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Preacher Man (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 2)

Page 49

by V. Theia

  “How we looking for the pool?”

  Texas drummed his fingers on the table. “Nothing is happening yet. It looks like it will outlive us all.” Preacher grinned. Seemed like.

  Only then Rider burst through the door, his stride strong, eyes distracted, gazes around the full table lifted to see the blanched color on their president’s face, his hair out of its usual bun, disheveled like Rider had been dragged through the desert feet first. Preacher looked around at his brothers who grinned and nodded to each other.

  His disheveled state was either sex or -----

  “Zara’s pregnant.” He blurted before he’d even reached his chair. “With a baby.” He qualified as though it needed adding. Snickers and cheers passed around the closed room.

  “Daddy Prez.”

  “Hot damn, the boy isn’t shooting blanks!” Another chimed in.

  En masse the brothers all congratulated Rider who looked like he was gonna hurl all over the sacred table. Preacher was one of the last to slap him on the shoulder as Rider sat his ass down, green around the cheekbones. “I got no clue how it happened,” he said dazed making every male voice laugh. Preacher cracked a grin and rested both hands on the table, eyeballing his president. “Well, how it happens is, when a man puts his pee-pee inside a woman’s special garden and shoots her full of man confetti----”

  “Oh, fuck you, Preach.” Rider laughed scrubbing a hand down his face. Preacher dodged out of the way of the flying gavel, retaking his seat at the other end of the table. “I know how it happened, but fuck. A kid. Zara is sick as a dog again, so let’s wrap this meeting up quick so I can get home to her. And you jackasses can quit your swearing around my kid while we're at it.” He warned with a steely glare.

  This shit was too good not to follow on with. “That’s some smart kid if it can hear us from the womb, Prez. I mean, it has me for an uncle, so the brains are there already.”

  “Yeah, the Preacher can teach the baby Prez his AB--what comes after that’s?” smirked Lawless. “Don’t worry, Rider, the kid has me. We'll get him into Princeton no probs.”

  “That is not comforting, Law.” Deadpanned the father to be.

  “When we’ve all dropped our uteruses, there’s more pressing matters.” Snake talked over everyone. “Like who the fuck won the pool?”

  “What pool?” A scowling Rider asked.

  “Well, bossman.” Preacher took one for the team since everyone had clamped their gums knowing how volatile their president was. Prepared for a fast getaway. “We laid some money out for when you finally realized Z-girl was knocked up with the future ruler.”

  Everyone nodded. Brothers, all for one, one for all. Rider couldn’t fight them all. Probably not.

  The man in question sat forward, resting his laced fingers on the table, taking the time to streak his blue eyes over everyone.

  He was either mentally digging graves for everyone, or his news was still fogging the bossman's brain because it took him an age to speak. “You knew?” blue eyes narrowed like a snake ready to snap. But then he smirked. “You piss-brains could have given me a heads up!”

  “No swearing in front of our nephew, Prez!” fired back Grinder. “You do know no more bump n grind for you, right? He’s gonna be a little cockblocker.”

  “May your dick rest in peace.”

  Having kids meant no more spontaneous sex in the kitchen rutting like animals? What the hell. No way? Preacher’s forehead puckered as the banter passed from one member to the other, he tuned out. Was this shit true? Fuck. He wasn’t changing his mind on getting Sebastian home with him and Ruby, and that kid was not new-born, he could talk and everything … a much bigger cockblocker.

  Nannies. They’d need a team of nannies, he decided firmly.


  “Now would be a great time for a Terminator to come back from 2029 to save the day.” - Ruby.

  "Why haven't they called? Shouldn't they have called by now? it's a bad sign, isn't it? It shouldn't take this long to say yes."

  Preacher had watched Ruby pacing the full length of his living room for more than an hour and twenty minutes and she was making him woozy.

  Back and forth and off she went again. Her teeth worrying at her lip and taking glances at her cell sat prominently in the middle of the coffee table like she was urging the thing to ring.

