Arielle Rainbow (Familiar Blessed Chronicles Book 1)

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Arielle Rainbow (Familiar Blessed Chronicles Book 1) Page 17

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Of course, my Mistress hated Jess just like me and would easily do anything to irritate her, especially with no professors here to monitor us. If only all the professors could be like Miona, who didn't give a shit if we caused a war in class.

  "Okay cool, can you give me a sec?" Celestia replied.

  "Are you-" Jess began but was cut off.

  "Cairus, why do you have Orion's phone? Did you take a picture?" Celestia whispered the second question after the first question was spoken at a normal volume. I quickly realized by heightening my hearing that she was on the phone.

  Celestia giggled before she answered whatever Cairus had said. "Thank you."

  There was a long pause before Celestia spoke again. "Hey, hair tie stealer. Did you take the pink hair tie from my gym bag?"

  I could tell by the nickname, Celestia was talking to Orion. "From my bag?" There was a pause, and I closed my eyes to try and hear Orion's response.

  "Do you need one? I can bring one to you," Orion suggested.

  "Can you?" Celestia purred. I bet that was irritating Jess and whoever else must have been around.

  "Yes, if you want me to. I'll come over, and maybe we can walk back and have a little date?" Orion replied. I tuned out of the conversation, deciding it could get rated R real fast.

  There was another pause before Celestia giggled, replying to whatever was said. "But you like them as friends...I'll see you in a bit," she whispered the last part.

  After another pause, Celestia commented. "Trouble? I never cause trouble. I'll see you in ten minutes."

  She must have ended the call and returned her attention to Jess since she continued talking in an innocent tone. "As you were saying?"

  "Who the hell do you think you are?" Jess shouted.

  "Oh, me? name is Celestia Rainbow. I'm twenty-five, I have an awesome, one-of-a-kind familiar who’s a phoenix AND harpy shifter, and did you know my dear father is the headmaster of Aslan?! I sure didn't, hah!" Celestia laughed.

  I grinned proudly and nodded my head at Celestia's declaration. I knew right away she was provoking these girls who had been a pain in our asses for weeks. Faelia grinned in amusement, enjoying Celestia's statement as much as I did.

  "I don't give a shit who you are!" Jess snapped.

  "But you just asked me who the hell I thought I was?" Celestia asked in a shocked tone.

  A different voice joined the conversation and whispered, "You kinda did ask her, technically."

  "ANYWAYS, do you guys need something from me? I have a date in less than eight minutes and would love to be able to maybe put some clothes on. Of course, I could always walk out in the lingerie set my boyfriend made for me, but that would attract unwanted attention, and NO ONE wants that," Celestia emphasized.

  "Boyfriend?! I didn’t realize you had one, since one moment you’re holding hands with one guy, then go off flirting with another, only to then kiss our sweet Orion!” Jess shouted.

  I almost snickered at Jess’ response, already knowing that this conversation was going downhill to the pits of fire if they didn't back down.

  Knowing Celestia for fifteen years, I knew she hated when people tried to claim what was hers. She didn't mind sharing in certain situations but try and claim something that she adores, and she'd put you in your place or use her fists and magic to make a point.

  "Our? What do you mean ‘our sweet Orion?’ Last time I checked, he was my boyfriend," Celestia pointed out.

  She didn't give Jess a chance to retaliate before she continued. "AH! But I'm also dating Finn Charm, Hunter McGinty, Theo Kristopher, and both the Sun twins, so I guess maybe that's where all this confusion is coming from? Aww sweeties, are you jealous that I have a harem?"

  The sound of Celestia's clapping hit my ears followed by her sweet giggle. "I know, it's a hard role to play. It's kinda like being an awesome succubus but without the cool attraction powers and stuff. We're actually in a mutual agreement, and it’s been working rather nicely, but why am I even telling you this when it's none of your fucking business?"

  I shivered at the sudden change in Celestia's tone that went from sweet to emotionless. I was so glad I never got to experience Celestia's true anger because it was problematic and scary.

  "You can't have all the new recruits!" Jess huffed.

  "Why not? Last time I checked, I was with them before we even came here, so what makes you think I'll let any of you girls have MY men?!" Celestia exclaimed.

