Skin Deep

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Skin Deep Page 12

by J. M. Stone

“Brace your hands on the couch, sugar.” Luke gritted out, his jaw clenched.

  I put my palms onto the couch cushion, bracing myself as I felt his hand release my hair, and his hands skimmed down my back to my ass, squeezing the soft, round globes in his palms as he leaned forward and pressed hot, open mouthed kisses down my spine before sinking his teeth into the flesh of my hip. I hissed at the sting of his bite, but my hips pressed back against him, silently asking for more.

  Without warning, he spread me wide with his hands before slamming into me, going deep before almost immediately withdrawing. I felt the sting of his palm as it connected with my ass, sharply slapping, once, twice, three times in rapid succession, drawing a ragged cry from my lips, and then he pushed into me again. He fucked into me quickly, his hips slapping hard against my ass and his hands reaching under my body to grab my swaying breasts firmly, roughly pinching my nipples. The heavy sac hanging between his thighs slapped against my clit with every thrust, and I could feel myself tightening as the wave crested.

  Releasing one of my breasts, Luke slapped my ass again, harder than before, and it sent me over the edge, my knees buckling so that he had to grab my hips to hold me up as he continued to pound into me. I could feel my inner muscles clenching him, milking him, and he fucked me harder, harder, and faster until I heard him shout hoarsely, thrusting one last time as he came, the thick heat of him pulsating between my thighs with the force of his release.

  Luke pulled out and we both sank to the couch in a tangle of limbs, both panting for breath. I rolled my head to the side to look at Luke and we both froze when we heard a gasp near the door. My eyes flew to the door, where there was a man (a fucking hot one!) standing just inside, his hand tugging at the crotch of his jeans that were stretched uncomfortably with a bulging hardness. A small scream escaped my lips as I scrambled to cover myself, trying to hide behind Luke’s body.

  Luke jumped up off the couch, unmindful of his nakedness, and scooped his shirt up off the floor, handing it to me. I jerked it on over my head, thankful that it hit the middle of my thighs. Then I realized that Luke wasn’t pissed that a strange man was standing in his living room, obviously getting his jollies from watching us have sex. He was grinning at the man as he grabbed his jeans and pulled them on before striding towards the door, and then they were grasping each other’s hand and pulling each other into that weird handshake-man hug-pound each other to death kind of thing.

  “Jackson, you fucking bastard!” Luke yelled. “What the fuck, man? Its been a while but God, its good to see you!”

  The stranger (Jackson, apparently) grinned back at Luke, replying, “I know, man, but damnit! I was not expecting to see that much of you, you fucking fiend!” He glanced my way, winking at me and I gasped in outrage.

  What the hell was wrong with these people?

  Luke and Jackson continued with their reunion, ignoring me as I sat quietly on the couch. I sighed, got up and grabbed my clothes, and headed down the hall to find the bathroom.

  Chapter 11

  An hour later I was sitting at the kitchen table, my chin resting on my hand as I listened to Luke and Jackson trading tales back and forth. I had found the downstairs bathroom, but not before I found Brandon’s bedroom (which looked like a disaster area), and I had put my jeans and panties back on, choosing to keep Luke’s shirt on instead of changing back into mine. Brandon was due back any time now, and I was hoping it would be soon so I could talk him into carving pumpkins with me, since Luke had obviously forgotten that I was there.

  Jackson was talking to Luke, and they both were laughing. I took a moment to study him. He was hot, definitely another stack of deliciousness. He was about six-four, broad shouldered, and fit, with soft, deep brown eyes framed by long lashes that did nothing to detract from his masculinity, close cropped black hair, tanned skin, and the cutest dimple in his cheek when he smiled that gave him a boyish air.

  I figured that I should be embarrassed because, hello, he definitely caught us in the act! But honestly, they hadn’t paid any attention to me since Jackson had winked at me by the door. I sighed and then gave a weak smile when I realized that they were both staring at me.

  “Bored, Emma?” Luke asked, smiling at me, his eyes dancing. “Sorry, baby, I’ve been rude. Jackson is an old friend of mine from high school. We were inseparable back in the

  day but I haven’t seen his sorry ass in a while!”

