Andrew Wylie, my literary agent, has been a strong supporter and wise counselor throughout. Robert Loomis at Random House demonstrated time and again why he is considered the best editor in the business. His suggestions dramatically improved the book. Dominique Troiano, his assistant, cheerfully kept the process flowing and ensured that I paid attention to all the details.
Finally, my children—David, Abby, Neva, Peggy, Richard, and Eileen—their spouses—Diana, Lee, Bruce, Nancy, and Paul—and my grandchildren—David, Miranda, Michael, Clay, Christopher, Rebecca, Ariana, Camilla, Adam, and Danny—were lovingly supportive during the long years that it took to complete this memoir. I appreciate them more than they will ever know.
While I could not have written this book without the assistance of all these fine people, I absolve them from any errors that may remain. That responsibility is mine alone.
Pocantico Hills, New York
July 2003
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