Reaper Inc.

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Reaper Inc. Page 4

by Thomas Wright

  "My people are ready to go," Alona said. "We will move to the ship as soon as you are ready for us."

  "Go ahead and get them set up with quarters," he said looking at Andrea. Ben yelled, "E’Aria! Do we have all our uniforms? Military style and all black?"

  E’Aria answered him but not out loud. "Why do you insist on yelling? Andrea says you just like to hear the sound of your own voice." He was used to her thoughts just jumping into his head. She says they are linked and she knows where he is at for at least a mile in any direction.

  "I don’t need a reason, I just like to yell!" echoed down the hallway to the bridge. He didn’t hear any response, unless you count exasperated sighs. "Yes, we have our uniforms, yours are in your cabin."


  He knew the Senator was not going to be happy about the blackout. He would deal with him when the time comes.

  Ben walked over to the doorway and yelled for Natalia. He did it mostly to be irritating. She walked into the hallway with her hands on her hips.

  "What?" she yelled back, but not budging in his direction.

  "Come," Ben yelled. He turned away quickly so she couldn’t see the smile on his face. He knew what they all were thinking on the bridge. Natalia looked over her shoulder at Andrea who had just sat down.

  "You better go dear, see what he wants."

  Natalia walked up looking at first like she had something very womanly to say, then she saw him holding the pistol out to her and she started to squeal like a teenager.

  Ben tried to look stern putting a finger to his lips for her to be quiet. He was going to talk to her in his best authoritative voice but the huge smile floating on her face over the pistol put an abrupt end to that. He had a holster lying next to him on the bench.

  "Come here." He said softly. She stepped closer to him.

  "Hold still." He wrapped the belt around her waist and snugged it up. Then he adjusted the leg strap around her thigh. "Drop your arm down to your side." When she did, her hand came to rest on the butt of the pistol. It was a perfect fit. On the other hip, he clipped the long strap that connected to the sheath of a combat knife. It had a strap the wrapped around her other thigh keeping it in place. Both arms hanging naturally at her side put her hands right on her weapons.

  "Ok, now go up front and get in front of E'Aria and salute while saying ‘Ensign Natalia Jamison reporting for duty, Captain'." Ben ran down the ramp, not wanting to be too close when they saw her armed. He had been teaching her marksmanship and safety in addition to self-defense. She took it very seriously and it went a long way to making her feel like part of the team, like a grown up.

  It was about time to get all the supplies loaded and then the shuttle and gun boat. He saw Lorelei and Jen talking near the barn. "Hey, Lorelei!" She looked over at him. "I need you to run and pickup Cook where ever he is at."

  "How am I supposed to find him?" She countered. Ben started walking towards her at a brisk pace. She laughed and took off running for the hover car. "I'll figure it out." She waved jumping in the car.

  Ben had put the jamming device in the barn and turned it on. It would not only stop transmissions but record them. He smiled to himself. We will see who is who soon enough.


  It was still early and with the passengers all cooperating, the loading had proceeded faster than he expected. Ben walked into the house to talk to Pa and Ma again about what to do if they had uninvited guests or worse. Nick was going to take the freighter and park it where they had stored the Claymore. If they received news of an invasion, there was a group of people who would be meeting at the farm and be leaving on it. They would travel to Athena if it was safe and pickup his grandparents and Emily’s mother.

  Ben hoped it would never come to his family and friends having to leave their homes. The Cjittan were not his only concern and he feared the group responsible for executing this cover up attempt would try and use them. He sat on the sofa with his arms wrapped around Ma Vander Hoyt. This was the second time he had left them but this time they knew what he was doing was very important.

  Andrea had run everyone off so Ben could have a few minutes with the Vander Hoyts. They believed everything he told them and wouldn’t hesitate to do as he asked if trouble came knocking. Natalia was pacing, waiting for Andrea to say it was ok to go into the house. Ben walked out onto the deck and was almost run over. He smiled and knowing how much Natalia loved the Vander Hoyts. She wanted to say her goodbyes. She also wanted to show them her new weapons.

