The Last Human (Vampires Rule # 1)

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The Last Human (Vampires Rule # 1) Page 1

by Rocky Grede

  The Last Human (Vampires Rule # 1)

  Copyright © 2013 Rocky Grede

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. All character and scenarios within this book are entirely fictional. Events of this book take place in a fictional world.


  I want to thank the following individuals for their help; Edith for her editing insight; Lynn for her proof reading; John the beta reader; all those who reviewed a copy of the book, and those people who pointed out mistakes in the manuscript. And Above all, I want to thank God for providing me the means and inspiration in completing this book.

  Please note: This book was previously under the name of; The Last Human (Vampire Earth # 1)

  Rocky Grede is a 23 year old Writer, living in the UK. You can follow him on twitter@ RockyGrede. Or you can email him: [email protected]

  Happy Reading

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Crisis: Chapter One

  Chapter One

  “Jake, could you do the equation on the board for us?”

  I look up as twenty two heads spin in my direction; faces motionless, bodies still as statues, red rimmed eyes piercing into my face. I ignore them, and sit up straighter in my chair, keeping my gaze to the front of the class.

  “Err…I don’t know,” I say, covering a picture of a tree I was drawing in my exercise book with my forearm. “I mean, I don’t know the answer.”

  “I insist you come up and at least have an attempt,” Mrs. Lake says, showing a hint of her fangs as a small smile dances across her lips.

  I sigh, knowing she isn’t going to relent. I push my chair back, rise from my seat, and saunter towards the front of the class, keeping my body tucked in and away from the passing desks.

  Forty eight eyes follow my progress as I walk past them; forty four of those eyes betray the hunger in them; forty four of those eyes flash because they know they can’t touch me.

  Mrs. Lake holds out the marker pen. I give her a smile before taking the pen and switching my attention to the equation on the board, wondering why we even have to do equations, the subject is history after all.

  The question is easy enough. I run the answer through my mind before writing it on the white board. I stand back and glance at Mrs. Lake. She nods her head, staring at the digits I have written, and holds out her hand for the marker.

  Forty eight eyes follow my hand as I give the marker back to Mrs. Lake. Forty eight eyes lock in place as the unthinkable happens; Mrs. Lake’s nail accidently scrapes against my fingertip, tearing the skin and causing a small droplet of crimson blood to emerge. It happens so fast, that the pain doesn’t register. But that is the least of my worries.

  I stand, staring at my finger in shock, as the cold realization of the situation I’m caught in sinks in, anchoring into my stomach like dead weight. There is a deathly silence throughout the class, and I slowly tilt my head up and glance at the frozen faces, staring at me in a new light. Mrs. Lake has her thin hand slapped across her mouth; her blue eyes are wide as she understands what could happen.

  I jump back into the whiteboard, stuffing my hand into my pocket, hiding the blood from view, just as one of the Vampires sitting in the front row jumps in my direction. His eyes are blazing a deep blood red and a hungry growl rips through his throat. His face twists and contorts, giving prominence to the hideous creature lurking under his façade. His fangs flash out, the sharp points jutting from his gums. He’s a blur to my eye as he pounces several feet into the air, a mish mash of flesh and clothes.

  Before he can reach me, he’s knocked aside.

  The Artico Guards spring on top of him and hold him down, pinning him to the floor with their muscular arms. The Vampire thrashes wildly, screeching and snarling, twisting his body to get me back into his line of vision. The Artico Guards lift him up and drag him to the back of the class, knocking desks and chairs aside; ignoring his guttural screams and preventing his futile attempts to break free.

  My heart hammers in my chest as my blood turns icy cold, frosting my insides with a layer of fear. That was close. Too close. But it isn’t over yet.

  Several students are shifting in their seats; their eyes already blood crimson, while others are standing next to their overturned chairs and desks. It is clear from their tense and stiff postures that they are resisting the temptation to lunge at me, and are holding back their true natures, while it screams at them to spring into action. They are waging a mental battle with their carnal desires.

  They ignore the blood curdling snarls of their fellow Vampire, who is now pinned up against the back wall, his arms and legs held securely in place. He tries to crane his neck around to get a better look at me, like a drug addict trying to have one more glance at his stash of crack before it is whisked away. One of the Artico Guards grabs the Vampires head by the hair, and slams his face into the concrete, silencing his snarls and cries for blood.

  All other eyes are on me. No one else moves as conflicting emotion’s clash in their minds, the two sides waging a mental war with the other, while their inbred instincts are telling them to give into the monster within. I’m prey. I’m food. But, at the same time, I’m untouchable.

  My back hits the whiteboard and my heart beats uncontrollably in my chest, threating to burst from my body, and run out of the room before I get a chance to.

