffy lawyers.”

  A shrug accompanied a dimple-enhanced grin. “Except those stuffy lawyers are now my main customers.”

  “Lucky them.” She took one more bite and licked each of her fingers, giving up on manners. After all, this was Lucas, the boy who’d been by her side for the first half of her life. Absence of their hard-earned etiquette wasn’t going to offend him. What he was feeding her was much too delicious to hold back.

  He pulled a champagne bottle from the industrial-sized refrigerator and refilled her glass. “I still can’t believe you’re here, in my kitchen. After all this time.”

  “Gotta thank Connor for that. My brother’s been nearly impossible to reach lately, but he made sure I knew how to find your restaurant. I don’t do airplane food.” Ramona wondered how much her brother had told his best friend, Lucas, about her over the years. Did he know how much time she spent on planes and her refusal to touch any of that food?

  “How come you got in so late? He told me you’d be here by eight or nine.”

  “Oh, sorry.” She gave him what she hoped expressed remorse. When your life depended on air travel, getting anywhere on time was always risky. Besides, she liked having the restaurant, and the chef, all to herself. “There was weather in San Francisco, as always. And we hit a bunch of traffic as we approached downtown D.C.”

  “Did you give your driver the shortcut?”

  She shook her head. “How would I know a shortcut?”

  He laughed. “Right. I keep forgetting how you never come home anymore.”

  This hasn’t been home for a really long time. “Anyway, I really appreciate your staying open so late and cooking me all my favorites. I didn’t mean to take advantage.”

  “Mowgli, I can’t think of any way I’d rather spend this night than feeding you.”

  She flattened her palm on the cool steel worktable. His oh-too-sultry smirk generated even more heat in the warm kitchen. “Speaking of which, can you make me another grilled cheese?”

  “But you haven’t even finished this one. And I have a few more things for you to try tonight.”

  Ramona shifted on the hard stool. Why did everything he said sound like an innuendo? “It’s for tomorrow. For breakfast.”

  “That’s a terrible idea. It’s going to be inedible tomorrow.” He thrummed his fingers on the counter. “You can just come back and I’ll make you a fresh one.”

  Her eyebrows crinkled in confusion. “Uh, I’m going to be a bit busy tomorrow.”

  He frowned. “Right. I forgot. Sorry.”

  She emptied her glass in one gulp. “No worries.” She wished she could forget, too.

  Lucas pulled a towel from a hook and pivoted to wipe along the edge of the cooktop. His broad shoulders shimmied as he worked a particular spot, sandy brown curls grazing the top of his white chef’s jacket.

  Ramona sucked in a breath, trying not to ogle the remarkable sight. He definitely didn’t look like he’d been partaking of his rich, restaurant food. All the chubby softness of his youth had transformed into a rock solid wall of a man.

  He turned as her gaze hovered around his bottom. Her eyes didn’t move nearly fast enough to play it off. It was impossible to know if he knew that she was staring. And what she was staring at.

  He shook the towel out. “What’s up, Mo?”

  Something in the sweetness of his voice switched on a memory of a life she had all but tucked away. “It feels like no time has passed. Like we’re kids again.”

  His smile broadened. “Except that instead of being noon, it’s midnight.”

  “And we’re in your phenomenal restaurant, instead of my mom’s kitchen.”

  He looked down and swiped a crumb from the counter. “And I’ve learned how to clean up after myself.”

  “Looks like you’ve learned a lot of things. Including how to grow facial hair.” And a super hot bod.

  He stroked his close-cropped goatee. “Yeah, I’ve had that one down for some time now. Speaking of growing things, I see all those prayers for boobs finally paid off.”

  Ramona’s mouth opened with a dramatic gasp, heat blazing her cheeks, and a laugh threatening to dissolve her efforts at propriety. “That is completely inappropriate.”

  “Oh, come on, Mo. I was the first one to ever touch them, if you remember.”

  It wasn’t possible to keep a straight face. “There was nothing there to touch.”

  “Oh, there was plenty. Trust me.” He tilted his head and looked up toward the open pipework of the ceiling. “It was the highlight of my boyhood. Maybe of my entire life.”

  So hard not to check out her own chest, make sure everything was full and lofty. “I would have hoped you’d made some more substantial memories than my non-existent teenage boobs.”

