The Infected

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The Infected Page 4

by Gregg Cocking

  Take care

  Sam W

  9:10am, May 9

  It’s now been five days since Lil phoned to tell me that she was back at Motswari. I have not heard from her since… I haven’t wanted to say anything on here, but shit, I am panicking. Okay, if I rationalise it, then it makes me feel better – she is in probably one of the least populated areas in South Africa where there are more hippos than humans, so the chance of the infected being there are slim. So why hasn’t she called? Or emailed? But then I think that tourists head up that way all the time, and although not in their thousands, whatever this thing is that has affected the infected, it just needs one of them to take a bus up there for it to spread... but she’s fine. I’m sure she is. I hope she is.

  12:21pm May 10

  It’s Mother’s Day today. Or should have been. I spoke to my Mom and she cried. “Please promise me that you will stay inside and keep safe,” she almost pleaded. I could hear her struggling to hold back more tears so I promised that I would. I don’t know how long I will be able to keep that promise though as I’ve done an inventory of what I have available to eat and drink in my home (it at least kept me busy for an hour or so) and I am getting worried that I will run out eventually and need to go in search of supplies.

  This is what I have:


  * 1 x 2 litre Fanta Grape

  * 7 x Coke Zero cans

  * 1 x half full Oros mix

  * 2 x 1 litre Game energy drink sachets

  * 1 x three quarter full Spiced Gold, 1 x full bottle vodka, 1 x half full bottle gin (not good for quenching the thirst but great for those long nights)

  * Then I fill up my bath, bathroom basin and kitchen sink up every day – very quietly, basically a drip – just in case the water supply all of a sudden stops. I’ll then at least have time to make another plan


  * 3 x tins of onion and tomato

  * 2 x tins of tuna

  * 1 x tin of guava halves

  * 1 x tin of sweetcorn (I don’t know why I have it – I hate the stuff)

  * 1 x tin chunky apricot jam

  * 2 x packs two minute noodles

  * 1 x bottle vinegar

  * ½ a thing of Bovril

  * ¾ thing of peanut butter

  * About ½ a kg of rice

  * 2 x Snickers (the best chocolate in the world)

  * 6 x packs of Mini Cheddars

  * 2 x big packets chips (Big Korn Bites and Ghost Pops for those interested)

  * 3 x breakfast bars

  * 1 x box of ice cream cones

  * 1 x bottle of olive oil

  * 9 x eggs

  * 3 x potatoes (which need to be eaten soon – they’re already starting to go green)


  * ½ a bottle of salad dressing

  * Full jar of mayonnaise

  * Small block of cheese

  * ¾ bottle of Tomato Sauce

  * 1 x onion

  * Bottle of barbeque sauce

  * ¼ jar of Peppadews


  * 7 x smoked viennas

  * 1 x pack of bacon

  * 1 x pack of four steaks

  Apart from some coffee and tea, a little bit of sugar and some spices, that’s what I have in the house to eat. All the fresh stuff has either been eaten or gone rotten, and I’ve run out of bread and milk. It’s not too bad though – if I estimate three small to medium meals a day, I should be okay for another two weeks.

  So while the food side of things is not too bleak, I am seriously struggling with boredom though. I now totally understand the term ‘cabin fever’. My day typically involves a good three hours of staring out the kitchen window noting the movements and numbers of the infected while listening to my iPod (very quietly!). I’m beginning to listen to a lot of folky stuff – don’t know if it’s the cabin fever or loneliness or what – but Liam Finn, Right Away, Great Captain! and Bon Iver are going down especially well.

  I flush my toilet only every second day after a twenty minute stake out routine from all my vantage points to make sure that none of the infected are within an audible range, and I try and get out, leopard crawling, onto the balcony for at least half an hour a day. I lie there in the sun, out of view, either reading or simply staring at the sky. Sometimes I daydream or drift off, sure that I can hear Lily calling me from inside. But it’s never her, it’s just my imagination.