  He heard the hover car returning. Lorelei sat it down and got out along with Cook. He retrieved a duffle bag from the rear seat and walked towards the Claymore. She also had Grubb and Buddy with her.

  Cook had a real genuine smile on his face as he walked up to Ben and the small crowd still working on organizing the hold.

  "Are you ready?" Ben asked

  "Oh yes!" Cook replied.

  "Well, let's get you settled in and show you your kitchen." Grubb and Buddy just followed along.

  Prior to hiding the Claymore, Ben had work performed on a number of areas and systems they deemed critical. The bridge and engineering had a new raised flooring system to bring the consoles and chairs to a human working height. The panels were removable for maintenance. The dining area and kitchen got the same treatment.

  There wasn’t enough time to have showers installed in each cabin so a semi-permanent system was put in with a recycler. It was a self-contained room with separate male and female sides. Six stalls on each side. They had ordered it and it came self-contained ready to use; just needed to add water.

  E’Aria had spent two weeks making Trillond to English instruction cards for each control station. Ben had plans to talk to the Prime Minister to see if the Trillond military would loan them some crew members. One way or another, they would have each station eventually manned. He hadn’t heard from E'Aria or the Prime Minister if it would be possible.

  Cook stood staring, not sure what to make of things. There were a stack of cards with pictures and instructions lying on a metal counter top. He picked them up and thumbed through.

  Ben explained to Cook, "Everyone, except for a few, have these same challenges. You will have time to experiment and figure out the equipment. You need to learn how you will make coffee before you do anything else and that’s an order."

  Cook looked everything over and smiled. He didn’t know yet what everything was but it was beautiful. "I will get right on it."

  "I'll leave you to it. Andrea will be by to show you to your quarters. They have something already set aside for you." Ben left, checking off things in his head: Finished and unfinished. They would be ready to leave soon. He may not wait for morning. Ben gathered the group together for a short meeting. They were all veterans of space travel in one capacity or another and didn’t need any long explanations;. just a brief description of what was expected of them. Most would wear at least two hats until they could take on additional crew. He paused and looked at Alona.

  "I am working on it," she said, a little flustered at being singled out.

  "Senator, could I impose on you and your aide to take a watch every other day to give a member of the crew a break?"

  "Yes, we will be glad to help out," the senator replied.

  "Grubb, you and Buddy find your quarters and then report to the captain and see what she can give you to do. Two experienced spacers like yourselves should be good for something besides drinking beer. Which reminds me, did you bring any?"

  Grubb looked around like he was going to reveal a state secret. "There is a pallet full in the hold," he said just above a whisper.

  Ben laughed and went to find Andrea and their quarters. He couldn’t begrudge them their favorite drink. He didn’t think he had ever seen them eat anything.

  Chapter 4

  "Captain, we have a message from CNS Mace. We are ordered to detain, and board if necessary, any departing ships in an effort to capture the alien vessel," Ensign Ellison, the com officer

  "Thank you, ensign. The order has been logged." Aisling knew she would make a show of it. If she was busy detaining and searching. Once engaged in a search it, might be hard to keep other ships from just ignoring orders and leaving the system. If they thought one warship could police all the freighters and passenger ships leaving Anubis, then they were crazy.

  "Lieutenant Benson, show me everything in the system, as well as all the departures the Anubis space port has scheduled," she asked her tactical officer. The large view screen blinked on with all ships in the immediate vicinity.

  Aisling studied the screen. "Lieutenant Benson, mark all as friendly except for these two. They have been in orbit for over a day. That sounds suspicious to me. Power weapons and keep the targets warm. We want both of these potential targets to know we mean business." Being in orbit for a day was nothing unusual and they all knew it.

  "Com, hail both and let them know of our intention to board and search for possible illegal goods and merchandise. Let them know that it will proceed much faster if they hold their positions and cooperate." "Aye, Captain," Ensign Ellison responded. Every officer on the bridge had their eyes on their captain. She could see they thought she had lost her mind.

