Slim Chance

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Slim Chance Page 8

by Jeff Erno

  “Tell me, Oliver, what brings you here.”

  “Well….” He gulped and looked down, fidgeting nervously with his pant legs, smoothing out the material on his fat thighs. “I’ve been quite overweight for some time now, since back, um… clear back to when I was in school.”

  “And you’re how old now?”


  “You’ve certainly come to the right place, Oliver. You said Brad Evans referred you?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been dieting for the past few months. I know it’s hard to tell by looking at me, but I’ve lost about sixty pounds so far.”

  “Holy Moses!” Adam slapped his hand on his thigh as he grinned from ear to ear. “Congrats, man! That’s fantastic.”

  Oliver smiled, somewhat shyly. Adam’s praise embarrassed him for some reason. “When I first started, I couldn’t do much. I mean, in the way of exercise, I was sort of limited. It was hard for me to even walk long distances.”

  “And now?”

  “Now I walk every day, sometimes as much as eight or nine miles. I have a wristband odometer I use. And I recently bought an exercise bike I use in my garage. I try to go a few miles every day.”

  “Sounds like you’re doing amazing. Have you had a physical?”

  Oliver nodded. “Everything checks out. No problems with my heart or anything, and I don’t smoke.”

  “Good, good.” Adam nodded, all the while still smiling. “So at this point, you’re thinking you might be ready to kick things up to the next level? Get yourself a personal trainer and a workout routine?”

  He didn’t know whether to nod or shrug. “Well… I at least wanted to talk about it, get your opinion.”

  “How long have you been dieting, Oliver?”

  “A little shy of six months.”

  “Wow, sixty pounds in six months. That’s incredible. Hmm, I think you’re probably due to start slowing down significantly. You’re likely to plateau anytime now. But if we can get you on an exercise program and ramp up your metabolism a bit, I think we might be able to keep you on the right track, sort of counter your body’s natural tendency to protect its fat.”


  “Your body, it operates in self-defense mode most of the time. It stores fat, probably as a result of the way humans used to more or less hibernate. It’s going to try to protect that fat, not likely to give it up without a fight.”

  “Wow, I never thought of it that way.”

  “What you and I see as a toned, fit body, Mother Nature views as merely sustenance of the status quo. But we don’t go for long periods of time without eating anymore. We don’t need to store so much fat. It’s not healthy.”

  Oliver nodded. What Adam said made sense. That still didn’t explain how some people ate so much without gaining weight and others packed on the pounds with no effort whatsoever. Adam seemed to almost read his mind, though, and indicated as much with his follow-up comment.

  “That’s not to say some of us aren’t genetically more predisposed to gain weight. Tell me about your family. Are your parents and siblings heavy as well?”

  “My mom is heavy, but not as bad as me. And Dad, well, a little bit. I’m an only child.”

  “Did you grow up eating a lot of fatty, unhealthy foods?”

  “Pretty much, but I didn’t think of it that way at the time. Those comfort foods my mom made all the time were my favorites. And then… well, you know college. Fast food, pizza, stuff like that.”

  “Exactly.” Adam nodded along with everything Oliver was saying. “And I’m assuming most of those are things of the past at this point, after losing so much already?”

  “I honestly haven’t cheated even once. But damn… I’ve been tempted. This time was different, though.”

  “Hmm. Do you know why? Why have you succeeded this time? I’m assuming you mean you tried before and failed.”

  “Yeah, lots of times. This time, I was getting fitted for a tux. I stood up in my friend’s wedding, and as I looked at myself in the mirror, I just lost it. Sort of had a meltdown, and I hated what I saw. I decided that no matter what, I was going to lose the weight.”

  “So you’re doing this for you? It’s not to please your parents or to impress a girl or anything?” He grinned and winked.

  “I should be honest.” Oliver gulped. “I’m not into girls.”

  “Again, you’ve come to the right place!” Adam reached out and slapped Oliver on the shoulder, squeezing it. “Most of the staff and a big portion of the clientele here are gay. And that’s probably part of the reason Brad referred you.”


  “I doubt he’d be upset with me outing him. He’s pretty open about his relationship with Todd.”

