Preacher Man (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 2)

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Preacher Man (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 2) Page 27

by V. Theia

“Hold onto something if you need to. And Ruby?” Preacher anchored his neck down, kissed along the shell of her ear, his cock so full he was about to lose his mind any second. He was never this strung out, never this desperate, she had him insane to fuck her, to own her secrets. “Scream like it hurts.”

  “Oh, god. Oh, my god. Yes. yes, please. Make it hurt. Make me beg. Please, Asher.”

  “Do you want it like the first time or better?”

  Ruby’s head turned and her dilated eyes widened silently asking if he was serious. “I’ll die if it gets better.” Preached laughed, a rough, dark, full of promise noise, as his fingers pried her intimate lips open, his breath brushing causing her to shiver. So sexy. He loved that reaction. Oh, he had every intention of giving it to her.

  She was slippery.

  “You won’t die, you’ll only feel like you did. Do you want better, Rubes?”

  “Yes.” Yes, was the only answer he’d accept. She’d lived nearly thirty years if an orgasm took her out he was gonna be fine with that because he was giving it to her. Fucking me.

  Every pant told him she hungered for it.

  He crouched and got to work.

  His tongue began flicking, she tried to twist around to watch, he held her waist, forcing her to stay in that forward-facing stance while he ate at her pussy from behind, the taste of her was like nothing he’d had before. Preacher wouldn’t say he was a pussy expert, but if awards were giving out, well, he’d be holding an arm-load of metal.


  Ruby was an indecent woman when it came to Preacher. Her thigh muscles were protesting from being up on the very tips of her toes for so long, but she’d break off all her toes before she moved an inch. She couldn’t see what he was doing, but oh, her body felt exactly what he did licking that patch of skin right beneath her clit, the moment the fast flick happened she went into spasms falling forward sprawled over the drawers like a damn hooker, knocking the single lamp into the wall, crying out, she clutched the first things her fingers encountered, gripping the edge, clawing to stay upright while she was battered with sensation. It wasn’t as though she’d never had anyone go down on her, it was just his skill was … staggering. Jesus. What was he doing? Did he take a night class, how to send a woman into orbit with the pressure of his tongue? He went down on her like he thought it would save lives, cure cancer, and end world hunger. His mouth ravaged and destroyed her, left her less than she had been only a minute ago, turned her into moon dust floating in the air while he was licking his lips.

  Not one, but two fingers went in and planted there, not touching her inner walls, just flicking and driving her mad, her thighs clenched, belly muscles went crazy when he gave her pussy a full mouth kiss. She couldn’t think of his beard being covered in her juices.


  “You okay? Want more?” he gruffed.

  “Yes, oh yes. Yes.” Words smeared in hope.

  To hell with anything that wasn’t this. To hell with family and users and those who bled her sanity dry, there was only her and Preacher in this moment.

  He chuckled and got back to it. Thank you, God. Top to bottom, over and again, he licked her, tongued her, fucked her furiously hard with just his mouth. That clever wicked dirty mouth. Ruby bent her knees angling her lower half back against a delicious tongue, undulated and begged for it in breathy harsh pants that hardly made any sense because she was in a warped universe where only orgasms by Preacher mattered and only he could make her feel whole again.

  He was covered in her, dripping in her and she wanted to lick him clean.

  No one had ever turned Ruby into an animal, she’d come close before, had exes who knew what they were doing, but this out of body experience of feeling too tight for her own skin to properly house her bones, that was all brand new, she could barely breathe for wanting him.

  The world was tipping on its axis because of one man giving her the good and the wicked.

  “You’ve got me like an out of control maniac, Ruby.” He growled and nipped her lips. “I want to bend you over and fuck you stupid until you scream only for me until it’s just my cock you ache for.“ Yes, god yes.

  Somewhere in the background of her blindness she heard a paper crinkle and then Preacher was arched over her having dealt with the rubber. Mouth so close when she turned her head they shared the same air.

  “Ready?” she looked down. Saw a giant fucking erection bobbing towards her. Ruby licked her dry lips, felt her lungs seize a tiny bit. Yes. Yes. Yes.

