Cowboy Edition EBook

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Cowboy Edition EBook Page 10

by Maree, Kay

  “Nash,” my mum's sweet voice cuts through my hard stare to my dad.

  “What?” I grumble, forking another mouthful of mashed potatoes into my mouth, not looking in her direction knowing that voice.

  My mum is as sweet as pie, but I know she will kick my ass if I start something at the dinner table.

  “I was just saying to Cora that you would be happy to take her for a tour of the town tomorrow.” She smiles sweetly at me and I notice the shine in her eyes.

  What is she up to? I wonder.

  Scanning my eyes around the table as my parents look at me expectantly.

  Glancing towards Cora, her head is bowed as she runs the tines of the fork through her food, not even looking at me.

  Her thick, light brown hair creates a curtain around her face, so I don’t have a clue what she is thinking.

  The soft blonde highlights shine from the overhead light.

  I am so zoned in on watching her every movement that it takes me a minute to realise I haven’t answered my mum when a small kick to my shin snaps me out of my head.

  “Shit,” I hiss, reaching down and rubbing the spot.

  I open my mouth as I try to think of everything I have to do tomorrow.

  I’m sure Brett could step in for a few hours so as not to leave dad in the lurch.

  I open my mouth to answer, but Cora beats me to it.

  “It’s fine, Mrs Steel, I don’t want to bother anyone and Nash probably has things to do. Besides, I’m a big girl. If you don’t mind, I'll catch a ride with you when you go to work, I used to work in a bar and still have my certificates. Maybe I can give you a hand,” as the last words leave her mouth she lifts her head with a small tilt, her small fingers slide her hair behind a delicate ear as a sweet smile kisses her lips.

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to say fuck no but I have no rights over this woman and I can’t tell her what to do but just the thought of her behind the bar serving liquored up horny men in this town grates down my back.

  What the fuck is wrong with me, I think running a rough hand down my face but the image of her smiling at every cock in town has my nose flaring and I can feel the pop in my jaw knowing too well the muscle is ticking. I don’t even know this woman, but fuck if I want her slinging beer at the local waterhole.

  “Oh, dear girl, you don’t have to do that.” Mum places her hand on top of Cora’s giving it a little squeeze.

  I cut my eyes to mum’s and notice she is trying to hide the amused look on her face.

  “I would love to help you out, I never really planned for what I would do when I got here. I don’t want to just sit around and not help out,” she shrugs as her expressive eyes seem to dull a little.

  “I would love the help,” Mum says, smiling brightly, not missing a beat.

  “Fuck,” I grunt running my hand through my hair gripping the back of my neck trying to squeeze out some of the tension that’s settled there since she fell out of Dad’s truck this afternoon and straight into my arms.

  She is so small she looked like she needed a goddamn step ladder to get down. Before I knew what I was doing, I was by her side catching her by the arms and pulling her into my chest. The scent of wildflowers surrounded me and it was like I was trapped in a trance as she lifted her head and the most memorising eyes hit mine and locked.

  Do you remember those mood rings you had as a child?

  Well, that's what they looked like.

  Hazel, green and light blue swirling together and shined as the sun belted down on us, my breath lodged itself in my throat and everywhere she touched me felt like tiny pinpricks were running across every inch of skin and waking my body up, making sure I took notice.

  Her warm breath skated across my skin and all I wanted to do was seal my lips with hers, so I could steal her next breath and let it settle deep inside me. Her soft pouty lips opened and like a bird’s song, her words slipped past her lips.

  My fingers flexed against her soft skin and I had to plant my feet firmly into the dirt ground so I didn’t just throw her over my shoulder then and there and storm back to my place and lay her out, so I could explore every single curve of her body.

  “Nash, that is three times you have cursed at my table,” my mother scolds pointing her finger at me snapping me out of my head.

  Fuck, what is up with this zoning out shit? my concentration is pissed up the wall tonight.

  Shaking my head, my lips twitch when a soft giggle reaches my ears.

  “Sorry mum, it's been a rough day,” my voice comes out gruffer than I intended.

  Clearing my throat.

  I take another pull from my beer, savouring the taste so I don’t put my foot in it again.

  “Right, well no excuses I raised you better than that so act like it.”

