Preacher Man (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 2)

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Preacher Man (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 2) Page 14

by V. Theia

  She rubbed back on his face, soaking him. He fucking loved it. "Make me come. Please, please, please." She moaned

  "I will. Give me more time with you, Ruby." His tongue worked in long licks, pulling her clit between his teeth, if he had her so intoxicated in the climaxes he could get her to confess she wanted more than this, wanted more than a single solitary night. It wasn't going to be enough to satiate either of them. “Once is not nearly enough. You know it’s not, you’re fucking my mouth like you’re crazy for it,” he licked her long and deep, flicking that darling bean a few dozen times.

  "No…Preacher…Oh...god. Just this, we said. We agreed. Please. I need it." Her hand joined between them, tried to rub herself, he tisked and moved it out of the way, he'd get her there, not those skinny fingers. Another time he'd watch her masturbate.

  "More days of this and I'll have you coming hard until you've drenched my mouth, that's what you want, isn't it? I feel you, this too tight pretty pussy wants some heavy-duty petting, deep inside, doesn't she? Beautiful little darling is hungry even after four hard turns, say it and it's yours."

  She was unrepentant about backing up against his mouth forcing the deep ply of his lips without saying a word, he laughed and ground into her. Preacher lost his mind grabbing both ass cheeks he ate her pussy until there was no room for anything else in his head but her taste, the glistening honey he was drawing in. "Say it, Ruby. More nights like this, fucking each other to death, more fucking, more fucking everything, say it now, beautiful."

  "God ... fuck…" She was close, he could press her magic button and set her into the stars but he wanted her agreement more than anything. “Asher Priest I might kill you if you don’t stop teasing me,”

  "So, sweet, your flavor changes when you're ready to come did you know that?" His thick thumb drew down her slit, up and down, dipping into her entrance begging for attention what with how it was dripping sweetness into his hand. Preacher didn't waste a drop, lapping it up he tongued her hard and fast, pulled back when she was closer.

  "Preacher, please ... Jesus … okay."

  "Okay yes?"

  "Yes, FUCK yes, fuck you. Yes, okay, more time to fuck, just make me come. Now."

  Her pussy had begun to cinch tighter, working in a second finger he got in good and he got in deep, this was his wheelhouse and he was about to make her see the planets. "Hold on tight, beautiful, it's gonna get rough now." Pounding his fingers, she made a desperate grab on the sheets, two hard fists, her face buried he could still hear her screams and would hazard a guess everyone in the clubhouse heard her, too, as he hit her G-spot, abused the wicked cushion of nerves like he was mining for gold, and watched her descend into bliss, all the while he tongued the luscious bud he’d ever had in his mouth.

  "Now I need to fuck what I just tasted, my cock insists, grab on and take me in, beautiful, show me where you want me." He had a condom on in record time, getting in behind her.

  Snug perfection of her pussy took every inch.

  Preacher’s grunt bounced off every wall. That was all he needed to get him there, pleasure making him blind. His vision blanking out as his climax overtook him.

  He’d gambled and blackmailed more time out of Ruby.

  He felt like he’d won something big.


  “Foot meet mouth.” - Grinder.

  What the fruit loops. Ruby was sex-overdosed like never before. She woke in increment stages, first her brain, then her eyes, lastly, she moved a limb testing it out. groggy, lethargic like her eyelids did not want to open at all, every muscle screaming that she’d had a whale of a time last night. The good ache.

  He’d just never stopped.

  To be fair, neither had she.

  She really thought he’d be the type of man to screw and leave. Or rather, since it was his place, to screw and show her the door afterward. Only that never happened, in fact, he blackmailed her into doing this all over again.

  So, why was he plastered all over her back with the snuggles? Holding her tight, skin warm as fire, his face buried in her hair.


  Half asleep, the warmth of him along her back brought her mind fully back online damn quick. They'd fallen asleep fucking snuggling? He had one hand behind her neck, the other curved over her middle holding a boob. Even in sleep Preacher was a giant pervert. Her lips flickered a smile for a second before a tiny smidge of panic set in. This was not the Preacher man reputation she expected, he was a hit it and quit it kind of man, that was the man she'd wanted to fuck, no attachments, no repeats, but he'd tricked her into agreeing to more nights, that fucker. Under duress with the most pleasure of her life she would have agreed to giving the nuclear launch codes, she was a slave to the big O.

