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Subfrenzy (the Subfrenzied Series)

Page 9

by Jane, Kimberlee

  “Hello again.” His voice alone made me want him.


  Taking my bag from me, he opened the passenger door and stepped back to let me in. I stumbled slightly, not expecting him to pull me against his chest. My head was already raised when he kissed me. I was breathless when he pulled back, and happy that he seemed to be, too.

  “That's how you say hello.”

  “I'll remember that next time, Sir.” I smiled at him.

  “Get in, I've got the heat on. Feel free to turn it up.” He shrugged out of his jacket at a red light and draped it over my lap. “You're still shivering?”

  “Not as much anymore. Thank you.”

  Lust raged when I saw the intense focus he used so effortlessly. He drove with one hand on the wheel, a cigarette balanced between two of his fingers. Quinn trusted the car to do what he wanted, though he was alert, ready to react if something unexpected happened. It was really comforting after driving with Lane, who, though I knew she was, never seemed entirely focused on the road.

  “Work's going okay?” he asked.

  “It's been good. You?”

  “The week's started off well.” He studied a sand-colored law office when we stopped at a red light. “You like your job? Your boss is cool, the people you work with?”

  “Everyone at the firm gets along for the most part. My boss, Ben, is cool. I'm in front of a computer, or on the phone most of the time.” I shrugged, bored by my day. “What's your work week like?”

  “There are lots of client meetings and travel. When I've got downtime, I do research for clients, or for myself so I can find new clients. I play the stock market a little.”

  “I'll have to learn more about that, then. I know... nothing, actually.”

  “I was a stockbroker a while back. Now that there's no one in the pit- it's all online,” he clarified, “I'm not as aggressive with the market anymore. It's not as much fun.”

  “I'm sorry,” I said, knowing that feeling.

  “That's okay, I'm glad I had things in order before the Crash. I wouldn't have made it, if I tried to start during it.”

  “That happened right when I started job searching. It was a fun time.”

  “Was it?”

  I laughed, remembering. “Not exactly. All's well that ends well, I guess.”

  “You do a lot of heavy reading, don't you,” he commented. “You left two books at my apartment.”

  “Sorry about that.” I trusted him more than I thought. “I bring books everywhere.”

  He saw an adult store and grinned, his eyes dark when he glanced over at me. “We need to go shopping, don't you think?”

  “Whatever pleases you, Sir.”

  Quinn chuckled as he moved his hand to my thigh. “Your answers please me.”

  “I'm glad they do, Sir.”

  “I'm going to give you such good pain tonight...”

  All I could do was stare as he parked and took my bag out of the backseat. I focused on not twisting my ankle or bumping into him as we got into his apartment. My legs were shaking again, which made walking more difficult than I wanted to admit.

  When Quinn slammed his front door locks in place, I braced, ready for the rush of dominance that would make me kneel. Confusion struck when he gently stroked his hands down over my arms. He curled his fingers around my wrists and brought them up against the wall. I groaned inside when he held them above my head with his left hand. One of his thighs moved between my legs to help keep me standing.

  Breathplay time, my body raged with excitement. Arousal burned when his fingers wrapped around my throat. He pushed upward, steadily applying more pressure. I could feel how closely he was watching me, though my eyes had closed. When I tried opening them, the energy it took left me lightheaded. All of my world collapsed down to Quinn's hand on my neck. I stayed relaxed, sending my concentration inward. My hearing dimmed, parts of my body went numb. Fear didn't rise until it felt like the ground opened up underneath me.

  My face suddenly hit a new level of numbness. It felt cold, swiftly sliding down into my stomach and up through the back of my head. 'Tell him,' I heard deep in my mind. 'Air! Now!!' I dug my nails firmly into his forearm. Then I breathed in, still feeling the pressure from his hand on my neck. But I was breathing! Air was sweet and warm, tinged with his bright, dominant energy. My body slowly flooded with deeper submission.

  I let my head loll back against the wall as my senses righted themselves. The ground was solidly underneath me again. He felt so warm, his cock hard and pushing into my thigh. My hips rocked forward before he trapped me against the wall.

