Worth the Risk

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Worth the Risk Page 13

by Karen Erickson

  His expression went serious. “I never told him anything. I haven’t told anyone what happened between us. Not even my brother.” He ran a hand through his hair, making a mess of it, and she couldn’t help but think he looked adorable.

  Focus, Gracie!

  “Then how did he know about us?”

  “What exactly did Marcus say?”

  “He was angry about my promotion. And he basically accused me of sleeping with you to get it.”

  “Anyone could say that. Not a one of them would know if it was true or not. It’s pure speculation on their part.”

  His rational nonchalance was infuriating. “But the way he said it…” Her voice trailed off and she chewed on her lower lip. Maybe it had been speculation on Marcus’s part. So angry and jealous he’d accuse her of anything? Of sleeping around for a big promotion? It wouldn’t be the first time a man had accused a woman of just that.

  “You’re sensitive to it. Because we did—sleep together.” He stepped closer, and she hugged herself tighter, as if she could ward him off. It didn’t work. “I swear to you, Gracie. I haven’t told a soul what happened between us. Only you and I know the truth.”

  The sincerity in his voice rang authentic. He would be foolish to confess such a thing to anyone. It could get him into a heap of trouble. Look at how crazy Becky was behaving, and she didn’t know the half of it. “You’re probably right,” she said reluctantly, lifting her chin. “I might’ve overreacted.”

  “Not that I blame you,” he said quickly.

  She offered him a faint smile and dropped her arms to her sides. She couldn’t stay mad at him forever, right? She was, after all, going to have to work with the man closely. “I guess I’m just sensitive. This promotion almost seems too good to be true.”

  “Congratulations, by the way. You’ll make a good fit as marketing director.”

  “I haven’t accepted it yet,” she reminded him.

  He scoffed. “We all know you will.”

  “Fine. You’re right.” She started to walk around the small banquet-style room, stopping behind a chair so she could grip the back of it. She needed space. Standing too close to Hunter sent her head spinning—not to mention the lingering effects of the alcohol she’d just downed. “Was it your idea? Giving me the position?”

  He shook his head slowly. “I wish I could lay claim to it, but it was all Alex. I was too stunned that you wanted to leave to even think of it.”

  “Oh.” Disappointment filled her. She thought maybe, just maybe, he had something to do with the offer.

  “But I don’t disagree with his offer, not at all. I’m glad he made it.” He paused, his gaze darkening. “I’m even happier you’re going to accept it.”

  “It means we’ll be working closely together,” she said softly. “After the launch at the Beverly Hills store, I’ll be going on a three-week leave.”

  “I’m fine with that if you are.” He paused. “If you don’t mind my asking, why are you going on a temporary leave, Gracie? Do you just need a break? Or is the job stressing you out? Because the director position is even more stressful, you know.”

  “I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” She dropped her gaze to the floor, purposely ignoring his question. She couldn’t tell him about her personal problem, her reunion with her grandma. It really wasn’t any of his business and besides, he probably didn’t care.

  Though deep down, she wanted to tell him. And she wanted him to care. Not that she would ever admit it.

  “Will you be? Really?” He cocked a brow, his words full of doubt.

  They filled her with doubt, too. Being alone in the same room with him was hard enough. Her entire body was on high alert. Her pulse throbbed faster, her skin heated and her breath came in quick little pants.

  Working with him day in and day out, even more closely now, would she be able to survive it?

  They remained quiet for a moment, and she kept her gaze trained on the floor, thinking, planning, trying to find the courage to just make her feet move and walk out. She could feel Hunter’s gaze upon her and she was too afraid to look up and see the expression on his face.

  Was he mad? Frustrated? Mildly irritated? She felt like such a fool.

  “Am I that bad? Is that why you requested the leave of absence? Did I make you that uncomfortable?”

  She jerked her head up, surprised at the aching emotion in his voice. He sounded…sad. Defeated. Guilt assuaged her. He sounded as if he took it so personally.