  “The nurse that works in his office?”

  “Is Brad’s husband, yes.” Adam beamed.

  “Wow.” So his gaydar hadn’t been all whacko. He hadn’t been projecting after all. But that being said, he now felt even more awkward in front of this gorgeous man. Adam was not only hot but also gay!

  “I don’t know if Brad told you, but he used to be quite a bit heavier than you are now. How much are you? About two-sixty?”

  “Two seventy-four. I was three thirty-two when I started.”

  “Yeah, I’d say Brad was at least four hundred, and look at him now.”

  “He’s… um… gorgeous.”

  Adam smiled. “Don’t you dare tell him that. He has a big enough ego as it is.” Strange, Oliver hadn’t gotten that impression. If anything, Brad seemed humble and self-effacing to him. Was it an act, perhaps, or was Adam just teasing?

  “I probably wouldn’t say this to most people.” Oliver looked up into Adam’s eyes. “But I’m interested in someone, and we’ve kind of, sort of… ya know….”

  “You met someone you’re hot for?” Adam raised his eyebrows, once again smiling his trademark grin.

  “You make it sound so dirty. And delicious.”

  “I know, right? Isn’t it, though? But hey, that’s cool. Is this guy pretty supportive of your weight-loss efforts?”

  “He’s the best. Yeah, really supportive, but he’s super skinny.”

  Adam shrugged. “You know what they say about skinny guys.”

  Oliver felt his face heating up. “Yeah. Um, I know.”

  “Well, that’s cool, but just so you know, I’m going to try to keep you focused on your original goal. You have to remain determined to do this for you.” He pointed his finger at Oliver’s chest. “What’s your honey’s name?”

  “My honey?” Oliver laughed. “His name’s Benjy.”

  “Aww. Okay, just remember this is all about Oliver, not Benjy, not that Benjy won’t reap some awesome rewards in the long run.” He winked.

  “But… but we haven’t even talked about it yet.”

  Adam leaned back on the desk and pulled out a drawer from the other side. He retrieved a brochure and handed it to Oliver. “These are my rates. Let’s start out privately. We can meet early mornings if you’d like, say eight o’clock. Most new clients aren’t keen on having an audience.”

  “Yeah, that’ll work great. I can come in before work.”

  “We’ll make our first few appointments at eight, and when you get the routine down, you’ll be able to arrive as early as you want. I get here around eight usually, but eventually you’ll be able to start without me.”

  “How often should I come?”

  “Why, every day. You should come every single day. We won’t work the same muscle group every day, but you’ll need to get in the habit of exercising daily.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  “I’m not always here every day myself. I’m supposed to take a couple days off every week, which I sometimes do.” He laughed. “I know, I’m married to my job. I love it that much. But even when I’m not here, there’ll be a trainer available if you need assistance. And to start with, I won’t leave you on your own.”

  “So, should I start tomorrow?”

s a date.” He held out his hand to shake. “Oliver, I’m excited about this. Aren’t you?”

  Oliver nodded and smiled.

  “I can’t wait to get started.” Adam patted him on the back.

  Chapter Eight

  AFTER RINGING for Benjy three times and getting no response, Oliver considered just dialing him on his cell phone. Perhaps he’d stepped out for a bit, possibly gone for a walk or something. His car remained in the lot, right next to Oliver’s SUV. But as Oliver dug into his pocket for his cell, Benjy’s voice finally crackled through the PA system. “Who is it?”

  Oliver pressed the button and spoke into the mic. “Benjy, it’s Ollie. Are you okay?” He didn’t sound good at all.

  “Yeah, sorry. I’ll buzz you in.”

  The door clicked, and Oliver grabbed the knob and pushed it open. Benjy lived on the third floor, which usually meant using the elevator. Instead he took the stairs two at a time. Slightly winded, he huffed down the hallway and stopped in front of Benjy’s door. Before he could knock, the door opened.

  “Benjy, are you okay?” Oliver walked into the room as Benjy took a step back. His eyes were red, as if he’d been crying. What had happened?

  “Sorry, I was taking a nap.”

  “Really? I didn’t know you took naps after work.”