  Faelia and I exchanged looks, and we quietly moved closer to lean in to see the showdown I instinctively knew was about to happen.

  "You're too fucking weak to hav-"

  Jess didn't finish before Celestia's leg lifted up and smashed right into Jess' nose, multiple gasps being heard from the other girls who watched.

  "Well, she had it coming," Faelia whispered low enough for no one else but me to hear her remark. I nodded in approval as my eyes focused on the two.

  "Listen real carefully, bitches. Do not mess with me. I'm not here to play, and I'm certainly not here to make fake friends with you plastics with fake noses who think you can look at MY men and tell me you suddenly have ownership. They are MINE, and I'll fight every single one of you to prove my point," Celestia snarled, making a point to look across the room at the other girls.

  "Five against one, you fucking slut," Jess reminded. Celestia shrugged before she picked up her clothes and put them in her locker. She slammed it closed before facing the girls with a confident grin on her face.

  "Bring it on, sweetie. The more the merrier, if you know what I mean."

  Oh, hell-to-the-fucking no are they going to mess with MY Mistress and get away with it. Time to fix some of these fake bitches and show them who they are playing with.

  "BRU-REE BITCHES! I HAVE ARRIVED!" I shouted, walking into view with my pink towel. I crossed my arms, feeling my surge of anger pulse through me as I snapped my fingers.

  Within seconds, magic circles appeared behind me, ready to shoot out flames and wreak havoc on these bitches if they even dared to attempt to hurt Celestia.

  "My Mistress is right. The more, the merrier. So who wants to fight my Mistress' new friend and me?" I demanded.

  "New friend?" Celestia whispered, looking confused.

  "Ah, so this is your Mistress, Arielle? No wonder you have such a fierce personality for a familiar," Faelia announced, walking into sight.

  I noticed the sudden change in the room, a few of the girls moving back just by the sound of Faelia's voice.

  Everyone seemed frightened but couldn't help but check Faelia out. I didn't blame them since she had a perfect body and her Fae appearance demanded attention whether she liked it or not.

  "Wow, you're pretty," Celestia complimented.

  Faelia giggled. "Why thank you, Celestia. You're looking gorgeous yourself. Sucks that these girls won't let you change in peace."

  "Not to mention disturbing our sauna session," I added as flames began to circle around me. I was so ready to kick some major ass.

  Jess shuffled to stand back up, after falling from Celestia's kick. She turned to glare at Faelia and me. "Don't fucking interfere, Faelia the Forbidden,” she spat.

  "Now, that's rather rude to use names you don't know the meaning of. You wouldn't like me calling you Jess-Fake-A-Lot now, would you? Since you like faking that you’re all tough and shit. Now, get out of here by the time I count to five, or I'll make sure I leave third-degree burns all over your precious acne free skin,” Faelia declared and narrowed her eyes that had shifted from their usual teal-emerald appearance to a bright amber.

  She didn't even count before 80% of the girls ran like their lives depended on it.

  "One," Faelia began.

  The group of girls who had been supporting Jess suddenly ditched, grabbing their stuff and bolting, leaving Jess standing there in shock. Well shit. She wasn't playing about the countdown model.

  "Two," Faelia continued, and Jess stomped her foot before dashing off with nothing b
ut a towel around her waist.

  "I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS!" Jess screamed, and the door to the change room slammed shut.

  "I never make it to five anymore. By three, everyone's gone. No fun," Faelia grumbled. I giggled, wishing I could see what could have happened.

  "Celestia! Orion's going to be here in five so you should get some clothes on,” I reminded her, walking over and wrapping my arms around her neck to give her a hug.

  I missed my Mistress, even though I'd been with her in some of her classes. It just felt weird not being around her all the time like our years growing up.

  "Ah. Arielle, what are you even doing here?" Celestia asked, looking confused.

  "I was enjoying the sauna!" I replied happily, still hugging her tightly.

  She sighed and gave me a wide smile. "I figured from your lovely attire, but what were you doing there?"

  "Sitting and talking to Faelia, silly. Of course, Faelia was giving me the details about ‘How To Wrap Your Harem Around Your Finger for Dummies.’ I really wish we had a whole section of books in this weird series. Of course, my Mistress isn't a dummy in the department of love with her six loyal men, but I had to get you some tips anyway," I stressed.

