“What's he like?”
“Grant's intelligent, funny, and we talked for a surprisingly long time. We hung out Saturday, too. Here. I hope you don't mind?”
“Nope, not at all. I'll only mind if he wanders somewhere he shouldn't...”
“We didn't really leave my room.” She smiled happily. “I did a short s/m session with him. No pain, mostly just- Do you want details?”
“Yes. You did what?”
“Dirty talking, rough play, and teasing? I'm able to do that for him. The rest...? That's the problem. Potentially.”
She was confusing me. “Grant's a submissive, or your submissive?”
“I'm not sure yet.” She almost looked guilty. “He likes when I take control, but I don't know how much is safe to take. I don't know how much of a Mistress I am. What if I hurt him because I can't be... more?”
“Is he communicative as a sub?”
“Very. We spent most of the time talking about his Checklist. When we started playing, I could tell what I did turned him on. Now I'm wondering, what if he pretended to make me feel more confident in myself? What if I did horribly and he's too submissive to tell me?”
“You're on your way out to meet him, right?”
“Well, yes, but-”
“I doubt you did horribly, or that he pretended submission,” I interrupted gently.
“Checklist points are great, but what does 'Yes' or 'No' tell me? How much is too much? What's too Dominant, or not Dominant enough?”
“Ask him. Let him know you'll be unhappy if he submits for something he doesn't like, just to try and make you happy.”
“Thank you! I don't want him to submit that way.”
“You're going to be fine. More than fine.”
“It's such a power rush! What happens if I get carried away? He likes when I use my nails on him. I like doing it, but I could really hurt him-” She looked startled. “I could really hurt him and I wouldn't mean to-”
“Do you like Grant?”
“Yes, I already care about him. I don't really want to hurt him.”
“You appreciate the submission he offers?”
“Of course.” Lane mentally gathered herself and radiated confidence again. “He can show me what he wants. I'll get better at anticipating, so he doesn't have to ask.”
“Me too.” I grinned.
“If Grant and I set another date after tonight, I'll have him drive. You can have the car Saturday into Sunday, then, if you need it?”
“Thanks. You're anticipating an all weekend date?”
“If things go as well tonight. I'll text you his address on my way over.”
“Cool. Be safe, whatever you do. We'll talk more later?”
“We definitely will. I've no idea what's been going on with you, or with you and Quinn.”
“I've been okay, just tired, really busy. I'm going to text him later and see what's up.”
“There's pasta in the fridge,” she said. “Salad, too. I'm headed out.”
Lane had met a submissive. I grinned, staring at the ceiling when I heard the front door close. She read enough about safety and s/m. Thinking back made me wonder, if she hadn't broken the ice with our trip to Rack's, having me confront what I'd been struggling to conceal... I eyed my phone and immediately thought about Quinn.
'Hello, Sir. Are you free at all this weekend?'
'I am tomorrow night and Sunday. I might have to work all day Saturday.'
'Whichever is better for you, Sir.'
'Not both?'
'Yes please, Sir?'
'Text me when you're ready tomorrow. I'll come pick you up.'
'Yes, Sir. Thank you. Are you still working?”
'Not for too much longer. Will you be up for another half hour, hour?'
'Yes, Sir.'
'I want to actually talk to you. I'll call you in a few.'
My phone rang while I was packing the bag of things to take with me. The small-talk part of our conversation was forgotten, and I made him repeat what he'd asked.
“Do you want to come to a dinner with me? A client dinner, Saturday evening. Only if you're comfortable going.”
“Of course, Sir. Uh... what kind of place is it? A sexy, sort-of modest, black dress, that kind of thing? Or do you want-”
“What you said sounds fine. Better than fine.”
“... okay. I'll bring a back-up outfit, just in case.”
“Wear whatever you want. You know more about that than I do, I'm sure.”
Lane would. “What kind of clients are you meeting?”
“We'll be having dinner with Anthony Barton, and his wife, Chloe. It'll be pretty casual, just, y'know, in a formal setting.”
“I'll find something to wear, Sir.”
“Text me when you're ready, tomorrow. I know it's short notice. I apologize. It was short notice for me, too. If you need a dress, I'll take you to get one.”
“I have one, but thank you.”
“Thank you, Clara. I'll explain why we're going tomorrow?”
“Anytime, Sir. It's really no problem.”
“Fuck. My sexy submissive...” the growling sound he made had me want him so much more. “I've got to go, or I'll never get done. I'll see you tomorrow, baby?”
“I'll be ready. Sleep well when you do.”
- Chapter 14 -
~ Another World ~
“I like seeing you so early on a week day,” Quinn said, kissing me more comfortably once we were in his apartment. “Hang your dresses in the closet. Use whatever you need. If you can't find something, let me know.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
The clock in his bedroom read 5:24pm. It was the earliest I'd gotten out in a while. ''Thanks, Ben,' I sent my gratitude his way. He had been getting ready to leave for court when Quinn messaged to see what time I'd be free. Because Benjamin had nothing else for me to do, and because he didn't care if I left early when he had court, I had been on my way home by four. I unpacked my bag in his bedroom, sighing when I saw that Tiny had, at some point, rested inside it.
