Mistletoe Magic

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Mistletoe Magic Page 1

by Fern Michaels

  Books by Fern Michaels:

  Holly and Ivy

  Fancy Dancer

  No Safe Secret

  Wishes for Christmas

  About Face

  Perfect Match

  A Family Affair

  Forget Me Not

  The Blossom Sisters

  Balancing Act

  Tuesday’s Child


  Southern Comfort

  To Taste the Wine

  Sins of the Flesh

  Sins of Omission

  Return to Sender

  Mr. and Miss Anonymous

  Up Close and Personal

  Fool Me Once

  Picture Perfect

  The Future Scrolls

  Kentucky Sunrise

  Kentucky Heat

  Kentucky Rich

  Plain Jane

  Charming Lily

  What You Wish For

  The Guest List

  Listen to Your Heart



  Finders Keepers

  Annie’s Rainbow

  Sara’s Song

  Vegas Sunrise

  Vegas Heat

  Vegas Rich


  Wish List

  Dear Emily

  Christmas at Timberwoods

  The Sisterhood Novels:

  Crash and Burn

  Point Blank

  In Plain Sight

  Eyes Only

  Kiss and Tell



  Home Free

  Déjà Vu

  Cross Roads

  Game Over

  Deadly Deals

  Vanishing Act

  Razor Sharp

  Under the Radar

  Final Justice

  Collateral Damage

  Fast Track

  Hokus Pokus

  Hide and Seek

  Free Fall

  Lethal Justice

  Sweet Revenge

  The Jury



  Weekend Warriors

  The Men of the Sisterhood


  High Stakes

  Fast and Loose

  Double Down

  The Godmothers Series:

  Getaway (E-Novella Exclusive)

  Spirited Away (E-Novella Exclusive)

  Hideaway (E-Novella Exclusive)


  Breaking News


  Late Edition


  The Scoop

  E-Book Exclusives:

  Desperate Measures

  Seasons of Her Life

  To Have and to Hold


  Captive Innocence

  Captive Embraces

  Captive Passions

  Captive Secrets

  Captive Splendors

  Cinders to Satin

  For All Their Lives

  Texas Heat

  Texas Rich

  Texas Fury

  Texas Sunrise


  Winter Wishes

  The Most Wonderful Time

  When the Snow Falls

  Secret Santa

  A Winter Wonderland

  I’ll Be Home for Christmas

  Making Spirits Bright

  Holiday Magic

  Snow Angels

  Silver Bells

  Comfort and Joy

  Sugar and Spice

  Let it Snow

  A Gift of Joy

  Five Golden Rings

  Deck the Halls

  Jingle All the Way

  Mistletoe Magic



  Kensington Publishing Corp.


  All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  ZEBRA BOOKS are published by

  Kensington Publishing Corp.

  119 West 40th Street

  New York, NY 10018

  Compilation copyright © 2017 by Kensington Publishing Corp.

  “Making Spirits Bright” copyright © 2011 by MRK Productions

  “Mister Christmas” copyright © 2013 by MRK Productions

  “A Winter Wonderland” copyright © 2012 by MRK Productions

  “Candy Canes and Cupid” copyright © 2014 by MRK Productions

  Fern Michaels is a registered trademark of First Draft, Inc.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

  Zebra and the Z logo Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Off.

  eISBN-13: 978-1-4201-4683-7

  eISBN-10: 1-4201-4683-1

  Kensington Electronic Edition: November 2017

  ISBN: 978-1-4201-4682-0

  Table of Contents

  Books by Fern Michaels:

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Making Spirits Bright

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  Mister Christmas


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  A Winter Wonderland

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  Candy Canes and Cupid

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15



  Making Spirits Bright

  Chapter 1

  Placerville, Colorado

  November 2011

  Melanie McLaughlin positioned her cursor on the SEND icon, double-clicked, and waited for the window telling her that her mail had been sent to pop up. She signed off her e-mail account, then moved her mouse to exit the complicated graphics program she’d helped design last year. It was her biggest job to date, and she was happy to be finished. She didn’t want to work during the upcoming Christmas season. Fortunately, she was her own boss, so she made the rules. She just wanted to enjoy the holidays without any professional commitments, no last-minute all-night projects to finish. She’d worked diligently through the Thanksgiving holiday to make sure her schedule was completely cleared un
til after the new year.

