Tangerine Carnal Dreams

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Tangerine Carnal Dreams Page 8

by Savanna Kougar

  He curved a bold, seductive smile. “Khriav cuisine, my Kattalonia?”

  “Exceptional choice, warrior stallion.”

  “Warrior?” He raised his brows, his dark golden eyes molten for her.

  “I want you on my side in a fight. Ferocious moves.” Katta knew she'd just encouraged him with the truth. “Except when we fight,” she added. She blazed inside, emotion and her fire.

  “We’ve engaged in a few battles, my woman. But not today.”

  Zio caught her mouth in a tender kiss, caught her to him. He let her slide down his body, sumptuously exotic against his. He gripped her tumbled mane and kissed her possessively, no doubt fueled by her mouth savoring him.

  Katta indulged in what she couldn’t fight, not on this tangerine sultry world, and her extreme passion for him. Supple fire, she draped herself against him. The feel of him in battle leathers savagely ignited her. He, this stallion man, stoked her wildest fires. Him.

  “Katta,” he torched her name. Wrapping her tresses around his hand, he pulled her head back. He trailed scorching kisses down her throat, down her breastbone. His lips touched, pressed reverently between her breasts.

  Katta quivered, forced to remember how he had seduced her before, as if she could forget. He had been masterful, awakening her breasts to him, to his feathery touches first, to his smallest kiss, ultimately fondling her to quaking fiery need. Bringing her to nova surrender beneath him.

  Freeing her mane, Zio caressed down to her haunches, stroked her rump, his hands sliding over the slick fabric. He tasted the simmering throb in her neck, teased kisses down to her shoulder, and nibbled kisses along it, strong and delicate.

  Katta flowed her hands over his leathered chest, passionately lost in the feel of him, lost to the feel of him, his hard rutting sculpture against her, and lost to him kissing her, his hands possessing her.

  Zio shaped the strength of her thighs with caresses. Seizing her mouth, he pillaged her lips, so wanton for him. His fierce kisses met her fierce kisses. Stroking up over her haunches, he seized her rump with one hand. With his other hand, he plundered her sacred womaness, plunging his fingers inside her dew-slickened petals.

  Katta moaned wild pleasure against his lips. His sliding fingers ravaged her. She whimpered, frantically took her mouth from his. She grabbed his leather-covered biceps, and primal- groaned as he roughly stroked over her bud.

  “Give me what I want, Katta,” he growling ruled.

  She knew what he wanted. He carnal-adored how she undulated her hips. To him. On him. Against him. When she danced. How she walked. He had conquered her with those impassioned words. She had arched to him, rocked to his hedonisticly beautiful thrusts inside her the first time she had allowed him to seduce her. To take her.

  Katta heathen-moved her loins, unable to resist the fondling plunder of his fingers. Dancing her body, she blatantly, rhythmically thrust. Wild. When his fingers plucked her bud, she bucked, frenzied. Sweltering with delicious horrible need, she thrust against his fingers.

  Zio watched his woman carnal dance. His fingers plunged, stroked savagely, and took her sex. Equine to the stars! He lust-wanted every feel of her, every smell of her. His hand, tight on his woman's rump, he watched. Over and over, she thrust to him. Her beauty coiled up his loins, dark and sharp, explosive.

  “Katta, give me your nova,” he guttural ruled.

  She whimpered frantically, altered her rhythm to longer strokes. Strong and blazing and pagan, she rocked becoming ecstasy on his fingers.

  Katta soared, stilled. Then she bucked wildly in searing bliss.

  Gently he plucked her, forcing her pleasure-higher.

  Finally Katta collapsed against him, her breaths telling of the ecstasy inside her.

  Zio held his woman, blistering need, dark need ruling his cock. With one hand he loosed himself. He thrust his tip against her juicy nova sex. Her scalding silkiness held him, threw him savagely into black paradise. He groaned, crushed his woman against him. Loved her.

  “Katta,” he hoarsely praised, released her a little, wondering if he held her too tightly. He stroked her back, her delectable little back.

  Lost in him, Katta didn’t speak, didn’t want to. She just wanted to feel him, feel it all—the glowing ephemeral sensations of her body. The feel of his body, stallion carnal and man heavenly, invincible against her.

