Skin Deep

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Skin Deep Page 14

by J. M. Stone

  We made sandwiches and Luke carried them into the living room for them while I put everything away and started some laundry. I unloaded the clean dishes from the dishwasher, and then loaded the few dirty ones I had sitting in the sink. Then I swept the floor and was about to mop when the handle was pulled out of my hand.

  I looked up in surprise and saw Brandon there holding the mop and pointing me towards the living room. I started that way when I heard my vacuum turn on. I walked in to see Jackson sweeping the floor, but Luke wasn’t in the room. I walked down the hall until I found him in the bathroom, where he was wiping down the sink and putting away my hair stuff and makeup. He looked so cute that I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, pressing myself to his back. I felt him start, but he recovered quickly and turned in my arms, hugging me tight and kissing my lips softly.

  “Why are you guys cleaning my house for me?” I asked him in between kisses.

  “You said you wanted to get some stuff done, so we’re helping. Cuts down on the time between now and when I can get inside you again.”

  I gasped, his words making me tingle in crazy places.

  “What else do you want done, sugar?”

  “I just need to do another load of laundry and pack up my clothes for tomorrow. Is that okay?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Yeah, but couldn’t you just load up your laundry and take it to my house?”

  He made it a question and the look on his face was so cute I couldn’t resist. “Okay. I’ll do that.”

  I couldn’t help but return his grin as he kissed me one more time before pushing me away, saying, “What are you waiting for then, woman? Get your shit, lets go!” He swatted me on my ass as I turned.

  Laughing, I walked away from him and packed up my overnight bag with everything I’d need to get ready for work the next day. Then I took my wet clothes out of the washer and threw them in the basket to take with me to dry, and tossed my other load to be washed into another basket. I didn’t have a chance to even reach for one to carry it to the car before the guys came in, grabbed my stuff, and loaded it for me.

  Hmm. A girl could get used to this!

  My cell phone rang in my pocket and I dug it out to see that Allie was calling me.

  “Hey, Al!”

  “Well, someone’s in a good mood,” she drawled.

  “I’m surrounded by hot guys that are cleaning my house. Who wouldn’t be?” I asked her, my glee evident in my voice.

  “You’re shitting me, right?” Allie sounded incredulous.

  “Nope! Well, they were cleaning, but now we’re gonna head back over to Luke and

  Brandon’s house.”

  “What are you guys gonna do then?” she asked me.

  “I’m not sure. I was thinking about taking stuff with me to cook dinner over there for them as a thank you for cleaning my house today,” I replied.

  “Ooh, what are you cooking?” she asked.

  I could almost hear Allie salivating through the phone. “I’m not sure, I was thinking maybe tequila lime chicken with some Spanish rice or maybe stuffed manicotti? What do you think they’d like better?”

  “Oh, God, Emma. Please make tequila lime chicken and invite me! I haven’t had that in so long and its my favorite meal you make!” Allie was begging and I couldn’t help but laugh at her.

  I met Luke as he was walking back in the front door and asked if Allie could come to dinner out at his house. He shrugged and nodded, and then asked what we were having for dinner. I told him, and he went right back out the door, yelling at Brandon and Jackson that they were actually getting a kick ass dinner for once.

  I gave Allie Luke’s address and hung up with her as I walked into the kitchen to gather the ingredients that I would need for dinner.

  After everything was loaded, including the four of us, we headed out to Luke’s. He reached over and pulled my hand to his thigh, locking his fingers with mine while he drove. I smiled up at him, and my heart clutched when he smiled back and winked before turning back to the road.

  For the first time in a very long time, I actually felt like this was something good, something that might stand a chance, even if I didn’t agree with how domineering he could be. He made me feel special, and that’s something I’ve never had before. With D.B. Brad, he made me feel like I should feel privileged that he was letting me hang around. Sex with him was when he wanted it, on his terms, and I never got anything out of it. N-e-v-e-r. Unless I did it myself. I used to swear I was getting carpal tunnel from double clicking my own mouse just to get anything from sex with him!

