Tangerine Carnal Dreams

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Tangerine Carnal Dreams Page 1

by Savanna Kougar


  This e-Book contains sexually graphic scenes and adult language. Store your e-Books carefully where they cannot be accessed by underage readers.


  Carnal Dreams

  Savanna Kougar

  Aspen Mountain Press

  Tangerine Carnal Dreams

  Copyright @ 2008 Savannah Kougar

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While references may be made to actual places or events, the names, characters, incidents, and locations within are from the author’s imagination and are not a resemblance to actual living or dead persons, businesses, or events. Any similarity is coincidental.

  Aspen Mountain Press

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  Aurora CO 80047-3543


  Published by Aspen Mountain Press, August 2008


  This book is licensed to the original purchase only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. The e-book cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this e-book can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher.

  ISBN: 978-1-60168-127-0

  Released in the United States of America

  Editor: PJ Wilde

  Cover artist: Jinger Heaston

  Chapter One

  “Katta! Where are you? I’ve lost your blink on the netscope.”

  “I’m here, Jessa. Power-divert to tracking. I’ve got him, sis. I’ve got the son of a wormhole.” Katta struck her relay panel forcing more power to her speed system. The old spacecraft jerked forward, into a new warp level humming loudly, vibrating roughly.

  “Come on, you bucket of silicon bolts. You know I luv ya.”

  “Katta, where are you?” Jessa’s voice bounced in and out, shrill with concern.

  “Looks like our personal villain is on the fast trail to Yemisque.”

  “Yemisque! Katta, no. It’s not worth it.”

  “I don’t care. I’m going to get him.”

  “He can hide, do anything to you…almost anything.” Jessa amended, having enjoyed Yemisque’s free-wheeling sex pleasures often.

  “I’ve gotta get it back. I’m not letting Dad go down the devil’s asshole. He’ll lose everything.”

  “Katta, even you can’t─”

  “I see it, Jessa. As tangerine colored as those gumdrops you gobble. Yep! His vapor swirls down to that lust planet playground.”

  “Come back.” Her sister’s worried voice crackled faintly.

  “Sorry, sis. Gotta cut you free.”

  Katta hit her communications access with a swift hard slam of her fist then punched on the opening to Yemisque.

  “Tangerine carnal dreams, here I come,” she muttered fiercely, on fire with capturing her prey.

  Automated landing instructions flowed, a sensual male crooning translated into her birth language.

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m coming for, a really hard-lunging time. Oh baby, give it to me, harder, oooooh harder,” she mocked. Quickly, she set the rickety, but plucky craft on cruise.

  Katta stretched, relieving the tight anticipation of her muscles. “I don’t suppose it’ll be a flush-out run to the nearest fornicating mecca, get my quarry then get out. I wish.”

  “Corporal Kattalonia Svelle of Windsworld, an interview once you land.”

  The Adonis male beamed a sensual smile from her antiquated screen. Her breath caught in her chest. Just for a moment his clear blue eyes transfixed her, tripped her heart beat. Just for a moment.

  “Sure, Master of Security, I could use your assistance. You’re still not half-bad to gaze longingly upon. How’s the wife?”

  “In rambunctious heat. I’m in carnal paradise. Still playing the ice spinster, Corporal?”

  “Too much time spent chasing galactic bad guys, so no rambunctious lusting. See ya on the ground handsome.” Katta raised one brow. “No men hiding in the bushes ready to abscond with my unwilling body, right?”

  Yemisque’s Master of Security merely smiled fondly then blipped free of her screen.

  Katta shook her head, then her entire body, freeing herself. His presence was all passionate and encompassing. And a reminder that she required a garment change to undercover gear.

  “Trashy space babe coming up, or going down to.” Stretching, she slowly combed her fingers through her hair. “Oh, my goddess!” she whispered, an image of a cock and the idea of her going down on him came to mind. “I’m already ruined. The vibes must be emanating stronger than ever from that pleasure-trap planet.”

