Claiming Abby [Club Isola 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Claiming Abby [Club Isola 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 10

by Avery Gale

  Abby looked between them and then down at the bulges pushing against their leathers. “I could help you with that you know? Would my Masters like knowing their sub had already had her appetizer when they walked her through their boss’s door?”

  Kalen stepped up and in truth he was grateful for her misbehavior, because even though her intention hadn’t been to top from the bottom, it was exactly what she’d just done. “Abigail, that is what Doms call topping from the bottom. It means that you are trying to control the situation.” He saw her eyes go wide and then realization dawn in them. “Oh, love, I know that wasn’t your intent so you’ll get a pass this one time. But rest assured if you do something like that again there will most certainly be consequences. Now, let’s find something else for you to wear shall we?” Hopefully the distraction will be enough to keep me from blowing a gasket before we even start.

  In no time they had Abby dressed in a low-cut dress that reminded Kalen of orange sherbet. Its soft material flowed around her in soft waves of iridescence. The color was a perfect accent for her golden brown skin and dark hair, and it was long enough that the bruising that had already become even more evident was covered. They had given her shoes to wear but reminded her she would leave them just inside Ian and Callie’s front door. Kalen knew that Ian always kept Callie barefoot inside their home. Hell, he rarely let her wear anything at all when they were in their home alone and before her pregnancy, she’d also been nude even when trusted members of the staff or club were visiting.

  When he and Logan had stopped at Ian’s yesterday afternoon to discuss the possibility of a new club in Texas, Callie had been standing in the corner in Ian’s office. Now that she was pregnant Ian often dressed her in one of his button down shirts. Yesterday she’d been dressed in a crisp white shirt with blue stripes which was pulled up in the back to display bright red handprints on her bare ass. When Logan had raised his brow in question Ian had nodded his head in her direction. Kalen had watched as his friend walked up beside Callie. “Sugar those are lovely handprints on your beautiful ass, but those tear tracks down your pretty cheeks don’t make me think this was fun and games for you. What happened?”

  Ian had sighed at her silence and said, “Carlin, it is all right for you to answer Master Logan’s question.”

  Callie had turned to Logan and looked to Kalen as if she’d lost her very last friend. “My Master felt I was too chatty with some of the workers at the Lodge and I disagreed.” So at least that explained her original refusal to answer Logan’s question, she was still rebelling and Ian had known it. Kalen bit back a smile because he was fairly sure she’d be getting a couple more swats for her defiance after they left.

  Kalen could see that Logan was barely managing to hold back his grin. “Well, sugar, if I was betting I’d say it was the disagreein’ part that got you that spanking and not chatting up the workers, am I right?”

  Callie had slowly nodded her head and then dropped her gaze to the floor before whispering, “Yes, Sir.”

  “Sugar, look at me.” When she looked up at him again her eyes were once again filled with tears. “Do you trust your Master to know what is best for you? And to always be thinking about your safety as well as your happiness?” When she just nodded, Logan had just looked at her expectantly until she’d answered him with the words she knew were required. “So why did you disagree with him?”

  “Because he seemed so angry and I was afraid he was going to send me away.” Callie’s words were so soft Kalen had barely heard her, but Ian certainly hadn’t missed them. Kalen knew this had been a huge hurdle for Callie and one she was obviously still dealing with. Everyone had warned Ian that Callie’s self-confidence and security had been so seriously damaged by her mother’s and sister’s betrayal and rejection that her “recovery” was going to be a process. And even though this seemed like a step backward for her, Kalen hoped Ian would remember it was a relatively small step when he considered all the progress she’d made.

