by Dawn Carter
Chapter 20
Only when the sunlight was beginning to grow a bit long, did Spencer stomp back inside the hotel. Her sandals clacked sharply against the floor. She didn't care how loud they were. She reached the main courtyard and passed the pool, then turned and went back to it. She stopped beside it and stared down at her own reflection, her normally beautiful face was contorted with fury. “I can’t believe she stood me up again!”
In the courtyard, Spencer moved around, running her fingers over the shrubs and fig trees. Finally, she sat on the edge of the lily pool. In the dark, the place looked more like a giant, unkempt garden. A tall tree stood in the middle, branches spreading out to form shade. Although the air was already cool, she was hot.
With an indescribable sound of rage, she dropped down to her knees beside the pool and yanked free one of the lotuses floating nearby, snapping it from its stem. The weird noise in her throat growing, she tore the flower to shreds, littering mangled petals all over the edge of the pool. She let out a scream when she pulled the next one, and continued screaming as she tore it apart, her childish hysteria taking her over. The longer she sat, strumming her laces while absently staring at the stars, she mulled over every idea in her mind. “It’s time to go home and put this all behind me.”
The sound of footsteps got closer, at first she pretended not to hear them, until a voice quietly called out, “Spencer.” Then she lowered her gaze and turned her head toward the entry, back into the dark, seeing the silhouette of a woman several yards away. When the shape lifted its head, Spencer saw the coppery face with dark eyes, framed by long dark hair. Her emotions once again betrayed her. She smiled, her face brightened. Then she looked down at the ground. When she lifted her head, Claire still stared at her, only her eyes had grown and her mouth had opened slightly, a look of disbelief on her face.
“I didn’t think you would come.”
“I didn’t know if I was going to.” A final smile, as genuine as the rest of her, crossed her lips. “Believe me...I was not going to, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
Spencer took each word in and said nothing. If she had been honest, she would have admitted, since their experience in the ruins, she’d felt empty, as if a part of her had been torn from her soul, and she felt like a cracked shell, the insides long seeped out.
“I will be going back home, so you won’t have to feel the pressure of having to see me.”
“I’m sorry to hear you feel that way.” Her eyes searched the surroundings for the right words. “I would have come earlier. I wanted to come earlier, I just couldn’t stop thinking about them and what they did.”
It took a moment for her anger to subside, but the more Spencer listened, the more she understood.
“I really like you, Spencer. I want to date you; I want to get to know you. The real you, not the one who lived long ago. That’s not you.” She looked up, then back down to her hands. “What they did when they inhabited our bodies really pisses me off. I felt violated, and I felt like I violated you, even though it was not me doing it.”
“I get that.” Her voice cracked, tears swelling in her eyes. “None of this has been easy.”
“Come here, sit with me.” She reached out, taking Spencer’s hand in her own. Together, they sat down beside the large lotus pool in the middle of the garden. Spencer took off her sandals and slipped her feet into the cool water.
Spencer’s eyes grew, her chest hitching. Her mouth opened, but no sound came out. The nervous energy building within her made it hard to focus, but as Claire began to talk, she sat and listened.
After a time, Claire sighed and laid her head back, draping an arm across her eyes. “I hope you don't mind if I rest...I had no idea it was so late.” She finished speaking and fell silent. They both stared at the water. When the cool water plashed against Claire’s feet, she clenched her teeth. She'd kept her eyes shut tightly, and swirled one foot around before tentatively opening an eye. She blinked a few times, and her gaze rose upward to the top of the building.
Spencer had no idea what her very presence did to her. Claire tried to look away, to stay focused, but it was becoming harder by the second. When her heart started to beat hard in her chest, she inwardly cursed, and stuffed her shaking hands into the pockets of her jeans. Something told her she was running out of time—she had to act soon or she was going to lose Spencer.
Spencer opened her eyes, got to her feet, and turned on her heels. Claire started toward her and she stepped back. She took another step forward, then stepped back again. Her legs hit the edge of a table and she caught herself before she fell. She stopped and looked around the courtyard. She frowned at Spencer and nervously fidgeted with her fingers clasped in front of her.
Spencer watched Claire as she examined her. It occurred to her she was afraid; not of Spencer, but of being alone with her. This puzzled her a bit. Finding her voice, Spencer asked, “Do you still feel drawn to me?”