  Nodding I dig back into my food as mum begins the Spanish inquisition into Cora’s life making me shake my head but Cora doesn’t seem to mind as she answers each of her questions.

  Her voice takes on a sad, soft tone when Mum asks what brought her here.

  “My best friend's sister planned to come but something came up so Sophie suggested I should come and try to clear my head and de-stress,” she shrugs looking down but I catch the glassy expression in her eyes before she begins to play with her food again.

  Something twists in my stomach knowing that’s not the whole story, but right now isn’t the time to go fishing for the information.

  Looking at my parents, I see the look that passes between them, knowing they are thinking the same as me.

  “Who wants coffee?” my mother blurts, pushing back from the table.

  “If you don’t mind it’s been a long day and I wouldn’t mind lying down,” Cora says pushing back from the table at the same time.

  “Of course child let me show you to your room and where you can wash up.”

  “Thank you. It was lovely meeting you Nash,” she mumbles nodding her head, not meeting my eyes.

  All I want to do is reach out and lift her chin just for one more look at her eyes, but before I can move she’s heading towards the bright pink suitcase sitting near the bottom of the stairs.

  “You too,” I get out watching Mum lead her upstairs.

  My eyes staying glued to the spot Cora was standing in for longer than normal until Dad's voice cuts through my trance.

  “Idiot,” he mumbles, chuckling.

  “What?” I grunt, snapping my head in his direction.

  But he doesn’t say anything he just shakes his head before he pushes up from the table and starts collecting the dirty plates and I follow suit.

  “She’s a sweet girl,” Dad remarks on my second trip back to the kitchen and all I can do is nod.

  “You should have seen her in the plane you would think at any minute she was going to die,” he laughs.

  “She was shaking like a leaf. I thought the minute the door opened she wanted to run out and fall to her knees and kiss the tarmac.” He laughs harder pulling two more beers from the fridge tilting his head towards the back door.

  Following down the hall, we push through the back screen door and take a seat at the solid timber outdoor setting.

  Taking a pull of my beer, I look out at the stars shining brightly across the inky black night sky, a peacefulness washing over me as a cool breeze floats around us after a hard day in the boiling sun. Nothing beats sitting out here and relaxing, but tonight a tightness grips me. Looking over towards my two-storey home 100 yards away, the feeling only gets worse knowing all I’m going back to is a big empty house.

  Something that never worried me before, but tonight I can’t think of anything worse.

  Not long after I turned 20 my father, myself along with a few farmhands built the modern-day five-bedroom white farmhouse with a beautifully handcrafted wraparound porch with a beautiful carved wooden swing chair.

  Inside is stunning with smooth lines, glossy finishes, hardwood floors, weathered furnitur
e with a hint of industrial touches throughout topped off with a chef's delight kitchen with stainless steel appliances, a massive breakfast bar and everything done in warm natural colours.

  There were splashes of black in the tap wear, door handles and sleek lighting that ties it all together, making the whole look rustic and sophisticated. I wasn’t too worried when we started planning the build as long as I had somewhere to rest my head at night and my cowboy boots sat at the door with a hook for my Stetson. I didn’t give two shits but then my mum got involved and said this will be a home her grandbabies would be growing up in so it had to be perfect. At the time I told the woman she was bloody nuts, but to make her happy I let her have at it, never imagining myself settling down.

  Living in a town of a population of 191 people and every woman I meet or know from school had either been with my friends or they just weren’t my type.

  All they could ever think about was getting out of this small town and escaping to the big cities like Brisbane or the Gold Coast.

  Those places never called to me.

  I like the small-town vibe.

  I was born and raised here, and I plan on dying here.

  It’s nights like this looking over our land, the soft breeze blowing over my skin cooling me down from another long, hot ass day that I know this life is where I belong.

  The only problem now is the loneliness that sometimes slips in at night is gripping me a lot harder tonight.

  “Did you manage to get the cattle sorted out today?” Dad's voice cuts through my thoughts and I welcome the distraction.

  “Yeah, we have another lot of 50 to get branded tomorrow.”

  “So another long day.”

  I just nod, taking a deep pull of my beer.

  “Well, it should go quicker tomorrow with me being here.”

  “Yep, today wasn’t too bad until Paul twisted his ankle.”