  Before Ian could stalk toward her, Kalen had grabbed his forearm and spoke softly enough that only Ian had been able to hear him. “It’s just a small step back, Ian. Remember the hormone cocktail her body is coping with every minute of every day right now. She needs you now more than ever.” When Ian seemed to calm, Kalen added, “We’ll be back in two hours to talk.” Logan had moved her pretty blonde hair behind her ear and held the side of her face as he spoke soft words of encouragement to her. Kalen watched Logan kiss her on the forehead and turn her into Ian’s open arms. The sound of her quiet sobs as they left the room had sent both him and Logan to the gym for a brutal workout. Everybody who met Callie McGregor fell in love with her and seeing their tiny friend in that kind of emotional pain had shaken them both.

  “Before Abby, I probably wouldn’t have handled that the same way. But now, seeing Callie’s pain was hard because I kept thinking about how I’d feel if that was Abby.” Kalen couldn’t have agreed more and he was glad they’d had the chance to help their friends over what could have been a very rough stretch of road.

  “It all comes down to communication. And I know it’s cliché, but it is even more important in D/s relationships because of the power exchange involved. Callie should have told Ian why his criticism was such a problem for her, but Ian should have listened with his heart also.” Kalen didn’t have any idea how Ian kept up with Callie when he was sure it was going to take everything both he and Logan had to keep up with Abby—and he hoped like hell they were going to be able to stay at least a step or two ahead of her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  There weren’t any cars allowed on the small island, so they’d taken one of the electric carts over to Ian and Callie’s. As soon as they’d entered Abby had taken off her shoes and then Callie had spirited her away to show her the almost complete baby wing. Her new friend was so excited and Abby was soon caught up in her enthusiasm. They had all teased Ian that most people remodel a room or add on one or two small rooms, but he had added an entire wing for the child Callie was carrying.

  When the men finally caught up with them, both she and Callie were sitting in rockers just looking at the beautiful view. The moonlight was dancing over the water between the small island and the mainland and it was what Abby had always thought of as “travel brochure” perfect.

  Abby had noticed that there was a peace and tranquility that seemed to surround Callie today that had been missing for several days. And while Abby didn’t know what had changed, she was happy that, for Callie’s and her baby’s health, her sweet friend seemed to be in a much better place. Callie was getting very close to her due date, so Abby had assumed she was just feeling anxious about all the life changes headed her way.

  By the time they all returned to the dining room, Ian’s cook and housekeeper was just setting the last of their dinner on the table. Inez patted Callie’s baby bump and said, “Miss Callie, you need to feed that baby so he gets big and strong.”

  Ian gave Inez a mock stern glare, “Inez, I keep telling you that baby is going to be a girl, and just as sweet and beautiful as her mama.” Inez had merely shaken her head at her boss and headed back into the kitchen. Ian had laughed and told them that neither he nor Callie actually knew the sex of the baby and hadn’t wanted to find out. With only a couple of weeks to go he laughed saying he finally thought he was actually going to survive not having any control over whether it was a boy or girl.

  Kalen and Logan had just sat Abby between them and shown her how they wanted her ankles hooked around the legs of her chair so that her pussy was open to their touch when she felt the butt plug start to vibrate and gasped. She’d been grateful that the others had been busy chattering about the baby and hadn’t seemed to notice. But she was certainly finding it hard to track the conversation and was worried that she was going to leave a wet spot on the chair when she got up not to mention what was going to happen to her dress. Logan had leaned over and whispered, “Didn’t you notice the towels you and Callie are both sitting on baby?
Lift up your dress and put that sweet bare ass and pussy back down on that towel.” When she’d done as he’d asked as discreetly as she could, he’d grabbed one knee and Kalen had taken the other and they had spread her legs back apart. “Keep you your ankles hooked around the legs of the chair or we’ll bring in one of the taller stools and then you’ll be much more exposed than you are now.” She felt the cool air drift over her exposed pussy lips again and just as she was starting to feel like she could refocus on what was going on she noticed Callie seemed to be having similar problems since her head was leaned back against her chair and she was biting her bottom lip so hard Abby was worried she was going to draw blood.