  "Rubes, come here," he ignored her questions he didn't have answers to unless he lied. He'd never had any dealings with social services before now, far as he could tell they were hardasses about foster and adoption cases but he wasn't saying that to her. Archie had said a decision was being made today, now they just had to wait for the CPS to call and let them know if Sebastian was authorized to come and live with them. What would happen had already been determined, now he could only wait and support her, however, the ball dropped.

  Don’t let me be the one that fucks this up for her.

  She came to him instantly, progress, he smiled to himself. A month ago, she would have told him to fuck off, scowled and said to go play in traffic.

  Feisty thing his wife.

  When she was at his side looking up with those half-masted pleading eyes Preacher wanted to fix the world for her, to hand deliver the kid so she was never unhappy again.

  He was a doer, not a waiter. This was his idea of Hell.

  “I can’t wait for him to see the bedroom we fixed up for him,” she said in a quiet voice. “Do you think he’ll like the toys?”

  “Beautiful, you got him one of everything, I think the kid will think Disneyland puked up on the floor.”

  “He’ll like the Spider-Man bedding, right? He likes Spider-Man.”

  “What little kid wouldn’t.” He agreed. He hoped Seb would get to see the bedroom they’d worked on all day yesterday. His mom had carted over a whole trunk load of his and his brother's old toys, Seb was going to be spoiled for choice.

  Seeing how she glanced at the cell phone again he stroked a palm to the back of her neck, felt the shudder go through her and arched into him for more petting, he left that hand there buried under her hair and let the other slide down the front of her body.

  "What are you doing? We don't have time for that." Ass braced to the window ledge, his old lady between his legs, he had a great view of outside through the blinds, and he'd hear if anyone pulled up in one of the two carports out front, and of course, they were both watching her phone like it was about to explode. Whichever way the CPS decided to drop their verdict Preacher would know about it. Seeing her wound so damn tight, hanging on with all her nervous energy just to keep hoping, he knew one sure way to relax his old lady, by dipping his hand under the leg of her sleep shorts, he found she was bare beneath them.


  "I'm distracting you. Did I ever tell you about the time I took my brother's dirt bike apart and put it back together before he got home from school? but I'd forgotten one lousy bolt and the thing collapsed under him." Two fingers grazed against her slit and her head bowed down resting on his chest, exhaling so hard Preacher felt her bones relaxing as she chuckled. "No, you didn't. What did he do?"

  "I was twelve and a cocky little bonehead, if you can believe that." Inserting a finger into her lips he idly toyed with her slick clit until it swelled under his touch, stroking carefully, in no rush, drawing circles, spelling his full name on the beloved little bud. He wasn’t igniting passion as they usually made love, this was soft, and tempting, yielding his lady under his hands, melting her bones, giving her a few minutes to think about something else. Her faint vanilla scent tickled his nose and he smiled rubbing his face in her hair, breathing deeply, the memory right there.

  "Oh, god." She flinched jerking her hips, her arms went around his waist. Breathy when she asked. “Was he mad?”

  That's my good girl, Rubes. Dropping a kiss against the shell of her ear, his other hand keeping hold of her nape, his thumb working her hammering pulse.

  "Shane wasn’t happy, put it that way, he beat the livin
g crap out of me, I could barely open my eye for a week, but then he showed me how to properly fix bikes and I was hooked ever since. Worked in one bike shop or another all my life."

  His tiny dancer pliant under his hands, rolling her hips to his fingers and gasping breathy sounds, he smiled unsure if she'd even heard any of his story, but it had the desired effect she was no longer pacing or fretting over the fucking kid-police.

  He used his middle finger to scrape against her G-spot knowing that's what she liked, she mewled, clutching onto the back of his shirt, she was slippery wet, hot and fucking grabbing onto his finger tightly. The moan sailed past her sexy little-opened mouth and for a long thirty-seconds Preacher had to chew the inside of his cheek to stop the rush of need coursing through him.

  His cock ached but this was about his old lady.

  Damn. He had an old lady. A true one. His wife.