  “I think it’s best if you leave,” Mrs. Lake says. Her voice is strained and her eyes flicker from my face and then to my pocket, where I have my finger pressed up against my thigh.

  I swallow hard. “I…yeah I should,” I manage to say. I glance at my belongings across the room, ignoring the cold unwavering stares locked on my face and pocket. It would be suicide to walk past them to get my stuff.

  “The Guards will drop your belongings off,” Mrs Lake snarls. Her fangs jolt out, but are gone just as fast. “Sorry, but I really think you should leave.” Her face goes motionless, but I know she’s supressing the urge to lunge at me.

  I take a shallow breath and try to focus and clear my mind. I know I have to get out of here right now. And with another deep breath, I begin to walk casually towards the door.

  Forty four blood crimson eyes follow my movement as I amble away from them; forty four blood crimson eyes suppress the hunger that is urging them to act now; forty four blood crimson eyes betray the longing for just one drop of my blood.

  I glance at the far end of the class, towards the Vampire pinned up against the wall. He’s shaking as the others hold him securely, low whimpers escape his throat. I feel my stomach twist as I realize who it is, Alex. We did homework together just the other night in a study group.

  One of the Artico Guards - Lucas - looks up and nods his head towards the door, beckoning me to leave.

  Several low hisses cut through the silence, and I look back at Mrs. Lake.

  “Jake. Please leave,” she says, her lips pursed in a thin line.

  I don’t need telling twice. I open the door, half expecting several bodies to surge in my direction and bombard into me at once, before digging into my flesh with sharp fang
s and tearing through sinew and bone. But none of that happens. Instead, I edge out of the class as forty four hunger ridden eyes witness their prey escaping. I close the door quietly behind me, and sprint down the corridor.


  I press my finger tip harder against my thigh, staunching the blood, in an attempt to ebb the flow of scent I leave lingering in the air behind me as I run down the corridors. I need to get out of here, and fast.

  I’m about to round into the next corridor when I hear two voices up ahead. I stop, retrace my footsteps, and press myself up against the wall, not daring to move any further.

  “Yes, the test paper results are in. You’ll be surprised at some of the scores.” Mr. Duke’s voice flows down the corridor, cracked and high, his French accent echoing off the walls.

  “Nothing surprises me anymore, Alfred.” The second voice makes me hold my breath, and my heart beat begins to race, the pulse pounding in my ears.

  It’s the Cook.

  I curse silently in my mind, chiding myself for not waiting for my Artico Guards.

  “Can you smell that?” The snarl of the Cook makes me flinch, and a long arc of drool slaps across the wall opposite me before trickling along the paint, the saliva slimy and watery and dotted with specks of blood.

  The sound of sniffing fills the air as they both pick up on my scent. Fear coils around my insides and I slowly edge away just as their dark shadows can be seen across the wall, sprinting in my direction on all fours.

  If I run, their primal instincts will take over: they’ll hunt me. If I stay, they’ll probably lose control and kill me. They can’t touch me I remind myself, so I stand still, holding my breath, my pulse jittering, as they appear around the bend.

  Mr. Duke looks away with a growl when he sees me. “Jake, my dear boy Jake, leave. Now.”

  The Cook is visibly shaking as his fangs flash out, the sharp edges jagged and pointy. He takes a heavy step towards me as if it pains him to move. “It…is…best…if…you…leave.” His eyes swirl in a pool of deep blood shot red, and his pupil’s contract into slits. “We…don’t…want…any accidents…do we?”

  I shake my head as my heart pounds in my chest. “I…I…was about to leave,” I sputter, taking several steps back.

  The Cook just stares at me, unblinking, following my progress with his demented eyes as I walk backwards on shaky legs. I turn left and out of their line of vision. I break into a run; my breathing is heavy as my lungs pump adrenalin fuelled oxygen.

  I know that I need to stop the blood flow from my finger, and wash off the blood stains lining my pocket, before this situation gets out of control or I stumble across someone who can’t control his or her craving.

  The rest of the corridors are empty. I pass classrooms, ducking under the glass panels of the doors, moving as quietly as possible. Once clear of them, I pick up my pace and head towards the staff toilets. I round another bend and glance up ahead, at the doors marked ‘M’ and ‘F’. I sprint up to the men’s bathroom, pressing my face against the wooden door to listen for any noise within. After a moment, I open the door and poke my head in. I look around just to make sure, since the Vampires can be silent as shadows, but it seems clear. I edge in and close the door behind me.

  I sigh and sprint towards a sink, turning the cold water tap on with a trembling hand. I look at the gnash on my finger; the wound is worse than I had initially thought. The cut is deep and long, with blood still oozing from between the ripped skin. No wonder Alex had lost it.

