Arielle Rainbow (Familiar Blessed Chronicles Book 1)

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Arielle Rainbow (Familiar Blessed Chronicles Book 1) Page 14

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Noah and I blushed, and Faelia grinned, appearing amused by our silent embarrassment. "Aww, you guys are so cute. You'll understand soon enough. Let's get walking. I have a few things I need to do before curfew, like making sure my men didn't break, steal, or burn anything."

  "Don't forget the flooding incident," Noah added.

  "Ugh, that was a fucking pain in my ass. Think Othello is going to ground all of us soon." Faelia pinched her nose and grimaced.

  We headed down the remaining path and turned right. Noah kept his hand in mine as we strolled along.

  "So, Arielle. You can stay as a human without a stone?" Faelia asked.

  "A stone?" I asked, unsure what she was referring to.

  "This," Noah replied, using his free hand to lift up the amber stone that hung on the gold necklace around his neck. "This stone helps me stay human for as long as I need to. Gives us more freedom around here when we switch Master and Mistress so often."

  "Why do you have to switch so often? And to answer your question, yes. Celestia has a large supply of magic so we've been testing how long I can stay in human form without bothering her. But it would be nice if I could be human and not drain energy from her. She's been dealing with exhaustion lately," I admitted.

  Faelia looked over her shoulder at me. "Exhaustion? Has she not been sleeping or pushing herself really hard during training classes?" she asked.

  "No. Celestia had been like that since we arrived. Something happened, and she had a confrontation with a Forsaken. She isn't tainted, but she's been really tired and not getting good sleep. I'm worried."

  Noah squeezed my hand and looked to Faelia. "Can we do something to help?"

  "Hmm. Maybe. I can talk to Miona and request to review Celestia's charts. I assist with healing and magic restoration in shifters, so I could try to figure out something that could help her. I can also make you a stone, Arielle. I'll need Celestia's permission and a hint of her magic since you're bonded. It will take me about a week or two, but I should be finished in time for the familiar test," Faelia explained.

  "You'd do that for us? I mean, you just met me, and you haven't even met Celestia," I pointed out in awe. From my years with Celestia, aside from Magnor, the professors like Othello and Miona, and now her boyfriends, no one had been so nice to us, especially when they had just met us.

  "Of course. Noah has been talking non-stop about a beautiful, one-of-a-kind phoenix hybrid that he's head over hee-" she hummed before Noah interrupted her.

  "Faelia! Don't tell her that," he huffed.

  Faelia laughed, turning around and walking backward to face us. "Oh, please. Just admit you fell in love with her right away. It's totally acceptable for phoenix familiars. You can bond very easily compared to other shifter races."

  "Still," Noah grumbled, his face beet red. I grinned, feeling more hopeful that something would blossom between us. The idea left me excited and a little nervous. I'd never been intimate with anyone and hadn't even experienced my first kiss yet. I hope I don't screw this up.

  Faelia sighed, pulling out something from a hidden pocket of her dress. "It always helps to be honest with yourself." y eyes locked onto the shiny pink hairpin in her hand.

  SO SHINY! Before Faelia put it in her hair, I snatched it with ease to stare closely at it. Where did she possibly get something so shiny like this? I have to find out. I wonder if Celestia would buy me one. Have I worked hard enough to get an allowance? Wait, I'm old enough to get an allowance, right? Hmm.

  It took me ten seconds to register what I'd done, and I just stood there. I lifted my head to look at Faelia who still seemed a bit shocked at my move. Noah’s shoulders shook as he tried not to laugh.

  "Hmm. Phoenix familiars really love shiny stuff," Faelia pondered.

  Noah ended up laughing out loud, unable to hold back any longer. I groaned as my cheeks burned with heat. I can't believe I just did that!

  "It's a familiar thing. We just love shiny things. Don't be embarrassed, Arielle. I've done the same before," Noah admitted.

  "Still...sorry," I apologized, bowing my head to Faelia.

  I lifted my head back up to see her shake her head from side to side. "Don't be. I completely forgot about that. I normally carry my plain hair clip since Noah, Gabriel and Asher all do the same. I can't handle having three familiars attacking me over a clip."