  “Oh.” Benjy shrugged. “I guess I don’t usually, but maybe I’m still tired after this weekend. You want a beer or something?”

  Oliver shook his head. He tried avoiding all alcohol, especially beer. “Maybe just a water if you have one.”

  He followed Benjy to the kitchen, and as he might have expected, it was spotless. The whole apartment was neat and tidy, the opposite of Oliver’s. But that was Benjy, fastidious about details, neurotic when it came to keeping everything organized. It wasn’t the apartment itself that concerned Oliver, though. It was Benjy. He wasn’t acting like Benjy.

  “Are you mad at me?”

  Benjy opened the fridge and removed a bottled water, then handed it to Oliver. “No. Why?”

  “You just… um, I don’t know. You seem pissed or something.”

  He shook his head. “You didn’t have to come over. You already said you were busy, and that’s fine.”

  “Wait, Benjy… no, I think you misunderstood what I said. I didn’t say I was busy.”

  “I thought we had the most perfect weekend ever. In fact, I thought of it as life-changing.”

  “It was!”

  “But then last night, you just dropped me off here. I was surprised. Disappointed, even. But I just thought you were tired or something. Then you hardly talked at work, and when I asked you over, you brushed me off. Ollie, I can take a hint. If you don’t like being around me—”

  Oliver set the bottle on the countertop, perhaps more forcefully than he intended, then immediately grabbed Benjy by the shoulders. “Are you fucking nuts or something? Benjy, I dropped you off last night because… well, because if I hadn’t, I’d have fucking ravaged you! I wanted you so damn bad, and you’re all I thought about all night.”

  “I was…?”

  “And today, God, it was just a busy day. After the weekend, we had so much shit to do. And I told you, I had an appointment after work. I was worried about it. It was….” He took a deep breath. “It was with the dude down at the gym, my personal trainer. I joined the gym today, and I’m starting a workout routine with him. We had to talk about it.”

  “Wh-why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I don’t know. I… um, well, I wanted to wait to see what he was like first. I hadn’t decided if I was even going to be able to do it. But he seems really cool, and I think what he’s offering is perfect for me. And you know what? He’s gay! And I told him about you.”

  “You told him about me?” Benjy stared up at him, his eyes wide and magnificently brown. “What did you say?”

  “I said you’re a fucking pain in my ass.”

  Benjy continued to stare at him, neither frowning nor smiling.

  “No, I didn’t say that. I said you’re amazing, and I’m interested in you. I said you motivate me.”

  Finally, Benjy smiled. “I think you had it right the first time. I think I am a pain in the ass.”



  “Shut up.” He grabbed Benjy and pulled him in for a passionate, tongue-on-tongue kiss. Benjy wrapped his arms around Oliver, standing on tiptoe, and pressed his body against Oliver’s. Oliver slid his hands down Benjy’s back, caressing him as they kissed.

  On impulse, Oliver reached down and swept Benjy into his arms with an uncharacteristically smooth and chivalrous movement. Startled, Benjy clung to his neck, all the while continuing to plant sloppy kisses, deep and passionate against Oliver’s lips. Oliver stumbled, then righted himself as he moved toward the archway. After twisting his body awkwardly, he carried his little man into the living room, where he gently laid him on the love seat.

  Oliver slid down in front of him, first on one knee, then the other, and faced Benjy at eye level. Benjy held on to his shoulders as Oliver leaned in to kiss him, starting with his lips and working his way downward. He found the smooth, sensitive area on Benjy’s neck, and as he kissed and sucked, Benjy squirmed. He spread his legs wide, wrapping them as best he could around Oliver’s wider body, and Oliver pressed himself forward, his pelvic area now grazing against the sofa cushions.

  Aroused and throbbing rock-hard, Oliver moaned. He reached toward Benjy’s shirttail, grasping frantically. At last he lay hold of it and pulled it upward. He backed off momentarily in order to peel the shirt over Benjy’s head. The smooth, lean torso now lay bare before him, a delicious playground. He stared down at it, amazed by Benjy’s slender beauty and his tight, rock-hard abs. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on the dude’s body.