  Ruby had to slip out from under his grip to forage for her cell phone on the floor tangled in her clothes to see what time it was. Just a little before six AM.

  She’d been at the MC all night. Having the best damn sex of her life.

  God. It really had surpassed everything she possibly had expected. It had no category, simply ... wow.

  A very distinct hardness was digging into her hip. Though she’d been fucked within an inch of her life, her nerves came alive in a great roar and began humming under her skin, urging her to move back into Preacher, to wake him and continue.

  What is once more? Do it.

  That was why she skimmed out of Preacher’s hold and out of his bed, quietly tiptoeing into the bathroom, only taking a fast glance back at the guy who was out like a light, his back moving up and down with his soft breathing, the biker had surpassed her expectations, going above and beyond to guarantee her pleasure. There was a new sex-god in town and he was a dirty biker.

  Yikes. The image looking back at Ruby in the mirror left no doubt to what she’d been doing all night. Sex hair. She grimaced, worked quietly and quickly to finger comb her hair into a tamed state that didn’t look like Preacher had been yanking it for hours, Take it, Ruby. She swilled her mouth with the minty mouthwash available on the counter, thought about using his toothbrush. What was the protocol for sucking a guy's dick and then using his toothbrush? It seemed a bigger intimacy than swallowing his pleasure. Because she felt awkward as hell, she left the blue brush in the glass cup and made do with a second swill of mouthwash.

  Dressed and somewhat presentable feeling more like her put-together self and not the walk of shame tramp that had first looked at her in the mirror five minutes ago, she prepared herself for Preacher to be awake when she inched back into the room, ready for the morning after talk, oh, yes, you were very good, no, thanks, I won't have any coffee, so... see you around... Only to find him exactly where she’d left him sprawled out on his belly, the full length of his spine and butt, on gorgeous display.

  The man was a sight. Seriously, too much of everything for her to stand or she might do something foolish and climb back into bed to wake him in a way he'd be in no doubt how much she'd enjoyed last night. Everywhere ached and tingled at once, her vagina pulsing unbearably.

  She knew his body, knew what he liked now. She’d explored until he’d gripped her hair and begged her to climb on his cock. She’d got to know his piercing, found how sensitive he’d been as she’d run her tongue over each rung of the ladder, he’d begged then, too. Such a heady rush to knock that massive man off his feet, to have him pleading with her to wrap her mouth harder around his---Ruby pulled in a shuddered breath tinged with arousal that hit her so fast before she wandered down sexual lane and she missed her chance to make a quiet exit.

  Fetching her purse from the bedroom floor, it was littered with empty condom wrappers, that’s what happened with months’ worth of celibacy, she’d gone a little wild with the overindulgence, her thighs were sore in all the right places.

  Unable to help herself, and he was asleep, she assured, so he’d never know, Ruby tiptoed up to the bed, leaned down over Preacher, she touched the back of his shaved head and dropped a kiss to his forehead. She shoul
d wake the man and thank him properly, what was appropriate for amazing sex, an Amazon gift card, maybe? A lifetime membership to cheese of the month?

  Closing the door behind her she finally breathed. What a night. Incredible didn't cover it, but she could analyze all the dirty details once she was home free of the clubhouse. She paused a minute letting her world recalibrate itself under her feet before setting off down the long corridor, thank god it was early, no one should be up----

  On entering the main area, she clapped eyes with four people. Did no one sleep around here? Her hand crept up to her hair, checking it subconsciously, this was all she needed, an audience.

  All of them turned to look, though three, who were collecting debris in large black sacks got back to their task. The other one though -- Grinder -- and Preacher’s boy, if she wasn’t mistaken, turned with a mug of steaming something in hand and arched a brow at her. Dark gray eyes swimming with amused mischief.

  A wicked knowing smile played around his full mouth.

