Wine Heir: Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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Wine Heir: Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 6

by Tawny Amaya

  “I hope not,” she whispered, sliding back on the bed. “Come here, Jackson.”

  “Yes ma’am,” I said, sliding my body over hers until we were face to face. “This is crazy, you know.”

  She searched my eyes, something tender there that took my breath away. “I don’t think so.”

  I kissed her before she could say anything else, pressing against her entrance before sliding in slowly. She gasped against my lips as I fully sheathed myself in her, groaning as I felt her tighten around me. “You’re so tight,” I whispered, sliding my lips to her ear and grasping her earlobe in my teeth.


  CHAPTER 16: Bree

  I couldn’t breathe. Jackson’s scent was all around me, my thoughts and nerves scattered as I tried to enjoy the moment and not think about what morning would bring. I could feel him inside me, my own body’s pressure building up to another orgasm and I wanted to laugh. He was right. This was crazy.

  He shifted, and I felt it immediately, groaning myself as the sensation intensified. There was nothing right now but what was going on between us, these feelings and sensations everything I could want and more.

  I wanted to cling to him forever.

  Then he started to move, slow at first to stoke the fire that was starting to simmer just under the surface. I gripped his shoulders as with each stroke he took me higher, my body starting to tighten around what I knew was going to be an explosive orgasm.

  “Let go, Bree,” he whispered in my ear, his breathing harsh as he picked the pace. “Come for me.”

  “Yes,” I cried, clutching at him as he moved faster still. I cried out as the orgasm overtook me, the stars exploding in my mind and in my heart as I tried to ride the wave as much as possible.

  Jackson shouted and pumped into me, his own orgasm coming a moment later. I laid there under him, feeling the warmth of his body against mine, the slickness of sweat trickling down my spine and not believing that I had just done that. I had just had sex with Jackson Temple.

  “I don’t want to move.”

  I smiled at Jackson’s gruff remark, thinking the exact same thing. I never wanted to move. “You are gonna get real heavy in a moment.”

  “You’re evil.”

  “You’re gonna wish you moved after a while.”

  He groaned and slid off me, rolling onto his back before standing and walking to the bathroom. I propped my head in my hand and watched his bare ass disappear with a sigh, unable to believe this had just happened. It was frightening and exciting at the same time. Where would we go from here? I had two days left, and it wasn’t fair, not one bit.

  Jackson walked out of the bathroom and shooed me over on the bed, pulling the covers back and sliding under them before tucking me against his body, my head pillowed on his chest. I sighed and melted against him, unable to find the strength to move. “We should go back.”

  “Fuck that. I’m not done with you yet.”

  My mouth curved into a smile as I couldn’t help but agree. I was far from done.


  My walk of shame wasn’t truly a shame at all. My heels in my hand, I walked along the path that led to the cottage, a stupid smile on my face. Though Jackson hadn’t wanted me to leave, I knew I had to. He had a busy day ahead of him, and I wanted to get home before anyone could catch us together.

  Not that I cared, mind you.

  Sighing, I headed through the vineyard, the smell of grapes ripe in the air. The morning seemed brighter, the day already starting out on a positive note. I had slept in Jackson’s arms. I had experienced the embarrassment of morning breath and wild hair before having the hottest morning sex of my life. Everything seemed right and good with the world at this moment.

  But I knew it was going to come crashing down in a little more than forty-eight hours. While this had been fun and exciting, it didn’t change the fact that Jackson was going back home and I would remain here. I didn’t imagine us having a long-distance relationship or me hopping up to the city on my weekends off. I had no weekends off. The vineyard and now the wedding venue was an around the clock job. I couldn’t just up and leave, especially since we were pushing weddings. I was about to embark on a dream come reality and Jackson, he was so successful in New York. I would never imagine him leaving.

  My smile slipped, and I paused as the cottage came into view, the pre-dawn light barely starting to crawl on the horizon. I hated the reality of what the morning brought. I wanted to run back to Jackson’s bed and pull the covers up over my head, forget that the world existed.

  But I couldn’t. Neither one of us could. Life went on, and any balking against the inevitable would be just drawing out what was going to happen regardless of what I did. A tear slipped down my cheek, and I brushed it away, the ache in my chest increasing with each step. I was glad I had done what I did, but it didn’t make the next few days any easier.

  The next few hours of my life flew by without me even realizing it. After taking a long, hot shower and change of clothes, I hurried to the venue and spent a few hours helping the wedding planner, ensuring that everything was perfect for the bride and groom. It was going to be a gorgeous day for a wedding, and I couldn’t be happier for them.

  That and the venue was starting to really shine under a careful hand. The wedding planner was awesome, and I watched my baby turn from just a wedding space to this magical venue that could rival any wedding magazine spread.

  Finally, I rushed back to the house and threw on the dress I had picked out for the wedding, my mind on what was about to happen the entire time. I was going to see Jackson again, but this time, everything had changed. Life would never be the same, no matter what happened in the next two days. I couldn’t take back sleeping with him, nor could I make these feelings go away.

  All I could do was hang on and hope for a smooth ride.