  That one time that he was being an asshole and trying to push my buttons, he had spanked me and was shocked when it made me hot. He called me a whore and left. It wasn’t a week later that I walked into his apartment and caught him red-handed with his neighbor. And by red-handed, I mean literally. They were painted head to toe with red body paint. At least I hope that’s what it was. If not? That bastard has issues that he needs addressed. Stat!

  We got to Luke’s and the guys helped unload the car. Allie pulled up about ten minutes after us and helped me get my laundry started. There was a mountain of laundry piled up in front of the washer, so I grabbed a bunch and threw it in with mine. Men.

  Allie asked if she could help me with dinner, and I agreed, but she really didn’t do much of anything. She was too busy staring at Brandon. When she wasn’t staring at Brandon, she was staring at Jackson. When she was staring at Jackson, Brandon was staring at her, a slightly disgruntled expression on his face. That made me wonder a bit, but I wasn’t going to say anything.

  After I got dinner done, we all sat at the table to eat. No one said much, aside from telling me how good it was. For a while, the only sound was the clinking of the silverware and one of the guys occasionally asking for someone to pass something.

  I felt surprisingly content, sitting at Luke and Brandon’s table, eating with a group of people that I’d only known for a short time, aside from Allie. The more I had pulled away from Luke, the more he had drawn me back in, and I found myself dangerously close to being completely in love with him. I was half afraid I already was. Scratch that. I knew I was. Yikes!

  “Emma?” Luke’s voice broke into my thoughts.

  “Hmm?” I asked, turning to look at him.

  “Something wrong?” he asked me, a small smile playing about the corners of his lips.

  “No, why?” I asked.

  “You were staring at me and you looked a little startled at first, and then a little concerned. I was just making sure there was nothing wrong.”

  I shook my head, embarrassed that I was caught starting at him, and even more embarrassed that I hadn’t even realized I’d been doing it!

  We finished eating and Allie and I cleaned up the dinner mess, but Luke and Brandon actually did the dishes. Jackson disappeared out the front door with his cell phone and Doug and Allie followed, Allie grabbing the Frisbee sitting in Doug’s toy basket on the way out.

  I finished my laundry and threw another load in for Luke and Brandon. I took the basket of clean clothes out to the couch to fold, holding up the guys’ clothes to see whose was whose. I gave up after a minute because everything I held up was Brandon’s.

  “Why are you doing Brandon’s laundry, Emma?” Luke asked me, shaking his head.

  “I thought it was both of yours, and it was just sitting in front of the washer. So I threw some in with mine and then started another load of it. Its not a big deal.” I shrugged.

  Brandon, being a smartass, said, “When you get done with my laundry, can you change my sheets on my bed?”

  I finished folding the clothes, grabbed all of Brandon’s up in my arms, and walked into the kitchen to stand next to him. He opened his arms to take them from me, and as soon as I saw my opening, I punched him in the stomach, making his breath wheeze out as he doubled over.

  He moaned. “Why the hell did you do that?”

  “You deserved it, asshat!” Luke said, l
aughing and giving me an appreciative look.

  I winked at Luke and headed outside to play with Doug with Allie.

  The rest of the evening passed in a blur. We stayed outside, enjoying the crisp, cool, fall weather, and when darkness started falling, Luke started a bonfire in the concrete fire pit sitting in the middle of a large patio area just off the back deck. The fire was surrounded by thickly cushioned benches and adirondack style chairs. We all moved to the patio around the fire, relaxing. Luke disappeared inside and came back out with the stuff to make s’mores.

  After stuffing ourselves with the ooey-gooey goodness of chocolate, marshmallow, and graham crackers, Allie stood up to leave.

  I laughed when Brandon pulled her down on his lap, refusing to let her leave. She laughed and tried to get up, but he wouldn’t let her. She gave in when he started tickling her and leaned back against him, gasping for breath. I couldn’t help but smile to myself because they looked good together, but I didn’t think either one of them would ever settle down. Allie was too free spirited, and Brandon was too…Brandon.

