brides for brothers 04 - cowboy surrender

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brides for brothers 04 - cowboy surrender Page 8

by Judy Christenberry

  He lowered his head toward hers, but she pulled away and ran the few short steps to her house.

  He caught her hand as she reached the steps, pulling her off balance into his arms. She settled against him as her breath escaped. “Sorry, didn’t mean to take your breath away,” he assured her, still grinning. In truth, that’s just what he wanted to do.

  The door opening stopped him from kissing her.

  “Have a good time?” Mildred asked from the door, with Red standing beside her.

  “Yes,” B.J. answered as she pushed against Jake’s chest, trying to signal him to release her.

  He ignored her and smiled at the other couple. “It’s a nice restaurant. You should take Mildred there sometime, Red.”

  “I’ll do that.” Red leaned back and chastely kissed Mildred before coming down the steps past them. “Don’t mind me. Go ahead and kiss her a time or two.” With those instructions, he headed for the Randall house, and Mildred stepped inside and closed the door.

  Jake immediately bent to act upon those orders, but B.J. put her hand between their lips just in the nick of time. “They’re gone. We don’t have to kiss.”

  Oh, yes, they did. With her pressed against him, kissing was the least of what he wanted to do. “They’re probably watching. By now Red’s reached the window over the kitchen sink.” He glanced toward B.J.’s. “I just saw the lace curtain twitch in your house. Want to bet Mildred’s not watching?”

  She started to turn her head, to see if she could see the curtain moving, but he stopped her by catching her face in his hands and lowering his lips to hers. Heaven. The long wait since yesterday morning in the pasture was over.

  Her soft, warm lips molded to his, and he let his hands wander down the silk that covered her, memorizing the wonderful curves. He deepened the kiss, wanting to touch and feel every inch of her. It was like a craving he’d had for chocolate ice cream as a boy. He’d almost made himself sick eating it, but he’d still wanted more.

  And he wanted more of B.J.


  B.J. kept repeating that protest in her head. But her heart wasn’t listening. Or maybe it was her body that urged her closer and closer in Jake’s embrace. Her arms stole around his neck, and she opened to his urging.

  His kisses were like bolts of lightning running through her, electrifying her body. His hands set her on fire, doubly so when he covered her breast with one of them, massaging and stroking her until she thought she’d explode.

  When his lips left hers to trail kisses down her neck, one of his hands began unbuttoning her dress. She covered his hand with hers, knowing she couldn’t let him disrobe her outside her house, and lured his lips back to hers.

  Only as a distraction, of course.

  Only to keep him from venturing other places.

  Only to keep her sanity.

  “Let’s go inside,” Jake whispered between kisses.

  Inside. Inside with Mildred. And Toby.

  “No! No, I have to go inside, but you should go home. I—I think we’ve been more than convincing,” she whispered, pressing her hands against his chest, urging him to let her go.

  Before she forgot she had to go.

  “We need to rethink things,” Jake whispered. He wasn’t attempting to kiss her lips again, but he hadn’t released her either. In fact, he was kissing her neck again.

  “R-rethink what?”

  “The affair.”

  “We’re not having an affair!” she quickly reminded.

  “That’s what we need to rethink.”

  This time she shoved harder and gained a couple of inches as he looked at her. “No. No, we can’t rethink that. And we can’t k-kiss like this.”

  “But we have to convince Red and Mildred.”

  “Did you believe Red loves Mildred?”

  “Yes, of course. You know he does.”

  “Have you ever seen him kiss Mildred like—like you just kissed me?” She sure hadn’t.

  “No, but I imagine they do when no one’s looking. Just because they’re older than us doesn’t mean—”

  “I’m not talking about their age! I’m saying we don’t need to kiss like you just kissed me. You could just hug me or something.”

  “Hug you? I hug Janie and Megan and Anna. I hug Mrs. Miller sometimes, too. I hug Toby. I hug my brothers. How is that going to make someone believe I’m having an affair with you?”