  Aisling stood quickly, startling them out of their thoughts. They all turned immediately back to their consoles, looking for something to be working on. When she stepped up behind her tactical officer, he felt her presence. She put her hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. He looked up at her and she gave him a kind smile and a nod then moved to the next station. She made her way to them all repeating the gesture, but never saying a word.

  Aisling sat down and looked at all her officers. She had made a decision, a very dangerous decision in the short walk across the bridge.

  "Lieutenant St. James, you have the bridge. Com, would you call all the senior staff and section chiefs to the conference room immediately, as well as General Grey? He should be in his quarters. Advise Lieutenant Jared to report to my quarters immediately."

  "Aye, Captain." Ensign messaged them all.


  Aisling was fastening the last buckle on her black combat armor that Reaper and his team had given her. She had all the weapons confiscated from the Reaper team in her quarters except for a few. She was not happy with the general's new team at all. She would return them their weapons as soon as she could let them out of the brig, which wouldn’t be long.

  She strapped on one of the non-issue magnetic rail pistols and a very large combat knife that had belonged to Gunny Smith. She prayed for an ounce of the luck her ancestors were known for. The door chimed, announcing Lieutenant Jared.

  "Enter!" she called from her room. She walked out to find Lieutenant Jared in a parade rest stance near her door. "Have a seat, Lieutenant." She motioned to the chair at the table.

  "If you have been reading your memos, you know there is an attack group arriving Anubis shortly. What you may not know is they plan on taking the senior staff into custody and I have decided that for me, that is not going to be an option. When they arrive, I believe you will receive orders to this effect. I am going to brief everyone and if there is enough support, we may take the Warhammer and leave. Anyone not wishing to accompany us may depart via a shuttle for Anubis." Aisling paused and let the lieutenant absorb all she had just said.

  "Captain, you realize you will be criminals subject to severe punishment under the articles, possibly death. I am stating the obvious, but it needs to be said."

  "Of course, lieutenant. What I would like to know is where you and your marines stand when the time comes. Would you speak to them and see if any of them would be willing to stay. Those who do not can accompany the navy personnel who shuttle to Anubis. I want this to be conducted peacefully, so if you do not agree with me please wait till you have your orders before trying to carry them out. Shall we go?"

  The conference room was full of officers and chiefs all talking and wondering why the captain had called a meeting. She walked in, looking like a war goddess in her black armor with the war hammer on breast plate. She didn’t have to ask the room to quiet down.

  "Some of you know that there is an attack group that will rendezvous with us sometime in the next two hours. They are supposed to be collecting the remaining members of Major Andersen’s team who aren’t already in custody. When I heard this, I wondered why a whole group was required till I heard from a contact on Ares that they were going to confine and arrest most of the senior staff of the Warhammer and strip our logs and operating system. I was told that it had already happened to the officers of the Morningstar."

  "On what charges, Captain? We performed above and beyond in defense of the Morningstar and Hyson."

  "Military Intelligence doesn’t need charges, or so they think, Chief. They want to cover up or somehow diminish and control what the central worlds find out about the Cjittan. If they lock us all away, they think the threat will go away." Aisling studied all their faces. General Grey just sat and watched everyone. He knew the truth, having almost been killed and eaten by the Cjittan on the Morningstar. He could not speak of it though.

  "I am not going to say anymore. Most of you were on board almost 3 months ago when we were attacked. I want you to return to your sections and speak with your subordinates. Make sure those that stay know the possible consequences and that we will not be returning home until we are cleared of charges and this ignorance is behind us." Aisling paused.

  Some of the senior officers looked to the general. He looked up at the Aisling then back at the faces around the table. "I am with the Captain, ladies and gentlemen. There is a ship on Anubis that will be departing soon and we need to see it gets out of this system and on its way."