  Oh so carefully, so worshipfully, Oliver ghosted his fingers along the unblemished flesh. He leaned in and kissed Benjy in the cleft of his pecs, though they weren’t exactly what you’d call well-defined. They were perfect nonetheless, and his fingers soon found Benjy’s nipples. Working his way down, he continued to kiss and lave. Benjy squirmed on the miniature sofa, thrusting his pelvis against Oliver’s torso.

  Oliver at last reached Benjy’s waistband. He grasped it and began to tug downward.

  “Oliver… oh God! Take your shirt off!”

  He shook his head. “No. Please, Benjy.” He looked up at him, stared him directly in the eye. “Please let me make this about you. Please. Just let me… let me pleasure you this once.”

  “Oh, Oliver.” Benjy’s eyes grew wide and moist, and he nodded.

  With Benjy’s cooperation, Oliver peeled the shorts and underwear off, tugging them down past his thighs and calves and eventually discarding them beside him on the floor. He looked down at the gorgeous body in front of him, now completely naked, and marveled that Benjy was every bit as enticing as he’d imagined. His cock indeed seemed oversized on a body that compact. It jutted upward, extending to his navel, throbbing in anticipation.

  Smiling, Oliver wrapped his hand around the shaft and pressed his fingers against the underside of Benjy’s cock. As he squeezed, a pearl of precum emerged in the slit and slowly oozed out. Benjy bit his bottom lip and moaned. He held his hands to the side, gripping the cushions of the loveseat.

  “You’re beautiful,” Oliver rasped. “Only about ten times more awesome than I’d fantasized.”

  Benjy reached up and grabbed Oliver’s shoulders, then tried to lean forward for another kiss, but Oliver used his free hand to press against Benjy’s chest. “Lay back, baby. Just enjoy, okay?”

  He scooted back a tiny bit and leaned forward, bending at the waist. Pressing his nose against Benjy’s shaft, he inhaled deeply as he licked Benjy’s swollen ball sac. He’d never smelled it before, other than from his own body. He had no idea how intoxicating the scent of another man’s musk actually was. He licked furiously, darting his tongue back and forth, dancing across Benjy’s sensitive nuts. Benjy moaned a
nd laughed, squirming on the sofa, all the while spreading his legs wide and holding on to Oliver’s shoulders. “Ollie! Oh fuck, Ollie!”

  Finally, Oliver licked his way up the throbbing cock, then parted his lips and pressed them against the massive swollen cockhead. As he slid downward, he pressed his tongue against the shaft, careful to guard against any contact of his teeth. He formed a suction around the shaft and savored the smoothness of the flesh in his mouth. This act—sucking dick—had been a product of Oliver’s masturbatory fantasies for so long, he didn’t even remember exactly when it had started. He’d jacked off to the mental images. He’d viewed porn. He’d experienced nocturnal emissions. But he’d never actually done it. Benjy was his first—his very first.

  “Ollie, oh my God, it feels… it feels so amazing.”

  Excited, Oliver began to bob, sliding up and down on the shaft. He continued his ministrations, wrapping his fist around the base of the cock in order to deliver a hand-mouth combo like he’d seen a million times in porn. Benjy’s reaction was every bit as exciting as the porn stars—more so, in fact. And it didn’t take nearly as long as he expected.

  “Baby, oh God. You’re gonna make me come!”

  Oliver sucked madly, sliding down the shaft as far as he could. Taking it deep, over three-quarters of the way down, he held his position and sucked furiously. At last, he felt the cock twitch against his tongue. It pulsed as the cumload fired through the shaft and erupted voluminously into Oliver’s hungry mouth. Gulping, he swallowed as Benjy cried out, squirming on the sofa and grasping Oliver’s shoulders. He thrust his pelvis upward reflexively, moaning in ecstasy.

  Oliver at first pulled back, staring directly into Benjy’s contorted face. He leaned in to kiss him, pressing his lower body firmly against the sofa cushion. He too was throbbing, more excited than he’d ever been, and as he pressed his body inward, the friction against his groin sent a shiver throughout his body. He moaned and spontaneously erupted in his underwear, firing his load without even touching himself.


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