  “I don’t want them to think we’re having an affair!” she said, almost choking on her words. The man was going to give her a heart attack.

  “You’re asking an awful lot, B.J.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He lifted his hand from her shoulder and stroked his thumb across her cheek. “You want people to believe that we, uh, care about each other…but we’re not doing anything about it? We’re not inexperienced teenagers.”

  “We’re not animals in heat, either!” she returned hotly.

  He looked as though he might argue that point, and she held her breath. She wasn’t sure she could come up with logic after the way she’d reacted to his kiss.

  A lopsided grin covered his face, making her want to kiss him again. “Well, now, the problem is my reputation is going to suffer.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I haven’t had a girlfriend in a while. People are going to think I’ve forgotten what to do with one.”

  “Jake, you’re being ridiculous!”

  “Maybe. Maybe I’m trying to figure a way out of our situation without going crazy. Holding you like this and not doing anything about it isn’t easy.”

  She tried to put more space between them, but he resisted. “Wouldn’t it be easier if you turned me loose?” she whispered.

  “Yeah.” His grin widened. “But not near as much fun.”

  “Jake, you’re impossible,” she protested, but she couldn’t help smiling back at him.

  “Yeah, I know. My brothers have told me.”

  He still held her against him, and she was reluctant to break contact with him, in spite of the shivers that were coursing through her. Finally she pulled away again, and this time he let her go.

  “Are we going to be able to do this?” she asked, drawing a deep, shuddering breath, feeling the cool night air now that she was no longer pressed against his heated body.

  Again he ran his thumb over her cheek. “Yeah, baby, we can do this. For Red and Mildred, we can do this.”

  She nodded, unable to say anything.

  He leaned over and briefly, oh so briefly, kissed her again. A kiss almost as chaste as the one Red had given Mildred.

  When he pulled away, several feet away this time, he gave her another lopsided grin. “I think we just need to practice, that’s all.”

  Then, with a wave, he turned away and strode across the yard to his house.

  B.J. stood there, in the deep Wyoming night, watching him walk away. Wondering how she’d survive any more practice as potent as tonight’s had been.

  Chapter Eight

  Jake was late down to breakfast the next morning, an unusual occurrence. But he’d had trouble sleeping after his evening with B.J.—and his night without her.

  “Gettin’ lazy in your old age, brother?” Chad asked as he entered the kitchen.

  “It’s not his old age,” Pete drawled. “It’s starting up with a woman again. You know how that cuts up your peace, Chad.”

  The three women at the table, Anna, Megan and Janie, protested Pete’s words, but Jake ignored all of it. He was busy filling a coffee mug. He needed some caffeine.

  “Jake, Halloween’s almost here,” Janie suddenly said.

  He approached the table, his coffee in his hand, and raised one eyebrow at his sister-in-law. “And?”

  “I wondered about a Halloween party.”

  “A party? Haven’t we entertained enough this year with all the weddings?” He sat down and began heaping his plate with scrambled eggs and sausage.

  “But, Jake,” Meg
an protested, “we could combine Halloween with your birthday.”

  His head snapped up. “My birthday?” He stared at his three brothers. “Who’s been talking?”

  “Is it a secret?” Anna asked. “I think it’s nice to celebrate together.”

  Jake couldn’t complain after Anna’s words. They all knew she’d had no family until she joined theirs. “No, Anna, it’s not a secret, but, well, I guess I’m getting to the age that celebrating a birthday isn’t that important.”

  “But it would be fun. Couldn’t we have a party?”

  Jake groaned. He couldn’t say no. “If you want to, I don’t mind. But I don’t see any reason to include my birthday.”

  “Well, we were going to celebrate yours and Toby’s birthdays together. They’re the same day. That’s how we knew. Toby told us,” Janie explained. Jake grinned. He’d told Toby a month ago that they shared the same birthday, October 27. He enjoyed the time he spent with the little guy. “He’s young enough to be excited about birthdays.”

  “But he’s even more excited about sharing his day with you,” Megan explained. “If we celebrate his birthday without celebrating yours, he’ll be upset.”

