Palm South University: Season 1 Box Set (Palm South University #1)

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Palm South University: Season 1 Box Set (Palm South University #1) Page 15

by Kandi Steiner

  “I don’t have it, Kya!”

  “Well, you’ve got rich ass parents and a sorority full of daddy’s girls. I’m sure you can figure it out. I have to go.”

  “But what if I can’t figure it out?”

  The silence between us steals the breath from my chest as I wait for her to answer.

  “You don’t want the answer to that, Ashlei.”

  “Kya, wait. Seriously. We have to talk about this.”

  The line goes dead and I curse, throwing my cell across the yard. Tears sting the back of my eyes but I fight against them. In a way, I feel more numb than anything – like I’m living in a dream or someone else’s life. This is me, Ashlei Daniels. I don’t do drugs. I definitely don’t do stolen drugs. I don’t owe money to a drug dealer who owes her distributer. This isn’t my life. It can’t be.

  “Gah,” I hear a soft voice exclaim behind me. Bo plops down on the bench swing beside me and tucks her legs up, hugging them with her arms. “It’s so cold!”

  It’s the first cold front of the season, if you can even call winter in Florida an actual season, and even with the sun still high in the sky it’s just barely over fifty degrees. I was a little chilly when I answered the phone and stepped outside, but now my skin feels boiling hot.

  I try to smile at Bo, but fail miserably and end up choking on a sob I should have seen coming. Bo’s face immediately drops along with her legs and she quickly wraps me in a hug, her long dark hair falling all around me. “Oh my God, Lei. What happened?”

  For a moment all I can do is cry, but I don’t really even shed a tear. I’m sobbing, my face is twisted in pain, but no wetness pools in my eyes. I think I’m still in denial.

  “I’m in trouble, Bo.” I sniffle, pulling back from her grasp to align my eyes with hers. “Please, don’t tell anyone. Not a soul. Not Jess, not anyone.”

  Bo shakes her head feverishly, her dark eyes wide. “I won’t, I promise. What’s going on?”

  I chew my cheek, debating if I should even tell Bo. Up until now, these two sectors of my life have been kept completely separate. There’s Palm South sorority girl Ashlei and there’s pole dancing vixen Ashlei. Those two don’t belong in the same world. They don’t mix. They damn sure don’t match.

  “What would you say if I told you there’s something about me that no one knows, not even my family?”

  Bo smirks. “Honestly? I think we all know there’s something you keep from us. It’s just that no one pushes you on it.”

  I swallow. Am I really that obvious? I always felt like I did a decent job covering my tracks. “Okay, well, what if I told you that something that I’ve been hiding got me mixed up in something I always swore I would never do and now it’s blown up in my face?”

  “Lei,” Bo stops me, reaching out to grab both of my hands in hers. Her long fingers are delicate, her hands soft and small, but she grips onto me firmly like she’ll never let go. “Stop skirting around the issue and just tell me what happened. I’m not going to judge you. I love you.” Her eyes grow wide at that and she quickly follows it with, “You’re my sister.”

  “Okay,” I say, expelling a long breath and letting my eyes fall to where our fingers are interlaced. “I’m just going to say this all really quickly and I’m not going to stop to look at you because if I do, I’ll cry or scream or break down or something.” I pause, waiting, and Bo just gives me a gentle squeeze. So I take one last breath and then put all my shit on the table.

  “I started doing pole dance fitness over the summer and I’m really good at it and I’ve been sneaking off to practice and we won first in almost every category at a competition last month and now we’re in the semi-finals in January and everything seems fine, right? Except that after I won I let this guy, Hayden, who I’m kind of sleeping with but not anymore talk me into doing cocaine which he does all the time and I swore I would never do but I did and I liked it and then I did it two more times with him but he pushed me out of a moving car because he was high and all of our friends thought it was hilarious because they were high, too, so I’m done with all of them but now Kya is saying that cocaine was actually her stash that she was supposed to be selling and Hayden stole it and now she owes her supplier money and I have to pay for half of the missing stash even though I only did it three times and I’m freaking out because I don’t have that kind of money and I hate Hayden for making me do this but it’s my own damn fault and fuck!” I can’t say anything else after that last part, because in reality I know it is my fault that I’m in this situation. I screwed myself. I gave into peer pressure like a fucking thirteen-year-old.

