Side Chic 2 (A Ratchet Mess)

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Side Chic 2 (A Ratchet Mess) Page 5

by West, La'Tonya

  Tyson was the first to respond. “I wouldn’t say that it makes you any less of a man because it’s not like you are saying ‘fuck them’. Ol’ girl knew the situation going in, she knew that you couldn’t be there like she wanted you to because you already had a family. Really you are only doing what you have to do.”

  “I agree with Tyson.” Casper added. “I mean. Of course her pops is going to be pissed because that’s his daughter and those are his granddaughters. He is naturally going to be overly protective. It doesn’t matter to him whether or not his daughter made a conscious decision to be your jump-off…” Everyone burst into laughter. “What?” He asked looking around. “It’s the truth.”

  “Yeah well you’d better try to stay on Lala’s good side because if you piss her off…” Skeet shook his head. “All I am going to say is I would hate to be in your shoes.”

  “Yeah, me too man.” Casper agreed. “Man, I keep telling you to leave that outside pussy alone. That’s why I stick to one woman and leave that bullshit out there in the streets alone. I don’t have time for the damn headache.”

  I looked at him. Yeah and while you are sticking to one woman, your woman is out blackmailing motherfuckas for dick! “I’m not worried about Lala.” I spoke confidently. “I know that most of these bitches get mad and go flapping their gums telling your girl everything but she ain’t like that.”

  “Okay, I hear you.” Skeet laughed.

  I was about to say something else but my phone vibrated. I put down my cards and took it out of my pocket. I had a text message. I opened the message, it was from Tamika.

  Tamika: Come to the baseball park. I want some dick!

  Me: I told you not tonight. I am about to go home…maybe tomorrow night.

  I laid my phone down on the table and picked up my cards. Before I could play my card, my phone vibrated again. “Hold on a second, Kisha done started trippin’.” I lied. I picked up my phone and read the message.

  Tamika: If you aren’t here in fifteen minutes then my next message will be to Kisha…don’t play with me, Tre!

  I didn’t bother messaging her back. “Y’all, I hate to dip out in the middle of the game but wifey is trippin’ so I am going to take my ass on to the house.” I stood and gave everybody dap. “I’m going to holla at y’all another time.”

  “Damn, Kisha has your ass trained doesn’t she?” Tyson teased. “She tells you to bring your ass home and you damn near break your neck!”

  “Whatever nigga, it’s not about being trained. I’ve been out for a minute and now she wants me home. So to make her happy, I am taking my ass home.” I replied. “That’s why I have a woman and you don’t!”

  “Shit not for long once Kisha finds out about your other babymama!” Skeet joked. Him, Casper and Tyson all laughed but I didn’t find shit funny.

  “I’m out.” I told them and left.


  I turned into the entrance of the baseball park a few minutes later. When I turned in my headlights landed on Tamika sitting on top of Rakita’s car. I parked next to her and got out.

  “Yo, you need to chill the fuck out!” I told her as I approached her. “You are taking this a little bit too far.”

  She put a bottle of beer up to her mouth and took a long swig before speaking. “No, I’m just doing what I have to do to get what I want.”

  I noticed that she’d said that a few times before. “What exactly is it that you want? Some dick? There is plenty of dick out here!”

  She shook her head. “You have to be the stupidest nigga that I’ve ever seen!” She sat down the bottle of beer and then pulled her dress over her head. She laid it on the hood of the car next to the beer.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” I asked unmoved by her nakedness.

  “It means that I am ready to fuck.”

  “No, I mean what does what you said mean.”

  “Forget what I said…let’s fuck.” I walked over to her and began fondling her breasts. She handed me a rubber. I wasn’t feeling her at all but I kept in mind the reason behind what I was doing. I imagined that she was Kisha. I began kissing on her neck and I continued to play with her nipples and caress her breasts. She had nice cantaloupe sized breasts. I left her neck alone and dipped my head lower taking one of her hard nipples into my mouth. As I sucked on her nipple, I heard her let out a soft moan, her hands were caressing the back of my head. “Mmmm…Tre…oooh that feels so good.”

  I let her nipple slip from my lips. “Lay back.” I instructed. She did as she was told. I unbuckled my pants and pulled them down along with my boxers. I tore open the rubber and slipped it on. I didn’t have all night to be out there fucking with her. I entered her ramming my dick as far as it would go. Her muscles gripped my dick sending electric currents throughout my entire body. She wrapped her legs around my waist and started to ride me. Her pussy felt so good that I became weak at the knees and my legs nearly gave out. “Slow…down.” I stuttered barely able to get my words out. I couldn’t even think straight. It was like she was working voodoo on me with her pussy. “S-s-slow…d-down.” I repeated. I felt my orgasm building and I hadn’t even been in the pussy two minutes. The same thing had happened the day before. I tried to think of anything besides how good her insides were feeling but I couldn’t and before I knew it I was exploding inside of the latex! “Gotdamn!”