  “A few seconds less next time.”

  “Mmm...” I couldn't make my tongue and lips move again so soon.

  When I realized how vulnerable I was, that he could have had me faint... I took a moment to weigh submission against fear. But Quinn put his arm around my waist and kissed the side of my neck.

  “I don't want you passing out on me.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” I said, feeling fine again.

  All fear was banished. I leaned against him, savoring the warmth from his body, the hard strength that had kept me from falling.

  “I'm not going to leave marks. Not on your neck. I won't make you explain those away at work.”

  “Thank you for remembering, Sir. I didn't.”

  “Do you wear shirts with collars?” He moved his tongue in a circle, low toward the curve of my shoulder. “Or sweaters with the neck thing?”


  “I'll buy you one. Don't worry.”

  I felt him breathe in roughly and grasp my hair. There was going to be real pain! He saw my eyes before I lowered them. The heavy excitement I felt from him drowned me with yearning. He pushed me back hard against the wall. His teeth grazed over my skin and I gasped.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Had I heard him laugh, or was the sound only in my head? “Don't thank me yet.”

  Quinn took care of my coat and went to sit on the couch. There were two bottles of water waiting on the coffee table.

  “Come sit down, baby.”

  Soon as I got to the edge of his table, submissive energy took me under. Pride wavered, but fell because I wanted it to. He seemed surprised when I crawled across the floor on my hands and knees. The carpet was rough against my knees as I knelt in front of him. I had gone eight paces, but it felt so much longer... When I looked up at him, his eyes were deep green, less intense after he saw me looking at him.

  “You marked 'Maybe' for crawling. That was okay for you?”

  “Do you like it, Sir?”

  “I do now.”

  I felt warm with pleasure. He lowered the waistband of his shorts when I licked my lips. If I had known he wasn't wearing anything underneath... It made me feel an odd sense of satisfaction, having his cock in my mouth. I slid my lips all the way down his shaft until I couldn't breathe anymore.

  “Relax,” he said, after I took a deep breath. “Relax your throat.”

  When he thrust back and forth, stopping before I gagged, I wanted to be better for him. My throat opened, the gag reflex paused because he went still. But I choked when he roughly pulled back.

  “I'm sorry, Sir, I-”

  “So fucking good-! Come lay over my lap.”

  “Your...” Submission froze as what he wanted registered.

  He pulled my head back and made me look at him. “That was another of your 'Maybe's.' Have you changed your mind?”

  Being spanked. I didn't know how I felt about that yet. Moving without letting myself think about it, I settled myself over his thighs. I relaxed and brought my wrists together above my head.

  “With this position, I can touch you everywhere.” He stroked the left side of my leg, then my right side down to the middle of my back. “I want to see how your body reacts to pain.”

  His explanation made sense. He really could touch me anywhere. My neck, the back of my neck, my breasts if he had me brace on my forearms. I let
go of modesty, then all the thoughts I had attached to the action. Any position would have been embarrassing. At first. But over-the-knee spanking had never appeared in any of my fantasies.

  When he smoothed his hand over my ass, I breathed out slowly. Feeling his nails trail over my skin made my teeth grit. From the base of my spine, down to the middle of my thigh, the opposite for my right leg... I moved my thighs further apart and tried to ignore the new sensitivity that took over. Mortification was stronger than pain, it seemed. Until he smacked the back of my leg. He hit me a little harder, a few inches higher. The heat from his palm sank into my skin when he laid his hand flat. Then he smacked the same area, hard, five times in a row. That hurt a little more...

  There was a tingling sensation on the right side of my ass after I heard the 'Smack!,' heat rising under my skin as the next eight fell. I jumped from the louder noises, but always more from shock than pain. No longer caring that he was spanking me, I fought to relax so I wouldn't break position. I wanted to feel the pain. The back of my thighs felt warm, my ass hot. Each new hit felt like a rush of pleasure. Some of the smacks hurt more than others, but none of them reached the borders to my pain threshold.

