The Game Changer : Indianapolis Eagles Series Book 8

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The Game Changer : Indianapolis Eagles Series Book 8 Page 12

by Samantha Lind

  “Thank you for taking over and doing that for me tonight.”

  “I don’t mind, you know that. Plus, it gives me a little bonding time with my little man,” he tells her. The love for his sister and nephew is so evident on his face that it makes my heart melt. It also has me thinking of what it would be like to watch John holding his own child—our child. I can only imagine that he’d be an amazing father, especially after seeing him with Mason tonight.

  “I know, and he loves it, too,” she says.

  “So, what are you two chattering about out here?” he asks, looking between the two of us. I don’t know if we look guilty, or he just assumes that we were discussing him. “Don’t believe a word she says,” he tells me, pointing at his sister. He almost finishes his statement without cracking a smile, but all it takes is Cindi to start laughing and he loses it.

  “I didn’t tell her anything bad,” she insists.

  “She didn’t,” I tell him, backing her up.

  “Uh huh,” he grunts, not believing a word we’re saying. “I don’t believe that for one bit.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll save the embarrassing stories for Mom to tell,” Cindi tells him in a sickeningly sweet voice.

  John just groans again, holding his hand up over his heart. “You wound me. And here I thought that you were my best friend,” he says dramatically.

  “Oh please. Like you didn’t try and embarrass me when you first met Stephanie.”

  “I plead the fifth,” he volleys back to her.

  “That’s what they all say,” she mutters. “Just remember, baby brother. Payback is a bitch.” She practically cackles in laughter as she rubs her hands together.

  “On that note, are you ready for bed?” John asks me, I’m sure to try and get me away from his sister.

  I look down at my watch and see that it’s already almost ten. “I guess so, I have to be up early tomorrow for work.”

  “I’m exhausted, as well. I haven’t been staying up much later than Mason these days. Baking two babies has been sucking all my energy right out of me.”

  “I can only imagine,” I empathize with her. I haven’t ever experienced it myself, but have been around many pregnant women who’ve told me all about the highs and lows of pregnancy.

  John helps Cindi up from her chair, then does the same with me. I grab my empty wine glass and head inside. I make quick work of adding the few dishes that we’ve used since dinnertime to the dishwasher, then pulling out things I’ll need in the morning so they’re on the counter and ready for me. I’m not a huge morning person, so having things set out the night before is very helpful.

  “Have a good night, I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” Cindi asks as she comes out of the bathroom.

  “Yes, probably not until after I’m off work, but I planned on coming back over. I just need to stop at my place after work for a little while and check on my cat.”

  “Sounds good. Have you ever thought of just bringing him here?” she asks.

  “Not really. We usually split our nights between here and my place, so it works out. He’s kind of a recluse sometimes and doesn’t really like new places. I think moving him back and forth would just stress him out, more so than me not being there every night.”

  “That makes sense. I guess letting Mason meet him wouldn’t be the best idea then, huh?”

  “He’s never been around kids, so I have no idea what he’d do, to be honest with you. He doesn’t take to new people very quickly. Unless, that is, you’re John, who apparently is the cat whisperer,” I tell her.

  “Is that so?” she questions, her eyes lighting up.

  “Yep, John comes over and Walter will come out, curl right up on John’s lap and everything.”

  “Interesting. I never thought of my brother as a cat guy.”

  “I don’t think he thought he was a cat guy until we started dating, and I think he more tolerates him than anything,” I tell her as John comes down the hall to join us.

  “Are you two talking about me again?”

  “Not really, we’re talking about Walter. Cindi was asking why I don’t just bring him over here with me.”

  “Ah,” he says, sliding his arm around my waist. “Are you ready for bed?”

  “Yep,” I tell him, “I’ll see you when I see you. Don’t wake up early just to see me off to work, sleep in and let this guy look after Mason in the morning,” I tell Cindi.

  “I like the way you think!” she says, laughing. “Good night, you two.”