  Goddess Wild Erotic! This was not going well. She owned no lust immunity against him. “Bad wonderful stallion,” she gossamer sang.

  “Belongs to you,” he velvet murmured, rested his chin on the top of her head. He touched in their food destination.

  Goddess! This was even rogue asteroid worse. He truly cared about her. Goddess, it’s not like I want to hurt him emotionally.

  “You won’t, my woman.”

  “Saber lasers at dawn, stud!” Katta twisted backwards.

  Zio gave her some room, as if she were a stubborn filly, but didn’t release her.

  “Let go, or we do battle,” Katta cold-hot stormed.

  Tenderly Zio stroked his hands from her, releasing her. Acting like a happy stallion, he covered his cock, yet kept one eye on her. Katta escaped to the farthest point of the transport, watching him blatantly inhale her scent from his fingers. The raw fragrance of her woman satiation.

  Using her years of investigative discipline, Katta sought to regain her focus. Haze-dizzy with him, their pleasures, she was also fire-angry.

  “Craft scan afterwards, prettiest?”

  “What? No after-dining tryst? I’m so disappointed,” she stung, looked over her shoulder. A mistake since he was man-stallion gorgeous.

  “Tryst in the wind chamber?” he baited teasingly.

  Katta refused, her blade-sharp reply concerning his past conquests in the wind chamber. One erotic thrill she’d never experienced.

  “Any place here you haven’t carnal experienced?” she dared.

  “No, my Katta, my woman.” Zio touched her shoulders, ignored her stiffness.

  “Exasperating. Grandly arrogantly exasperating! That’s what you are! Dred,” she mimicked, “recall that humping tumble in the wind chamber? We must have enjoyed all afternoon.”

  Zio massaged his woman’s shoulders. Gradually she surrendered, allowing him to care for her. “Dance with me, Katta…later, once we have saved your father. Later, as you once danced with me.”

  Katta’s eyes slid shut with remembrance. For the moment she couldn’t deny him, he so obviously wanted her. But she didn’t say yes either.

  “We’re here, my Katta,” he virile whispered. Stepping down, Zio lifted his woman from the transport. Possessively, he stroked the back of her neck, guiding her toward their mats, beneath a stand of tall palm trees.

  Katta sank down on the dense, soft mat on top of the pale reddish sand. Zio joined her, his mat close to hers, the small, low table between them. Leaning on her elbow, she stretched out, felt the tiny wonderful sea breezes. To her dismay, his gaze felt wonderful.

  “Your preference, my woman?” Zio picked up a strand of her red-sun mane, twirling it around his finger.

  Katta answered the miniature food-request screen.

  “Hichi drinks?” Zio caressed another strand, sensuously playing it through his fingers.

  “No liquor while studying craft scans, sweetie,” she honey-drawled.

  “Sweetie?” Amused, Zio grazed her eyes with his.

  “Your fond of name. A tradition on my world.” Katta smirked a smile. “What are you food-enjoying, sweetie?”

  Zio spoke his selection. "Sweetie," he tasted again, tasted her lounging body.

  “Of course, my sweetie, it would all be gelatinous ruined if one of your past women affectionately called you ‘sweetie’.” She raised her brows expectantly.

  “Dred!” Behind Katta a chorus of feminine voices trilled, their loins aflutter. She kept her brows raised, waited. Feeling the sex excitement of the women.

  “Pardon me moments, my prettiest.” His gaze touched hers a
nd held showing molten desire. Lithe-powerful, he stood.

  Katta rolled to observe him. Six Pythius women, their mustard-golden skin beautiful in the tangerine light of Yemisque, tittered and jumped excitedly their mostly naked breasts bouncing in a tantalizing, inviting view.

  Zio bowed briefly, spoke to them, his posture one of respect. Bowing again, he pivoted toward her. Katta glimpsed their crestfallen faces as they departed, chattering.

  "Nicely accomplished, stallion.” Katta allowed a minimal smile.

  “Thus it will be, my one woman.”

  “Can’t criticize you yet,” Katta drily tossed, accepting the nutrient rich coconut drink from a smiling server. “Sweetie,” she saluted.

  “My prettiest woman.” Zio returned the salute with his nutrient specialty. Drank her with golden dark eyes.