  Happiness burned when the pain he gave me continued to feel like pleasure. He made it feel good without having it hurt me... and I didn't know how. I'd never experienced taking pain without sinking lower and lower, the ragged darkness rising to take me under. I stayed submissively connected to him, drifting on the trust I was allowing to build.

  “Sixty,” I said aloud when he stopped. “Thank you, Sir!”

  “Your ass is so pink... You took that very, very well.”

  I moaned quietly, layers of my defenses stripped away. “I'm happy you think so, Sir.”

  “I don't think so. You did. You've really never had someone do that to you before?”

  “Never, Sir.”

  “That's why I didn't punish you for hesitating. How do you feel?”

  “Really good. Thank you, Sir.” I smiled at him, a mix of submission and masochistic pleasure.

  “How do you feel, physically?”

  Doing a quick mental scan of my body, I was surprised by how normal I felt. “I'm okay, Sir. There's no pain.”

  He gave me a very Dominant look. “None?”

  “Um... not none, Sir. I feel a lot calmer. My skin feels really warm, and it tingles a little.”

  “You did say your pain threshold is high. Sit up. Drink some water. I want to punish- er, give you more pain before I fuck you.”

  He wasn't going to punish me? I relaxed back into submission. He wasn't going to fake-punish me for wanting more... I shied away from thoughts of Rhys.

  “Thank you for pain, Sir.”

  “I've been thinking about going to that s/m club with you,” he said, a few minutes later.

  “Rack's? You have been?”

  “With you, this weekend. They have a pain night, don't they?”


  “Want to go with me?”

  “To watch or to participate, Sir?”

  “That depends on how things go. At the very least, you can show me what you like most, things you haven't tried, but want to.”

  “Or you. I want to do things that make you happy, too, you know.”

  “You do.” He looked at me strangely. “You don't know that?”

  Awkward feelings were banished by lust. “I know one way to please you, Sir.”

  Quinn laughed when he saw me look down, then back up at him. “Yes, yes you do, but not yet. Do you want more pain?”

  “Yes please, Sir.”

  “Lay back down, like you were before. Your ass is going to stay red this time.”

  “Thank you, Sir!”

  “No hesitation this time,” he said. “Nothing to punish you for. I'm going to, anyway. Do you know why?”

  “Because you can, Sir?”

  Quinn leaned down and kissed the middle of my back. Shivers of pleasure moved over my skin as he reached the side of my neck. He sighed slowly and rested his forehead against the back of my shoulder. “Yes, baby. That's exactly why.”

  - Chapter 9 -

  ~ Fear of Dying ~

  All I could remember of the night was pain and pleasure. I didn't feel heavy with the resetting of subfrenzy, as I usually did after a pain session. It was the moment I had dreaded the most, feeling empty, craving another session I wouldn't schedule until the marks went away. I braced, but it didn't hit. Quinn held me closer when I tried to turn onto my back. The rush of submission I felt made me gasp. With five minutes before his alarm would go off, I managed to have him lay on his back. He sleepily moved his hand through my hair as I leaned down to kiss his chest. So Dominant, while half-asleep... I smiled, feeling how hard his cock was. When his alarm went off, he silenced it and had me get on top of him. There was just enough time to shower, change, and get to work before either of us were late.

  He had realized that I needed more than one session to reach my real pain threshold. The prospect pleased him. A lot. I knew if he really wanted to make me safeword, it would only take him a few minutes to have me say it. Perhaps seconds. He was strong, capable of hurting without knowing it. But he knew. The experience he had inflicting pain made me feel safe. Knowing I'd see him after work left me wanting him all day. I hadn't expected to have all three with a Dominant. And there wasn't any time to think or find rational ground. I was out of work half an hour later than I expected.

  'I'm home from work and can leave whenever. I'm sorry I'm 40 minutes late, Sir.' I messaged him, my hair finally dry.

  'It's work. That doesn't count. Wear another outfit like last night, sexy submissive.'

  'I am, Sir. Thank you.'

  'Park next to my car when you get here. Call me, I'll come out to meet you.'