  “Carlin, focus. You are alarming Abby.” Ian’s sly smile told her he didn’t give a rat’s ass about her alarm and she wanted to reach over and “box his ears” as her mother would say. When she glared at Ian the vibrations of the butt plug kicked up and Abby felt her entire body stiffen.

  “Glaring is rude, Abigail. Keep in mind that Ian is not only our host, he also happens to be a Dom. Not someone you want to cross, and I believe you are already dealing with challenges sitting comfortably.” Abby heard his words but he might as well have been speaking Pekinese, no make that Portuguese…fuck it, who cares? She really didn’t care how or what he’d said because her pussy was quickly soaking the towel she was sitting on and it was getting harder and harder to stave off the tidal wave that was building within her.

  Ian’s voice broke through the fog clouding Abby’s mind, “John Parsons will be visiting the club tomorrow night,” was all she’d picked up but it had been enough.

  Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Abby turned to Ian, “The John Parsons that works for the CIA? Well, I guess he probably doesn’t probably advertise that fact unless he’s trying to impress you with his ‘position of power’.” She’d used her fingers to put air quotes around her last words and rolled her eyes in obvious disgust at the man. “Why? I mean, why is he coming here? Why now? Has he ever tried to visit the island before I was here? Have you actually met him? Does Jace know this? How did you meet him, anyway?” Ian was watching her with a smile that told her she was amusing him, but both Kalen and Logan had gone on point.

  Abby felt herself slip into her “zone” for the first time in weeks and the familiarity of that place where her mind was totally focused on the task at hand was comforting. Without even realizing she’d done it, she pushed out of her chair and broke the connection between herself and Logan and Kalen. She sent them both apologetic smiles when she realized why she suddenly felt cold. But then she stepped away and began pacing back and forth along the windows overlooking Ian and Callie’s beautifully landscaped backyard. Her mind had always processed information and brainstormed best when she was moving. She had finally taken the carpet out of her office at the lab because she’d worn it out several times and having it replaced was a major pain in the ass.

  Speaking more to herself than anyone else, Abby let herself work through everything that was suddenly tumbling through her mind. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Kalen start to get up, but Ian put out his hand to still him. She heard Ian say, “Leave her. Let her work it through. It’s how her mind works and the three of us together can’t begin to analyze the data her mind can process.” Somewhere in the back of her mind, Abby was pleased with his remarks because Ian McGregor was a genius in his own right. Sure his genius was “different” from hers, but there wasn’t any doubt that it was equally impressive.

  Abby slipped back into her own mind and went to work pulling together everything that had happened over the past six months and started arranging them like puzzle pieces in her mind. “It’s the voice…more than anything…it’s that the voice of the communication was just so similar. You know how you can recognize an author by the voice they bring to their work? Yes, well, it’s the same thing in business and scientific communities. You can tell who wrote an article or letter or e-mail, just by the voice. And he’s movie star gorgeous but he’s a slime with the most negative aura and energy of anyone around. How did he get invited here? And why now? There are no coincidences, Abby. Remember Granny’s words…and remember she was always right.”

  * * * *

  Ian watched Abby pace the length of the large open space that made up most of the main living area of his home and process information at the speed of light. He’d always loved watching the little pint-sized genius work and had stopped her brother from corralling her one night in an elegant restaurant just because he’d known exactly what she was doing. He had installed a long strip of cushioned flooring along the front of the windows in each of his offices because he was prone to the same method of focusing his thoughts. If he was truly baffled by a problem and working through it in his mind, then he had to be moving.

  Once Kalen and Logan stepped out of their roles as her Doms and realized what was happening, they had been able to settle back and just watch the wonder that was Abby Garrett. He smiled at their expressions of pride and awe. And the sight of her in what Jace had often jokingly referred to as “Full-on Abby.” It wasn’t until he heard her say something about bait and Mitch Grayson that Ian zeroed in on her words and interrupted her.