  Ruby made her feet move, forced her shoulders back. She had nothing to be ashamed of, she was an adult who could do very adult things when she pleased, she recognized no judgment accept her own and His. And since God was not answering his snapchats these days she ignored the look on Grinder's face.

  "You even dare hum the walk of shame to me and I'll punch your lights out," she warned, narrowed eyes glinting just daring Grinder to open his stupid mouth behind that stupidly entertained smirk. He rested one foot on the floor, leaning himself against the bar slurping his drink.

  "Wouldn't dream of it, babe. Can I get you a coffee? Yo, dipshits, back to cleaning, Rider wants the place spotless so we can eat breakfast off this floor.” He shouted over her head, she turned to see the three boys gawking once more, but quickly beat feet to do as commanded.

  “No thanks, I’ll grab something at home. That must be nice having minions to boss around.”

  “It doesn’t hurt,” he smirked sipping his drink. Sip. Sip. Smirk. He was a casual biker this morning, in dark blue tracksuit bottoms and a plain black T-shirt, a wrist cuff around his right hand. Still wearing his dark woollen beanie hat that hung loose in the back and tight around his skull. Was it surgically attached to his dark hair, she wondered? Did he sleep in it, and what did his girl of the moment think of that?

  Sip. Sip. Stare. He was waiting for her to say more, she could just tell. Men with their such small minds.

  Ruby mentally rolled her eyes, the guy had rocks rattling around inside his handsome skull if he thought she was embarrassed being caught coming out of Preacher’s room. A place like this was probably overrun with one night stands. She was no stranger to how an MC was run, she’d just never broken her own imposed rule to tangle with one of them before. And she’d had plenty of offers from bikers, thankyouverymuch.

  Preacher had been too much temptation for her to resist.

  But now he was out of her system.

  He was. He absolutely was.

  No going back for seconds, no matter how he’d gotten her to agree otherwise, it didn’t count.

  “You stake my buddy to the bed by any chance?" He deadpanned.

  She scowled, her step faltering. What, did she have a black widow spider reputation? she rarely ate men, too much gristle. "Yes, that's what I do." Dry tone. "He's asleep, check if you don't believe me."

  "Hold up." Something in his voice made her pay better attention to his face, Ruby arched a brow, he looked...shocked, all joking aside now he was staring at her. What was his problem? "Preacher is asleep ... like sleeping? Is he drunk?"

  Her scowl morphed from hurt feelings to nastier irritation seeping into her tone. "Because he'd need to be pissed out of his brain to sleep with me, right?"

  "Babe. Nah. That's not what I meant. Sorry. He's really just asleep?"

  "Yes, he's just sleeping, and not drunk." Weirdo. “What, do you think I drugged him? I assure you he’s perfectly fine and safe from wittle ole me,“ She was revisiting her old thought of punching this biker right in his crown jewels.

  “Quit harassing her, G.” the deepness, all scratchy rough came from behind her and Ruby almost twisted her body in half spinning around.

  Preacher, in all his tall glory. Shit. So much for her easy exit strategy. Stupid Grinder holding her up, an even better reason to scowl at the man a second time.

  Her motion paused, awestruck. She’d looked like she’d been dropped from a great height into a bed of thorns, whereas Preacher, that mountain man, in his unbuttoned jeans and not much else, feet bare, glorious chest bare, and his hair tied in the tiny stub on top of his head, looked about as dreamy as a man she’d just fucked sideways could look.

  Light scratches clear to see on his neck and shoulder. Oh god. She remembered vividly digging her nails into his skin when he was torturing her with that indecent mouth of his fucking her between her legs. He smiled and sent her belly into a plummet, the center of her blooming until she was nothing but bones and barking hormones standing between the man she had slept with and his smirking friend slurping on hot coffee judging with his judgey eyes bouncing between them.

  There was the dark predatory look on Preacher’s face, stalking her with his smiling eyes, using his long stride to reach her in a matter of seconds.

  Breathe got trapped in her oesophagus. She swallowed hard. He even smelled good. How was that possible? They’d been a sweaty mess all night. Thank god for the mini can of deodorant she carried in her purse.

