Arielle Rainbow (Familiar Blessed Chronicles Book 1)

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Arielle Rainbow (Familiar Blessed Chronicles Book 1) Page 19

by Yumoyori Wilson

  We took a long walk in the forest before Noah brought me to a hidden abandoned castle. He said it was sometimes used for familiar flight training, but not many people knew about it.

  We explored the inside, Noah giving me the history of the place that he discovered in the library, and ended up on the roof to watch the sunset. Afterward, we rose up from the wall we'd been resting our backs against, and Noah turned to face me. The moon that hung high in the sky shone its bright rays down on us.

  "Did you have fun?" he asked.

  "Lots," I replied with a broad smile. I stayed leaning against the wall, glancing up at the moon for a moment. "We'll have more dates like these, right?" I asked hesitantly, unsure if Noah had enjoyed himself as I had.

  When the silence lingered, I lowered my gaze to see Noah's smile as he nodded. He took two steps forward, pressing his hand above my head as he leaned in.

  "Did you enjoy going on a human date?" he asked, quietly.

  I looked into his amber eyes that were intense with desire, then dropped my eyes to his delicate lips that made my heart skip a beat at how inviting they appeared in the moonlight.

  "Yes," I replied, and my cheeks flushed when he leaned closer.

  I shuddered as his body pressed against mine, making my heart race and my lips tremble with desire. He had no clue what his torment was doing to me. Even I was unsure of exactly how I felt in human form.

  "How does it feel?" he whispered as if reading my thoughts. I fought for breath, his husky voice sending thrills of sensation through me.

  "Weird...and I tingle in places I shouldn't," I confessed, knowing my honesty could either break the spell of this moment or lead to what my body and mind had been craving since first laying eyes on him.

  "Good," he grinned in pure male satisfaction. Noah had switched from his nervous, funny self to a more dominant side, which only thrilled me more.

  I opened my mouth to speak but was silenced by his lips crashing into mine. My eyes went wide at his touch, but as his lips pressed more firmly against mine, I slowly closed them, allowing my body to enjoy the pleasurable pulsations that ran through me.

  I wrapped my arms around his waist, and he took the advantage to press his body more fully against me, making me moan into his mouth at how my lower region throbbed to feel more of him. The kiss was slow, but it was the perfect pace for me, making me remain relaxed even though I had no experience. My first kiss and I was lucky enough to have it with a man who not only was a phoenix hybrid like me but one who had enough confidence in himself to share me.

  It was then I realized being a human was far more complicated than I thought. It was difficult, and hard to get used to, but I knew with time I'd learn and grow. Either way, I knew one thing was for sure.

  I really liked it.


  "Celestia, she'll be fine. I promise."


  "I, Faelia Blessheart, promise Arielle will be just fine. She just needs lots of rest after everything happened."

  My ears picked up on the conversation that was going on to my left. I'd been going in and out of sleep for what felt like days now, but the pain was the reason why I kept falling back to sleep.

  The left side of my body hurt the most, and even though Faelia had instructed me when I was awake to change into my human form, the pain had only lessened a smidge.

  I couldn't remember much during my recovering process so far, but I knew the guys had been in rotation watching over me. They would talk to me, and I'd feel something cold laying on my forehead when my body felt too hot.

  I was so thankful to them, even though I couldn't tell them just yet. We'd only known each other for a few weeks, yet it felt like we'd bonded so quickly. I wasn't their responsibility, yet they took it upon themselves to help me get better.

  "Okay. I'll leave her in your hands," Celestia whispered. I could hear the sadness in her voice, and I sensed she was on the verge of tears.

  "Celestia. Don't cry," Faelia soothed.

  "I didn't know what was happening. I should have kept an eye on Arielle, especially when I felt something was off with that group of familiars, but I didn't expect them to push her into the pool. How could they do that to my Arielle?" Celestia sobbed.

  Her sobs made me sad, and I wanted to comfort her, but my mind was beginning to drift. I fought for as long as I could and focused my energy to try and talk to Celestia. At least she was right here, so it wouldn't take any energy to think to her.