  “Abby.” When she didn’t break stride he tried again but used a voice that was laced with the Dom tone that he knew she would instinctively respond to. “Abby. Stop.” He smiled and shook his head when she halted and turned to him blinking her eyes as if she were trying to focus on his face. “Sweetness, tell me what you meant about bait and Mitch.”

  He knew she was really back with them when her eyes darted between the two men who had claimed her as their own before returning to him. “Well, I am fairly sure that he is coming here to see me. And see might be misleading because, unless I’m totally off the mark, there is a connection between John Parsons and The Consortium and it’s financial. And something Sergio said in one of his last e-mails to me puzzled me, but now…well now it makes sense.”

  Ian knew better than to interrupt her with questions and he was grateful that the others in the room took their cues from him. Kalen and Logan might have had more social interaction with Abby Garrett, but he’d actually had more intellectual and professional contact with her so he appreciated their willingness to let him work this through with her. When he didn’t respond he knew she would continue and he wasn’t disappointed. She explained questions she had regarding e-mail communications and how the “voices” had been too similar to be coincidental.

  “Sergio made the comment ‘everything changed when I got to know you’ and that had stuck in the back of my mind because it hadn’t made sense until I saw him a few days ago. I think he was a plant, but then he got to know me and didn’t follow through on whatever he was supposed to do. We actually did have a lot of fun together and he was obviously interested in my work but he never pushed me.” He watched Abby’s muscles twitch and Ian fought his smile because it was obvious she was restless and standing still while her mind whirled was torture.

  “Tell us about John Parsons.” Kalen’s question had been quietly spoken, almost as if he was afraid of spooking her.

  Abby smiled at Kalen. “He is a snake. I know that seems over simplistic, but that’s the bottom line. He uses his looks to charm people, but he is pure predator underneath that pretty boy veneer. I wish Mitch could be here because I think his gifts would be very helpful. And yes, in answer to the questions I see in all of your eyes, I intend to be front and center when he visits the club tomorrow night because that is the only way we’ll know what he’s up to.”

  Ian heard Callie’s small gasp when Abby put her hand up in a universal sign for stop when Kalen started to interrupt her. “Hear me out Kalen. I’m not a shrinking violet you can keep under wraps and shelter from every storm…even though I love you for wanting to. I’ve been taking care of myself for a very long time and I’ve stood up to Parsons before. Besides, we all know Ian and Mitch are going to cover me in gadgets.” Ian smiled to himself. Indeed we will sweetne
ss, indeed we will.

  Chapter Nineteen

  As far as Logan was concerned the entire evening had been FUBAR almost from the beginning. It wasn’t that he was totally rigid, hell, he’d had plans that were fucked up beyond all recognition plenty of times. Being able to think on his feet and make adjustments had saved his life too many times to count, but this was definitely different because this time it was Abby’s life that was hanging in the balance.

  They had planned to play in Ian’s play room to help Abby become accustomed to being seen by someone other than her two Doms, but no one had missed how fast Callie had faded after their discussion about John Parsons. As they’d been leaving she had been dead on her feet and Logan felt awful for their part in her exhaustion. “Sugar, I’m sorry things didn’t work out the way we’d planned them. You’d have gotten some much deserved attention and been in a much more comfortable position.” He’d waggled her eyebrows at her and was pleased when she giggled. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her rounded belly and felt the muscles contract beneath his palms. “Sugar are you having Braxton-Hicks contractions?” When she looked at him in curiosity he smiled. “Hey, I have three older sisters. This isn’t my first rodeo.”

  Logan looked up and saw the look of panic in Ian’s expression over Callie’s tiny blond head. “It’s too early. Oh God, who should we call?” When he pulled out his phone Logan laughed - loudly.

  “Chill out Ian. They are perfectly normal. Callie’s body is just starting to prepare itself for the main event. But she does need to get off her feet and rest more.” He leaned down and spoke to the baby again, “Be nice to your sweet mama and stop scaring your daddy.”


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