  He'd persuaded her under intense sexual negotiations to turn their one-night-stand into more-night stands, she admitted looking up at him with his face creased by the pillow he'd slept on that he nevertheless continued to appeal to her on that most basic more truthful level a person could have, she hadn't burned him out of her system and she still wanted him planted inside her, if she allowed it to take over her life she could easily fall back into his bed. One touch and she'd relent. Keep strong. Get out, you can do this.

  “Hey, beautiful. You’re not leaving, are you? Stay for some grub. I’m sure I can rustle something up in the kitchen. You like eggs?” He’d reached her, towering like an oak, and touched the span of her bare back, his straight-from-bed warmth seeped into her. She’d worn the shirt to dazzle him and dazzle him she had, but in the cold light of the morning after she was the one shivering now, affected by a little skin to skin touch as he leaned down and put his mouth to her ear.

  Ruby went from zero to sixty in a matter of seconds, the ache low in her abdomen racing to boiling point, wanting more than anything to lean into his hard body and press her face to the hollow in his throat.

  “No can do, Preacher man. I have to get to work soon.” It was a partial lie. She was due at work around lunch time but was going to talk to Sebastian at nine and wouldn’t miss it for anything, not even another round with the best sex of her life. God. It really was. Dammit. He was going to ruin her for her next guy.

  “Are you sure you can’t stay?”

  She wavered. His eyes penetrating. She wanted to. The atmosphere changing. More people walked through from the corridor of bedrooms, she turned her body away from him slightly, saw his eyes narrow not liking her not-so-subtle distancing. She’d never had such a public one-night stand before.

  “Just in time, Ri. We’re all watching Preach being shot down in flames from his hottie. Grab a seat.” Chuckled Grinder. Ruby about broke her neck to fire him a filthy look. She was not shooting Preacher down. Not really. Not exactly. Not how he said anyway. Bastard McJudgerson in his stupid hat.

  “Shut the fuck up, shitbag.” Hissed Preacher and reached around Ruby to flick his buddy upside the head.

  Her gaze slid over to the president, thankfully he was fully dressed, with his arm around the blonde pixie Zara, who grinned wide at Ruby as if to say, ‘you stayed then?’ she smiled back.

  “You gotta get out more, man.” Offered Rider to Grinder.

  “Nice to see you, Ruby.”

  “Yeah, really good to see you. Hope y
ou had a good time at the party.” Zara said, curled around her man. It was little and large but they looked so fricking cute together.

  “Yeah. Hi, both.” Awkward, she looked toward the exit, only to find Preacher’s gaze devouring her. She held that gaze.

  Kiss me …

  He stepped up to her, and she fully expected him to do just that, she braced, inhaled and held it. He took her arm instead and led her towards the door away from the gawking crowd. Had she mentioned this was the most awkward morning after she'd ever had.

  She really would have let him kiss the face-off her in front of everyone.

  “Hope you come back soon!” called out Zara. Preacher kept her moving but Ruby looked over her shoulder. “We can biker gossip.” Zara went on, her smile bright and hopeful.


  “What? You said I needed to make friends, biker-man! And I’m not getting cozy with those you’ve knocked hips with.”

  Grinder laughed into his mug. Rider only smiled down at his girl and Ruby felt the affection between them. She didn’t have too many friends, and most were platonic men, her own fault really, so maybe, after the awkwardness had settled, she could come back, to see Zara, of course. When Preacher wasn't around, maybe.

  Though both chest and feet were bare, Preacher stepped outside with her, she was about to tell him he didn’t need to walk her to her car when she found herself slammed against the outer wall and his mouth crashed down onto hers.

  His kiss was untamed, it hit the ground running, mouths open, tongues tangling, triggering the fine hairs on the base of her neck into a tornado, her body liquid and soft against all his hard muscle as he grasped the back of her head and kissed holy hell out of her, minutes ticking by, daring her tongue not to join in with slow sweeps against hers, she moaned and slipped into his lips, arching up on her toes to wind both arms around his neck. His kiss consumed and she guessed it was meant to, to make her regret wanting to leave him.

  “Get a room!” The amused jeer startled Ruby out of the bubble and she wrenched away, falling back on her feet, a hand up to her lips, feeling him there. Swollen and hot.


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