“Hey! What are you doing in-” The icy sharpness of his tone cut through me and made my stomach flip. Quinn stopped short in the doorway. “Oh, a lint strip roller. I thought Sasha was clawing at something in here.”
“Er, no... It's just me. Sir.”
“Sorry, baby. I didn't mean to yell at you like that.” He took hold of my hips and didn't let me move away from him. Desire shivered through me when he kissed the side of my neck. “If I wasn't so hungry, I'd have you in bed already.”
“What do you feel like?”
“Pizza. Does that sound okay?”
“Great. Pizza's always good.” I uncrossed my wrists from behind his neck and let him move back. “So... how was your week?”
“It was okay. How about yours?”
“Mine was fine.” I heard it in his voice. “I'm sorry yours wasn't, Sir.”
“It's not that it was bad, just... Monday will set things straight for me. I'm going to place the order. Sure you don't want anything else?”
“That's more than enough. I think my wallet's on the table, the side table-”
“Next time,” he called from the living room.
“About dinner tomorrow,” I broached the topic once he was off the phone. Are there any relevant details, or topics I should know to avoid?”
“You'll be fine, baby. With any luck, there won't be any work talk. We can make an excuse before after-dinner drinks and make an exit.”
“That sounds easy enough.”
“As for relevant details, I work as an adviser for Garrett-Barton Software, and for other clients I've gathered. I-”
“I did a search for-- Sorry, Sir. I didn't mean to interrupt.”
“What did you find?”
“I read that it's a good business to work for. For their employees, I mean.”
“Mm,” Quinn agreed. “That's not one of their problems.”
“I also read that stock prices for them have gone way up. Two men
manage the company, Roy Garrett and Anthony Barton. How did you meet them?”
“Roy and I went to high-school together. He was our 'Mike,'” he grinned, “a linebacker for our football team. Things snapped into place once he graduated from college. His father left him in charge of their software company. When he had trouble managing it, he asked Tony to co-run the business with him.”
“Tony didn't go to school with both of you?”
“Nope. Tony and Roy went to college together.”
“You don't like him very much,” I observed aloud. My face went red when he caught me studying him, not looking at him. “I'm sorry. That was rude.”
“But true.”
“Do you want him to step down?”
“No, I don't want his job. I want him to be more cautious. Roy offered to make me co-partner a while ago. He hired me as the financial adviser for their company when they ran into problems. When he first asked, I was struggling to get my business up and running. The second time he called, I was settled and... I've worked for them since.”
“You work for them under your company name.”
“Yes. Other small companies, private investors, too. That's the part that bothers Tony. I'm sure he's going to try pushing me into making a decision tonight. Because he's bringing his wife, he doesn't think I'll make a scene.”
“A decision from you about what?”
“I didn't tell you--? It's been a really busy week,” he admitted. “How much have I talked about them?”
“You haven't, really...”
“No, I must not have. You looked them up. Did you look me up, too?”
“I didn't, no. It felt weird, when I can ask you about what you do?”
I saw confirmation, and approval, through the way he nodded. “But you didn't want to ask me about them?”
“We haven't talked much about work. I've noticed that you work a lot.” I grinned when he did. That was a bit of an understatement. “You expect a lot from yourself, and... I'm your submissive. When you don't have to think about work, why should you?”
Dominance raged and shivered along my skin. “Thank you, Clara.”
“One thing I don't understand, Sir?”
“The decision Tony wants you to make.”
He groaned quietly. “Where to even begin.”
“Well... how is Garrett-Barton Software doing as a company?”
“They're doing well, in spite of a lot of things. That's part of the problem. Now that they're doing well, and advertising, Tony wants to hire someone whose willing to work only for them. He's overinflated, much cockier than he used to be.”
“Even though you've known them and their company for..”
“Six years, give or take. I've known Roy a lot longer. That might be part of the reason why Tony's pushing for someone new.”
“Why doesn't Roy take a stand and side with you?”
“Tony blusters whenever change happens, then he calms down. Stock prices keep rising, so he hasn't calmed down in a while. Roy thinks that's happening, now. I don't. For what Tony wants to pay someone new...” Quinn snorted. “I don't know what he's thinking. Monday morning, we'll all be in Roy's office and I'll find out what his game plan is.”
“What do you think he's going to do?”
“I'm pretty sure he wants to move the company to New York. Now's not the time for that, I've warned them. Tony's hell-bent... It's going to be disastrous. He's not organized enough to move them on his own, and I know he's not taking all of the expenses into account.”
“Moving?” I breathed in slowly and refocused, leaving emotions to be sorted through later. “Where is he looking in New York?”
“Somewhere in Rochester, I think. I'm not sure yet. I'll know by tomorrow morning.”
“Rochester,” I repeated dumbly. That was five, if not six hours away. “If Tony loses, but they decide to move anyway.... um, would you be relocating, too?”
“No. Their company might do well there, but I know mine would die.”
“I'm sorry, Sir,” I said, really feeling sorry. Inner confusion was pushed back again. “How are your other clients doing?”