  CHAPTER 17: Jackson

  I allowed the planner to pin the rose on my lapel before giving her a grin, watching as she did the same to my father. Today was the big day, but it wasn’t just about the wedding that was about to take place. No, that was minor compared to the rest of the day and what it might bring. I had no idea what to expect, but all I knew was that I didn’t want to leave Bree tomorrow. In fact, I fucking hated the idea. Screw New York. Screw the division. I wanted to spend more time with the wonderful woman that I had been privileged enough to find again.

  “That’s a serious look son. Someone would think that you were the one that was about to take the plunge.”

  I looked over at my father and gave him a grin. “Now that would be interesting.”

  He gave me a look, clearly not ready to give up the discussion. “We have time you know if you want to talk.”

  I swallowed, knowing I could tell him. “I-I think I’ve gotten myself into something.”

  He smirked and placed a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t think we didn’t notice your sudden disappearance last night. You and Bree.”

  I squirmed under his smirk. Hell, I didn’t want my parents to think that way. “Would you be opposed to me switching to another division?”

  He chuckled and squeezed my shoulder lightly, his eyes twinkling. “Of course not. I want you to be happy, Jackson, and if it means being closer to the estate, then so be it. We can find a replacement for the New York division.”

  I blew out a breath. This was a big step, and though Bree and I had slept together, it didn’t mean she was rearing to go for a relationship. Hell, we hadn’t even discussed anything along those lines. Would she be up to it? I sure as hell hoped so. “Thanks.”

  “No need,” he said, winking. “We all have to be roped by a woman every once and a while. Look at me. I’m getting married to my ex-wife.”

  Laughing, I straightened his tie. “At least she’s a good one.”

  “You got that right,” he said, his expression full of tenderness for his soon to be bride. “And I wouldn’t trade her for the world.”

  “Are you ready?”
the wedding planner asked her hand on the door.

  My father straightened his coat and drew in a breath, giving her a sharp nod. “I’m ready.”

  I couldn’t help but smile as I followed him out of the door and to our positions with the minister, my eyes scanning the crowd for Bree. She was sitting near the back, as I thought she would, her father at her side. She was gorgeous, and as our eyes met, I felt the air leave my chest.

  I was making the right decision.

  Bree was the missing link in my life. She was the reason I had enjoyed these last few days, more so than I probably had enjoyed the last ten years of my life. My dad was right. I was going to be happier here, with the ability to pursue a relationship with Bree as slow or as fast as we wanted to. I wanted to have fun with her, see her laugh. I wanted to kiss her goodnight and good morning.

  Most of all, I wanted to make her happy.

  The thought came out of nowhere. Since when did I care about anyone but myself? I had only cared about success, yet here I was, sounding like a damn hallmark card. It was crazy to know that she had that kind of hold on me, though I could beg to differ with anyone that she always had.

  Just now, in this sense, I was going to move this relationship from friends to partners of sorts.

  The music started, and I gave Bree a wink before turning my attention to my beautiful mother walking down the aisle, her eyes tearing up as she looked at both of us standing at the altar, waiting for her arrival. I knew in my heart that my mom had never been happy without my father and it appeared that someone upstairs had known that as well.

  Could the same be said of Bree and me? If my parents hadn’t gotten back together, then I would have never had a reason to come back here, to see her again. It was like fate was giving the Temples a treat this time around.

  Now all I had to do was convince her to think the same.


  The ceremony went on without a hitch, the entire audience crying by the time the couple finished their vows. I even felt a swell of emotion as I listened to my parents pledge themselves to each other again, glad that their love had come through in the end.

  As I made my way to the reception, held outside starting on the covered porch at the back of the venue, my eyes were constantly searching for Bree. I knew what I wanted to do now, but I needed to know that she was on board with it too. The vineyard, this venue, it was her baby, and I could easily relocate to be closer to her as we played out this relationship between us. It was going to take some time for me to get everything lined up and I hoped to God she could be patient between now and then. Maybe I would even take her to New York for a long weekend, show her the city I loved so much as I tied up loose ends. She would fucking love it, I had no doubts about that.

  I found her under one of the shade trees, sipping her champagne slowly as she watched the festivities. “Hey,” I said, standing next to her. “Why are you hiding out?”

  She shrugged, not meeting my eye. “It was a lovely ceremony. Your parents are so lucky to have each other, again.”

  “Not everyone can say they have willingly married their ex,” I joked, shoving my hands in my pockets.

  “True,” she admitted, finally meeting my gaze. “So, tomorrow you head back I suppose.”

  “Yeah,” I said slowly, seeing the sadness in her eyes. “Will you miss me?”


  CHAPTER 18: Bree

  Would I miss him? Like he had ripped out my heart and took it back to New York. Hell, yes, I was going to miss him. “Cocky, aren’t you?”

  He grinned, and my heart squeezed painfully in my chest. “Well someone has to be. It makes the world go round.”

  I rolled my eyes, unable to help it. This was what I was going to miss. We had literally picked up where we had left off all those years ago, and if I excluded the sexual relationship, no encounter, between us, I would still miss him. “Is New York big enough for that ego of yours?”