  “Hi, Emma. So nice to meet you,” Jackson said, his voice deep and even toned. “Forgive me for intruding earlier. I wanted to surprise Luke, but I think I’m the one who was surprised!” He started laughing and Luke joined in, apparently not embarrassed in the least at being caught with his pants down. Literally.

  I felt myself blush and sighed in relief when Brandon walked through the door, Doug hot on his heels. I jumped up out of my seat and ran to Brandon, who took a step back at my exuberance.

  “Hey!” I crowed at him, “Ready to carve pumpkins?” I knew I sounded like a kid, but Halloween was one of my favorite holidays. My other was Christmas, but I think that’s a given. Who doesn’t like presents? I have no shame, I’m a present whore.

  Brandon grinned at me, nodding his head and saying, “Yeah. Sounds good, just let me change.” He took off toward his bedroom and I wondered how long it would take him to find something in there. If he could…

  “Emma?” Luke said behind me.

  I turned around slowly, not sure I was ready to face them again. I raised a questioning brow at him.

  Luke was standing right behind me and he slid his arms around me, kissing me lightly on my lips. “Jacks is going to stay here for a few nights, so are you cool with us sleeping here rather than your place?”

  “Oh, no, Luke, you don’t have to worry about that. You guys can stay here and hang out. You haven’t seen each other in a while and I’ve got to go to my mom’s tomorrow. We’ll just carve pumpkins and, if you don’t mind, you can run me home and then spend some time with Jackson.”

  Luke’s face went hard. “Emma, you aren’t leaving. I want you in my arms, in my bed tonight, sugar, and I’m getting’ inside you again, too. We’re not done.”

  I shivered at his words, but kept my mouth shut. I didn’t want to argue in front of Jackson and Brandon, who had found something to change into a lot quicker than I would have thought. They were grinning at each other and doing the same manly display of affection that Luke and Jackson had engaged in earlier. I shook my head.

  Luke found some newspaper and we spread it out on the table before plunking the pumpkins down on it and divvying up the carving tools. Brandon and I argued over my pumpkin. It was one I had picked out specifically for myself because it was the perfect carving shape, and Brandon knew it, too. He tried bribing me with everything under the sun to get my pumpkin, but I wasn’t budging. Nu-uh, no way, no how!

  Then we argued over the designs we each were going to do. I was nice and gave Luke first pick, and, after offering Jackson one of the smaller pumpkins I had picked out, gave him second pick, which pissed Brandon off again. At least until Jackson declined a design pattern, simply stating that he wanted to free hand it.

  Brandon crowed in glee and grabbed the book from my hand; I didn’t fight him. Then I laughed until I thought I would piss myself when I pulled out the second book we had gotten at the store and calmly flipped to the design I had already picked out for myself. Brandon saw the book and, like a five year old, yelled, “Cheater! Luke! Emma’s


  Luke just shook his head and laughed.

  Brandon shut up real quick as I picked up the long sharp knife I had gotten out of their kitchen to cut the lid holes in the pumpkins and pointed it at him. (Which is a no-no, kids. Do as I say, not as I do!)

  Carving pumpkins is messy, and even more so when Jackson and Brandon are involved. That’s why, two hours later when we were standing outside looking at the pumpkins all in a row along the front porch, each glowing brightly from a small votive candle in its b
elly, we were all (and I mean all) covered in pumpkin guts. Doug looked like he had an orange spaghetti wig on top of his head, Brandon’s face was orange (Ha! Served him right for putting pumpkin in my hair), and both Luke and Jackson had pieces of pumpkin and seeds stuck to them everywhere. The kitchen looked like the pumpkins had exploded and we Rock, Paper, Scissor-ed to see who would get stuck with cleanup. Fortunately for me, Jackson was the one who actually lost and now has to clean the mess. He tried to play the guest card, and he would have gotten away with it if Luke hadn’t reminded me that he was actually the one who started the pumpkin fight.

  We all headed inside to clean up, Jackson tackling the kitchen first, Brandon heading to the downstairs shower, while Luke pulled me upstairs, gave me another one of his shirts to wear, and then got me naked in the shower. No, we didn’t have shower sex, because we were supposed to meet Jackson and Brandon back downstairs for pizza, beer, and maybe a movie. But I was still hopeful to experience that one.