  Jackson was quiet for the most part, but I saw him watching Allie with a speculative look gleaming in his eyes a time or two.

  When it started getting late, we all headed inside. I couldn’t keep from yawning and Luke kept laughing at me and teasing that I was getting old if I couldn’t stay up past ten thirty. Of course, then I had to tell him about himself, especially because he’s older than me…

  Allie was standing by the door, her keys in hand, and I walked over to give her a hug and say goodbye. As we stood there , Brandon came up and put his arm around Allie. We both looked at him, waiting for whatever crazy shit would come out next. Instead, he surprised us both.

  “Allie, you don’t, uh…you don’t have to leave.” Brandon said hesitantly. “There’s plenty of room here, and you could have my bed if you wanted. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  I smiled. Brandon could be so sweet sometimes!

  Jackson piped up from the couch where he was lounging. “Yeah, Brandon, I don’t think you’ll get to sleep on the couch because that’s where I’m sleeping and I’m not sharing!” He winked at Allie before adding, “With you, at least. Allie can share the couch with me. Or, better yet! Allie and I’ll sleep in your bed and you can have the couch as you so graciously offered!” He was grinning ear to ear by this point.

  Brandon stiffened, glaring at Jackson who just laughed at him.

  I rolled my eyes, then turned to Allie. “You gonna stay and put these boys out of their misery?” I asked her.

  She raised her eyebrow at me, a sly grin spreading across her face. “Yeah, I’ll stay. But sorry, Jackson, I’m not sharing the couch with you. You and Brandon could share his bed…” she trailed off, laughing as Brandon and Jackson looked at each other in disgust.

  Brandon spoke up again. “Allie you can sleep with me in my bed. I promise I’ll behave!”

  Allie glanced at me and I covered my mouth with my hand to hide my smile. I knew Allie all too well.

  She walked up close to Brandon, their chests almost touching, before she lightly placed her hands on his chest, sliding them upwards to encircle his neck. With gently pressure, she pulled his head down. Placing her lips next to his ear, she said softly (but not so softly that everyone couldn’t hear), “Who said I wanted you to behave, lover?”

  She then traced her tongue lightly down the curve of his ear to his neck before pulling back and walking towards the hallway. Halfway there, I saw her bite her lip as she met Jackson’s gaze, and I could see the hesitation and almost longing in her eyes but she continued down the hall.

  Brandon stood frozen, though his breathing had become heavy, and I visibly saw him swallow hard before he took off in a rush after Allie.

  I heard laughter and turned to see Luke standing beside the couch, watching everything unfold. Jackson was scowling, and Luke clapped his hand to his shoulder as he walked by him in my direction. He grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the stairs, Doug trailing behind us.

  I turned to Jackson as I stepped up onto the first stair. “For what its worth? She thinks you’re hot, too. We talked while we were outside with Doug, and she’s confused. She’s really attracted to you, but she’s also attracted to Brandon. Don’t count yourself out just

  yet, Jackson.”

  I started climbing the stairs again, following Luke who had stopped when I did.

  “Emma?” Jackson’s voice stopped me again. “Call me Jacks. All my closest friends and family do. And…thanks.”

  “You’re welcome, Jacks. Good night.”

  Luke and I headed to bed. Of course, our good night kiss became a good night fondle, which turned into a good night fuck that had me screaming so loud when I came, we heard Brandon (or it could have been Allie?) thumping something against the ceiling in a non-verbal ‘could you keep it down please?’ kind of way.

  I drifted off to sleep wrapped up in Luke’s arms, his body pressed to the length of mine, thinking that it’d turned out to be a pretty good weekend after all.

  Chapter 13

  You know, I realized that time goes a lot faster when you actually allow yourself to have a life outside of babysitting your niece and nephew and living vicariously through your best friend and (sadly) little brother and sister.

  Halloween was Friday, which gave me exactly five days to figure out a costume. Allie had decided that she was going to throw a party and costumes were required. I didn’t have a problem with that because, like I said before, Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. You get to dress up in whatever you want, be whoever you want, AND you get CANDY! Win-win, baby!