  He grew serious, and I started to worry. Was this where he told me how he had enjoyed these last few days with me and that he was going to keep in touch, both of us knowing he wouldn’t? There was nothing wrong with that, of course. I wasn’t a moon-eyed teen anymore. I could handle this.

  With lots of pizza and tissues that is.

  “Bree,” he started, swallowing hard.

  I held up my hand immediately, my throat closing as I thought about the words that were coming next. I didn’t want to hear them. “Hey, we had fun,” I forced out. “Can’t we just leave it at that?”

  “Was that what it was?”

  “I didn’t hear you complaining,” I said slowly, unsure now where he was going with his next few words. What did that mean? I wasn’t going to think too deeply into it. It would only bring on the heartache again.

  Jackson stepped forward, and I forced myself to remain in my place. I could be this close to him and forget the way he had felt under my fingers. Oh, who was I kidding! I wanted to hold onto him and never let go! He reached out, and I ceased to breathe as his finger ran down my cheek, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. “You know the funny thing is that when I left the first time, I knew I was going to see you again.”

  “Y-you did?” I stammered.

  He nodded, cupping my cheek with his hand. “That night you kissed me in the car, I almost didn’t leave.”

  Despite the seriousness of our conversation, I let out a little laugh. “You kissed me.”

  “Minor details,” he grinned, stepping closer until there were mere inches between us. “I’m serious Bree. I laid awake all-night thinking about it.”

  “You’re crazy,” I whispered, my heart pounding in my chest.

  “About you,” he replied, his eyes searching mine. “Call it fate, call it coincidence, but something brought me back to you.”

  “Y-you can’t stay,” I blurted out, stepping out of his touch. I couldn’t think or speak properly when he was touching me. “New York.”

  “If I asked you to come with me, would you?”

  Now there was the million-dollar question. Oh, how I wanted to say yes, throw my arms around him and be carried off into the sunset! It would be so easy.

  For everyone except me.

  “I, you know I can’t,” I said softly, my heart breaking with every painful word. Jackson had just asked me to join him, and I was turning him down. Fate was not being kind to me today.

  He grinned, catching me totally off guard. “I know you can’t, but I can.”

  I didn’t catch what he was telling me at first. Stay? Was he going to stay? Really?

  “I talked to my father,” he continued as the war raged on inside me. “I’m going to switch divisions. It will take some time, but I will be closer to you and this thing we have going on.” He then gazed at me. “You want to continue this, right?”

  “Oh Jackson,” I sighed. “I can’t ask you to do this.”

  “You didn’t,” he interrupted, his eyes flashing. “I made this decision on my own. I don’t want to leave you, Bree.”

  I choked on a sob and threw my arms around him, pressing my face into his coat. I couldn’t believe this. He didn’t want to leave me. He was going to stay here. “Y-you won’t be miserable?”

  He held me tighter against him as if he was afraid to let go. “I could never be miserable with you Bree.”


  Hours later, we laid in Jackson’s bed, pressed up against each other despite the heat in the bedroom. The party still raged on at the wedding venue, but as soon as Jackson had completed his best man duties, we had escaped to the house to make up for lost time. I still couldn’t believe that he was going to stay, that he had chosen me over New York and his life there, but I wasn’t going to push him any longer to think about it. It was clear to me he had made up his mind, and I was ecstatic about it.

  “You know we are going to have to get a place,” he was saying, his fingers drifting up and down my back lightly. “I can’t stay under this roof, and I think your father would probably not
like the fact I was sleeping with his daughter under his.”

  I snuggled closer, the thought of starting a life together with my best friend unfathomable. “I’m sure we can find somewhere.”

  He chuckled. “I know we can.”

  I bit my lip, looking up at his handsome profile. “Jackson.”


  It was now or never. I didn’t want to hold it in any longer. “I-I think I am in love with you.”

  His fingers stilled on my back, and I thought he had ceased to breathe there for a moment, my heart hammering in my chest as I waited for his response. He didn’t have to reciprocate the feeling right now, but I wanted him to know where I stood in this budding relationship.

  Suddenly, he rolled me over and loomed over me, his expression showing tenderness I had not witnessed before. “Bree,” he whispered, smoothing hair out of my face.

  “It’s too soon,” I blurted out, feeling embarrassed. “It’s fine. I don’t need to hear it right n...”

  His mouth landed on mine before I got the last word out, molding his lips to mine. I moaned low in my throat as I felt that tingling sensation move throughout my body, something that only Jackson could make happen. I couldn’t explain it, but I sure as hell hadn’t felt it with anyone else. That was how I knew I loved him. It was more than just our good relationship, more than the mutual attraction we had for each other.

  It was the way I felt when he grinned at me, how whenever he walked into a room I instantly got butterflies in my stomach. It was the sweet things he had done over the years, all to make me happy. I couldn’t ask for anything or anyone better than what I had in my arms right now.

  Jackson broke the kiss and gathered me close, his breathing tickling my ear. “I’m in love with you too.”



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