Claire’s head snapped up as the question registered in her mind. “I think when someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure, but when the vessel of that love is standing right before you, it would be a shame to let all the possibilities become buried.”
Spencer pushed herself up from the ground, standing inches from Claire. “It would be a shame not to explore what’s standing before us.” Then she took a step forward to see what reaction she would get. True to her assumption, Claire raised one eyebrow in amusement.
Claire’s heart pounded in her chest. She smiled shyly, “I agree.”
“Care to join me for a drink?”
Claire tipped her head, very slightly, and back again, in a slow, uncertain movement. “Yes.”
The moment in the tomb had not been with Spencer, and Yiara was long gone. She had lost her long ago… but the woman who stood before her, the reincarnated version - perfect in every way, was ready to take a chance to enter the unknown with her. She smiled, took Spencer by the hand and pulled her close. Her minty breath wafted beneath her nostrils, and as she moved back, she picked her up off her feet, let her down slowly, bringing Spencer’s gaze level with her own. She parted her mouth and crafted a menacing smirk. The corner of her mouth twitched as she pressed her lips tightly together. It appeared her heart would give her no choice. She was going to have to endure this strange thing called love. Whether she wanted to or not.
Chapter 21
Time had flown by quickly for the new couple. Twelve months to be exact. Each day better than the one before, each night filled with romance, tender kisses, and even more tender caresses. They had become an unstoppable pair. Spencer had taken a job in Cairo, teaching elementary school children. At night, she joined Claire at whatever dig site she was excavating. Together, they uncovered hidden truths, sad tales, and even sadder deaths.
By the time grade school was letting out for the holiday, Claire had been offered a job teaching at the university three days a week. It was a welcome break, and it also meant more time she would have to spend with Spencer.
Spencer furrowed her brow. “That’s wonderful news, but are you ready to live a normal day-to-day life?” she asked.
“There’s nothing I want more than a little normalcy for a while. Once I get my fill, would you care to uncover the hidden secrets of the world with me, for as long as we shall live?”
The question came as a surprise. It was the last thing she’d thought she would be asked while living in a country known for stoning men and women for having relations with the same sex. “Are you sure you want to put yourself at risk?”
“I would never recommend doing anything that would endanger our lives.” She winked. “Did I mention the offer for university was in England?”
It took a moment for the announcement to register but when it did, Spencer squealed. “Yes…Yes…Yes. I love you, Claire.”
The End
A note from the Author
I can be walking down the street, or sitting in a restaurant, when a new story or a continuation of a story comes to me. In that moment, I have to pause and write it down. When I start writing, I feel like I am only a tool used to tell the story. It amazes me how each character seems to write their own adventure, and I am just the narrator telling their tale.
The writing is the easiest part. The hard work is the editing, and that is where I have to acknowledge humbly each of my proofreaders. Each has taken my work, and with a subtle tone and dedication, have guided and endured the painful editing.
I have built a reputation for writing mysteries, romance, vampire, and paranormal romance. It has given me an outlet to allow the blood to flow, and to gain a new perspective for future novels. It has broadened my horizons and that of my readers.
Now on the subject of my readers, I want to thank each of you. You have given amazing support and encouragement via email and social media.
I also want to thank my good friend, beta reader, and biggest fan, Angela Mula, who has encouraged me to believe in myself and my writing.
In closing, I want to thank each of you who buy my books and leave such wonderful reviews.
~Dawn Carter~
I am honored that my children continue to encourage my love for writing and have selflessly given up many hours of time with me as I follow my dreams. I have found it is the strength we receive from those around us, who mean the most, which helps us thrive and grow into the person we are meant to be. Thank you, my loves, for supporting me, and allowing me space and time to live within each moment and emotion that gives my characters their own voice.
I would like to thank my beta readers, Angela Mula and Cat Gough, also my proofreaders, Linda North and Carol Poynor, for the constant support and tactful way of pointing out errors or flow in my books. A special thanks to my wonderful illustrator, Shiralyn J. Lee, for creating beautiful and visually appealing book jackets, and to my editor, Ashen White.
Other books by Dawn Carter:
The Crossroads
Heart of Fire
Heart of Vengeance
Out of the Mist
The Fallen
Forever Yours
Murder by Proxy
The Awakening
Other books published by Wicked Publishing
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
About the author
A note from the Author