  “Night, sis,” John tells her, stepping away from me so he can hug her goodnight. I head for his room, changing into some pj’s and hitting up the bathroom to get ready for bed.

  I slip between the sheets, the smell from the laundry detergent hitting my nostrils. I love the smell of clean sheets. “You have a good time talking to my sister tonight?” John asks as he slides into bed with me. He almost instantly pulls me into his side. His lips find mine in a sensual kiss.

  “Yes, we had a good time,” I tell him as I run my fingers through his dark hair.

  “Good, she’s one of the best people I know. I’m glad the two of you hit it off. I don’t know what I’d do if two of the most important women in my life didn’t get along,” he tells me.

  “I’m glad that it all worked out. We had some good conversations about a lot of different things. Just getting to know one another better,” I tell him. “But don’t worry, she didn’t spill all your secrets.” I wink at him so he knows I’m just playing around with him.

  “You know what’s not fair about you being an only child?” he asks, squeezing me a little tighter.

  “What’s that?” I ask, shifting slightly to give him better access to kiss my neck.

  “That I don’t have a sibling of yours to get to know who can tell me all your embarrassing stories and dirty secrets.”

  “Julia has just as much dirt on me than your sister probably has on you, so don’t worry, there will be a day when you can find out what you think you need to know,” I assure him.

  “I’ll have to keep that in mind,” he says, smirking before he dips his head, finding my neck to kiss and suck at, all the while driving me crazy with need for him.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Morning,” I rasp as I feel Jill start to stir next to me. Her back is to my front, ass nestled right against my cock. Her movements cause my cock to stir, so I pull her tighter against me and bury my face in her neck.

  “Someone’s happy this morning,” she moans as I thrust slightly against her ass and suck at her neck.

  “Who could blame me when I’ve got a sexy girlfriend rubbing her ass against my dick?”

  “Hmm.” She hums as her phone starts buzzing against the nightstand. “Ugh.” She groans, and not the good kind of groaning as she reaches for it, hitting the screen to turn the alarm off. She rolls in my arms, pressing a kiss to my cheek. “Sorry I have to kill the mood, but I have to get up and get ready for work. Rain check?” she asks, her lips just a hair’s breadth away from mine.

  “Of course,” I tell her as I press my lips to hers. “Up and at ‘em,” I tell her once we’ve broken apart. I smack her ass to get her moving, and, well, because I’m a guy and I love touching it. “You go get in the shower and I’ll make you some breakfast,” I offer, knowing that it will help motivate her to get moving so she isn’t late.

  “You are too good to me, you know that?” she asks, turning to look at me as she backs herself towards the bathroom.

  “Only the best for you, babe!” I call out as the door to the bathroom closes, followed shortly by the water turning on in the shower.

  I make my way out to the kitchen, a little shocked to see Cindi up and drinking a cup of coffee. “Morning, sis,” I greet her, leaning down to drop a kiss on the top of her head.


  “How’d you sleep?” I ask as I pull out a pan to start some eggs for everyone.

  “Eh, okay, I guess. I got up t
o pee and couldn’t fall back asleep, so I figured a cup of coffee was in order.”

  “Mason still sleeping?” I ask, figuring that he is since I don’t see or hear him anywhere.

  “Yep, he was still passed out cold when I checked on him a little bit ago. That doesn’t surprise me though.”

  “Yeah, he was pretty tired last night when I put him to bed,” I tell her as I flip some eggs, proud that I didn’t break the yoke when I flipped like I usually end up doing. “Was there anything specific you wanted to do today?” I ask.

  “Nope, we’re here to see you, so whatever it is that you want to do.”

  “Feel up to walking around outside?” I ask.

  “Sure, it’s supposed to be nice, yes?”


  “Where are you thinking?”

  “The zoo. I thought Mason might like seeing the animals.”

  “He’d love that.”

  “Then we can hit it up this morning, and grab some lunch. Maybe after that come back and see if he’ll nap.”