  Jake sighed and chewed his eggs. Finally he swallowed and looked up to see his family watching him. “Fine. Have a party.”

  “Thanks, Jake,” Anna said with a grin.

  His brothers stood up, ready to go to work, and he hastily took another bite before joining them. At least he wouldn’t have to worry about matchmaking since he and B.J. were pretending.

  He’d just have to worry about staying in a state of frustration and getting no sleep.

  When the door closed behind the four brothers, the three women grinned at each other.

  “Perfect. He agreed. Does everyone have a list ready?” Janie asked.

  “Yes, but Jake’s not going to want to see Mindy again,” Megan said.

  “We can’t worry about what Jake wants,” Janie said. “We have to keep the pressure on so he’ll hold on to B.J.”

  “I agree,” Anna said. “They’re so cute together.”

  “All right,” Megan agreed. “We all invite every bachelorette we know.”

  “Yeah,” Janie agreed, a grin on her face, “it’s going to be a real scary Halloween for Jake.”

  “HAVE YOU AND RED SET a date yet?” B.J. asked her aunt the morning after her dinner with Jake.

  “Not yet. I guess we’d better hurry before you and Jake beat us to it. Last night it looked like the two of you were gettin’ pretty cozy.”

  “What’s ‘cozy’ mean?” Toby asked as he scooped his cereal into his mouth.

  “Don’t talk with your mouth full,” B.J. immediately said, casting a warning look at Mildred.

  Toby chewed and then repeated his question.

  “That means they’re being friendly,” Mildred explained.

  “Then me and Mr. Jake are cozy, too,” Toby said with satisfaction. “He’s going to take me to McDonald’s.”

  “I’m not sure—” B.J. began. She thought it would be a good idea to cushion her son, in case McDonald’s didn’t work out.

  Toby interrupted her. “Mr. Jake always does what he says, Mommy. Mr. Red told me.”

  She immediately thought of the good-night kiss last night. He’d promised to keep the kisses to a minimum, but she didn’t think that kiss could be considered minimal in any way. She sighed. Maybe next time he would—

  “You okay?” Mildred asked, watching her.

  “Yes, of course. Well, it’s almost time for school. Better go get ready, Toby.”

  “Okay. Don’t forget about making cupcakes for my birthday at school, Aunt Mildred. And make an extra one for Mr. Jake, ’cause it’s his birthday, too.”

  “Land’s sake, boy, we’ve got more than a week before your birthday. I’ll get those cupcakes made on time. Don’t you worry about it.”

  Toby grinned and rushed from the room.

  B.J. realized she’d have to pull herself together and plan a party for her little boy. And figure out what to buy him for his birthday.

  “When are you going to go shopping?” Mildred asked.

  B.J. smiled. Trust Mildred to read her mind. “I don’t know. And I don’t have any idea about what to get him. Got any suggestions?”

  “How about a sexy nightgown?”

  B.J. stared at her aunt, wondering if she’d lost her mind.

  Mildred grinned. “I’m not talking about Toby’s birthday present. I’m talking about Jake.”

  “You think I should get Jake a sexy nightgown?”

  “I think that’s what he’d like…as long as you were wearing it.”


  “Don’t you go playing the innocent with me, Barbara Jo,” Mildred said, her cheeks almost as red as B.J.’s. “I peeked at the two of you on the porch.”

  Flashes of the time spent outside with Jake last night did nothing to ease B.J.’s embarrassment. Desperately she sought for a reason to dismiss Mildred’s assessment of their relationship. “Jake isn’t—”

  Footsteps sounded on the porch steps. Mildred leaned back to look out the window. “Jake is here. Guess he couldn’t wait to see you.”

  B.J. jumped up from her chair, her mind frantically looking for reasons for Jake’s arrival. “Probably there’s a problem with the herd.” She tried to ignore Mildred’s knowing smile as she left the kitchen.

  She swung open the door just as Jake had raised his fist to knock. “Hi. Is something wrong?”