  Sometimes I watch TV to pass the time – only during the day though as the flickering ambient light at night, even with the curtains closed, is sure to attract attention. All the SABC channels are dead, a static “Due to technical difficultys (their spelling mistake, not mine) we have lost signal. Our engineers are working on the problem.” Well, they’ve been working on the problem for three days now without any change. eTV is no better – their channel is just snow – at least they aren’t pretending like its gonna get better. Satellite as well is just dead – I can turn on the decoder but it spends all day “Searching for signal” before turning itself off. Luckily I have a few DVD’s left after flogging a lot on Bid or Buy. So I’ve been rewatching Supernatural season 1 (it takes on a whole new meaning now that the world is a different place), a couple of Simpson’s DVD’s and The Long Way Down, where, when the world was still just a slightly crazy place, Ewan McGregor and his mate Charley Boorman drove from the top of Scotland to Cape Town on motorbikes.

  The rest of my time I try and spend as normally as possible. I wake up at around 6am (no alarm though... I used to struggle to wake up at 10am with one – amazing what worldwide carnage can do to you!), I then spend two minutes looking out each window (bathroom, bedroom, spare bedroom, lounge and finally the kitchen), just making sure that nothing has changed drastically overnight. I have a cold wash in the shower – not from running water but from a two litre coke bottle, filled from the bath and with holes in the bottom to simulate a shower (that reminds me – when I do eventually go out I need to get more soap, shampoo, toilet paper and tooth paste. I must make a note of that). Then while shivering like a leaf in a strong breeze I brush my teeth, put in my contact lenses and get dressed as I normally would.

  I tend to wear the same clothes for at least two days in a row – there doesn’t seem to be much point in changing as I am not doing enough to work up a sweat, and anyways, nobody bloody sees me. I’ll let the pile of dirty clothes pile up in the corner until I can’t ignore it anymore, then I’ll do a wash in one of the basins and hang the clothes up on my one clothes horse – a badly rusting pile of metal poles that somehow is still standing – my mom gave it to me when I moved out of home, and I can remember her having it when I was a little dude, so it’s at least a couple of decades old. It does the job though.

  I make myself a cup of coffee, turning off the kettle before it reaches full boil as it can get quite noisy. Besides, I enjoy my coffee lukewarm at the best of times. I then put on some music while I make my breakfast (‘make’ is a pretty loose term as I generally have a breakfast bar, fruit (until that ran out) and yoghurt (until I finished those too). Now I’ll just snack on some chips or Mini Cheddars a bit later. Then my first vigil at the kitchen window overlooking Erasmus Road begins. With pen in hand, notebook in front of me, I peek out a little gap in the blinds and monitor the movement of the infected between two light posts, making a cross in the first column for every different individual that ventures between the two posts. In the second column I put down a number if they are alone or in a group so that I can get an idea of their… I guess ‘social habits’ is the way to put it. The third and final column notes their speed of movement – one slash for very slow, two slashes for relatively slow, three for slow, four for relatively quick and five for very quick. I have yet to make more than three slashes.

  After about half an hour of this I check in with first my folks, then Johan or Owen at Eastgate and then Melanie in Durban. I talk to them inside my cupboard in my bedroom, which is on the opposite side of the townhouse to Erasm
us Road (you can’t be too careful). Then I’ll usually update this blog, surf the internet to see if there is any news (although it’s been seriously quiet lately) and then watch some TV. I’ll usually do another three shifts of monitoring the movement between the two light posts if I feel up to it – one around midday, one late afternoon and sometimes one at night (luckily the street lights are still working so I can quite clearly see whatever movement there is).

  That’s my day really. I try have supper while watching the sunset from the lounge window before ‘locking up’. Oh, in case you are wondering what I do for supper, sometimes I cook but I try not to just in case the aromas arouse some interest. When I do get a whiff of a fire from elsewhere – I hate to think what is on fire and why – then I will take a chance and fry up some steak or bacon or an egg or two on the stove, but usually its things like two-minute noodles with grated cheese or tinned fruit. Not a-la-carte dining I am sure you will agree.