  “I’d say I was born ready, but even I have to prepare for that piercing. My legs feel funny.”

  He laughed, leaned down to kiss her which she grabbed onto greedily before he flipped her suddenly “I won’t let you fall.” He lifted and deposited her back onto the bed. “Belly, baby, get that ass up.” He slapped hers as if she’d needed guidance.

  The pleasure began a throb and then a storm as the tip of his cock dragged through her soaked lips, back and forth around and around, torturing her.

  Torturing himself if his grunts were anything to go by. Preacher braced his hands up by the side of her head, his chest grazing her back.

  “Tell me you want it.”

  “God yes.”

  “Say it, Rube. You want it. You need my cock. Only my cock.”

  “Yours is the only cock here. I want it, Asher. I fucking want it.”

  “Only mine,” he pressed harder to her clit, she went stiff all over moaning into the bed, god knows how many people had slept and fucked here? And here she was burying her face in the sheets, if she caught some venereal disease or herpes of the nose it was her own fault but she couldn’t seem to care much when he slammed hard into her, the ridge of his cock bars vibrating along her walls, the most mind-numbing pleasure of all.

  She couldn’t think.

  “Asher.” She screamed.

  “Say it again.” He commanded deeply.

  “Asher. Please.” Another hard push.


  “Oh, my god, Asher. It’s so good.”

  She could only take the hard onslaught as Preacher rode her ass, skin slapping together, his fingers holding her waist down while the other hand ghosted up her spine, soothing even as he fucked like a demon.

  “Jesus, you’re so goddamn tight. Love that. Squeeze, baby. You’ll remember who is fucking you. Scream my name again. Who is giving it to you?” There was no room in her head let alone their room for patience. He went full speed ahead, pushing right in until he hit bottom, every angle rendered her breathless.

  Pleasure rushed down her spine. “Asher!”

  “I know, so close aren’t you, little baby, soaking me to my balls, do you hear it? How sexy we sound slurping together. Reach it, beautiful. Get there.”

  That ended her ride, his dirty talk was a thing of abstract aphrodisiac, her trigger, she didn’t know why, maybe the roughness of his voice that sounded as if he was born talking about sex, she used her arms to hold her up, plastering her back to his chest, two bodies perfectly aligned even as she lifted her ass to take impossibly more of his cock inside her and when she came she called out his name. A harrowing scream that shook her to the core.

  They didn’t stop for hours. Long sweaty greedy hours.

  It was as if they were both recharging their batteries, throwing grenades at each other and waiting for them to detonate. He attacked her. She attacked him.

  He impaled her to the motel bed. Punishing her with sex for her secrets. She cried out hoarsely. Loud enough to sound a little unhinged as he began to pound inside her soft well used sore tissue. The wet slapping went on. Heavy breathing collectively the only noise in the room.

  His thrusts were incredibly hard it was as though he was trying to propel her into a new dimension. He was just as strung out as Ruby was. She loved that he never hid it.

  Their eyes locked. Panting against each other’s mouths, she took in his air, tasting him.

  He moved deeper into a new place that caused convulsions
all along her lower spine, she extended up intentionally sliding him into her before she locked around him, forcing him to work to pull free.

  “You’re a little minx, aren’t you?” He sunk in deep. Grunted and repeated.

  “Only on Tuesday through Monday. Is that all you got, Preacher man? Here I thought you were the greatest conqueror of sex. Or so the bathroom stalls say...” She goaded though she didn’t think she could take more, exhaustion weighed her bones down. He took it as a challenge by grinning, that cocky man, licking the salty sweat from his upper lip and throwing his hips down hard. As if an unspoken command her vagina turned molten, growing wetter than she ever had been before, folding in around his cock, she died a little from the excitement swamping her system, tiny bombs of pleasure so acute her fine hairs stood on end. How did hookers do this every day? Fuck. She was dying.

  Hours of intensity flew by.

  The barest touch and she was a mass of tremors in his arms.