  How had that happened? More importantly, why wasn't it freaking him the shit out?

  He liked it, that’s why, every second of their marriage so far, he dug it, that connection to her, even in the circumstances it had happened, he liked it.

  "You like this, baby? You feel good, all creamy for me. You want more?"

  "More yes."

  He smiled, his cock begging to be coated in all that cream until she drowned him. He knew now how fucking amazing it felt to be buried in her, to pump himself stupid until the come poured in hard spurts the pleasure crippling him.

  Addiction was a word he understood very well now that he was married to a perfect woman who got him, he could fuck her morning, noon and night and still feel the gnaw to take her again. To be in her company, to make her laugh because her laughs were something pretty fucking special when she gave them.

  Maybe that would all change once she had the kid and Seb was living here with them but then even that he didn't mind because he liked him. He wanted Seb to come and live with them, if no other reason than to take that frightened look out of his eyes, no four-year should have lived through the shit he had, no kid his age should be so troubled. Between his club brothers, his blood family and Ruby, Seb wouldn't be lacking for family or affection, his mom was dying for a grandkid to spoil.

  Through his shirt, he felt her teeth sink into his pec. The bite taking him by surprise, he sucked in air. Oh, fuck baby, yeah, you bite the fuck out of your man.

  Increasing the short hard thrust of his fingers, grinding her deeply right into that sweet spot.


  "That's it, take it all from me, want it harder?"

  "Yes, yes. Harder, fuck me. Please, Asher."

  "Give me your eyes, beautiful." Her movements were sluggish drunk, the pleasure had her in its talons, slowing his hand a moment until chocolate glaze met his eyes. He grinned, bowed his neck to kiss her hungrily, she went fucking nuts sucking on his tongue and pumping her hips.

  He used the flick of his tongue to remind her how good they were together and they should keep doing this for a long, long time. He nipped the corner of her mouth to tell her to trust him, that he wasn't going to hurt her, even if he couldn't give her reassurances stamped one hundred percent, he felt it in his abdomen and that was worth more to Preacher. When he decided on something it was set in stone.

  And he'd decided on Ruby.

  His dick pulsed against the inside of his zipper almost snapping in half. She was the one woman who undid him on every level.

  Her gaze brightened, lips wet, she begged him so sweetly he had no choice but to get her over the edge. Wet sounds and panting from them both he made his girl come hard and he knew it was hard from the way she cried out, stiffened and practically tunneled her fingernails into his back.

  Waiting until she went limp he pulled his hand free of her shorts, keeping her close, so delicate and warm his lady.

  "Feel better now?"


  Preacher chuckled deeply. A smug laugh. "Is that a yes, Rube?"

  "You know it is, you egotist. What about you?" Her hand trailed to his crotch and the hard throb. He would have absolutely encouraged her to give him head on her knees, all pouty lips and wide eyes looking up at him while he held her curls back.

  but the phone rang making her jump.

  "Oh, god. They're going to say no aren't they, Ash? I can't. I can't answer. We'll lose him," tears rushed to her eyes making her lashes sparkle.

  "Beautiful, we face it, and worse comes to worse we fucking take him and get out of here."

  "What? You don’t mean…" he didn't answer her, he was already connecting the call.

  He meant it. If the law wouldn't give Ruby her nephew then Preacher would find another more illegal way to take the boy, it would mean he would have to leave Armado Springs and the club...

  He'd do it for her. For them. For Seb. And a better life for him. They could go to any number of chapters throughout the US, it was doable and he was keeping the option on the table.

  "Yes, this is Asher Priest." Voice grim. He found her hand sneaking into his. Her fingers shaking, he gave them a squeeze.

  Judgment day.


  “The difference a few life changing hours can make.” - Preacher.

  The call lasted no more than three minutes and consisted of a lot of yeses and sure’s on Preacher’s end. Jaw tight listening to the adenoidal voice down the line.

  "Do you want the good news or the bad news?" He asked when the call dropped. Preacher placed Ruby’s phone on the table, ran a hand around the back of his neck and faced his nervous wife.