  Celestia blushed at her directness. "Arielle?! I don't need to know how to wrap my harem around my finger. Wait, it's not even a harem. I think? Ugh! This is embarrassing, Arielle," she confessed looking a bit shy, which was super cute for my Mistress.

  I guessed because she didn't know Faelia just yet, that was why she was so nervous.

  "The bond between you two is strong. No matter what happens in the future, don't let it break,” Faelia whispered.

  Celestia and I both looked at Faelia, who seemed a bit dazed, her eyes shifting to different colors. She glanced at Celestia before she spoke.

  "One will want to claim you, Celestia Rainbow. One of pure light and kindness, a leader, a lover, a king. Another will also be a leader but tainted by darkness and greed. Believe in yourself and your love. Believe in the people who will do anything for you. Follow your instincts and your pure heart, because they will lead you on the path to victory," Faelia foretold.

  She then looked at me. "Challenges are ahead of you. Some that will push you to your breaking point, leaving you wondering if the struggle is worth it. Do not fear. Do not forget. Let your heart guide you and let your kindness continue to grow. Loyalty is in your blood and no matter the distance, you'll always find your way to those you love and cherish."

  Celestia and I both nodded in agreement, unsure what was happening but unwilling to dismiss her advice.

  Faelia blinked a few times, wobbling on her feet. Celestia and I rushed to her side, holding her steady as she shook her head.

  "Anddddd I did the weird fortune telling thing, didn't I?" She giggled weakly, opening her eyes to give us an appraising look.

  "Well, it was just a little spooky, but your eyes were all cool and shit," I admitted.

  Celestia snickered. "Arielle, that's not the way to comfort someone."

  Faelia giggled. "Sorry about that. It happens once in a while. Can't help it. I should formally introduce myself though."

  She stood straight, recovering from her vision as her confident appeal returned.

  "Faelia Blessheart. A pleasure to meet you, Celestia. I heard many good things about you from Arielle."

  Celestia stood up straight before she bowed her head in formal greeting. "Celestia Rainbow. A pleasure to meet you as well. do you know Arielle?" she asked, glancing my way with a confused look on her face.

  "Ah. She took my hairpin," Faelia stated with a grin. Celestia looked at me and I blushed, moving away to hide behind Faelia. I wasn't going to get Celestia's wrath until after my sauna session was done.

  "Don't be mad. It was shiny...and sparkled...and she smelled nice,” I defended myself, slightly peeking from hiding to see Celestia shake her head with a sigh.

  "Sorry. Arielle just can't stop herself from taking shiny things. She loves buttons especially."

  "I realized that. Don’t apologize. She's been keeping me company while you're in class. I heard the headmaster's daughter was attending, and the girls were talking smack as usual. Didn't think you'd also be the Mistress of Arielle. Your energy must be extremely strong to be able to host her human form and still do normal activities,” Faelia pointed out.

  "Ah. Ya. We've been practicing," Celestia admitted, looking pleased by the compliment.

  "My Mistress is amazing. That's why no bitches can try and lay a hand on her. Hmph!" I declared with pride. Celestia was just amazing, and no one could tell me otherwise.

  Faelia and Celestia laughed, and I smiled. It was nice to see Celestia laughing with a female shifter who actually got along with her. It made me realize this could be the start of a strong friendship.

  "That reminds me, shouldn't you change?" Faelia asked.

  Celestia cursed. "Shit! I don't want him coming in here and seeing the blood all over the place. Ugh. Stupid Jess couldn't even clean shit," she huffed. Running back to her locker, she opened it to grab her clothes.

  "Meh. Someone will clean it up." Faelia shrugged, looking unconcerned.

  "Can we finish our sauna time now?" I asked, already missing the intense warmth of the wooden box.

  I knew Celestia would be busy with Orion, so I wanted to be able to get a few more pointers from Faelia for my official date.

  "Yes. Let's go back!" Faelia cheered.

  Celestia closed her locker and scanned her appearance before she made her way to where we stood.