  Luke threw my clothes into the washer with theirs when we got downstairs, and I folded myself onto the couch with a light flannel blanket covering my bare legs, leaning into Luke’s side. Brandon had ran into town to pick up the pizza and grab some beer, and Jackson was finally in the shower downstairs. Luke was flipping through the channels on the tv when I heard my cell phone ringing in the bottom of my purse, which was sitting on the coffee table. I grabbed it and answered without looking at the caller display before they could hang up.


  “What’s up, Em? How’s tricks, woman?” The voice was slurred and I pulled the phone back from my ear to look at the number. It wasn’t one I recognized.

  “Who is this?” I asked.

  “What? You don’t know your man’s voice? Wha’ tha fuck, Emmy?”

  It clicked in my head then. It was Douche Bag Brad. Why the hell was he calling me?

  “What do you want, Brad?” I asked shortly. I felt Luke tense beside me.

  “How’s about you come over here and be a good lil’ girl like you’re s’posed to? I got things that need tendin’ to, woman. And pick up some beer on your way and maybe I’ll be nice and fuck you.”

  “Brad, we broke up a year ago. You slept with your next door neighbor and I caught you two in bed, at which time you told me I was a whore and then called me a frigid bitch. You’re drunk, lose my number, and fuck you.” I hung up and powered my phone off.

  I could feel Luke’s gaze boring into me, so I turned to look at him. I held up my hand, stopping him as he opened his mouth to speak. “That was Douche Bag Brad, my ex. I don’t know why he’s calling me now, he hasn’t changed, and I want nothing to do with him.”

  “So what exactly was he saying to you?” Luke asked, his voice quietly menacing.

  “Well, I guess he wanted me to come bring him beer, and be a good little woman like he always expected me to be. And then he told me he’d fuck me if I was a good girl,” I told him, my voice flat.

  Luke’s eyes flashed and his lips tightened even more before he asked, “Was he always like that with you? Do as your told? Be a good girl? And are you serious about him calling you frigid?” His voice rose in disbelief. “You are the furthest thing from frigid!”

  I shrugged and nodded my head at him.

  “Why did you stay with him then? You’re so much better than that, sugar.”

  “He was good to me at first. We met when I was in college, he took me out on the most romantic date I’d ever been on, treated me like I was really special. I didn’t realize that he was just reeling me in until it was too late; I fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. Things were good for a while, then he turned into some archaic caveman who wandered around thumping his chest, grunting ‘me he-man, you my bitch’ to me all the time.” I shrugged my shoulders again, shaking my head at my own stupidity.

  “God, what a douche bag,” Luke muttered.

  “Yeah, that’s why I call him Douche Bag Brad. He snapped his fingers at me and expected me to jump…literally. And then I came home one day and caught him in bed with the neighbor. And I’m sure you heard what he told me after that,” I replied. “It’s so weird that he called me out of the blue like that. I haven’t talked to him in a very long time, and I for damn sure don’t want anything to do with him! Okay?”

  “Okay, Emma, but I’m telling you what. He, or anyone for that matter, talks to you like that again, I will hunt him down and hand him his balls personally.” Luke’s tone was menacing, his face hard.

  In the silence that followed Luke’s statement, Jackson’s voice rang out, yelling, “Holy fuck, dog! That’s not yours! Get out, get the fuck out!”

  Luke and I looked at each other and busted out laughing, the tension permeating the room dissolving immediately. We were still chuckling when Jackson emerged from the bathroom (bare-chested, barefoot, and jeans undone, oh my!) glaring at the lab trotting happily by his side. When he came into the living room, he moved his glare to Luke. “Your dog…” he growled, “there’s something wrong with him. I think he’s gay! I stepped out of the shower to dry off and he tried to lick my dick! He did lick my thigh, but what the fuck, man?”

  Luke burst out laughing again. “He was trying to get the water droplets, you ass! He used to push the door to the bathroom open when he was a puppy and when I’d step out, he’d go crazy trying to lick the water off my feet and legs. He quit doing it, mainly because we learned to keep the doors tightly shut so he couldn’t get in, but you must not have latched the door!”