  “It wasn’t you, it was me,” she started, but he cut her off with a chuckle and a rueful shake of his head.

  “Classic line so you won’t make me feel bad.” He slipped his hands into his pockets and tilted his head back, gazing up at the ceiling. “I tried my best with you, but I guess it wasn’t good enough.”

  Emotions swamped her, too many at once, and she shook her head, trying to shake out the confusion. “I’m serious, Hunter. It’s all me. I—I didn’t think I could handle being around you day in and day out.”

  “Yet you take a position that will force you to work even closer with me.”

  She laughed. “I know. It sounds crazy.”

  “A better position and more money trumps emotions then, is that what you’re saying?” He kept his gaze trained on the ceiling, refusing to look at her and she wanted to thump him in his broad chest to get his full attention.

  “What? No, not at all. I mean, I’d have to be foolish to turn down such a fabulous opportunity. I just—I needed a break. Not because of you or the job, not really. There are other things going on in my life. Things I can’t really delve into with you.” She took a step toward him, unable to help it. “I should’ve come to you and told you I wanted to take a temporary leave, and I’m sorry. It’s hard enough, knowing how to deal with all of this after everything that’s happened between us.”

  “Deal with all of what?”

  “You know. This.” She waved her hand between the two of them. “But I’m a big girl. The few indiscretions we’ve shared can be forgotten, right? We can move past this.”

  He smiled up at the ceiling and then dropped his head, gazing at the floor, much like she had earlier. “You’re that eager to move past it.”

  Not really, but she had no choice. “It’s what’s best.” She had to believe that.

  “For who?” He finally lifted his head, his eyes meeting hers. His gaze so full of heat she felt singed where she stood.

  “For the both of us?” Her voice sounded weak. Her entire body felt weak.

  Because of him.

  Slowly, he shook his head, taking one step toward her. Then another. “Not for me.”

  She backed up, trying her best to stay out of his reach. If he touched her, she’d be done for. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying I’m not ready to move past it.” He came closer and closer and she stumbled backward, her butt meeting the wall. “I don’t think you are either.”

  “I am.” She nodded furiously, and she wondered who she was trying to convince. Herself or Hunter?

  “I get near you and there’s a spark.” Reaching out, he settled his hand on her cheek, his thumb stroking down, sending a scattering of goose bumps all over her flesh. “I touch you and I can feel it all the way to my bones.” He moved in even closer, still cupping her cheek, and he dipped his head. “And when our lips meet, I want to consume you.”

  She parted her lips, ready to protest, ready to tell him to stop, but he swooped in, taking her mouth with a passion that overwhelmed.

  And like the weakling that she secretly was, she couldn’t deny him. She didn’t want to.


  Chapter Twelve

  Gracie wound her arms around his neck, her hands diving into his hair. Stroking, sending a cascade of shivers all over his skin, and Hunter deepened the kiss. He darted his tongue inside her mouth, stroking it against hers in a timeless rhythm that made his cock ache, his entire body ache.

  He wanted to take her. Brand her. Mak
e her his. The games, the confusion, all of it had taken a toll and he was sick to death of playing by her rules.

  Tonight, right now, he wanted to give her a little taste of his rules. His demands. His wants. Show her exactly how he could treat her like a queen so she’d want no one else.

  Only him.

  “Hunter,” she murmured against his mouth, her voice a harsh whisper, her breathing accelerated. “Hunter, please.”

  “Hunter, please what? Do you want me to touch you? Drive you wild? Make you come? I can, you know.” Proving his point, he pressed her into the wall with his body, chest to chest, hips to hips. Grabbing her thigh, he lifted her leg, rubbed his erection against her center, and she moaned in agony. “I can do so much to you. Make you feel so good.”

  She leaned her head against the wall with a soft thunk, exposing her elegant, long neck. Dipping in, he pressed his mouth to her pulse, licking her sweet skin, nipping at her flesh with his teeth. She yelped, her hands tight in his hair.