  Aisling looked at the shock, disappointment, and even anger on some of their faces. "Those that stay need to get into their armor. We are going to battle stations running silent. I do not want to tip our hat by having them ping the ship and see she is ready for a fight. Let them think we are just sitting and waiting. Weapons will be armed but they will see we are conducting the search as instructed by our orders."

  Lieutenant Jared walked into the conference room. He also looked at the faces of the officers he had served with for a number of years now.

  "Captain!" Lieutenant Jared snapped to attention and saluted. "All the Marines assigned to the Warhammer will be staying with the ship ma’am."

  "Thank you, lieutenant." Aisling returned his salute.

  "You all have 15 minutes to get back to your sections and brief your people. I would give them 5 minutes to decide and 10 to get their things together if they are leaving."

  "Captain! We are tracking the assault group they will be in Anubis orbit in ninety minutes," Ensign Ellison announced, breaking into the meeting.

  "Acknowledged, Ensign. I will be on the bridge in five. Alright everyone, get moving and get everyone sorted out. I expect a report in twenty minutes and a shuttle leaving in twenty five or less." There was a minute of fast moving bodies then an empty room, except for the general and the captain.

  General Grey spoke softly. "We are possibly throwing away everything we have spent our lives working for. We will need some powerful people on our side if we are going to survive our actions today."

  "We have friends, General, who have friends. They will be leaving Anubis soon and if they are successful, our sacrifice will be well worth it. General, the lives and reputation of this crew for the lives of trillions of citizens is a small price to pay."

  "You have friends, Captain. I am not sure they are mine any longer."

  "Come to the bridge with me let’s see if I am losing any of my crew."

  Chapter 5

  Ben checked on Emily. She was in the prime minister's quarters. They were deep in discussion when they let him enter but stopped to stare at him. "I’m just checking on you both. Are you ready to go?"

  "That is sweet of you, yes we are ready. Are we leaving now?" Alona asked

  Ben answered. "Yes
, shortly, things have worked out smoother than I thought."

  "Good, we were just discussing politics. Boring, but necessary."

  "I need to ask a favor, Madam Prime Minister," Ben said.

  "This must be serious," Emily exclaimed, "you being so formal."

  "It is, but if it doesn’t happen, it will not change anything. I wanted the Prime Minister to ask the Trillond Navy if they would be willing to put up a blockade at the border. We don’t need to start an interstellar incident but if we are followed, they could slow them down with some inspections or something."

  "Geez Ben, like it won't cause problems; the Trillond don’t inspect our ships and we don’t theirs."

  "This is why I am asking, Emily. If there is a politically correct way to do it, Alona will know." He felt his temper rising again at her.

  The Prime Minister put her hand on his arm. "Yes, it is clear and understood. I will think of something and I will ask." Ben turned and walked away, leaving the room without another word.

  Emily sat down slowly and spoke. "I am not sure I know him anymore." Alona looked at her.

  "If you don’t, it’s your fault. Of all the people who let him down, you probably hurt him the most. You come from a part of his life that he treasures. The memories of his childhood are all filled with you. He would have done anything for you until the day of the meeting when you said you couldn’t trust him and sent those men to find his ship. Now, what is done is done, you need to work it out."

  "Why do you listen to him?" Anger seeping into Emily’s tone now that Alona pointed some blame her way for Ben's anger.

  "Why shouldn’t I? And why are you angry with him? It should be yourself you’re angry with. A few short days ago, he could have sent you and your general away with your tails between your legs, as you humans say. Yet here you are sitting with me, because of him caring for you."

  Alona’s cool tone ended their conversation for a few seconds. Emily sat, head down, staring at the floor. Alona knew there would be more discussions in the future with Emily. There were many facets of human behavior that the Trillond did not possess or understand. Alona knew she would always side with Benjamin. She knew he had one goal and that was to save every one he loved. If he succeeded, it would more than likely mean he saved the whole universe. He didn’t seem to do things half-assed, as the humans say.


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