  Celestia, don't cry.

  I heard her gasp and then Faelia's voice. "What's wrong?"

  "Arielle?" Celestia replied as she took a few calming breaths and sniffs. I felt something rubbing against my cheek. "Arielle, you’re awake?"

  Barely. So tired, but I don't like when you cry. Makes me sad.

  "I can't help it. I'm so sorry you got hurt. I should have done something or picked up on it or listened to my gut! Or-" she argued, trying to reason how it was her fault which was something Celestia would do. She'd rather blame an incident that got someone hurt on herself than see the whole picture.

  Not your fault, Celestia. They...just didn't like me. They're just bitches, Bru.

  "Doesn't make what they did right!" Celestia argued through sobs.

  "Arielle. If you can hear me as well, just know those familiars are getting a hefty punishment from myself and Othello. I will not tolerate such behavior. All you need to do is rest," Faelia revealed.

  "Yes. Arielle, just rest. I love you so much. I'm sorry you're in pain. We have the next trials coming up, but I'll do my best to be here as much as I can," Celestia assured me.

  Okay. Don't worry about me. I just need some sleep. The guys are here sometimes too.

  "The guys. You know they've been here?" Celestia asked. I mentally yawned, doing my best not to fall asleep, but I was losing the battle.

  "Celestia, I think you're going to drain her out if you two continue your conversation," Faelia whispered.

  "Oh!" Celestia said in a hushed tone. She wasn't needing to use any energy because she was replying to me out loud. "You're right. Arielle, just rest. All the guys have been checking in, and it's nice to know you sense them once in a while. Just rest. I love you," Celestia whispered.

  I love you too, Celestia. I'll be fine. Just need...sleep...goodnight Celestia and Faelia.

  "Night Arielle," Celestia replied. Before I drifted, I heard her speak to Faelia. "She said goodnight."

  "Goodnight Arielle. Celestia will be fine. Just focus on getting better," Faelia encouraged.

  Yes, getting better.

  I felt something press against my forehead, causing me to stir. I still felt pain on my left side, but it wasn't as strong as before.


  Noah's gentle voice made me focus on opening my eyes. It was a bit difficult, but after a few attempts, I was finally able to open them.

  I was lying in someone's arms, which I soon realized were Noah's. He positioned himself to lower me against the pillows while he turned to rest on his side with his head being supported by his left arm; his elbow rested on one of the white pillows on the bed.

  I took a quick glance around the room, which appeared similar to the private medical room Celestia had been in a few weeks ago before my eyes trailed to my right side to meet Noah's amber ones.

  "Hey," he whispered. It felt like forever since I'd seen his human form, and he looked just as handsome as he had the first time I saw his beautiful amber eyes and dark purple-orange hair.

  "Hey, Bru," I replied. "Where am I?"

  Noah moved a few strands of my purple-pink hair, hooking it behind my ear as he answered my question. "You're at the medical ward for familiars at Aslan. Do you remember what happened?"

  "Not really. There was an argument, which broke out into a fight, and then someone tried to push you and Gabriel...and" I trailed off, unsure what happened after that.

  The day of the familiar portion of testing came, and we had accomplished it
with ease. Celestia and her men were put into one team, which had led to Noah, Gabriel, Rainer, Griffin, Asher, Axel, and I being on Team M.

  I couldn't remember what the challenge was, but it was a breeze, and we'd dominated the opposing team. I remembered without a doubt that team had included Jess' temporary familiar.

  We'd been heading to celebrate, Celestia's men going ahead and leaving Finn and Orion behind with Celestia. We passed by the pool of Forgotten Familiars. It was a place for all the familiars who'd died, kind of like a cemetery, but it was for all of them.

  The liquid was super thick, and some even said you'd die if you fell in there. A few familiars had tried in the past, and not even one of them had gotten back out.

  Axel had explained that the reason for the thickness of the water was because of those who had been pushed or had fallen into the pool while alive. Their last thoughts were dark and filled with regret and anguish, which turned the water from a once pure state to the thickness it had become. He revealed that one of his last Master's familiars was lost in a prank, and even though they were able to pull his body out, it had been too late.