  “Sounds like the perfect plan,” Cindi agrees.

  “Want some breakfast?” I ask, plating up the first two eggs along with some toast and sausage that I heated up.

  “Yes! Whatever you’re making over there smells fantastic and has my stomach growling.”

  “Coming right up,” I tell her, grabbing another plate and dropping a few more pieces of toast in the toaster. I hand over the first plate that I made, knowing that Jill won’t be out for a few more minutes.

  “How’s Steph this morning?” I ask Cindi.

  “She’s good. Already at her client’s offices for early morning meetings.”

  “How much longer until she makes partner?”

  “Hopefully within the next year. She’s worked her ass off for it, so I hope that it happens for her soon. I worry that she’s going to get burnt out if she doesn’t cut back some of her hours here soon.”

  “Will she be able to cut back once she makes partner?”

  “I think so, at least a little. Maybe only put in fifty to sixty hours a week instead of sixty to seventy.”

  “That’s crazy, I don’t know how she does it.”

  “It’s part of the gig. Just like you were used to being on the road so much, just comes with the job.”

  “I guess you’re right. We all get used to the demands of our jobs and that just becomes our new normal.” I tell her as I make up plate up breakfast for Jill and me before taking them over to the table where I take a seat.

  “Yep,” she agrees with me. Jill walks down the hall, her signature scrubs on with her hair pulled back out of her face. She’s got on minimal makeup, not that she needs any. She’s beautiful just as she is, not that she’d listen to me when I tell her that.

  “Morning,” Jill greets Cindi, then bends down to kiss me. “Thanks for breakfast, babe,” she says, taking the seat next to me at the table.

  “You’re welcome,” I tell her, digging in to my own plate of food.

  “Have you made any plans for today?” Jill asks between bites.

  “We’re going to hit up the zoo and have lunch and then a nap, hopefully,” I give her a recap of what we came up with earlier.

  “Sounds like the perfect day. It’s supposed to be nice today, maybe we can grill out for dinner tonight?” she asks.

  “I’m sure we can make that happen. Any requests on what we grill?” I ask.

  “I’m good with whatever, steaks, chicken, burgers and brats… You guys decide and I’ll be here to eat,” she says, laughing.

  “Okay,” I say to appease her, knowing damn well I’ll do whatever she asks.

  “Sorry to eat and dash, but I need to get out of here and to the office a little early. I’ve got some paperwork to get through this morning and I wanted to try and do it before patients start to show up.”

  “Don’t let us keep you. We’ll see you tonight, have a good day at work,” Cindi says to Jill.

  “Have a good day with this one,” she replies, pointing at me.

  “Will do!” Cindy tells Jill. “I’m going to go lay back down for a little bit, thanks for breakfast, Johnathan,” she tells me before she takes her dishes to the sink, then heads back for her bedroom.

  “Have a good day at work, text or call if you need anything,” I tell her, pulling her in for a quick goodbye hug and kiss. “See you tonight,” I tell her before pulling away.

  “Bye,” she says quietly. I watch as she picks up her stuff and then heads out the door.

  “Uncle John, look at the monkeys! I want to be a monkey!” Mason calls out loudly as we watch the animals play around.

  “What are you talking about, you already are a monkey!” I tease him.

  “No I’m not! I’s a big boy!” He giggles as he tells me this.

  “That’s right, you are a big boy!”

  We’ve been having such a great time walking around the zoo and taking in all the animals. We got to feed the giraffes and some birds. “I think he’ll have a blast when we make it over to the petting zoo area with goats and then a koi pond. Both areas he can buy little tins of food for the animals, so I think he’ll really like it,” I tell Cindi as we stroll along after Mason.

  “I’m sure he will. I’m not sure if you can tell that he’s having a blast,” she teases me.

  “Funny,” I say as I bump my shoulder into hers. “Are you doing okay?” I ask, realizing that she’s got her hand on her back again.