  Before I go to bed (which is now the bigger of the two couches in the lounge – for some reason I feel safer there), I make sure that the doors are locked (I don’t know why I check the front door because I haven’t even opened it in five days), and barricade myself in by pushing a bookshelf and other miscellaneous furniture silently up against it as an extra measure. Thankfully none of the windows can be reached, unless one of the infected is about six metres tall. My balcony does join up to the unit next to me – an idiot Steve and his teenage son who were luckily (or unluckily) away on holiday when this all happened. Because I don’t have the materials to make a barrier between the balconies, and cos I might, but hopefully won’t need to use it as an escape route, I have just filled that section of the balcony with all my empty Coke cans. Judging from what I have seen, the infected won’t be able to climb over the wall without landing on some of the cans and, I just hope, alerting me to their presence.

  I will usually listen to some music for an hour or two until I actually feel sleepy – my iPod dock is coming in really handy as I don’t think I would be able to listen to earphones or headphones – the thought of blocking myself off to the noise of the outer world just scares me. When I eventually drift off to sleep I dream about Lil.

  Take care

  Sam W

  5:54pm, May 13

  Fuck, its cold. Winter is definitely here. Contemplated turning on the gas heater but it is a noisy job. And I don’t know how the smell of gas will affect the infected. Rather safe than dead.

  I can’t get hold of Melanie. I’ve been trying for two days. The first day and a half it just rang but now it just goes straight to voicemail. I hope the battery didn’t die from me constantly phoning, but, unfortunately, I think that’s the case. About the fourth or fifth time I called though, it was ‘answered’, but all I could hear was the sound of something dripping. I hung on, calling Melanie’s name as loud as I dared from the uncomfort of my cramped cupboard, but heard nothing until, maybe in the distance, although I couldn’t be sure, I heard a groaning sound. The sound of the infected. I think… I think.


  10:24pm, May 13

  I couldn’t sleep – kept thinking of Melanie. So here I am, a blanket draped over me and my screen – my usual nightly way of being on the computer. She and I used to walk home from high school the same way when we were younger, so for almost every afternoon for five years we would leisurely make our way the two kilometres home chatting about, well, anything and everything really. I did go through a phase when I had a huge crush on her. I never told her. Maybe I should’ve?

  Anyways, she’s gorgeous, always has been, and even though we hadn’t kept in touch as often as we maybe should have, we still have a bond, formed over many a kilometre, which I don’t think will ever go away. Which is why I feel so sick inside now. I should have got her brother’s fucking cell number – I didn’t even think about it.


  1:03am, May 14

  As you’ll have noticed, I still can’t sleep. Maybe a good thing as I’ve been trawling the internet looking for any of the latest news, action, basically anything. I found this on a guy called Tailon’s blog; he seems to have had quite a bit of contact with the infected:

  Ive found out how to kill them zombiefuckas – you just gotta stop their brains, man. It dont matter how you do it, just fuck up their brains. Ive used a knife, youll need a big fucka to get thru the skull, a spade, a Beretta 8000 pistol which I found, from close range and from a good 10 metres, a crow bar and a crossbow. You just gotta puncture their frikkin brains and the fuckas drop like flies. The last zombie I killed was this morning – the fucka was trying to get into our back door so I took the pick axe, got Casper to open the top of the door. Its one of them that can half open. And Mr fuckin zombie didn’t know what hit him. It was a pick you fucka!

  Well, apparently you have to basically stop the fuckas brains from working. I’m not going to take this guy’s ramblings as gospel, but hey, it’s worth remembering if you come up against one of them.

  I had supper ages ago, as well as a packet of Mini Cheddars too, but I’m starving. Just gonna go fix a snack.