  I glance over my shoulder, towards the door, hoping no one drops in, because if they do, it will surely be the end of me.

  I place my finger underneath the gush of water and watch as my blood rushes down the drain. I wince in pain as the cold water stings the open cut. I also need to wipe the blood from my pocket. The stain will eventually attract the whole school. I always come prepared for such situations, but all my stuff is in class. More importantly, I should have waited for the Artico Guards to escort me. I hope they find me before anyone else does

  I look around for toilet paper. For now, it will have to do as a bandage.

  Then, I hear the voices. I pause and cock my head towards the entrance as fear wraps its tentacles around my body.

  “Nah, you guys cheated.” The first voice drifts through the door, muffled and loud.

  I hold my breath. Please pass.

  “Whatever, you’re just jealous.” The second voice is deeper, hard and rough.

  I keep my body still, and my heart beat begins to race.

  “Who cares, it’s just the first term anyway.” The third voice makes my eyes go wide.

  All of a sudden, as though a tape recording has been muted, the voices stop. Rivers of sweat trickle down my neck as I stare at the closed door in anticipation.

  “Do you guys smell that?” The deep voice makes me flinch. I slowly back away, looking for an escape route, but only concrete and the shiny surface of tiles and ceramic stare back at me, the latter two teasing me with my own horrified reflection.

  The door swings open with a thud. It breaks off its hinges and hangs limply off the last few screws, creaking from the weight; broken wood splinters jut out from the edges. The noise makes me jump backwards, and my lower back slams into the base of the sink. I stuff my free hand into my pocket and grip the hilt of my knife tightly, knowing I may need it, but at the same time I know I don’t stand a chance against their speed and strength.

  They stand in the door way, frozen in place, as they see me standing like some lost puppy. Davilon moves gracefully to the front of his small group. His nostrils flare as he breathes in the scent of my blood.

  “Jake,” he says in his silky voice. “Jake you”- he inhales sharply and his eyes light up - “smell delicious…” The last two words hang in the air between us, uncomfortable and awkward, filling the space with further unspoken words and actions. But Davilon doesn’t move. He doesn’t pounce. He just stares. They all stare.

  “Guys…you got your test papers back?” I ask softly, hoping my voice doesn’t betray my fear, hoping they get distracted from the scent of my blood.

  They don’t move.

  I try a new line of tactic. I make a show of sniffing the air. “The air freshener smells great,” I say. “Care taker sure has some taste…”

  No one is fooled.

  They suddenly lose interest in me, and cock their heads to the right. Davilon lets out a deep growl and backs out into the corridor, leaving me frowning in confusion.

  Two quick flashes, blurs to my eyes, and standing in the doorway are two Artico Guards. I relax as relief floods through my body, chasing away the fear and replacing it with a sense of security. But then I notice their uniforms; the black of the Destroyers, with the Destroyer symbol embedded into the fabric. They aren’t my normal Guards, but regardless, I’ve never been so relieved to see them in my life.

  The slimmer of the two, with blonde hair pinned back in a ponytail, steps forward. His movements are quick and graceful, and his eyes are hidden behind shades. “Jake,” he says calmly, nodding his head in greeting. He gazes at my wounded finger, then at my pocket and then back at me. “We have come to collect you.”

  The other Destroyer, sporting a short black beard and straight long hair hanging low on his shoulders, flexes his muscular arms. “Did you have any issues?” he asks, his voice rumbling.

  I shake my head, figuring I’ll talk to Lexus about Alex and convince him not to take any action. I know Lexus will be furious at the attempt on my life, but he always listens to reason and I don’t think I will be able to live with myself if Alex is killed because of me.

  I glance over the shoulders of the Destroyers, and at the sour expression on Davilon’s face. “Guys I’ll catch you later,” I say, biting back a grin, my earlier fear and dread gone as I grasp this rare moment of revenge.

  Davilon gives me a stare full of utter loathing, his eyes flash in warning. The two Artico Destroyers cock their heads back and stare at Davilon an
d his two friends, who both avert their gazes. Finally, Davilon does too, and they all disappear down the corridor without another word.

  “Friends of yours?” says the blonde Destroyer.

  This time I smirk. “The loose kind.

  Chapter Two

  We saunter along the deserted corridors at a walking pace. The blonde Destroyer leads the way, while the other trails behind, taking the rear guard. They keep their distance from me, and I realize the alluring scent of my blood must be hanging in the air, the sweet aroma of my essence almost teasing them. I shift uncomfortably, but relax at the thought that they are Lexus’s most trusted soldiers. Harming me would be the last thing on their minds.


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