  Thirsty, Katta drank quickly, and drank the water provided. “I’m starving.” Her gaze settled on the two arriving food presenters. Spicy succulent odors steamed as their platters were set on the table without a word. Katta offered a swift prayer of thanksgiving. “Probably your doing, stallion. Or your taking.”

  “Your compliment is mine. Eat, my woman.” He teased her with a brief grin, his voice, a man’s invitation that they share food.

  Acting supremely confident, Zio waved his hand over his food, a vibrational prayer.

  Hungrily Katta fed herself a combination of savory root vegetables, meaty fruits and spiced poultry. Yet she ate with the leisurely rhythm of Yemisque. Her initial hunger satisfied, she spared glances to watch Zio languidly consume a variety of raw, sauce-soaked nuts.

  “You look like you’re planning something, stallion. What?”

  “A man always strategizes how best to care for and protect his woman, prettiest.” Idly, he drank his herbal broth.

  “You’re not pulling the velvet blindfold over my eyes, stud. You’re planning ways to keep me.” Katta briefly glared before she licked her fingers. “Just a bit flying-into-the-sun tricky, isn’t it? Since my world is prejudiced against you.”

  “We stallions always have our persuasive and mounting-passionate ways.”

  Fiercely irked, Katta aimed a spear vegetable at him. It sailed above his ear as he ducked, and landed with a splat on the foot of a passing server. “Apologies, please,” she rapidly spoke to the surprised Fryquiox. Once he nodded acceptance, she dissolved into silent giggles.

  A few minutes later, she frowned. “Your fault.”

  Zio cocked a brow, amusement still a golden sheen in his eyes. “Our mating will be a spirited one, my Katta.”

  “No mating. No more mating. I need to focus on rescuing father.” Her words sounded hollow as a vacation ship’s ale barrels, even to her own ears.

  Deciding to concentrate on eating again, she ignored him. Still, she couldn’t ignore all the seductively playful moans around her. Restlessly, she moved then arranged her body in a more sultry pose.

  “I would offer to feed you, my Katta, but that would not be practical to our purpose.”

  “Not practical to the mission, no." From the corner of her eye, she could see the other couples fun-sensual feeding each other. Part of her wondered what it would feel like to let him seduce her with food, or lusting tease him with bites. Danger! She interrupted herself. Dangerous carnal territory. Warning. Black spiral warning.

  "Question, stallion, is it truly practical for you to want a woman not of your culture, obviously not of your heritage?”

  “Wanting a woman is not matter of practicality even in my culture, prettiest Katta.”

  “And the woman your parents want for you? Isn’t she practical to your heritage, whatever that is exactly evidently another lack in my investigation of you.” Katta ate leisurely, her hunger much less.

  “The chosen woman of my parents is selected because she was a woman I favored in my youth who still feels passion toward me. In the view of my parents I am merely a galactic vagabond not performing responsible duty to the realm.”

  “Bad boy vagabond, merely a carefully created artifice? With respect to your stud enhancement commerce.” Katta raised a brow.

  “Perhaps this will please you, my Kattalonia. Your mental intelligence soars superior to the woman my parents offer. One reason I favor your company. Would you wish me deprived of mind-spectrum stimulation?”

  Katta paused, studied him. “Oh, the horrors of such mind deprivation. Obviously, there are women available to you with superior mental ability. But, being the brainy investigator I am, I know when I’m not going to get anymore out of you for now, Zio.” Katta made his name a seduction on her lips, on purpose, and watched his eyes golden flare.

  He reached over, stroked his palm up her thigh. She shivered inside, explosive.

  “An invitation, stallion? Should I carnal torment the truth from your locked lips?” Sultriness edged her tone.

  Zio caressed her thigh, her shapely abundance his carnal torment. “Your expertise may be lacking in gaining the truth from my locked lips. I promise my torment expertise is not lacking, my woman. I will gain every truth from your ripe lips.”

  Katta gulped surreptitiously. “Teach me the ways of carnal spying, stud mentor?” She faced down the galloping stallion. “I will admit my lack of knowledge.”

  “No, Katta,” he low spoke, brutally serious. “You sex touch no other man.”

  Chapter Nine

  Katta hid her anxious swallows. “You didn’t seem interested in who sex-touched whom before, Dred.” Her sense of fair play demanded challenge.