  Take care

  Sam W

  11:49pm, May 15

  lILY i LOVeyou baby Please phpne me or email me or blogg me – i NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU MY GIRL. tHERes some wierd shit goingon her and i need you with me. Pleese. /i loveyou and cant live withou you ihope that yiu ar okay – call me whenever yuo want

  sEE YA


  10:37am, May 16

  Humble, sincere apologies for that last post. It was late at night, I have been seriously missing Lil, and I got stuck into my bottle of Spiced Gold. I don’t know who won – the bottle is empty but I feel like death. My head is throbbing, it tastes like a small Ethiopian boy has crawled into my mouth and died and I am struggling to focus on the screen without the intense need to throw up. But worst of all is that I don’t remember anything from last night. Obviously the above post speaks for itself – if I could delete it, I would, but it’s already out there in cyberspace, isn’t it? But I could have, in that state, played my music at full blast, had all my lights on, gone outside, and who knows, even challenged the infected? (I’ve sometimes felt bulletproof when drunk, but zombieproof?)

  I spent about five minutes instead of the usual two surveying my surroundings from each of my vantage points, partly to make sure that I hadn’t alerted any of the infected in my drunken state, but also largely due to the fact that I felt slightly less awful when I wasn’t moving. I took my last Extra Strength Disprin – not that it has helped and I must make a note to get painkillers, plasters, cold and flu medicine and stuff like that when I go out – and forced myself to eat some onion and tomato mix and Peppadews for breakfast. I had to do a bit of cleaning up – spilt Spiced Gold, Ghost Pops crushed into the carpet and peanut butter on my keyboard!!!

  But you are probably wondering about my midnight message... well, I guess I had kept it bottled in too long. I am dying inside. You don’t understand how not hearing from Lil is ripping me apart. (Apologies – I am sure that a lot of you out there are also missing loved ones – girlfriends, wives, husbands, parents, kids, brothers, sisters, friends, pets – but I just feel like I am going through this all alone, if you know what I mean. I’ve checked, there is no Zombie Invasions for Dummies available on Amazon. I don’t know what to do. I am alone, shit scared and missing my only ever girlfriend with all my heart. I am not coping).

  4:56pm, May 16

  I was playing my iPod, on random, and guess what song comes on? Zombie by the Cranberries... I have over 20 000 songs and that came on. So I decided to make an appropriate playlist for this... scenario… that we find ourselves in. Hope you enjoy (I got YouTube links for the ones that I could find).

  1: Zombie – The Cranberries (The song that started this all…)

  2: All Alone – Gorillaz (How I am, how I feel)

  3: Monster – The Automatic (Key lyric: What’s that coming over the hill? Is it a monster, is it a monstaaaa

  4: The World Was A Mess But His Hair Was Perfect – The Rakes (Always take pride in your appearance, even if you may get eaten today)

  5: I See Monsters – Ryan Adams (And I wish I didn’t. And no, for those ignorant amongst you, I did not mean Bryan Adams. He sucks. Ryan Adams, on the other hand, does not)

  6: Cause I'm So Scared of Dying – Right Away, Great Captain! – (I wasn’t scared of dying before. But now… now it’s hard not to think about)

  7: Maneater – Boy Kill Boy (Nelly Furtado cover version) (Self explanatory this one)

  8: Who’s the Enemy – Feeder (Those things outside, the ones with the funny eyes)

  9: Human – The Killers (Ironic – The Killers… Human…the ones that are being killed)

  10: Cabin Fever – Super Furry Animals (Another one that doesn’t need much explanation)

  11: It’s The End of the World as We Know It – R.E.M (A great way to end it all off)

  Take care

  Sam W

  7:33am, May 17

  I think I have food poisoning. I can’t keep anything down. Maybe I should have eaten those potatoes sooner. And now the headache that has plagued me these last few weeks is back. Other than that, I feel rubbish.


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