  She’d promised Stephanie Marshall, her best friend, that she’d watch her girls, Amanda and Ashley, today, so that Stephanie and her fiancé, Edward Patrick Joseph O’Brien, “Patrick” to his friends, could spend Black Friday Christmas shopping. She thought it very courageous of the couple to tackle the crowds. Melanie had promised the girls she would take them skiing at Maximum Glide, then they would come back to her condo, where they would spend the afternoon learning to knit.

  Melanie had been an avid knitter since junior high, long before it was fashionable. Both girls were eager to learn, telling her they wanted to learn to knit so they could give their mother handmade Christmas gifts. Melanie smiled, remembering the first scarf she’d made for her own mother. Uneven stitches and a horrid fluorescent orange; her mother had been delighted with her gift. She’d kept the scarf packed in a shoe box in the back of her closet all these years. For safekeeping, her mother’d said. Personally, Melanie thought her mother kept it out of sight to prevent temporary blindness to those unfortunate few who’d been forced to admire her handiwork. At the time, Melanie had reasoned the color would stand out on the slopes, her mother easily spotted in case of an emergency.

  She’d made sure to purchase plenty of red and green yarn for the girls’ first project, a pot holder. No way would she subject Stephanie to such a horrific color as her mother’s!

  She pushed the POWER button to turn off her computer. For the entire month of December and what was left of November, she vowed not to turn it back on unless it was a dire emergency. That didn’t mean she couldn’t check her e-mail. She’d just do it from her cell phone.

  Melanie rolled her chair away from the desk and almost ran over Odie, her three-year-old boxer. “Hey, bud, don’t sneak up on me like that. You’re liable to give me a heart attack.”

  “Woof, woof!” Odie stood up on all four paws, his shiny brown eyes beseeching her not to leave him behind.

  She gave him a quick scratch between the ears. “You’re a lucky boy today. I promised Candy Lee I’d let her dog-sit, so there.” Candy Lee, a high school student who worked part-time at The Snow Zone ski shop was a die-hard animal lover. Melanie brought Odie to the store whenever she knew Candy Lee was working. Today would be crazy busy, but Melanie knew there were three staff members on loan from their ski-lift positions to assist Candy Lee since both Stephanie and Patrick had taken the day off.

  An ear-piercing meow directed her attention to her newly adopted cat, Clovis. He had a rich butterscotch coat and giant jade-colored eyes, which were staring at her to demand her attention. Another ear-splitting meow. She reached down and scooped up the giant ball of fur. “I guess this means you want to come, too?” Another meow, and two quick slaps from his bushy tail, and Melanie knew she couldn’t leave Clovis alone.

  Weighing in at twenty-seven pounds when she’d spied him at the local animal shelter, he’d caught her attention two months ago when, on a whim, she decided Odie needed a pal. Though her intent was to adopt another dog, Clovis had glowered at her from his cage as she’d walked through the shelter. She’d heard his manlike meow, and decided a cat would be a perfect companion for Odie, who was docile and lived for belly rubs and the occasional bit of rare steak. A cat would be perfect given the boxer’s disposition.

  When she’d taken the husky feline out of his cage, he’d licked her face just like a dog. He’d captured her heart on the spot. The dog and cat had taken to each other like jelly to peanut butter.

  She rubbed her nose against Clovis’s before placing him on top of her desk. “Let me load up the ski equipment, guys,” Melanie said, sure both animals understood her.

  Odie dropped down on his haunches, and Clovis perched upright as though saying, “Okay, but speed it up.”

  She made fast work of getting her skis, poles, boots, and helmet from the front closet. She grabbed a tote that held her ski pants and all the miscellaneous gear one needed when skiing. She peered inside the bag just to make sure she had a full bottle of sunscreen. The morning sun blazed like a giant lemon in the powder blue sky. Given that and the blustering winds, sun- and windburn was a sure thing without proper protection.

  That day, Melanie was thankful her condo had its own private garage. The temps were supposed to be in the low teens. Her Lincoln Navigator took forever to warm up when left outside. After stuffing her equipment in the back, she tossed her tote on the front passenger seat.

  She made three trips to the condo and back to the Navigator before she had all her supplies. Since she was bringing Odie and Clovis to The Snow Zone, she’d brought their beds just in case Candy Lee needed them out of the way. Odie didn’t like being shifted to the small office at the back of the store. Melanie was sure he understood the difference between the rows of sweaters and ski coats and the actual ski equipment. She’d often commented to Stephanie that if she were ever in a pinch, Odie was sure to be a great assistant. Neither animal liked being relegated to the back office, yet they seemed to make the best of their situation. Both animals got along famously. So far, they’d remained in the office without any signs of mass destruction.