  This pussy is mine. Only I can make you feel this. Open your legs, show me what’s mine.

  He had it so wrong. So, wrong. But oh, every growled word turned her inside out. For a moment she could enjoy it, enjoy Preacher, let herself have him. Allow herself to belong to him.

  He pressed his lips tenderly to her forehead, all the while slowly rolling his hips, cradling her head in his hands, it was eye-locked fucking. Exhausted, yet driven by the clawing pleasure they raced towards. It was endless.

  Their time was winding down, surely, they couldn’t fill every second with sex. She’d die.

  Soon he would insist on knowing the answer to his question.

  Who was Sebastian?

  Her heart constricted. The biggest, the purest love of her life. That’s who Sebastian was.

  It wasn’t what he was thinking.

  “Stay in the moment with me, Rubes.”

  “I am.” She panted flicking her gaze to his.

  “You went away.” He slipped in. Pulled out. A leisurely joining, both tired and sore. Carefully aware they’d fucked anger into each other for hours now. She stroked hands around his waist, enjoying his weight, luxuriating in touching him.

  “I’m here.” She struggled to get her breath.

  She was, for now. But even fuck buddies had their end date and she saw theirs in the distance growing closer.

  Why did that hurt her? Why did she want to curl into a ball and cry herself stupid? This was only sex, she reminded. The greatest sex she’d ever had. Life altering.

  She’d never recover from Preacher.

  And here she’d thought the crazy lunatic Kyle Williams, would be the biggest gnarliest impact of her life.

  When all along it was the man on top of her, inside her, the man stroking the side of her face with such reverence her heart bumped hard. To stop herself from seeing that look on his face she leaned up and took his mouth, kissing him and kissing him.

  Life was so crappy, she knew this and still, it hurt to know she couldn’t have this one good thing for very long, because before long Karma would step in with her Manolo's and screw Ruby over. That's just how it went. Her own wants would be sacrificed to do what she always did; take care of others.

  It was just the way it was.

  The family didn’t deserve her.

  She kissed Preacher for a long time, and long after their sex was over and she lay in the cradle of his arms, shivering from the trail of his fingertips down her spine, the quiet enveloping them in that grotty motel room with the noise from a loud TV coming from next door.

  Preacher man had knocked her socks off.

  And made her fall in love with his kindness.

  She loved few but she loved hard.

  Preacher was amongst them now.

  Ruby was gone from the motel room an hour later. It was as if she’d never been there with her soul bared wide open at all.


  “Confessions aren't as bad as you think once they're out in the open." – Ruby

  She’d fucking taken off.

  A chicken shit move waiting until he drifted off to sleep, the drug of sex dragging him under against his will, body worn, brain dead, he'd gone without a protest, and she’d grabbed her bag and sneaked out.

  Preacher was disappointed and fuming.

  His jaw hardened. Honed and sharp as a razorblade he slid into his jeans, shoved his feet into the boots and tried to rein in his mood. There was no point in being pissed off. Not after he’d seen her phone and bag was gone from the table and all her girl products off the bathroom counter.

  Had she even looked back at him asleep before she’d ran? Felt a flicker of guilt leaving him there? Did she even waver? So much for him thinking they had something. Dumb fuck.

  It took a good five minutes before he could center himself. Another ten minutes he’d walked to the all-night diner down the street to pick up a coffee and a bagel. Another fifteen minutes he was back in the motel room that smelled like them, like her.

  Only when caffeine and food were in his system, only when he felt able enough to not say nasty shit did he fish out his cell phone to call his little runaway tiny dancer.

  Only his phone was already illuminated with a wall of notifications. A whole row that went on and on and on.

  All of them from Ruby.

  Pulling up their text thread, he plonked down on the side of the bed, took a last gulp of the coffee before crumpling the cream cardboard cup, launching it into the trash can by the TV.

  Let’s see what you have to say, beautiful.

  The endless list of messages went as far back as two hours ago. So almost from when she must have stepped out of their room.

  He started at the beginning.

  R: 8:12 - I’m sorry, Preacher.