  “It’s so easy between us, Gracie. Why do you want to deny it?” he asked, his mouth pressed against her neck before he darted out his tongue to lick. She tasted sweet, so damn sweet and he licked again. Like he couldn’t get enough of her.

  Hell, he couldn’t.

  “You don’t know what you’re saying,” she whispered. She wound his short hair around her fingers, gripping his head tight and dragging him back up so he had no choice but to face her. “This can’t happen. It’s a mistake we shouldn’t repeat.”

  “You want to, though.”

  She gave a little sound of frustration and stomped her foot, narrowly missing his. “I can’t do this.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it messes with my head! You mess with my head.” She pressed her swollen lips together, her eyes pleading with him to understand. He got it, really he did. But logic wasn’t playing a part in his actions tonight.

  He was reacting on pure emotion. And pure, all-consuming need.

  “You mess with my head too, Gracie. Both of them.” With a chuckle he wrapped his hand around her wrist, bringing her hand down and resting it against his straining erection. It pressed against the front of his trousers, desperate to be set free, and her gentle touch set his skin on fire for her.

  “Hunter.” She stroked him, as if she couldn’t help herself, and he swallowed hard. Desperate to stave off the urge to attack her and fuck her where she stood.

  Yeah, he was behaving like a pushy bastard, but he wasn’t going to be a total jerk about it. Never again. He needed to let this woman know the truth.

  “Can you feel what you do to me?” His voice came out a harsh whisper and he leaned in, pressing his forehead to hers. Gazing into her beautiful green eyes, she was all he could see, all he could feel. “I can’t stop thinking about you. I can’t stop thinking about the nights we spent together. They weren’t enough. I want more.” He breathed deep. “I know it’s not right, the position I’m putting you in. Trust me, I feel like a complete asshole, but you have to know. You have to know how I feel.”

  She sighed and closed her eyes. Dropped her hand away from his cock, and he felt bereft. As if she was slowly but surely pulling away. Devastation waited to crash over him and his entire body went tense. “What do you feel? For me?” She cracked open her eyes, the irises brilliant with unshed tears.

  Ah, God. He’d made her cry. He was a complete and utter ass. “I don’t know,” he said truthfully, and he saw the flicker in her gaze. He needed to make this right. “But I want to explore it—us together—and see where we take it.”

  “It’s probably a big mistake,” she warned again.

  “Huge,” he agreed, lifting his head from hers. He wasn’t going to lie. It felt like a huge setup to failure.

  But maybe, just maybe, they could succeed. Together.

  “I don’t like letting anyone in too close. You know this.” She hitched in a breath as if those few words took a lot for her to say.

  “Why, Gracie? Because of your childhood?” He had a suspicion it all stemmed from her past, not that he could blame her.

  “I don’t want to talk about it. Let’s just say I’ve been hurt. A lot. I’m trying to work through that.”

  “Everyone’s been hurt.”

  She smiled ruefully. “You’re right. Maybe I just have a harder time dealing with it.”

  Anger rushed through him. He wanted to ease her pain. Protect her. Keep her safe and treasure her like she deserved. Cradling her face with his hands, he stared deep into her eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you. But—I can’t make any promises. Things happen. People do and say hurtful things all the time. It can’t be helped.” He had to be truthful. She deserved no less.

  Gracie closed her eyes, tears clinging to her lashes. The sight of them tore at his heart. “I can’t expect you to make such a promise.”

  “But I’ll do my damnedest to make you feel good. To treat you like you deserve to be treated.” Leaning in, he pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “With respect,” he murmured against her mouth before he kissed her again. “With honor.” Another kiss. “With passion.” One final, clinging kiss. “You deserve all of that and more.”

  Emotions clutched at his heart, clogged his throat. A wave of tenderness washed over him at the way she leaned into him, how her breath hitched. She was overcome, maybe as overcome as he was and he didn’t know what to do next.

  Well, he knew they needed to get out of here and quick. “Come home with me,” he whispered, kissing her again because he couldn’t resist. “Spend the night with me, Gracie.”