  Tamika unwrapped her legs from around my waist. She leaned back on her elbows looking at me. I took a few seconds to get myself together before pulling off the condom, slinging it into the tall grass and then fixing my clothes. “I’ll holla.” I told Tamika, ready to bounce.

  She sat straight up. “Uggh-uhh nigga, you ain’t going nowhere until you make me cum!”


  “I didn’t stutter!” She was extra animated with her neck and arms moving.

  “I told you that I need to get home…”

  “Yeah…yeah…yeah…well you’d better make that nigga stand at attention again because we ain’t leaving here until I bust a good nut!”

  I let out a frustrated breath. I was sick and tired of everybody for one damn day! This shit right here had to be the craziest situation that I’d ever been in. “Give me another rubber.”

  A smile formed on her lips. “Look in the car in the plastic bag lying on the seat.” I did. When I walked back to the front of the car where she was sitting she’d laid back on the car and had both of her legs spread wide. She was playing in her pussy. She was so wet that I could see the juices glistening on her finger from the little bit of light that the street light was giving off. I unbuckled my pants again and slid them down. She continued to play in her pussy while watching me as I slide the second condom on.

  “Move your fingers.” I demanded as I pulled her down to the edge of the hood so that her ass was hanging off. She moved her fingers out of the way and I replaced them with mine playing in her wetness with three of my fingers. I played in it until it was so wet that it started talking to me and she was begging me to fuck her! This time when I entered her I didn’t play any games! It took everything in me to not lose control and bust within the first few minutes but I held on. I now understood why Casper and every other nigga in the hood had fallen victim to her nasty ass because her pussy was lethal! As I fucked her I used my thumb to play with her clit. She was screaming so loud that I was afraid someone was going to hear us but I didn’t stop! After about ten minutes I felt the first tremors of her orgasm and I couldn’t hold on any longer. We both let out loud moans as we surrendered to toe-curling orgasms.

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about.” Tamika smiled biting on her lip seductively. “I wish that you could fuck me like that every night before I go to sleep. I’d be one happy woman.” I ignored her and fixed my clothes. She stood up and put back on her dress.

  “Alright, I’m out.” I said to her already walking to my car.

  “Hold up…I mean…damn you gone just leave. You could at least wait until I get in the car first!”
  I opened my car door and got inside. I started up the car and rolled down the window. “You got what you wanted right?”

  She smacked her lips. “Not yet but don’t worry I will. You go ahead on home to your precious Kisha.”

  I put my car in reverse and left. I could tell that she was upset but I didn’t care. We had a deal, I fuck her when she wanted and she kept her mouth shut, plain and simple! Anything other than that wasn’t my concern. My job wasn’t to worry about her feelings. That shit was Casper’s job!


  With all of the craziness that’d been going on, I decided to take an entire day to chill with my two little men. After getting out of bed and getting dressed, I went into their room. They were sitting on the floor playing the X-box.

  “Good morning knuckleheads.” I greeted them walking over and taking a seat on the side of the bed. I sat there watching them play the game for a little while before speaking again. “Are you guys ready to hang out with your old man today?” Neither of them said anything so I repeated myself.

  “Where are we hanging out at?” Quan asked glancing back at me before turning his attention back to the screen. He shoved Shaun hard and yelled! “You’re cheating!”

  “No, I’m not!” Shaun yelled back and punched Quan in the arm! I could tell by the smirk on his face that he was lying!

  “Yes, you are!” Quan swung the remote at Shaun’s head but Shaun ducked and he missed. The next thing I know they were tangled up going at it! I sat there for a minute and let them fight. Boys would be boys so I allowed them to get out some of their frustration. Watching them tussle made me think about the girls briefly. I wondered what they would be like at the boy’s age. Would they argue and fight like them or would they be quiet and get along? I pushed that thought to the back of my mind. This was exactly why I’d chosen to spend the day with the boys so that I could clear my head of all of the madness that was currently going on in my life. I didn’t want to think about Lala, the twins or Tamika today.

  I got up and walked over to where the boys were still fighting on the floor. Shaun now had Quan in a headlock and Quan had started to cry. “Get off of him Shaun!” I demanded but he didn’t let go! “I said get off of him!”

  He reluctantly let go. “He started it!”

  Without warning Quan drew back his fist and popped Shaun in the mouth! He didn’t stop there, he kept swinging! “I’m sick of you always messing with me!” He screamed through tears! He’d taken Shaun by surprise, I could tell by the look on his face when Quan had hit him the first time that he hadn’t anticipated that reaction.

  I reached down and scooped Quan up! “Chill out!” He was raging mad and still swinging! “Quan if you don’t chill out I am going to whoop your butt boy!” That got his attention! “What in the world is wrong with you? What is wrong with both of you?” I asked looking back and forth between the both of them!

  “He’s always hitting me and being mean to me!” Quan screamed pointing at Shaun as if I didn’t know who he was referring to. I was really proud of him for finally standing up to Shaun instead of always backing down but I couldn’t let that show. I had to act like a parent and explain to them why they shouldn’t be fighting.