  I wait for Bo to gasp or pull back or shake her head, especially after I just expelled all that shit in one long exhausted breath. I wait for any kind of reaction. After a moment, she only squeezes my hands tighter and ducks her head a little low, urging me to look at her. When I do lift my eyes to hers, all I see is compassion and understanding.

  “How much do you owe her?”

  “A lot.” I sigh. “Ten-thousand, to be exact.”

  Bo whistles under her breath. “I’m assuming parents are out of the question?” I nod. She pulls her hands from mine and runs them through her hair, thinking. “Well, I have to say I was not expecting to hear any of that from you.” I cross my arms over my chest defensively, wishing I could crawl into a hole. “But you know what? You’ll figure this out. We can do a fundraiser or sell some of your designer clothes and bags. You probably have ten grand in shoes alone.”

  I chuckle at that. “That’s pretty accurate, I think.”

  “See!” Bo smiles, placing her hand gently on my knee. I shiver, but something tells me it’s not from the cool breeze. “I know it feels like a lot right now, and to be honest – it is. It’s not something you can ignore or take lightly. But at the same time, there’s nothing you can do about it right at this moment. You’ll need some time to get your thoughts figured out and your plan together.”

  “I just don’t even know where to start.”

  “Start by going to formal with me,” she whispers. She gazes up at me through her dark lashes and blushes slightly. My stomach knots instantly. “I’m going stag and I know you are, too, so let’s just go together. Take the night off and don’t think about all this shit. What’s this Kya girl going to do anyway?”

  “She told me I didn’t want the answer to that question.”

  Bo scoffs. “I’m sure she’s just trying to save her own ass, Lei.” Another cool gust of wind brushes both of our hair back and off our shoulders and Bo curses. “Damn, it’s getting colder.” Her soft dark eyes find mine and she rubs her arms through her long sleeve shirt. “Come inside with me. Let’s put on pretty dresses and dance the night away. Then tomorrow, I’ll help you figure out where to start. Sound like a plan?”

  Just a few minutes ago, it felt like my entire world was crashing down around me. How did Bo make something that felt so heavy suddenly feel like nothing at all?

  “I don’t know how much fun I’ll be,” I admit, but I stand nonetheless.

  Bo smiles mischievously. “Just break out your stripper moves. I bet that’ll get the party started.” She smacks my ass playfully and skips inside while my mouth hangs open. Quickly, I retrieve my phone from where it landed in the yard and trot off after her.

  The last thing I want to do is get dressed up and pretend like I’m not in deep shit, but the way Bo was looking at me has my curiosity running wild. I could dwell on my misfortune or I could dive deeper into what unsaid words lay behind her soft chocolate irises.


  Option two sounds a lot more fun.

  THE KAPPA KAPPA BETA girls are fucking crazy.

  After pre-gaming for an hour, we all piled into the charter buses and continued partying the entire drive to the hotel where the dance is being held. It’s not even eight yet but one of the Omega Chi brothers already threw up in his date’s purse trying to keep up with the shenanigans. I, on the other hand, am just trying to figure out how to
hide my boner as we make our way inside the large venue. Skyler was rubbing up against me and kissing my neck the entire ride here.

  To say I’m a little worked up would be an understatement.

  “God, it’s freezing,” Cassie says, crossing her arms tightly and shivering. “Leave it to Florida to give us our first cold night when we’re all in dresses.”

  Skyler laughs. “I don’t know, I’m actually kind of warm after that bus ride.” She winks at me with that last line and I shake my head. The girl has no shame.

  And it’s so hot.

  Skyler’s soft brown hair cascades down past her shoulders, curling just a bit at the ends. Her makeup is dark and intense, making her icy blue eyes stand out even more than usual. She’s wearing a skin tight crimson dress that matches the lipstick she was smearing all over my skin on the bus and her heels make her almost as tall as me. I don’t give a shit, though, because her legs look fucking incredible.