  All this was told to us as we were peering at its serene appearance, and that was when Jess' familiar and companions showed up with spiteful expressions.

  Words were exchanged and by the time I knew what was even happening, I felt like I was sinking. There was nothing but silence, and I couldn't breathe. Within seconds, everything went black.

  "You fell over the edge with Jess’ familiar and crashed into the pool of Forgotten Familiars," Noah finished.

  I blinked a few times in confusion before I gave him a stunned look. "I thought familiars couldn’t survive falling into there."

  "They're not supposed to. Gabriel jumped in and somehow was able to find you. He pulled you out, and Axel and I worked on getting you breathing again. After that, I helped keep your flame going, and Asher and Griffin tried to get as much of the weird liquid off you and Gabe in time for Othello and Faelia to arrive. Celestia, Orion, and Finn helped as well, but it was hard since Celestia couldn't stop crying," Noah explained.

  I frowned, wondering where Celestia was. "What day is it? Where's Celestia and everyone else?" I asked.

  Noah was silent for a long moment, and I knew right away something was wrong. "What happened?"

  "The fourth trial was really hard. It happens every year, but this year was the worst dropout rate I've seen. I don't know what happened at the actual trial, but Celestia and Finn had it rough. It was so bad Rainer was sick for a few days, and he's only partially bonded to Finn."

  "Are they all okay?" I asked.

  "Celestia's stable. Magnor, Othello, and Miona were working on her. Faelia also helped. I don't know much more, but Orion, Hunter, and the others have been keeping a close eye on her. Same with Finn, who's been staying with Magnor."

  "And Rainer?" I asked, worry lingering in my voice.

  Noah smiled and pressed his lips to my forehead. "He's all good. We've been rotating shifts to check on you and him. Griffin and Asher are with him at Magnor's."

  "How about Gabe and Axel?" I asked.

  "They're resting. They've been working really hard, and it finally took its toll on them. Faelia forced them to sleep the day away," Noah replied with a grin.

  I sighed, feeling more relieved. I didn't like what was going on, but at least everyone was safe and recovering from what happened.

  "I should check on Celestia," I pointed out with the intention of sitting up, but Noah outstretched his right arm to stop me.

  "Nope. No moving. Your body isn't even close to being healed. Faelia has been applying some special ointment on your wounds, but you're on bed rest until you’re cleared by Miona and Othello," Noah ordered.


  "Nope. I'm not budging on this, Arielle." His voice was stern, his eyes locked on mine. I sighed and relaxed.


  "I want you to get better and not worse. You'll thank me when we go on another date." Noah grinned. I blushed at his words, the memory of our night together before everything had happened made my body tingled.

  "You know the others are probably going to fight against that until they all get to go out with me," I mumbled, avoiding his eyes and hoping my cheeks weren't too red.

  Noah grinned. "I'm well aware, and I'll just have to be sneaky and take you when I can."

  "So confident." I sighed again. "Are you going to leave now?"

  "Why would I leave?" Noah asked.

  "Because I'm awake?"

  "No. I can guarantee in five minutes you'll be asleep again," he replied.

  "How do you know?" I asked.

  "You woke up earlier when I first arrived and was switching with Gabe. That was before Faelia banned them from your side and forced them to sleep for a day," Noah explained.

  "I don't remember that."

  "Ya, you were really cute and confused."

  "Cute and confused doesn't reassure me at all," I argued.

  "Hunter told me when Celestia had turned into a unicorn and switched back, she woke up all confused and ditzy before she started hitting on Orion and the others. You were like that. Oh, and you almost set the place on fire," Noah confessed.

  I gawked at him and groaned. "I'm going back to sleep."

  He chuckled. "You don't want to hear about the details?"

  "Nope. Not sober anyways," I huffed.

  "I can only imagine how you'd be drinking familiar wine."

  Noah continued to chuckle, and I mumbled, "You're lucky I can't take one of these pillows and hit you with it."