  I recalled the name Gabriel from before, but Asher was new and piqued my curiosity. "Asher? Gabriel's your brother, right?" I asked, directing the second question to Noah. He nodded, and we began to walk again.

  "Yup, and Asher's one of my close friends. You'll meet all of them when we get to the house," Noah assured me. “We're almost there."

  "Okay," I replied, looking down at the hairpin. "Oh, Faelia. Do you want this back?" I asked. I personally didn't want to give it back, but it wouldn't be nice for me to take it from her.

  "Nah. Keep it. Think of it as a token of our new friendship!" Faelia declared.

  "Friend? You'll be my friend?" I asked, feeling a little stunned by her words.

  "Why not? You seem rather cool, and I think it would be fun to hang out. As President, I watch over most of the familiars who don't have permanent Masters and Mistresses. For Noah and his friends, they have higher magic affinities, so it's difficult to match them with students here. They can last using them for the tests and a few classes, but they don't have enough magic or mana to host them and create an oath," Faelia concluded.

  "So, because of the fact you guys are powerful, you can't find anyone to do an oath with. This results in you basically only doing what familiars do when there are tests and you’re assigned?" I questioned.

  Noah nodded. "Pretty much. It would be nice to finally find someone who could host us, but I don't really have much hope. We've been here for two years and still haven't found anyone. Hunter wouldn't be bad, but it's kinda up to them to decide when they have their familiar class."

  "The class allows everyone to choose a temporary familiar. If the shifter thinks they're strong enough to host the familiar, they make a temporary half bond. So they'll be able to experience a bit of what you and Celestia experience," Faelia added.

  "They'll be able to talk to their Master just by thought and use their magic if necessary?" I inquired.

  "Yup. It'll be a little harder because the oath is half done and again, temporary, but possible. It gives everyone a bit of an experience of what it's like to have a familiar and the benefits. In your case, Celestia won't even need to go to the class since you two are official on the school records, but I assume Celestia will tag along, regardless," Faelia elaborated.

  I nodded in agreement. "She'll go since her boyfriends will attend. Maybe Hunter will be compatible with you Noah." I suggested.

  "That would be nice," Noah replied. "I won't keep my hopes up. False hope hurts just as bad as disappointment."

  He glanced away as we continued to walk. Faelia frowned before giving me a sympathetic look and mouthed, "You'll understand soon."

  "Oh look! We're home." Faelia cheered as she turned around and skipped to the entrance, leaving Noah and me behind.

  Noah sighed. "She has too much energy."

  "Celestia's similar. They would be good friends," I complimented.

  Noah grinned and nodded. "I agree."

  He squeezed my hand a bit before he turned to face me. "Um. Before we go in there, uh, I don't really know how to ask this without screwing up," he admitted.

  "Well, with everything I did today, I think you have it easy. Ask away." I grinned, hoping my words would make it easier for him to state what he wanted to say.

  He gave me a pleased look before he took a deep breath. "I know we just met and um, well, my brother is pretty attractive and so are my friends. Maybe they even look better than me. Uh, well what I'm trying to say is. aren't taken or anything and have a bit of time next week, um, would you perhaps...go out with me?" The last part had been high-pitched as he squeezed the words out, and he looked toward
the floor.

  I gawked at him as my cheeks flushed at his question. He's asking me out. Me?!

  "Me?" I squeaked.

  Noah shyly nodded, his eyes still lowered toward the ground. "Yes, you, Arielle Rainbow," he whispered before he lifted his head to meet my stunned expression.

  "Will you date me? I mean...if you don't like me after a first date or a couple, we can break up. I mean, well not really break up since we won't be officially together after the date and you say so, and I'd have to ask Celestia too. Wait, isn't that with marriage? Ah...human dating policies are confusing," Noah rambled before he groaned. "I suck at this. I've never asked a girl out before."

  "You've never asked anyone out?" I asked.

  "No. Until I saw you, I've never met another phoenix hybrid familiar. Gabriel and I thought they were practically extinct. Both our parents are regular phoenix familiars, and well...yea," he admitted.

  "I'm not experienced either though. I haven't dated anyone before."