  Once they were all secured properly in their seats, Melanie made the short drive to Stephanie’s little ranch house in Placerville. She grinned at the memory of last year’s Christmas. She had purchased the little ranch home for Stephanie and the girls. She’d placed the deed and the rest of the paperwork that goes along with purchasing a house in a plain envelope as though its contents were unknown to her. Stephanie still told anyone who would listen what a grand gesture Melanie had performed.

  Melanie had inherited millions when her grandmother died. Her parents had bought real estate when the market was hopping, before she was born, and they, too, weren’t lacking in the financial department. This made their lives and that of many others better. Her mother always told her you get back what you give, tenfold, and it wasn’t necessarily a monetary return. Melanie tried to practice on a daily basis what her mother preached. So far, she’d never been disappointed.

  Melanie had come to love Stephanie like the sister she’d always dreamed of having. Adding her two adorable daughters, Ashley and Amanda, they completed the rest of the family she didn’t have. Settling the three of them into a home of their own was the least she could do given all they’d been through. Married to an abusive husband, Stephanie had found Hope House for her and the girls. The secret shelter was for battered women and their families. Melanie’s mother had long been a financial supporter of Hope House. It was there that Melanie found Stephanie and her girls. Grace Landry, the founder and a therapist, had taken the family of three under her wing and given them their first real chance for a normal life. The little garage apartment Grace had secured for them was owned by Melanie’s parents. Melanie lived right down the road. And, as they say, the rest is history.

  Melanie adjusted the heater controls on the dash, then stretched her arm over the seat to reach for a large blanket, which she placed over Odie and Clovis. Both readjusted their positions, allowing the blanket to drape comfortably around them.

  She smiled from ear to ear as she engaged the four-wheel drive and skillfully maneuvered the steep winding road leading to Stephanie’s. Careful not to slide off the side of the mountain, Melanie safely pulled into Stephanie’s freshly shoveled driveway ten minutes later.

  * * *

  Patrick. It was his new mission in life to take care of Stephanie’s every need, no matter how great or small. And the girls had him so tightly wrapped around their little fingers, their wish was his command even before they asked. Patrick of all men. A confirmed bachelor, he’d always intended to remain single. And then Stephanie Marshall entered the picture. Though they’d had a few rough patches, anyone who saw them together knew they were madly in love.

  One evening after Stephanie had invited them all over for dinner, making her specialty, three-cheese manicotti and her famous homemade garlic-knot rolls, Melanie, Grace, and her husband, Max Jorgenson, who brought their ne
w baby daughter Ella, listened intently as Patrick told them about Shannon, his niece. She had died of an extremely rare blood disorder on the day she was supposed to graduate from high school. Suddenly, Melanie had understood his fear of getting close to Stephanie and the girls too soon. He was afraid of being hurt all over again.

  But Patrick, being a truly decent guy, had taken another look at Stephanie and her girls. And just as his best bud Max Jorgenson, famous Olympic Gold Medalist skier, had proposed to Grace, Patrick asked Stephanie to marry him. On New Year’s Day, they were planning to take their vows at the top of the slopes and, together, as man and wife, they’d ski down Gracie’s Way, and at the bottom of the run, all would celebrate the much-anticipated union of the couple.

  * * *

  Melanie hopped out of the Navigator, stomping her tan-colored Uggs on the cleared pavement. “You two sit tight. I’ll be right back,” she called out to her menagerie. She hurried up the short steps to the front porch, where she grabbed the doorknob, only to have it slip from her grasp before she even had a chance to twist it.

  “Auntie M, Auntie M, are you really taking us skiing today? Are we still gonna go back to your house and learn how to . . .”

  “Shhh, Amanda. We’re not supposed to tell, remember?” Ashley chastised her little sister.

  Stephanie chose that moment to join them at the front door. “Seems like I almost overheard a secret.”

  Amanda and Ashley looked away, not meeting their mother’s stern look. Melanie broke in before the girls revealed their afternoon plans. “I’m teaching the girls a new skill. We’re just not telling what it is,” Melanie said.

  “Good. I don’t know what I’d do if you were to . . . to . . . do something like you did last year.”

  They all broke out in laughter, even the girls. Melanie tossed her long blond braid over her shoulder. “I don’t think I’ll be able to top that gift, at least not for a while. At the rate you’re all going, I’ll be a hundred and six before you stop ragging me about that.”


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