  “Before, my fierce woman, I had not chased you to be mine.”

  Rebel against his stallion possession? He was primitive ferocity. His caresses on her thigh were pure sensual pleasure, also ownership, as if they lived a primal time.

  “What do you suggest if the only way to save my father is sex-touching another man? Another woman? All sex variations, as I’m sure you’ve experienced, stud gallivanting around our galaxy faire and depraved.”

  “Survival, defense, duty is always forgiven, a woman more cherished.” Zio brushed her face, his fingertips making her cheek feel like satin She flushed, her skin softly warm against his touch. “The way of my heritage.”

  “My admiration,” Katta true-spoke. Her gaze speared him. “However, from my perspective, it’s difficult to ignore the hypocrisy of you before and you now.”

  “Adjustment, prettiest.” Zio cupped her face, causing her insides to become romantic mush. “You will soon adore me.”

  Katta couldn’t halt her lips coming to his, as he leaned to kiss her. Tenderness, his lips touched. His kisses claimed a depth, a desire she had never felt from another man. His hand abandoned her face, captured her rump cheek, caressing, while his lips lingered on hers, passionate.

  Her ire high against his arrogance, Katta was helpless to fight her own flame desire for him. Warning. Black spiral warning.

  “Scan?” His voice was sensual-dark near her lips.

  “Take me to scan,” she surrendered, the fragile surrender of a woman and her mocking surrender, joined as one.

  Zio leapt up, virile strength. He reached down for her. “Your curve-sumptuous beauty stuns me to need, my Katta, even as your beauty is a gift to my soul.”

  Katta grasped his hand, allowing his gentleman's way. Besides, he'd just made her weak for him with his truly spoken words. And his kiss.

  “Dred.” The woman’s voice summoned. Before she turned, Katta knew she was his race by her speech.

  “Mhaya.” Zio turned at her approach. “Are you well?”

  “I am well. I thank you for your care of me.”

  The woman’s voice was humble and grateful. Yet Katta felt her hostile animus, her own flame aura halting the waves of destructive energy.

  “I will not ask you to thank my Katta even though she helped me care for you, but you will favor her with your respect. Or you will leave.”

  “An instructed message from your father, Dred. He is not pleased with your involvement in dangerous syndi
cate politics.”

  “You have relayed his message. Is that all?”

  “Wisdom would decide against your danger involvement,” Mhaya dared, her tone utterly hostile. She pivoted away before she could be reprimanded.

  Questions flooded Katta’s mind, but she decided against them. Saving her father was All Universe.

  Zio wrapped his arm around her shoulders, guiding her toward a nearby empty alcove. He thumb-pressed his wrist device. The next moment they stood on his ship’s bridge.

  “Scan or Mhaya, my Kattalonia?”


  Zio swung around to his panel. Within moments, he accessed the Master of Security’s record, the scan of the Ambassador’s craft, large and bright. “Complete holo or sections?”

  “Keep it on screen. One section at a time.” Katta slipped into her observational trance.

  Silently Zio displayed each screen section, observing his woman’s body language, aware of her scent nuances.

  “Hold.” Katta raised her hand, stepped toward the screen, analyzing. “How is this object identified?”

  “Ancient celestial plotting tool.” Zio read the composition materials.

  “Perfect hiding container for the data cube.” Katta stepped closer.

  “Mask most of the data cube’s composition, correct?”

  “Yes. Yes, it would. Let’s see the rest.”

  “Designed for speed,” Zio observed as each section flowed past.

  “Warps past appearance,” Katta agreed. “Where’s the nuke fire?” she quipped.

  “You, you’re the nuke fire,” Zio teased her. “Knew your reputation for running down enemies. Figured he’d have to make a race of it, Corporal.”

  “You ran me down, stallion. What’s that? Looks out of position.” Katta pointed to a thin cylindrical form.

  “Unauthorized weapon, my bet. Composition reads as ion spiral containment.”

  “Not in that location. Sector unauthorized weapon, energy booster or both.”

  “He’s expecting company,” Zio offered.

  “Sure enough correct. Operationally set up for two humanoids. Since Blensur if we can believe him was his Watch Out, it would eliminate him.”


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