  We were still laughing at him when Brandon walked in the door, balancing three large pizza boxes and a case of beer. I jumped up from the couch to help, tugging Luke’s shirt down my thighs so I didn’t give anyone a show.

  A few minutes later, we all had platefuls of pizza and ice cold beer, and Brandon was putting a movie in. We argued over which one we were going to watch, and finally all agreed on No Strings Attached, which the guys all said was really funny, but I hadn’t seen it yet. Luke lounged in the corner of the couch and I sat beside him. Brandon took the overstuffed armchair, plopping his feet up on the coffee table, Doug jumped on the love seat and sprawled out, and Jackson was left with the remaining spot on the couch on the other side of me. He clearly wasn’t going to go anywhere near Doug to fight for a seat!

  We ate, drank, and watched the movie, laughing at parts, but holy mother of hotness! There was a lot, and I mean a lot, of sex scenes!

  About halfway through the movie, our empty plates were stacked on the table and we had worked our way through almost all the beer. I was leaned into Luke’s side, my feet curled up beside me on the couch. Brandon was stretched out in the chair still, and Jackson was lounging back in the opposite corner of the couch. My legs were starting to get stiff from sitting curled up and I began to stretch them out. I accidentally kicked Jackson’s thigh, glancing at him to apologize, but he just shrugged and grabbed both my feet, pulling them into his lap. My body twisted and my back ended up pressed against Luke, his arm still wrapped around my shoulders, and Jackson started rubbing my feet.

  I tensed and began to pull my legs back, but Luke snuggled me closer to his chest, glanced over at Jackson, shrugged, and smiled down at me before turning back to the movie. It took a while, but I finally relaxed as Jackson’s hands worked magically over my feet and ankles, and Luke’s heat seeped into me as he lightly ran his fingertips up and down my arm. I closed my eyes, so warm and comfy, and must have dozed off.

  I woke up a while later, not sure what time it was until I saw the digital clock on the cable box. It was almost three a.m. The tv had been turned off and the lights were all out, and in the faint glow of the clock, I could make out the empty chair where Brandon had been sitting. I stretched a bit before closing my eyes again, enjoying the warmth of Luke surrounding me. I was on my side, curled between Luke’s legs with my cheek resting against his chest as he half-reclined on the couch. My hand was pressed to his chest by my cheek and my other arm was wrapped around his waist behind his back ag
ainst the arm of the couch.

  My left leg was lying stretched out along Luke’s, and my right one was cocked up at an angle, my knee pressed just under Luke’s. His chest was warm along the length of my leg, and his head was a solid weight resting on my thigh, his breath warming the bare flesh between my thighs since my shirt had ridden up.

  Oh, fuck! My eyes sprang open and I sat up, my elbow ramming dangerously low on Luke’s abdomen as I tried to untangle myself. Well, I hoped it was Luke’s stomach…ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod. In the darkness, I felt arms come around me from behind, pulling me back against a hard, warm chest and holding me close again.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” I heard Luke whisper in my ear, his voice sleepy, making it even deeper than usual.

  I could feel myself breathing heavily, headed into panic mode. “Luke, there’s a head on my thigh by my…you know. And my shirt…your shirt…is not covering me anymore. Ohmigod, who’s laying on me, Luke?” My voice was rising and I started to struggle against Luke’s chest so I could move away from the unknown male between my thighs.

  “Shhhh, baby. Its Jacks. Has to be because Brandon went to bed not long after you fell asleep on us. I guess I dozed off and apparently he fell asleep on you, too.” He yawned in my ear. “We’re kinda in his bed, you know. Want to go upstairs with me?”

  “Yes, Luke, please. But…I’m a little stuck. His face is right there, and I’m afraid to move.” My panic was ebbing a little bit, soothed by Luke’s closeness and the fact that he was about to help me out of my predicament.

  I felt Luke shift a bit as he stretched behind his head to the lamp on the end table beside the couch. I blinked at the sudden soft light filling the room before my eyes flew to the head nestled on my thigh, so close to my naked cha-chi.

  I heard a sharp, indrawn breath behind me as Luke looked down my body, getting a clear look at where Jackson was lying. Then, weirdly, I felt Luke’s breath become erratic, like it does when he wants to get me naked. His hands came up on my hips, sliding beneath the hem of it and moving up to cover my breasts.


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