  Rack's wasn't open yet, I noticed, driving past. Commission, tips, and pay from the club weren't something I could dismiss so easily. But there was a part of me that didn't like the idea of Quinn knowing I'd be there, submitting to someone else. If he was going to be my Dominant. I wanted to know what his reaction to Rack's was before I decided anything. Shadows were layering on, what had once been an easy decision.

  There were two spaces open next to Quinn's car. I called and saw the door open a few seconds later. He was able to see me from his doorway. My coat was white, but my corset and skirt were black. Satin garters was smooth against my thighs as I walked over to him.

  “I'm really glad you're free tonight,” he said, meeting me by the walkway.

  “Thanks for having me over again so soon, Sir.”

  He led me inside, taking my coat while I went into his living room. Only one of the lights were on. Bright, white, moonlight streamed through both wide-paneled windows. The sky was changing from deep purple to blue-black, without clouds to hide the vivid colors. It made me feel wickedly submissive, wanting pain and pleasure, and to give him pleasure all at the same time. He stood in the kitchen, watching me in a way I didn't understand. I had started unzipping my corset when he took my wrist and led me into the bedroom.

  “Did I just stop you from getting undressed?”

  “So we could get here faster? Yes, Sir.”

  “No marks from last time?”

  “None, Sir.”

  “You sound disappointed.” Pressure on the underside of my chin had me look up at him. “No red marks, no bruises? What about sensitive places from where I hit too hard?”

  “I've always healed fast. There's nothing that-”

  “Get on the bed,” he ordered, “I want to make sure.”

  Getting to my hands and knees, I kept my thighs spread slightly with my head lowered. I'd never felt so much power from anyone before.

  “Are there any positions you want me to learn for you, Sir?”

  “I like seeing what you choose to do. You know some already, I've noticed.”

  “Only a few. I'm sorry if-” I forgot what I was saying when he touched my inner thigh.

  “If I want yo
u in a different position, you'll know.”

  I smiled at the edge of dominance in his voice. “Yes, Sir. Thank you.”

  Shivers ran upward through my leg, soothed when he moved his hand over the back of my thighs. I held my breath as he softly stroked the softer skin behind my knees. There was still a deep, quiet feeling that swept over me when his hand hit the right side of my ass. I focused on pain until the embarrassment went away. He had made me capable of submitting for it, so I did. The way it hurt felt really, really good...

  Questions I'd asked myself finally had answers. Without warmth, or even affection between Rhys and I, there were many times when I forgot he was present. I threw myself into the pain he had given me, fighting myself to take more. When Quinn gave me pain, the darkness that rose became bright, which made me laugh from happiness rather than madness.

  “Clara? Can you speak?”

  “Yes. I'm sorry, Sir. Did you want me to count aloud?”

  “How many times did I hit you?”

  “One hundred and thirty times, Sir.”

  “And that still wasn't enough for you.” He touched me with smooth, firm pressure to ease the stinging sensations away. “Hold your hair up for a second?”

  My breath caught when I felt him wrap his belt around my neck. The leather warmed against my skin, cinching tight before the tension relaxed. His eyes burned with satisfaction as he looked at me.

  He had given me a temporary collar? “Thank you, Sir!”

  “You're welcome, baby.”

  My pain-threshold grew stronger. The smack fell heavily over the left side of my ass. Pain made me laugh. It hurt more than I thought it would. Another made me blink down at the covers. The third... I dug my knees into the bed and laid my palms flat. I melted into the stinging sensations. Several more hits fell before he paused. I followed the waves of pain in my head, distancing myself into calm darkness. My fingers made soft cracking sounds when I returned to reality and released my grip on them.

  “Lean down lower on your arms. Be comfortable if you're not.” His voice was a whisper drifting along my shoulder.

  He cared, I smiled, swaying slightly. He had noticed before I did... My arms ached from holding the position, though I hadn't felt them trembling. Hard slaps on the outer sides of my thighs made me go still. I gasped as the belt pulled taut around my neck. He used the end to strike my back. Pain levels rose a few degrees. My skin throbbed viciously wherever it struck, unbearably for a few moments when he hit the same place more than once. He used it like a whip, hitting one side of my back, then the other.


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