  Katta refocused, transforming from leather-shielded, weapon-heavy warrioress to leather-corseted, flesh-bared fun babe.

  Easily handling the controls, she tenderly slid the almost-antique craft into the aphrodisiac tainted atmosphere of Yemisque. The orange-golden light gilded the lush plant filled landscape of the sun-moon world. Yemisque had been a tiny sun, enticed into circling a giant frozen planet. Once the planet melted into a water-temperate world, Yemisque escaped to roam the surrounding cosmos. After discovering a far-flung orbit around a third degree blue sun, Yemisque eventually evolved into a planet able to sustain plant and animal life.

  Releasing the controls, the beam lander docked her hovering craft. Katta locked everything down, secured her privacy systems. She walked down her short ramp as the panel door whirred upwards. Immediately, the radiant orange-golden air caused her to swelter with hormones, to feel juicy. The same affect it had on all the flora and fauna of Yemisque.

  “Lovely landing spot, Master of Security.” Knowing what he liked, Kattta tossed a sassy grin at her favorite Adonis.

  “This is my place. Your safety is my concern.” He gaze travelled over her face. Taking her wrist, he placed a tantalizing kiss just below her palm.

  “Truth by seduction?”

  “Is there any other way?”

  “You got me. I’ll confess anything.”

  “And I had the perfect man in mind for your carnal torture, Corporal Kattalonia.”

  “The one lurking behind the two trees to my right? You should tell him he fails at cloaking his scent.”

  “Merely one of my gardeners. I would prefer to keep our dealings private.”

  “If he’s a gardener, this lusty babe costume is for real.”

  “Join me, Corporal. You will enjoy my color-radiant blooms.”

  Katta swung beside him, strolling along the path through his garden’s tropical plantings. Bold luscious fragrances surrounded them. Small monkeys leapt from tree to tree, chattering softly.

  “Your adorably untamed sister?” he inquired.

  “Holding down the family business. Extremely disappointed?”

  “I know several of our men will be. I heard an off world rumor on the space winds, Corporal Kattalonia. Is your father quarantined?” He paused, interrupted by the screech of a rainbow-iridescent bird flapping overhead. “Secretly imprisoned for treason?”

  “Your source is impeccable. I trailed the responsible son of a wormhole here. He hasn’t had time to deliver the data cube he stole from Dad to his buyer. Do I have free investigative rein, Master of Security?”

  “You don’t have his total identity. Just his trail.”

  “Just his trail off my world. Only because I hopped on that short-route junker since it was the only craft available.”

  “Maintain the space babe disguise, Corporal. Appear to enjoy our passionate delights. I will assist you; give you roaming privileges. Twenty-one guests have landed within reach of your trailing sensors.”

  “Could be more.�
�� Katta allowed the fronds of a giant emerald-colored fern to brush over her palm, then her inner arm. “My range is actually twice what it reads out to your sensors,” Katta hesitantly revealed.

  “Make it forty-three guests. A third of those are your suspects. Most of them are quenching their space dust thirst at the Outlander. Begin there. I’ll lurk in background.”

  “Good move. Pretend we don’t know each other.”

  “One rule.” He pivoted before her. “If I summon you, you come to me no matter what else occurs.”

  Katta studied him. Not one ounce of compromise in the hard stance of his body, or his new-morning blue eyes.

  “Sure, whatever you say, good lookin’.”

  “Go rogue on me, Corporal Kattalonia, and I’ll let my deputies go rogue on that delectable goddess body of yours. One of them is already panting hard to get you beneath him.”

  “Yeah.” Katta’s stance thrust her hip out against her hand. “I got your message. You’re the boss here, Adonis.”

  As if the far, far away sun broke through, the Master of Security smiled. He bowed before her, touched another kiss to her palm.

  “My wife will relay any message.”

  Katta grinned broadly. “Tell your beloved treasure I look forward to seeing her again.”

  * * * *

  “Dred.” The naked brown woman pouted invitingly. She teased her breast before his lips.