  "Than I guess it's a learning curve for both of us?" Noah suggested with a sheepish smile. I giggled, nodding quickly.

  "I guess so," I replied before gazing his amber eyes. "I'd love to date you, Noah. Thank you for having the courage to ask me," I whispered.

  I decided to do something I saw in those chick flicks Celestia used to watch. I leaned in and gently pressed my lips to his cheek. I pulled back to watch the shock register in his expression, and his already red face grew even redder.

  "That...was nice," he murmured and looked away.

  I grinned and squeezed his hand encouragingly. "I'm thrilled I met you, Noah."

  He looked taken back by my words, but a wide smile formed on his lips as his expression softened. "Me too, Arielle."

  We smiled and headed to the entrance of the two-story home, Faelia waiting at the door with a pleased look on her face.

  Guess it's time to meet the familiars of Aslan.

  "Asher! Axel called me an idiot! What does that mean?"

  "It means you're stupid."

  "Griffin, how do you know what stupid means, but not idiot?"

  "Shut up, Rainer! I'm still learning the dictionary which DOESN'T have idiot in there!"

  "If you were reading the right edition it would."

  "Fuck you, Axel! Dammit, where's Noah and Gabriel? They would support me, unlike you rude ass familiars who call yourselves friends!"

  I blinked a few times, looking at the four males sitting in the large living room. Noah sighed and gave me a sympathetic look.

  "We're still getting used to the human lifestyle so don't mind them. They're more cooperative in their familiar forms," he apologized. Four pairs of eyes landed on me.

  The room went completely silent as the guys just stared at me.

  " there something on my face?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper as I slowly hid behind Noah.

  Faelia laughed and patted my shoulder. "They only shut up like that when they see someone super attractive. Don't worry, they'll snap out of it in a minute or two."

  "Hmm. Guess I'll introduce you to Gabriel. He's probably still in the laundry room," Noah suggested. He moved forward and slid his hand in mine before he led the way to our left. "Faelia, we'll be back."

  "Okay! I'll tell them you went to get your bro," she replied, her amusement lingering in her high-pitched voice.

  "Are those your friends?" I asked.

  "Yes. Rainer, Axel, Griffin, and Asher. They've been my friends since we arrived here. They're annoying in human form, but at least no one kills each other." Noah chuckled, and we stopped at a door.

  "Gabe! Your ass in there?" Noah asked as he knocked on the door.

  "Ya. Almost done folding," a voice replied. I tilted my head slightly, looking at Noah with a confused expression.

  "Brothers always sound the same?" I asked.

  Noah laughed. "Gabriel's voice is a pinch deeper." Noah reached out to open the door, but it opened on its own.

  My gaze locked on a pair of pink eyes. I blinked a few times and slowly turned to a grinning Noah.

  "Is Aslan the home of the twin association?" I asked, looking between the two of them and trying to pick out every difference I could, which was only their eyes and tips of their hair.

  "I didn't ask to be a twin. It just happened." Gabriel shrugged before his attention lingered on me for a long moment. Pink eyes with hints of gold and orange trailed down my body. "Is this the familiar you wouldn't stop talking about?" Gabriel asked.

  Noah blushed and let out a huff. "Her name is Arielle," he mumbled.

  "So that's a yes. Hmm, guess I can see why you were head-over-heels for her. Good evening, Arielle." Gabriel smiled, and his eyes sparkled with satisfaction.

  "Good evening," I squeaked, my cheeks growing hot. This is going to be hard as fuck.

  Gabriel walked back into the room, moving to the pile of remaining clothes in a bin. Noah squeezed my hand gently before we moved into the room as well. Six colored bins with folded clothes were situated along the wall, and Gabriel was working on filling the sixth one.

  Noah let go of my hand to walk over to his brother. "Are those mine?"

  "Ya," Gabriel replied. Noah began to help fold the remaining clothes, and it gave me a chance to get a better look at Gabriel.

  I could tell right away he was the quieter twin just from his overall demeanor. He was the same height as Noah, standing at 6'5" with the same tint of dark purple hair but instead of transitioning to the amber-like highlights Noah had, his shifted to a magenta pink.