  Luke kept asking me what I was going to be, and I had a couple ideas, but I almost wanted to surprise him. That was going to be a little tough, though, because ever since that weekend a couple weeks ago when we carved pumpkins and…well, it was an interesting and very full weekend. Anyway, since then, we hadn’t really spent any time apart. He brought me to work, and somehow managed to schedule his appointments and such at the shop so he would be done at the same time I was. Sometimes we stayed at my house, but generally we stayed at his and Brandon’s house.

  Jackson had stayed just a couple days more and then had flown back out to L.A. for work. I made Luke call him and invite him back for Allie’s Halloween Party and he had said he would try, but wasn’t very hopeful that he would make it.

  Allie and Brandon have hung out with us quite a bit since that weekend, but I haven’t noticed any real romancing going on. Allie swore that they didn’t even do anything the night she slept in his bed. She confided in me that she felt guilty because Jackson was sitting on the couch right down the hall. I told her she was screwed either way. (Pun intended!) She didn’t find me amusing.

  My work phone rang on my desk, breaking into my musings. “Good afternoon, Floyd Grim’s office, may I help you?”

  Silence. Then a quick indrawn breath that almost turned into panting.

  I hung the phone up after saying hello a few more times. Obviously someone was there but didn’t want to talk. I’d been getting hang up calls or heavy breathing calls for a while, but I really hadn’t thought anything of it because it didn’t happen very often. Here lately, though, I’d been getting two or three a day and it was starting to creep me out.

  I mentioned it to Floyd who just chalked it up to pranksters. We’d been pretty busy with clients, lately, and I was swamped, so I didn’t dwell on it.

  At the end of the day, I closed up the office and headed outside to meet Luke. Except Luke wasn’t there; Jackson was leaning up against a silver SUV, apparently waiting for me.

  “Jacks! Hey! What are you doing here?” I asked him, smiling and giving him a quick hug.

  “Luke got held up with a tattoo, so he asked me to come pick you up. I just got into town about an hour ago. I have a surprise but you have to wait until we get back to Skin Deep with the boys.” He smiled at me secretively.

  We pulled up at the shop and I p
ractically ran inside, dragging Jackson with me. As soon as we got through the door, I stopped beside him and looked up. “Well?” I waved my hand at him, silently telling him to get on with it.

  He laughed again and fondly kissed my forehead. “You’re so cute. But I’m not telling you yet.”

  I pouted.

  “Hey! What’d I tell you about touching my woman, Beckett?” I heard Luke yell behind us. I turned and went to him, sighing when he folded me into his warm embrace.

  Jackson walked over and, out of the blue, kissed Luke on his forehead. Luke scowled in mock anger and punched Jackson in the arm. Jackson laughed and retorted, “Yeah, I know you were just jealous of my kiss.” He made a show of wiping his lips off. “But damn, man, Emma feels much nicer against my lips.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at the bantering between the two of them. It got worse when Brandon came out from the back and joined in. When we settled down a bit, Jackson cleared his throat and his face turned serious.

  “Well, I was telling Emma that I have a surprise. So I guess I’ll just get it over with. I bought the property next door to you, Luke, and I’m moving back here. If you don’t mind, I’ll crash at your house until the house is built, but…I miss my friends.” He shrugged and I could tell there was something more that he wasn’t telling us, but I wasn’t going to pry. That was probably something that Luke would need to do. And then I could pry it out of him…

  “Hell, yes!” Luke shouted.

  “Bout damn time!” Brandon yelled over Luke.

  Jackson stood there and grinned at them, then turned and winked at me. “Alright, I’m buying dinner to celebrate!”

  We all went to Griff’s because it was right down the street and one of all of our favorite places. We sat and ate and the guys drank beer. We stayed later than dinner, because Monday nights were karaoke nights and we were laughing our asses off at Willy (town drunk, remember him?) singing There’s a Tear in My Beer while he stumbled around the stage. He almost fell off twice, but by the grace of God or some invisible wire we couldn’t see, he managed to stay up there.


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