  “Nope. How did you know I was here?”

  “Mildred saw you. She thinks—Never mind. What is it?” She gnawed on her bottom lip, anxiously waiting his response.

  He reached out and ran his thumb along her lip. “Don’t do that. Or I’m going to swallow you whole.”

  Jerking back, she pressed her lips together, hoping to convince him that his words didn’t affect her at all.

  “I needed to talk to you,” he finally said.

  “Now? Here? But—”

  “Why don’t you walk over to the barn with me? You can tell Mildred I wanted you to look at one of the mares.”

  Grateful for his suggestion that implied a return to normalcy, him the rancher, her the veterinarian, she slipped through the door and closed it behind her.

  Silently they crossed the yard and entered the horse barn. As soon as the door closed behind them, she whirled around and asked again, “What is it?”

  “I just thought I’d tell you that the girls are planning a Halloween-birthday party. I’m sure they think we’re together and will expect you to-to look forward to the party.”

  “Okay.” She kept trying to figure out why he thought it necessary to tell her that first thing this morning. It wasn’t as if she’d throw up her hands in horror if one of her friends mentioned the party. “Is that all?”

  “They may expect you to buy me a birthday present,” he added, seemingly a little embarrassed.

  B.J. knew her cheeks were bright red, but she couldn’t help thinking about Mildred’s suggestion. “I’ve already discussed that with Mildred.” Then she wished she’d kept her mouth closed.

  “Oh? Did Mildred have any ideas?”

  “Nothing that would work. I don’t suppose you could give me any ideas?” That would be a help, since she couldn’t think of a single thing to get him. And she hoped her question would distract him from what Mildred had suggested.

  “Anything will do. I’ll pay you for it as soon as you buy something.”

  She stared at him. “Why would you do that?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “No reason for you to waste your money on a gift for me.”

  She was amazed to see his cheeks redden, as if her buying something for him would embarrass him. “Do your brothers give you presents?”

  “We never did much for birthdays. We were a houseful of men, you know. Dad usually gave us each a savings bond.”

  B.J. stared at him, picturing a little boy Toby’s age receiving a savings
bond as his only birthday present. “Toby wouldn’t be satisfied with a piece of paper,” she murmured, smiling wryly at Jake.

  “I need some ideas about a present for Toby,” Jake immediately said, a smile lighting his face.

  “He likes toy trucks.” She couldn’t help smiling back. “How about you? Do you like trucks?”

  “Only big ones.”

  “Mmm,” she said, chuckling. “I think a big one is out of my price range.”

  “That’s okay. Mine is in good shape. And I think I’d rather have something else from you.” The light in his eyes gave her a hint of his meaning.

  “Like what?”

  “Let’s go back to what Mildred suggested.”

  “What are you talking about?” she said, but she turned to study the saddle hanging on the wall rather than look at him.

  “I’m not sure. But whatever it is sure makes you blush. I figured it must be pretty good.”

  “Jake, you’re teasing me. Don’t you have to get to work?” One thing she already knew about the big, handsome cowboy—he loved to tease.

  “I guess you’re right. My brothers were already curious when I told ’em to go on without me.”

  “Then I’ll be on my way, too. I’ve got some calls to make.”

  When she started to move past him, he reached out and caught her shoulders. “Wait a minute. I’ve been good. I think I deserve a goodbye kiss.”

  She swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. “There’s no one around to impress. I don’t see any reason to—”

  “I do.”

  His lips covered hers. Groaning, she gave herself up to the magical touch that always sent her heart soaring. She slid her hands across his chest, beneath his jacket, indulging her needs.

  “Mommy, Aunt Mildred said—”

  Toby’s piping voice intruded upon her bliss. She ripped herself from Jake’s embrace to find her little boy staring up at the two of them.

  “Hi, Mr. Jake. Why are you kissing my mommy?”

  JAKE ALWAYS ENJOYED spending time with Toby. But he wished the boy had arrived five minutes later. That might’ve given him enough time to enjoy B.J.’s kiss.


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