  The whole time he talked with the social worker he felt Ruby's skinny fingers clinging to his shirt, the shake of her body practically vibrating him. In his mind if it all went tits up he was already packing and riding over to the foster home to snatch the kid, he didn't give a fuck, he wouldn't see that sadness etched on her face a second longer.

  "Oh, god. Did they say no? Can we appeal? we should call Archie. Give me the bad news first." Hands clutched under her chin, big round eyes imploring with his wordlessly. Preparing herself for the worst possible news.

  "The front of your shorts are soaked, baby."

  She blinked having not expecting that. He cracked a half grin and nodded.

  "Huh. W-what?"

  A chin jut down to her little pair of shorts, he smirked. "You came so hard you soaked your shorts, sexy girl."

  "PREACHER. Oh, my god, how can you joke right now?" Flames danced in her eyes. Preacher bit back his smile. She was a second away from punching him right in the face.

  "Not a joke, look. Drenched through. Shit. Now I wanna fuck you."

  "Preacher! What did they fucking say, what's the good news?"

  "Sebastian is ours."

  “No! You mean it? They said he can come home?” Her voice rose higher and higher after each word until tears rushed to pool her beautiful eyes, her lower lip trembled.

  “They did, beautiful. We can go and collect him on Friday, we need home visits for the first year, and they need to come and check the place out again, but the kid is coming home. Are you happy?”

  “I can’t believe it.” Voice cracking, those tears that had been balancing on her lashes began to track down her face and when Ruby smiled she really fucking smiled, Preacher felt it in his chest right before she launched herself at him, laughing and crying at the same time. “Happy? He’s really coming home. You did it, Asher. You said you’d get him for me and you did.”

  “We did it, Ruby.”

  They were about to become parents to a ready-made kid.

  It was either going to be monumentally easy, he contemplated, digging the affection she pressed easily over his cheeks, or it would be monumentally difficult.

  Either way, his heart sped up.

  They celebrated in the time-honored tradition of getting very naked on the living room floor and fucking like animals for a very long time.


  Ruby was in a state of elated cloud nine for the rest of the night and all the next da
y. They'd spent hours at the mall, picking up last minute things for Seb's room and grocery shopping food a four-year-old would eat. The consensus from Preacher was cereal and candy, though she insisted on a few vegetables. She'd laughed at that amazing man when they'd stopped for lunch.

  "Do we need like five thousand diapers?” He'd asked seriously. “We could hit up Sam's Club, get a good deal."

  Ruby chuckled into her Sprite and shook her head. "He's four, he uses the potty. Might have to help wipe his butt though…"

  Preacher turned green and she swallowed her immediate amusement for his discomfort. "Wipe his---"

  "Relax, tough man. I can see to his toilet habits."

  "Thank fuck. When he needs to learn to piss standing up, you can tag me in."

  She had smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. He was talking about the future and they wouldn't have that, would they? Wouldn't he want out of their temporary marriage once Sebastian's' future with her was secure? As soon as she was officially Seb's guardian, legal and signed for without the CPS looking over her shoulder, no one taking him back from her, then their pretend marriage could be dissolved. Wasn't that the plan? God gave with one hand and took with the other. Shut up, it wasn't like that, she chastised. This was his proposal, the offer was never meant to be long term, he hadn't shown any signs of wanting that from her.

  Preacher had dropped her off at home and gone to take care of some work at the club compound, with an agreement to meet him at the bar later that night when her shift started.

  How long can cloud nine last for?

  That was simplistic enough to answer. It was seven hours thirty-six minutes and a handful of seconds. Or in layman's terms, the moment Ruby stepped through the heavy door leading into Otis' bar and grill, greeted by loud rocking sounds of Guns n Roses from the surround speakers. The bar was lively, but every single person blended into the paintwork, red mist filling her vision, only two remained.

  Preacher and her blonde-haired colleague Kendra wrapped around him like a vine, one leg up by his waist, the bootie shorts she wore leaving nothing to the imagination.


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