  “Yeah, just some growing pains,” she tries to assure me.

  “Do you need to sit down for a little bit?” I ask, starting to feel helpless that I can’t make things better for her.

  “I’ll be fine for a little longer. I might have to go find us a table early for lunch and just wait for the two of you there,” she says.

  “Want me to go rent you one of those electric cart things?” I offer.

  “Don’t you even dare,” she tells me, that stern mom voice coming out.

  “No electric carts, got it,” I say, laughing at how serious she got when she shot down my offer.

  “I’ll be fine. Just a muscle that won’t stop twitching on me. I’ll get an appointment with my chiropractor when I get home and he’ll get it back to normal once again.”

  “Would a massage help?” I ask.

  “Probably,” she replies.

  “I can make a few calls and see if I can find anyone with an opening for late today that you could see.”

  “I’ll be fine, little brother. You don’t have to worry about me so much,” she says, trying to reassure me. Little does she know, I can see right through her BS and know that she’s in more pain than she’s leading on about.

  At the next animal enclosure, I slip my phone from my pocket, sending off a group text to Becca, Scott, Brian, Kinley, and Jill to see if anyone has any suggestions on where I can get Cindi in for a massage, at the least.

  John: Question for all of you, but probably more so for the women. I’d like to book an appointment—today preferably—for my sister to get a pregnancy massage. Anyone have any suggestions on places to call?

  Becca: How sweet of you! There is a mommy to be spa type place that I’ve been to a couple of times. I can send you their contact info if you’d like.

  John: That’d be great, thanks!

  Becca: Anytime!

  Kinley: Ditto what Becca said, I went to the same place and they were always really good.

  John: Thanks, ladies, I knew you’d have the answer.

  I look up from my phone, checking to see where Cindi and Mason are. They’re both watching as the animal trainers check out the elephants, getting them to lift their feet so they can be looked at. I hit the contact from Becca’s text to call this place she recommended.

  “Mommy to Be, this is Pam, how can I help you?”

  “Hi, I’d like to book an appointment for my sister. She’s visiting and pregnant with twins. Her back has been bothering her, do you happen to have anything available today?”

bsp; “Are you looking for just a massage for her or any other services?”

  “Uh..” I stammer, “no idea, a friend’s wife recommended your business, what other services do you offer?”

  “We’re a full spa, so everything from facials, massages, manicures and pedicures.”

  “Oh, okay,” I say. “Do you have any packages that include a few services?”

  “We do!” she says, her voice getting a little excited. “I have an opening for this afternoon, starting at two, for a three-service package. She can choose from any three services we offer. I can also do a four-service option, as well, it just depends on how long she’d want to be here. We allot an hour for each, unless she opts for a longer massage.”

  “That sounds perfect. Let’s go with the four-service package,” I tell Pam. I give her all of Cindi’s information before hanging up. We’ve got a few hours until she needs to be dropped off, so I slide my phone back into my pocket and join them at the fence.

  “Everything okay?” Cindi asks once I’m back by her side.

  “Yep, just taking care of something quick,” I tell her, not wanting to spoil my surprise just yet.

  “Okay,” she says, leaning her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her, letting her lean more of her weight on me. I’m sure to the average outsider we look like a couple, here with our son, but I don’t really give a shit what other people think.

  “Uncle John,” Mason says, getting my attention.

  “What’s up, buddy?”

  “Can we get a treat from that stand?” he asks, pointing at the ice cream cart.

  I drop down to his height and look from him to the cart and back. “I don’t know, do you think we’ve been good enough this morning to have earned a treat?” I ask him, a smile filling my face.

  “Of course, we’s always good,” he tells me with a cheesing grin.

  “You think Mom will want one?” I ask him, looking up at my sister.

  I look back to Mason and he has the most quizzical look on his face as he thinks over my question. “Yeah, she can have one, too,” he finally tells me as he grabs my hand and starts to pull me toward the stand.


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