  “We—we can’t leave together. Everyone will see.” Her voice trembled and he knew she worried.

  “They’ve probably already noticed we’re gone.” If he remembered correctly, and Lord knew he’d been at Mick’s often enough the last ten years, he believed there was an exit door not far from the small banquet rooms in the back of the pub. “I think I know what we can do.”

  He took her hand and led her out of the room, checking the hallway for anyone near before they emerged. He saw the glowing exit sign to his left in the distance, and he turned toward the door that loomed at the end of the hall.

  She followed him, her fingers curled around his. Her trust in him was overwhelming. That she was willing to go with him still, after everything they’d gone through, it touched him deep.

  Deeper than he ever wanted to admit. She’d wound her way around his heart so fast, and he wasn’t sure if he’d ever be able to rid himself of her.

  Wondered further if he even wanted to rid himself of her.

  Gracie was a thousand times a fool.

  But a happy, blissed-out fool, in any case.

  Hunter had kissed her continuously in the cab, kept her firmly in his embrace. His mouth never far from hers. She’d enjoyed it, reveled in it, loved the way he tasted, how he felt. Warm and protective, sexy and sweet, he’d reluctantly released his hold on her when the car had pulled in front of his apartment building.

  And immediately pulled her back into his arms when the elevator doors shut and they were alone.

  She’d never felt so wanted in her life. Of course, she’d never let down her barriers long enough to allow a man to treat her like a goddess. And that was exactly what she felt like, a sexy, sensual goddess who drove a handsome, powerful man such as Hunter Worth to absolute distraction.

  It was a heady feeling. One she wasn’t willing to let go of.

  The moment they slipped into his apartment, he had her in his embrace once more, pinned against the wall. His large hands held her in place, his thumbs pressing into the soft flesh of her stomach. More thorough, breath-stealing kisses, his tongue licked wickedly at hers, and her entire body lit up.

  She might regret it later, but she doubted it. She’d regret their eventual break-up, but never the sex, the intimacy they shared. Their connection was so strong, so immediate. She knew exactly what he liked, what he needed. And he knew her needs too.

  “I wanted to take yo
u in the pub,” he murmured in her ear before he nipped it with his teeth. She hissed out a breath and her body throbbed at his words. “Reach my hand up your skirt, ease your panties down your legs and take you right up against the wall.”

  Her knees wobbled. He liked walls. And so did she. Thank goodness for the wall now. She’d slide to the floor if it wasn’t there to prop her up. “What stopped you?”

  He chuckled and slid his mouth down her throat in a wet, hot path. “I didn’t want you to be embarrassed if we got caught.”

  That he thought of her first touched her. He really was too sweet. Nuzzling her cheek against his, she sighed. “Nothing’s stopping you now, though. No one can catch us.”

  “You’re right.” He slipped a hand beneath her skirt, his fingers skimming up her thigh, coming closer, closer…until they brushed the front of her panties. “Mmm, you’re wet.”

  She’d soaked through her panties, how mortifying. But he seemed pleased, if the note in his voice was any indication. And when he slipped his fingers beneath the front of her underwear and murmured his approval at what he found, she knew he was extremely pleased.

  And so was she.

  “Your skin is so soft,” he said just before he captured her lips with his. His tongue thrust in time with his fingers, and she whimpered, overcome with the sensations washing over her. She was going to come and quick, just like this. Hunter’s hand in her panties, his fingers touching her intimately, pressed against a wall.

  A thrill moved through her, and she lifted her hips, trying to get him to touch her in just the right spot. He broke the kiss and smiled at her. “Tell me where, Gracie. Where do you want me to touch you?”

  “Higher,” she whispered, shocked that she so easily did as he asked. He dragged his index finger through her folds at her direction, until he hovered just above her clitoris. “Yes, right there,” she sighed.

  His touch was light, teasing as he circled the swollen nub. Holding her breath, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back against the wall, focusing solely on that one spot he touched. Her legs shook, and she slapped her hands against the wall, palms flat, fingers curled. She was close, so close…


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