  Cassie, on the other hand, has her hair tied up into a soft up-do with tiny tendrils framing her face. She’s dressed in a floor-length white dress that accents her slender frame along with the innocence she seems to wear like an accessory everywhere she goes. Where Skyler’s makeup is fierce and sexy, Cassie’s is minimal and simplistic.

  One is in red, one is in white.

  The devil and the angel.

  When Clay doesn’t offer Cassie his coat, I roll my eyes and fight back the words I’d like to say to him, shrugging off my own jacket instead. “Here,” I say, hanging it over her shoulders. “Better?”

  Cassie pulls the front of my coat tight around her and visibly sighs at the warmth. “Much.” She turns to me, a curious look in her green eyes. “Thank you.”

  It doesn’t take long for us to reach the front of the hotel and as soon as we’re inside the large glass doors, we’re immediately shielded from the brisk air. The hotel is lavish with gold and navy accents, giving the atmosphere a regal feel. We’re ushered into the main ballroom and one of the waiters shows us where the bathrooms are as well as the bars. I follow Skyler and some of her sisters to claim a table before we head for the closest one.

  No time to waste.

  “I kind of want to skip all of this and fast forward to the part where we’re in your bed. Is that bad of me?” Skyler asks, her voice just above a whisper as she kisses right behind my ear. I grip her small waist firmly in my hands and meet her lips with mine.

  “Kind of. But I like you better when you’re bad.”

  She smiles against my lips before kissing me swiftly and turning just as the bartender asks her order. “Vodka tonic, please.”

  “Captain and Coke for me,” I chime in, propping my elbows up and leaning back on the edge of the bar. Scanning the room and taking in the scenery, I spot Clay and Cassie at our table. He peels my jacket off her shoulders and tosses it over a chair haphazardly, smirking when her cleavage is more visible. She’s barely showing any skin at all, but it’s enough to drive a guy crazy, that’s for sure. I can tell she’s still shivering slightly, but she doesn’t reach for my coat again. She just links her arm through his and follows him to the back of the line at the small bar across from where ours is.

  I shake my head. I shouldn’t be watching Cassie so closely, but I fucking hate Clay and I know there’s only one thing he could want from her. The thought that he might actually get it literally makes me sick. She’s too good for him. How does she not see that?

  “Let’s dance,” Skyler yells over the music the DJ just started, throwing back a shot before handing another to me. I follow her lead, swallowing what I’m pretty sure is vodka and letting it burn the entire way down before following her back to our table. We take a couple of pulls from our mixed drinks before leaving them on the table and moving to the dance floor.

  Skyler places her hand in mine and I twirl her out and back into me before wrapping my arms around her waist. Slowly, she winds her body, turning to face away from me and pressing her ass into me. My hands roam her body before gripping her hips and I move in time with the music and the tempo she’s setting.

  Damn. Now I kind of want to skip this shit, too.

  After a few songs, we’re already working up a sweat and I’m ready to finish my rum. Just as we leave the dance floor and make our way back to the table, Clay leads Cassie past us and out onto the space we just left open. My eyes find hers just as Clay grips her ass hard, pulling her close and grinding against her. I clench my jaw and quickly look away, reaching for my drink and draining the rest of it in one pull.

  “Round two?” Skyler asks, eying my now empty glass. She chugs the rest of her drink and I do my damndest to keep my eyes on her and off the situation on the dance floor.

  “Let’s do another shot.”

  Skyler thrusts her hands into the air. “That’s what I’m talking about!” Laughing, she grabs my hand and leads me through the crowd and back to the bar. I don’t let myself look at Clay and Cassie again. I’m here with Skyler. Cassie and I are just friends. She can do whatever the hell she wants with whoever the hell she wants. It’s none of my business.

  But then why does it feel like it is?

  “THIS BLOWS,” I say, sucking down the last of my rum punch. I signal to the bartender for another and Erin laughs.