  "Oh, you did already," Noah admitted before a wide grin formed on his lips. "Then you asked for me to take its place and kiss your neck all da-"

  "I'm asleep," I huffed, shutting my eyes. This time Noah laughed, but it didn't upset me. It was nice to hear his laughter. I could only imagine how worried they were, and at least this would ease his concern.


  I opened my eyes to see Noah's face just above mine. "What?"

  "Please just rest and let us handle things. I don't like seeing you in pain," he confessed, and his worried expression made me lean up slightly to kiss him.

  He pressed back, but we didn't kiss deeply before he pulled away. "Please?"

  "Okay. I'll be good and rest. Sorry for worrying you and the others," I apologized.

  He shook his head and gave me another quick kiss. "None of it was your fault, and it was about time they got a punishment. Trust me when I say, this isn't the first time. I just hope it's the last."

  He got out of bed and walked over to dim the lights. "Why didn't you use magic to lower the lights?" I asked.

  "We're on a little magic restriction. Faelia is being strict on us, at least for a few more days. I'm hoping before the final trial we'll be able to do whatever we want again. Though I'm getting used to the human thing, even though it's weird," he admitted.

  He climbed back into bed and snuggled next to me. "But I get to enjoy snuggling up against you."

  "You always snuggle against me in phoenix form," I pointed out. Since our date, Noah and I would enjoy pleasant afternoon naps in our familiar forms. It was always a relaxing time, especially when we’d be waiting for Celestia and the others to finish classes that didn’t involve us.

  "Yes, but that's different," he argued.

  "It's the same," I replied with a yawn.

  "I feel like arguing would result in me agreeing with you, anyways," Noah pointed out.

  "Obviously, Bru," I replied, and he chuckled. I ended up giggling with him, and I closed my eyes. I already felt tired even though I hadn't stayed awake for long.

  "Get some rest, Arielle. One of us will be here unless Faelia's doing some assessments on you," Noah reassured me.

  "Hmm, okay. Thanks, Noah," I whispered.

  "You’re welcome, Arielle," he replied. The room was silent for a while, and as my mind drifted away to the land of sleep, I heard Noah whisper, "Love you, Arielle."
/>   I wished to reply, but I was too far gone. I hoped he knew how dearly I cared for him as well.

  I love you too, Noah.


  I stood in the middle of a forest, rain pouring down on me and the thunder and lightning raging through the sky. My eyes landed on Celestia standing a few feet away. My heart immediately ached for her as my eyes scanned her from head to toe.

  She looked so depressed and defeated as if she'd been told something so horrible that she didn't even care about the rain that drenched her body.

  Her eyes were red and continued to pool with tears as she stared aimlessly. It hurt to see her in so much pain, and I wanted to help her. Yet, I couldn't move, and panic began to settle in as my eyes noticed the darkness creeping up around Celestia.

  "Celestia?! Celestia!! Mistress? Can't you hear me?"

  My attempts seemed useless, and I continued to try and reach her. I knew we were physically far away, my body in the familiar medical center versus Celestia, who I didn't know where she was. From the familiar trees that surrounded her, she had to be somewhere in the area, but she definitely wasn't inside Aslan's gates, and that realization only added to my increasing fear.

  "Celestia! Celestia, BRU!"

  I kept trying to call to her, to warn her of the darkness that was slowly approaching, but Celestia just stood in the rain. She finally lifted her head, and I thought my calls got to her, but instead, her dull eyes met mine and my heart sank.

  For all the years I'd known my Mistress, from the day we met, her mismatched eyes always held some light. Even when she was sad or upset, they would glimmer with some type of emotion.

  Yet, there she stood with dull eyes that held nothing. Not sadness or anger; no emotion lingered in those purple-green orbs. She'd given up, and as the darkness crept up her legs, I knew she wouldn't fight it.

  No, Celestia! Mistress. Fight. Don't let the darkness win! CELESTIA!

  * * *

  "Arielle!" Faelia's stern voice pulled me out of the dream, and I immediately sat up, trying to catch my breath. I looked down to see my necklace was on, which was why I was still in human form. I didn't move, already feeling the pain in my arm from my wounds, but I frantically tried to get to Celestia.


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