  R: 8:12 - I had a great time. Really, I did. Maybe not the bike ride. I’m catching a bus home. I think it's for the best, not just because I don't think my legs can take more of your bike.

  R: 8:13 - You’ll think I’m being a coward. I am. I'm sorry.

  R: 8:14 - My life is screwy. So here it is. You wanted to know.

  R: 8:14 - Seb is the most gorgeous thing I have in my life.

  It was fortunate her next text was right after that one or Preacher’s head would have exploded all over that fucking motel room had he been made to wait for the next message. His brows pinched and he kept on scrolling.

  R: 8:14 - He’s four and my sister’s son.

  A nephew? Why the hell couldn’t she just tell him that? He was more confused that he had been.

  R: 8:15 - As I said. Screwed up life. I didn’t want you to know any of it, you already took care of my car, which you still haven’t billed me for btw.

  Not going to either, baby.

  R: 8:16 - My dad is in jail, too long of a list to go into, but he's how I know about the biker lifestyle. I have a brother and a sister. I’m the middle kid, boring me, right? My brother is mostly absent, we stay in our own corners, we were close once, but life, you know? My sister is unrealistic, spoiled, entitled and I take care of her because she is unwilling to become an adult and take care of her child. I had Seb for the first ten months of his life, she didn't want him at all.

  R: 8:16 - I loved him, Preacher, like he was my own.

  She included a red heart emoji. Preacher paused from going on. His sweet tiny dancer. Some of his anger drained away. Not much, but enough he could clear the seething from his eyes.

  R: 8:17 - Rita hated being a mom. I think she still does. He’s the sweetest boy and she resents him. It breaks my heart. I can’t do much and she won’t come and live with me. I’m responsible even if I’m not his mom, someone has to look out for him. Our mom died of an overdose, and as I said my dad is in and out of jail, not sure of Rita’s dad, there’s only me to keep the family going, to be the only good role model for them both.

  R: 8:18 - I didn’t want you to know, to feel sorry for me. I was stupid not to tell you. I liked what we had, it was freeing and fun, you didn't have any expectations fr
om me.

  R: 8:18 - You wanted me. I wanted you. And it was nice. I never had that before, something for just me. I just needed it for a minute, Preacher.

  Was. Had. He picked up on that straight away. The tick in his jaw growing hard. He leaned over resting his arms on his thighs and kept reading.

  R: 8:20 - I only had room in my life for fun.

  R: 8:22 - We had fun, didn’t we?

  R: 8:22 - Thanks, Preacher.

  Had. Again. Something flared in his eyes. Goddammit. If she was thanking him for fucking her he really would strangle that woman.

  R: 8:25 - Hope you work it out with that big dude.

  R: 8:25 - Though, you should have punched him, ‘cause he deserved it. Big mouthy punk.

  R: 8:26 - Then make friends. ;) because everyone needs a friend, even big tough outlaws.

  He laughed low.

  R: 8:28 - If you need to talk. Or whatever.

  R: 8:28 - Anyway. I probably blew up your phone. See you around, Preacher man. ;) xoxo

  See you around. Oh no, Ruby. you don’t get off that easily.

  Fuck that noise.

  He scrolled through his phone book and called up her number. It rang four times and hit voicemail. He rang again. This time it went right to voicemail.

  Oh, that little … she was cutting off his call and dumping him right to voicemail.

  She really did want sexual torture that ended in her screaming.

  He fucking hated texting, it caused him to concentrate too much to figure out the letters, he wasn’t on the high-end scale of dyslexia but it was enough that he needed to examine each word.

  P: 10:10 - Answer my call, Ruby.

  A second later.

  R: 10:11 - It’s probably best I don’t. You’ll yell at me.

  Despite his mood, he laughed.

  P: 10:14 - That’s twice you’ve crept out of my bed. Not liking it, so yeah, I’m gonna yell at you, beautiful. Then you can tell me where the hell you are so I can come and get you, so I can kiss the fuck out of you.

  R: 10:15 - I didn’t creep! I walked.

  R: 10:15 - I wouldn’t mind the kissing.


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