  “It’s not that bad, Jess. At least you have Matt here.”

  I cringe and immediately drink half of my new drink. “Don’t remind me. He’s been pawing at my chest like a middle schooler all damn night.”

  “Hey, you’re getting action tonight. Be thankful. Some of us came with friends,” she reminds me, nodding her head toward where Clinton is chatting with a few of his brothers. He looks absolutely delicious in the simple black and white tuxedo he’s donning and I shake my head.

  “How you’re sticking to that friends-only rule with him looking like that is beyond me.”

  “Jess!” Erin squeals, her blonde curls bouncing. “It’s Bear, for God’s sake.”

  “And? Bear’s hot!”

  “He’s practically like Skyler’s brother.”

  “Again, and? That doesn’t mean he’s your brother.”

  Erin seems to chew on that along with her straw as she sips on her drink, still staring across the room at Clinton and his brothers. Suddenly, Matt slides up and wraps his arms around my waist. Even though he’s a decent lay, I still inwardly groan and roll my eyes.

  Because all I can think about is how he’s not Jarrett.


  “Let’s dance.”

  “I’d rather not,” I say bluntly.

  Erin chuckles and I subtly flick her the bird.

  “Wanna sneak off and find a closet somewhere then?” Matt smirks and bites his lip but the second the word closet leaves his lips my ovaries react. I’d like to find one, alright, but only if Jarrett is inside it.


  “Sorry, I need to go…” I consider telling him I need to fix my hair or powder my nose but decide against it. “Piss.”

  At that, he grimaces and I offer a sweet smile, pulling away from his grasp and making my way across the room. I drain the rest of my drink and leave the empty glass on a table as I pass.

  When I reach the bathroom, I splash my face with cold water and lean against the counter, shaking my head. This is impossible. As much as I try to deny it, Jarrett has invaded my every thought. He’s right – none of these little boys can fuck me the way he does. God, just thinking about it makes me squirm. If there weren’t several other stalls occupied in here I’d probably just rub one out and be done with it.

  The uncomfortable ache that I usually have no issue handling is building even more as I exit the bathroom. I notice Skyler and Bear talking outside the tall glass doors in front of the hotel and I smile. It’s about time they worked out whatever the hell has been going on between them. I can’t decide if they act like an old married couple or siblings or both.

  I’m just rounding the corner to the hallway that leads back to the main room when I hear a breathy
giggle. Halting, I back up a few steps to peer down the opposite hall that leads away from the bathrooms. I smile, happy at least someone is getting their kicks tonight.

  Slowly, and as quietly as I can, I tiptoe a little further down the hall and peek around the corner where I heard the noise. I’m still hidden behind the wall, but I just barely make out the hem of Ashlei’s long, glittery coral dress. Damn, Lei! Get it! I fight back laughter as I spy more, leaning my head out further so I can get a glimpse of whoever’s date she stole. I know she came here stag, so who’s the mystery man?

  I bite my lips between my teeth and cringe as the beads of my dress just barely scrape against the wall, making a soft scratching noise. Ashlei and her man friend don’t even blanch, though, so I lean out even further.

  And then I gasp.

  Slamming my hand hard over my mouth, I tuck myself back around the corner and press my back against the wall.

  “What was that?” Ashlei asks and I slowly skirt the wall down the hall, desperately trying to keep my cool. When I reach the end of the hall I give up trying to be quiet and quickly cut across the lobby, flying out the door where Bear and Skyler are still talking.

  “J-Love?” Skyler asks but I don’t turn. “Where are you going?”

  I don’t answer, I just jump in one of the waiting cabs in the car-pool area and tell him to drive. I spout off the name of the beach bar before I even realize what I’m doing, but I don’t take it back. My breath is labored, my heart beating rapidly out of my chest. No way did I just see that. No fucking way did I just see Ashlei making out with… with…

  Oh, God, what’s the point?!

  I know exactly what I saw. Ashlei was getting action, alright. She had her tongue down someone’s throat and she had her hands on their body.

  But it wasn’t any guy I know.

  It wasn’t any guy at all.


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