�I appreciate your confidence in me, but you seriously underestimate how great they were.” He cupped his hands and sighed. “Small, but perfect.”

  She shook her head and chuckled, keeping her eyes straight ahead. Don’t look down, Ramona.

  “By the way… not small anymore.” He wasn’t trying to keep his eyes away.

  “Okay, you seriously have to stop talking about my breasts.” And staring at them. “You’re acting like you’re fifteen again.” She stopped herself from crossing her arms in front of her chest, afraid it would bring even more attention to the area.

  “I feel fifteen again, with you here.”

  Time to regain control of this conversation. “It’s great to see you, Baloo. Really great.” Too great, maybe. “And I would love if you could get on with making whatever else you intend to feed me. I'm still hungry.”

  The left side of his mouth quirked upward in the grin she would know anywhere, even though it was on a face she hadn’t seen in a very long time. A face, complete with a broad jaw, full lips and a hint of a wrinkle in the corner of his eyes. A manly man’s face. “Glad to see the bossiness hasn’t changed.”

  “Haven’t quite outgrown that one, I suppose.”

  He turned on a burner and slid a shiny pan over the flame. “Good.”

  She scanned the entirety of the bright kitchen, anything to avoid staring at him while he prepared her next goodies. Lusting after her childhood buddy during a quick trip to town was not a smart maneuver. Too many connections would make it impossible to cut-and-run. And when it came to spending time in Virginia, less was more.

  He made an almost imperceptible growl in response to whatever was happening on the cooktop. His large hand wiped down the side of his chef pants, highlighting that bottom again. It was useless. She dropped her chin into her palm and just let herself enjoy the view.

  Two plates slid toward her, piled with colors as vibrant as the cover of any cookbook. Tart tomato salad and bright green dumplings in a sesame broth brought her closer to satisfaction, but not completely. She looked up from the empty plates with a sheepish grin.

  Without a pause, or even a hint of judgment in those hazel eyes, he cleared them away. “Okay, Mo, I’ve got one more thing.”

  She was pretty sure he had quite a bit more than one more thing. “Great. I need to use the loo, though.”

  “Use the one in my office.” He pointed toward a bowl big enough for her to bathe in. “Just past the mixer and down the hall. I’ll bring the final course to you.”


  Ramona used the bathroom quickly, averting her eyes from all the mirrors. Thoughts she shouldn’t be having made it hard to look at herself. She and Lucas… well, their childhood bond had cracked a long time ago. But the combination of tender nostalgia and sharp desire was making it much too easy to succumb to a very adult fantasy. Besides, Lucas was flirting back. She was sure of it.

  She stepped back into the office, large and full, but not messy. No sign of Lucas, so she walked in a slow circle around the space. It was oddly shaped, with almost no parallel walls, several of which were glass, offering a panoramic view of the kitchen. A wide bookcase held ancient-looking cookbooks, and an entire wall, behind a modern white lacquer desk, was graced with framed diplomas, certificates, and letters. She pushed the desk chair aside to examine his awards.

  It was impressive. Accolades from two different culinary schools and various specialty programs around the world. Articles about his first restaurant, and now this newer one. Awards for being named a top young chef three years in a row, and pictures with two presidents. He walked in as she examined the row of five framed letters clearly different than all the rest. They were handwritten and adorned with pencil and crayon drawings, all addressed to Mr. Chef Lucas.

  A clang of metal caught her attention. He’d set a large tray on the bench against the back wall, holding another bottle of champagne, as well as several plates with desserts that looked like pieces of art.

  As she approached him, her eyes swept over the assortment and her mouth watered. “Wow, Baloo. Is that all for me?”

  “For us.” He poured a flute of champagne, which made her wonder what had happened to her previous glass. “Start with this.”

  Slightly bolder than the first bottle, with a hint of peach at the finish. “Spectacular.”

  “And now this.” He put something the color of mocha into her mouth. It melted almost instantly into a sweet, spicy, brandy-tinged bolt of utter mouth happiness.

  She walked back over to the desk. “That’s a pretty impressive wall over there. Much more so than a silly law degree.”

  “Says the woman who actually finished law school. And passed the bar.”