  "Um, will I get to meet you again sometime, Faelia? Like, when I'm not running to meet my boyfriend...oh ya, boyfriend." Celestia had a hint of hesitation in her voice.

  I could tell she liked Faelia's company, and I totally wanted them to have some girl time once the Trials were done.

  "For sure. I'm a senior here and assist Orlando, Othello, and Ms. Arcadia in classes and stuff. So I'll be around, and Arielle can easily find me. We'll probably see each other soon since two of my guys know two of your guys," she grinned.

  "Two of my guys? Wait...two of YOUR guys? You mean..." Celestia trailed off. I myself was curious about Faelia's harem, wondering when I'd get the opportunity to see them. All I knew was they fought a lot and destroyed things when Faelia wasn't around to ensure they behaved.

  Faelia giggled. "Five men, two of whom are brothers and know a set of twins in your harem. I only know since they share the same class, and I saw your group of men waiting for your class to finish so you all could walk back to your dorm. If you need any harem advice, feel free to ask me." She winked and turned around, heading toward the sauna door.

  I quickly hugged Celestia, pressing my cheek against hers like I always did in my familiar form.

  "Bye, Mistress! I'll take notes for you!" I hummed, leaning back to give her a confident smile before pulling away and following a grinning Faelia.

  "I foresee a certain phoenix harpy human having her own harem. I think you should take notes yourself," Faelia teased.

  "As if! Stop teasing, Faelia," I whined as my cheeks flushed at her words. I wanted to tell Celestia myself that I was thinking about the other guys and get her advice and approval to date them all officially.

  That also depended on how this date went, and if I wanted to take this path with six familiars. We'd just met, and I felt I needed to see if they would be in this for the long term and not for what Celestia would call a booty call.

  Faelia laughed, entering the sauna room and holding the door for me to follow. We went back to our spots and I sighed, laying back to enjoy the intense heat once more.

  "That was entertaining; I won't deny it," Faelia hummed in delight.

  "Agreed. Now to relax once more," I encouraged.

  "Don't worry about your outfit for your date. I have you covered. Just make sure you’re not late," Faelia instructed

  "Okay! Thanks, Faelia. I'm glad we're friends," I whispered.

  "Me too, and I'm stok
ed to learn more about Celestia. She's just as you described her and more," Faelia replied. We relaxed, and I looked at the ceiling before closing my eyes.

  Now my Mistress has a new friend and ally at this school. I have to prepare for my date with Noah. My first date before I become twenty and reach adulthood.

  "Arielle? Where are you going?" Celestia asked.

  "Bru?!" I paused in my movement, mentally cursing myself that I'd been noticed. Today was my date with Noah, but I hadn't had the courage to tell Celestia that I was officially dating him.

  I think she was catching on that I was interested in Noah, or maybe one of the familiars that had recently bonded with her men, but she hadn't confronted me about it. Or realized I was potentially dating more than one of them.

  I'd wanted to tell her, but with the recent Trials, she'd been either resting, studying, or training for the next trial.

  I didn't want to bother her with my potential love life. Hunter had been keeping an eye on me though, and now that he was temporarily bonded with Noah, he seemed at ease with me being interested in him.

  When we'd had the familiar choosing class, Hunter immediately chose Noah, which caught the attention of the other guys.

  The moment Orion noticed Gabriel, he chose him, which was a big relief to Gabriel and Noah. Even if it was just temporary, they wouldn't be far from one another. Finn had chosen Rainer, saying how his last name Charm worked well with his name and he liked his hair.

  Axel was chosen by Theo who said he always wanted a dragon stuffed animal as a kid, so this was close enough. Caio picked Griffin and Cairus selected Asher, both of whom liked their similar hairstyles.

  It was interesting to see that none of the guys cared about how strong, fast, or magically advanced their familiars were compared to the other students who practically fought for the stronger set of familiars. Those who didn't fit that description were the last to be chosen.

  I had to admit it was upsetting to watch, and Celestia and her men weren't very pleased with it either. Faelia had shown up later and explained how that was the normal lifestyle of a familiar here at Aslan for those who couldn't find a permanent Master or Mistress. Every semester would leave a familiar either with an ego boost at being chosen first, or it left them feeling even more insecure and useless for being chosen last.


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