  Dred was about to suckle her beautiful dark nipple and stroke the soft cone shape of her breast but instead he stood, rudely jerking his aroused cock from the mouth of her sister. She squealed in astonishment, quickly becoming angry. When his pleasuring fingers abandoned the slick ripe clit of the third sister, her shrill cry pierced his ears. She begged then raged curses at him, her ferocious arousal obvious.

  Dred ignored them all, sniffing. He had caught her scent, a delicious sizzle inside his nostrils. The woman he was running from. The one that chased him through cosmos.

  Still as a statue, not seeing or hearing anything around him, he focused on seizing her scent again, following her estrus heat. She had been able to evade him the last time he found her, jumping from one passenger starship to another through three different port landings. With his people banned from her home world, he had recently arrived on Yemisque, knowing her sister often enjoyed the carnal haven.

  Keeping his urge to shapeshift under control, Dred strode from the beach alcove into the vine-thick rain forest. Once hidden, he ran along the center path, swiftly changing to racing stallion.

  His nostrils flared; her woman’s fragrance stinging and ecstatic. His racing limbs pounded rhythmically, driven by the raging rut of his loins. When a jaguar lunged for his back hock, the cat’s jaws fierce and ready to rip him to instant lameness, he bucked once then launched a ferocious kick, sending the jungle cat flying. He neighed with conquering fury, rearing. Landing on his front hooves, he snaked his neck and twitched his tail vigorously. He sniffed for her then trotted swiftly, following. Her estrus scent had lessened. She was inside, her scent no longer carried by the humid breezes.

  Before Dred emerged from the vine thick jungle, he returned to human form. Atop the large rise of ground, he gazed down at the Outlander bar. Against the dimming afternoon light torches glowed, surrounding the immense rustic structure.

  Knowing the woman he considered to be his had not arrived to gain a lover or several lovers, but was likely involved in some covert mission, Dred paused to strategize his next move. Stallion wild, he wanted her, but wise thought ruled, and he decided to discover her purpose first. He would do nothing that could harm her.

  Also, the scent of other women decorated him. She would have further cause to detest him smelling of other women and would invite her temper, her laser quick fighting reflexes, or her fire. Dred rubbed one finger across his cheek. The fire shooting from her palm had blistered him once before his own powers halted her.

  “Mhaya.” He kept his back to her, his refusal to face her rebuke. “Did you gallop after me?”

  “Just following your sire’s orders. Why not make it easy? Gallop with me on the early evening beach. Mount me as we’ve relished passion before.”

  “Find another. There are several of us here.”

  “Not with your prowess. I long for you deep inside me─”

  “No names here,” Dred warned before she spoke his formal title. “You are dismissed, Mhaya. When you speak to my sire, tell him I am not pleased.”

  “You should be─”

  “You are dismissed, Mhaya.”

  Dred listened to his sire’s watcher shapeshift into a filly and leave him. He whirled toward another sound, a faint rustling as if someone crept away. He sniffed a man’s sweat-acrid odor, not from sex-frenzied exertions. He didn’t recognize the species, only that his lineage was partially reptilian.

  * * * *

  Katta sauntered inside the Outlander, glad the evening crowd hadn’t gathered yet. From end to end in the huge structure came the low sounds of couples seducing each other. The odor of carnal excitement hovered like fog, mingling with various alcoholic fruit drinks.

  The Outlander’s main bar, a long stretch of gleam-pale wood, flowed along one wall. As she leisurely stalked toward the bar, Katta felt the lust-rabid stares of several men. Flinging her hair back, she chose her spot carefully, the most superior view of the club’s interior. Perching on a high stool near the center of the bar, she languidly leaned back on one elbow and thrust her breasts out in what she hoped was a provocative enough pose.

  It didn’t take long for her lime-fragrant drink to arrive. So did a lanky Genairian, his purplish glinting skin attractive to her eye, his smooth ebony hair tempting to her hand. He leaned on his elbows beside her and boldly glanced over. His jet eyes savored her face, then lowered to her breasts, and lowered farther, sweeping along her mostly exposed thigh.