“They're secure. I lost a couple days this week that I'll pay for, but it's going to be fine. Just... fuck.” He chuckled, then outright laughed, eyes closed with his head back. “Sorry I didn't tell you about this sooner. Why did I think you knew?”
We smoked in mostly-comfortable-quiet until his doorbell rang a few minutes later. Once food arrived, I felt a lot less awkward. I liked watching Quinn think, his eyes hard, flickering to his phone when he remembered to do something. Energy hummed around him all the time, though in varying degrees of intensity. When he was relaxed, I knew it was because he had finished everything on his 'To-Do list.' He definitely wasn't relaxed, but I didn't know how to help him.
“How are you doing? Is everything okay with you?” The warmth was back in his eyes as he watched me gather the plates and eating utensils.
“I'm really good, Sir.”
“Me too. Almost. I'm almost done with work.” He moved so I could lay sideways, next to him on the couch.
“... I don't know very much about the business you run, either. Is it a bad time to ask you about it?”
“Emerson Financial Solutions? What do you want to know?”
“That helps,” I glanced over at him. “You've never mentioned it by name.”
“Yeah, er, sorry about that.”
“I'm just curious about things, like... how do you find clients? Does anyone work for you?”
“Clients aren't so difficult to find. Keeping up with them is the time-consuming part. I've been referred by clients, I've bought leads to cold-call. I take opportunities when I see them. No one works for me, but I work with a lot of different people.”
“Have you always wanted to do what you're doing now?”
“Honestly? I was just looking to make money when I started playing the stock market. It gave me the step up I needed to prepare for the insurance company I went to work for. That's how I honed my selling skills. When I saved enough, I quit and went for the degrees I needed to start this business.”
“Are you happy with what you've accomplished?” He looked really uncomfortable. Submission swept over me, making clarity even more difficult to hold onto. “Sorry... Too many questions, Sir?”
“Nope, but that was a complicated one.” I subtly watched his shoulders loosen. His eyes looked warm and gray-green, not fierce with the business edge. “I'm glad I've made it this far. I've made some mistakes, but every time I've turned things around, the stakes got a little higher. That, I'm happy with.”
“That makes you happy-?”
“It's how things go.” He shrugged. “Spend money to make it. So far as goals go, I'm only halfway to where I want to be.”
“Where is that?”
“Where I was. The market crashing really hurt me. Before I moved to Jersey, I pulled in three million a year, just in profit. Everything I saved, I used to keep my business going.” He ran a hand through his hair and let the tension go. “On the bright side, I didn't go under like some other small business owners I know.”
“Um. …yeah. Thank goodness you put money aside?”
“Those were a rough few years. Now I'm where I was, even though I'm not. Does that make sense?”
“That's a slightly larger scale than I expected,” I said, feeling dazed.
“Two million, then, is closer to four now.” I felt his wariness, the walls that were rising to keep me out. “There's taxes, for one. Things cost more, which makes people ask for more than they used to. I've wanted to hit five, just from profit. That was the goal I set before I started anything. In two years, one if I get a really good run, I could be there. After that, I wait for an optimal time to sell the business, and then I retire.”
My limit for surprising news had been reached.
I thought back to the law firm and their client roster. Astounding figures were sent back and fo
rth every day, most of the paperwork reaching me before it got to Ben. All I did was file it or pass it on, so Ben only got the parts that he needed. That helped bring a little clarity back. Very few of our clients managed their income by themselves. I remembered how irritating most of them were. Quinn didn't let money change him. I trusted him more for his wariness and modesty. Part of me wondered if he had purposefully avoided going into details about work. Or had he really just assumed I knew?
“And you said your week's been 'alright.' All of that's been on your mind?”
“Business 101.” He grinned in a way I hadn't seen from him before. “When change happens, it happens fast.”
“Are you prepared?”
“I'll be fine either way. We'll see. I have until Monday to find out what Tony's really doing.”
“I'm glad you think I'll be helpful at dinner...”
“You don't have to do anything other than rack up the bill. Be sadistic.”
I was sinking in information I didn't understand. “Is Anthony's wife like him? You make Tony sound like someone to watch out for.”
“She's... flashy. Tony likes it that way.”
“Flashy, hm? Designer dress, shoes, and bag?”
“Everywhere she goes.”
I was really glad I'd consulted Lane for my wardrobe and accessory decisions. She had loaned me a brand-name, top of the line purse for the evening.
“Anthony Barton isn't handsy, is he?”
“No, I promise you that he's not. Be warned, though, he's plenty annoying in other ways.”
“That's all I was worried about. Annoying, I deal with every day at work.”
“Me too.” Quinn leaned over to put his cigarette out. “No more work talk, hm? Not until later.”
The aggressive edge in his tone made me angry for him. He was worried. “Last question, and it's not really about work.”
“Are you okay, Sir? Really?”
“Yes, Clara. I won't be starving any time soon, I promise.”
“Well, that's reassuring.”
“Was that sarcasm?”
“It was more concern than sarcasm, if that helps any?”
“Look at me.”
I did, until the intensity in his gaze made me look down at his chest.
Subfrenzy (the Subfrenzied Series) Page 16