  It reminded me somewhat of Sia's pink eyes or Celestia's now purple-pink hair—but hers was a lot lighter in comparison.

  His pink eyes were vibrant with hints of amber in them and his skin a bit paler compared to Noah's. Pink lips adorned his face, and his shoulder-length hair was up in a little ponytail; only a few strands were too short and rested on his left side.

  Their overall look from afar would make it difficult to tell them apart if they didn't have the noticeable difference in their highlighted hair and eyes, but either way, Gabriel was hot like Noah, and it was making my heart beat as if I had been running around Aslan all day.

  "Were the others shocked to see Arielle?" Gabriel asked.

  "Ya. They froze up mid-conversation, so I wanted to introduce her to you first," Noah replied. Gabriel nodded, finishing up the last folded item in his hand and turning to face me.

  "So, are you two going to date? I just want to know if I have to take dibs now or later," Gabriel revealed. I blushed, and Noah sighed.

  "You know, despite the fact that you're the quiet one, you really are direct."

  "Not ashamed of it. She's super hot, so if you fuck this up, I'm next," Gabriel spoke so calmly I knew he was serious.

  "You'd date me too?" I asked, feeling a bit taken aback by it. I didn't think of myself as super attractive to get asked out by one familiar and have another take interest.

  "Yes. I won't step on Noah's toes or anything, but he would be a fool to not ask you out. Big bro here has been talking about you non-stop, and I guess you would know how rare it is to find hybrid phoenix familiars. Regardless of our lack in numbers, you really are pretty, and I guess there's something about you that pulls me in right away," Gabriel complimented.

  "Older brother. Noah's older?" I asked Noah finished folding the last set of clothes he'd taken, and I studied him.

  "What's with that look?" he asked. I glanced between the two of them.

  "Gabriel looks like the older twin," I pointed out.

  "That's because he's all mature and shit. Gabriel, act silly or something," Noah suggested.

  Gabriel just stood there with a blank expression. "Look at me, I'm Noah who's been obsessed with Arielle for days and probably mast-" He was cut off by Noah aiming to kick his crotch, but Gabriel swiftly moved back.

  "Shut your damn mouth already. That's not silly at all! And I don't sound like that!"

  "Um...well you do kinda sound like that. He got the right pitch,
" I pointed out.

  "Arielle, don't side with him. He's a bully," Noah whined.

  "He's your younger brother though."

  "Yes. I'm innocent." Gabriel grinned. His tone was sweet with a level of coolness that made me giggle.

  "How did you make that sound so cool?"

  "It's in the younger brother genes. Noah should have slowed down entering the world. He would have gotten them too," Gabriel suggested.

  Noah huffed, throwing a pair of underwear at him. "Fuck you."

  "No throwing of your underwear. I'll give it to Arielle for safe-keeping," Gabriel teased.

  Noah blushed. "NO! Grr, stop embarrassing me in front of her!"

  "You embarrassed yourself. I'm just helping." Gabriel shrugged, maintaining his calm look. Noah groaned, walking over to pester Gabriel who didn't even bother to move.

  "You two are really close," I observed.

  Noah paused midway in his attempt to ruffle Gabriel's perfect locks, the both of them staring at me like I said something neither of them understood.

  "We're not," they said in unison; even their pitches were exactly the same.

  "Denial. My brothers used to be like that," I smiled at the memory. Even though they weren't twins, they had always tried to deny their closeness.

  "You have brothers?" Noah asked.

  "Used to. They aren't here anymore," I said with a sad smile. "I think they would have gotten along with you two."

  They stood there with blank expressions, and I let out a nervous giggle. "Ah, sorry. Ruined the family bonding moment. Uh, I saw a washroom when we were coming down here, so I'll just use it real quick," I suggested.

  I didn't wait for them to reply as I exited the laundry room and headed for the washroom. Once I was in and had closed the door, I sighed. Fuck. I just screwed that up.

  "What did you screw up?"

  I flinched at the sound of Sia's voice in my mind. Sia?

  "Hmm. I take a little vacation, and everyone is surprised to see me. Evening, Arielle. Hunter said you’re chilling with a friend who's a guy," Sia said with a pleased voice.


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