  I let go of Quan. “Both of you listen, you don’t need to be fighting. I know that sometimes you get upset and you want to let off a little steam by knocking each other’s lights out but that’s not what’s up. Y’all are brothers. You are supposed to stick together and protect each other, not fight each other.” They both sat on the floor staring up at me. “Now give each other a hug.” They got up and did what I’d asked but they didn’t look happy about it. “Alright now, Shaun go in the bathroom and take a shower and get dressed and when he’s done I want you to do the same thing Quan.” I told them before leaving them to do what I’d asked.

  I went into the kitchen and began making breakfast for the boys. I turned on the radio that sat on the counter and cranked up the volume a little. I didn’t want to turn it up too loud and wake Kisha. She’d been sleeping so peacefully when I’d left the bedroom. I sang along to the lyrics of Ludacris and Kelly Rowland as I stirred the pancake mix. A few minutes later, I felt Kisha slip her arms around me from behind. She squeezed me gently, resting her head against my back.

  “Good morning baby.” She said letting out a yawn. “What are you doing up cooking?”

  “I’m cooking for the boys so that we can eat and leave.” I replied spooning pancake mix into the pan.

  She moved from behind me and leaned up against the counter with her arms folded. She was still wearing her night clothes and scarf. “Leaving? Where are y’all going?”

  “I’m not really sure.” I answered walking over to the refrigerator and getting out a pack of turkey sausage and the eggs. I walked back over to the counter and sat everything down. “I just want to spend the day with the boys since I don’t have to work.”

  “You could’ve at least asked if I wanted to chill with y’all. Dag, you’re rude!” She smacked her lips and took off her scarf. She laid it on the counter and began fumbling around with her braids.

  “First of all, can you please not play with your hair around my food? I don’t want any falling in the food.” I told her wondering why she’d chosen to play with her hair right over the counter beside the space I was using to fix breakfast. Just that quickly she was starting to get on my nerves and she hadn’t even been in the kitchen for five minutes. I loved her to death but she had some really silly ways about her that I couldn’t stand.

  She rolled her eyes and snatched up her scarf. “My bad, I didn’t mean any harm.”

  “I didn’t either. I wasn’t trying to be mean, I was just saying.” I let her know before she blew things out of proportion and I wasn’t trying to go there with her today. “Now back to me not asking you to kick it with me and the boys, I wasn’t trying to be rude at all. It’s nothing like that. I am just trying to get in a little bit of daddy time with them, that’s all.”

  “That’s cool.”

  Shaun came running into the kitchen. “Here you go ma, your phone was ringing.” He said handing Kisha her phone.

  “Thanks lil man.” She said taking the phone from him and looking at the screen to see who’d called. “Oh, it was Tamika. Let me call her back and see what time she is coming through.”

  I got a sick feeling in my stomach just by hearing her mention Tamika. “What is she coming over here for?”

  “I asked her to come help me take out these dag on braids! Shoot, it’s time for these things to come out and I ain’t trying to be up in here working on them all day!” She replied. “Why is there a problem with her coming through?” She eyed me suspiciously.

  “Nah…” I removed pancakes from the pan and put more in. Then turned my sausage and stirred my eggs. Kisha left out of the kitchen with the phone to her ear. I knew I had to hurry up and leave before Tamika brought her ass over there!

  By the time that Quan came down the hall, I’d just finished cooking the last pan of sausage and was setting the table. I fixed everyone’s plate and then called everyone into the kitchen. Kisha came in with the phone still pressed against her ear.

  “Girl, she ain’t nothing but a damn hoe because she was just messing around with Ramel! You know, she supposed to be pregnant by him!” She gossiped.

  “Ummm…we are trying to eat. Don’t nobody want to hear all of that!” I snapped. I was so sick of the fake ass friendship between her and Tamika. Not only because of the situation between Tamika and me and the fact that I knew that Tamika won’t shit! But because whenever Tamika was around or the two of them were on the phone, Kisha started to act just like a bird too! That shit annoyed the hell out of me! It was like Tamika somehow channeled her inner bird or something!

  Kisha shot me a nasty look as she continued speaking into the phone. “Mika, girl I am going to hit you back once Tre and the boys leave. Obviously, us talking is bothering him. He can be so childish at times.” I don’t know what Tami
ka’s response was but it must’ve been some of the funniest shit that Kisha had ever heard because she through her head back laughing. “Girl, you are so dag on crazy. I’ll talk to you in a few.” She hung up looking across the table at me and rolling her eyes. I didn’t say anything. I continued to eat my food.

  When everyone was done eating, I washed up the dishes and then the boys and I left. First, I took them to the barbershop and we all got a fresh cut. When we were done there, I took them to the movies. After the movie, we had lunch at Pizza Hut and then I took them to the park and let them play for a while. While they played, I talked to Skeet on the phone.

  “So you are kickin’ it with your little mini Tre’s today huh?” He asked.

  “Yeah man, I figured the best way to clear my head of all of the bullshit for a while is to kick it with them.” I took out my box of Newports and lit one. “What are you up to today?”


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