  “See anything you find delicious enough?” Katta sipped her drink, then with a sultry look, played her lips on the rim of the amber-translucent glass. As he blatantly ran his gaze over her again, her predatory nature emerged. She wanted to toy with him.

  He faced her, one hip leaning against the bar. His eyelids were half-closed, and with a quick glance at his crotch, she knew he was partially aroused. “How hard do you want to fuck?”

  Not hard enough for you…ever!

  Katta curved her lips in an alluring smile. “Why don’t you tell me a little story first?” She spoke the language he’d used, the second most popular in her part of the cosmos. Teasing her heavy-lidded gaze over him, she continued. “Like what you’re doing in this quadrant of the galaxy. Then I might be more inclined to tell you.” She gave her long flowing hair a bit of shake then throaty crooned, “Handsome”.

  “Shipping captain. On my way to Varvichy. There’s a huge gem market. Do you like pearls?” Rakishly, he curved one side of his mouth upwards.

  “Adore them. What real girl doesn’t? Especially the sweet little pinky peach ones. Just your crew on this trip? Or do you have any annoying passengers?”

  “Just me and the rest of the boys. We’re taking a few days off from deep space travel. It always keeps everyone’s temper in check.”

  “Tell you what, handsome. There’s a wench with cherry plump lips who’s eyeing you like you’re the last man standing. Your consolation prize.”

  “Consolation prize?”

  “I don’t want to be fucked hard. In fact, I hate being fucked. I like being taken, possessed by a man. I’ve twisted a few male gems over the matter, if you get my meaning.”

  “Yeah, I get your meaning.” He flashed a half grin. “My consolation prize.” He rapidly pivoted away from her.

  Katta swung one leg slowly as she sipped her tart drink. She surveyed the darkening interior, singling out possible suspects. Without appearing to watch, she observed a Syjirius man approach her.

  He slithered up behind her, oozing with the charm of a cobra. Katta pretended ignorance, sipping and keeping her gaze on the few dancing
couples high on the second loft level of the structure. The stimulating sound of the sexual music was mostly contained behind a thin force field.

  “Corporal of Windsworld. I thought that I recognized you.” His voice seductively hissed over her.

  “Do I know you?” Katta’s silky, polite flowed her voice over him, then half-turned. He smelled of smoke, part of his natural chemistry, partly his lusting interest.

  “I’ve watched you clear a few rooms with your most impressive fist and knife brawls. Do you recall the brothels of Hoburr?”

  “Watching as shadow smoke, or as a brothel customer?” She shrugged one shoulder carelessly. “Both?”

  “I can fuck you all night long. All night long.” His whisper was a crooning hiss near her ear.

  Katta tossed her head back and laughed. It was either laugh or strangle him into smoke.

  “The gentleman just before you, thief Nuroggi, offered to fuck me especially hard. Tell me your latest crime pickings, and I’ll tell you what I told him.” She sipped slowly, her lips sensually toying with the rim then set her container on the bar. “Do consider your consolation prize. I won’t suspend you in a time warp, and turn you into the Master of Security.”

  “What an intriguing consolation prize, I will accept. Only for your pale ear, I stole the Regent of Torrith’s scepter. My triumph of highest excitement, I sold it to his arch enemy, the Queen of StarReach.”

  “Enterprising collection of coin. Any other thief brethren you’ve noticed here, enjoying their ill-gotten gains?”

  “Roberrair is furiously and lewdly pawing a changeling siren in the darkest corner. However, you are not hunting him, are you?”

  “Where do you gather that truth?”

  “It is obvious your quarry is personal from the tension of your prettily curved body, Corporal. Roberrair only takes the richest items and then, with a deft skill I admire, he sells to the richest for a very large profit.”

  “Perceptive. Tell me if you discover another one of your brethren here, and I’ll overlook your next entertaining caper.”


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