  That seemed so long ago. “Not that I'm practicing law, either.”

  He swept the hair that had fallen across her forehead over to the side. “You know, I can see that you’ve been getting proper haircuts, Mo, but it still seems to fall over your eyes.”

  “Well, it’s fashionable now.”

  He kept his palm on her cheek. “I still can’t believe I'm looking at your face. More beautiful than ever.”

  His finger grazed her jawline and lifted her chin. The perfect start to a kiss, had they been different people.

  Ramona turned around to face the award wall, mostly to compose herself and certain she could not hide how very much she wanted him to kiss her. Damn. Indecision sucked, but that’s all she could muster.

  She pointed to the hand-written letters. “Tell me about those.”

  He moved directly behind her, his body molded into her back. She placed her palms on the desktop to steady the nearly imperceptible tremor that was developing in response to the pressure of his body on hers.

  He exhaled next to her ear. “Oh, my kids.” A sweet sigh followed. “They’re from Chisholm Elementary, on the south side. I go over there a couple of times a year and do a cooking class, and we talk about healthy food. I love those kids. Sweetest, smartest, most alive people I know. Some of their lives are beyond disastrous. And yet, they are amazing.”

  He rested his chin on top of her shoulder.

  “Looks like they love you back, Mr. Chef Lucas.”

  A synchronized breath softened her back into his chest. He wrapped his arm around her waist. A lightning-fast analysis of pros and cons played itself out in her head.

  Pro: This was Lucas. She’d never been closer to another human being in her life.

  Cons: 1 - This was Lucas. They hardly knew each other anymore.

  2 - The cause of her return home to Virginia might warrant some decorum.

  3 - This wouldn’t be a one-night stand she could run away from.

  Pro: This was Lucas. The boy with a heart of gold who’d become a man who was hot as hell. Hotter than hell, probably.

  Con: This was-

  Fuck it.

  In an unprecedented display of boldness, she took his hand and moved it from her hip to her belly, then slowly slid it up, over her ribs, and finally grazing over her left breast, where she kept it.

  When his fingers squeezed softly, a scratchy breath escaped him. She placed her palms back on the desk and used the leverage to press her bottom into him, eliminating any space between their bodies. From his chest to his legs, everything behind her was hard as steel.

  His hand moved up to her throat, then down again, this time inside the deep opening of her dress. He cupped her breast while the other hand slid down her outer thigh, over her skirt, then back up underneath it. She stepped her legs further apart.

  “Ramona…” His fingers slid beneath the front of her thong.

  Warm fingers, hot breath, all yes. It was increasingly hard to keep up as hands lifted her skirt and pulled her thong down, returning to graze her wetness.

  She reached behind her to find the bulge beneath his zipper. Even through his pants, it was evident that there was something significant between his legs and it was rock hard. She clumsily tried to undo his belt buckle while swirling in th
e sensation of the finger that had just entered her.

  He completed the task of removing his pants, evident by the metallic clink of his belt hitting the floor, and then the feel of his cock where his finger had been. He stopped.

  “Fuck me, Lucas.”

  Hesitation gone, he pushed inside her in successive strokes. She willed herself to relax, to take him in, even as her entire body wanted to contract with the craving for him. They moaned in matching octaves. She thought she might burst with the fullness of him, and that would be a perfectly acceptable way to go.

  He stopped. Again. “I need to see you.”

  He pulled out of her and spun her toward him, taking her mouth in a fierce embrace. She perched her bottom on the edge of the desk and opened herself for him. He entered her in a graceful stroke. The wetness dripping from her and having coated him gave him ample lubrication to plunge into her.

  She grabbed his neck and molded her mouth to his while he wrapped his arm around her, keeping her from falling back. With each stroke, she groaned louder until that familiar build-up in the deepest part of her belly. The need for a breath pulled her away from his lips and brought her face down to the top of his shoulder, which she bit in matching intensity to the orgasm that cascaded over her.

  He slowed as she did.

  “Don’t stop. Please.”

  “I'm going to-”

  “Yes.” Her hands moved to his buttocks and pressed him deeper. His hand slapped the wall when a growl escaped his throat. Each pulse of his orgasm sent a jolt up her spine, and she held on for dear life.


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