  “How the hell did he do that?” laughter coats my father’s words cause we all know Paul is the clumsiest bastard I could ever meet I swear he trips over fucking air.

  “Don’t ask,” I chuckle shooting Dad a smirk making him chuckle harder shaking his head.

  Leaning back in my chair, I kick my boots up on the railing in front of me and soak in the calm of the night.

  “That young woman seems like she has had a hard time lately, maybe being out here will help her, I might introduce her to Destiny tomorrow,” he shrugs, taking a pull of his beer.

  Destiny is my mum's mare, a beautiful pure white Gypsy Vanner horse my father bought her about six years ago as an anniversary gift.

  My mum fell in love with her straight away.

  “Does she know how to ride?” I blurt out.

  A pit of worry settles through me that she could get hurt.

  “Not sure, but if not, I’m sure your mother can teach her.”

  “I’ll do it,” the words are out before I can stop them making him chuckle.

  “What old man?” I grumble, spinning the bottle in my hands not looking at him as I begin to pick at the label.

  “Not a thing, son.” Pushing to his feet, he throws his empty bottle into the glass bin on the other side of the railing before heading towards the back door.

  “Whatever you are going to do son, you better make it fast cause you have a week to pull it off and if she works with your mother, I’m sure someone else is gonna try something. She is going to be like a new flashy toy around town that any man with a brain will want to play with.”

  “She ain’t gonna be anyone’s fucking toy,” I growl as the legs of the chair hit the wooden deck with a loud thud.

  Pushing to my feet.

  Anger simmers just under the skin at the idea of some other fucker touching her.

  Just the thought of another guy touching her smooth skin, tasting those soft lips and looking into the most hypnotizing eyes I have ever seen spikes my anger even more and sends it pulsing through my veins.

  “Night son,” he calls over his shoulder, pushing through the door and sealing it shut behind him, not realising or giving a shit how pissed I am at his words.

  I have never felt jealousy before, but right this second there is no other explanation for what I am feeling right now.

  Cora is the vaccine I need to cure the loneliness that wraps around me at night.

  How is it possible to feel so strongly about someone after only a few hours and one meal?

  I have no answer to that question, but I ain’t gonna look a gift horse in the mouth.

  Instead, I’m gonna take the reins and ride to the very fucking end and hopefully, by the end, I will have what I never knew I wanted.

  Feeling a nudge against my leg I look down and see Yogi, my German Shepherd x Blue Heeler staring up at me.

  “Hey mate,” reaching down scratching behind his ear, he nudges his nose against my hand.

  “I’m gonna train you to bite the old man's ankles if he keeps going on with his bullshit,” I grunt making him bark, his tail starts wagging like crazy making me chuckle.

  Blowing out a rough breath, I lean my forearms against the wooden railing, looking out at the quiet night again.

  Listening as crickets begin to chirp and frogs croak the only sounds breaking through the still night.

  “Fuck,” I hiss, knowing my father just played the shit out of me.

  I was never interested in finding a woman before.

  I was happy with the land I shared with my parents, wrangling the cattle and riding my horse, but a few hours with the little thing inside has me wanting to change my whole world to fit her into it. Pushing away from the railing, I take the few steps down from the porch and start heading towards my house, throwing my empty bottle into the glass bin as I go.

  Yogi’s hot on my trail knowing it’s time for his dinner leaning my head back smiling up at the sky knowing shit is about to change big time and I can’t fucking wait.

  Little Miss Cora Hope better get ready to hang on tight because I'm coming for her, and I don’t think I will ever let her go once I wrangle her and brand that ass as mine.

  Operation make the girl with the mood ring eyes fall for me commences...

  Running my palm along the weathered oak bannister of the staircase, I head downstairs taking in the many photos lining the wall. Feeling my lips pull into a tiny smile as I take in the smiling faces looking back at me. I stop short, taking in one particular photo of a younger-looking Nash riding a bucking horse in what looks like a rodeo.

  His hard jaw tight, one hand raised in the air as the other grips the reins in a white knuckle hold of a beautiful dark brown horse.

  His cowboy hat covers his eyes, but I could just imagine the intense look he would be sporting. An involuntary shiver races down my spine, remembering those eyes trained on me.

  Reaching out, I run the tip of my finger over the photo next to it.

  Lou, June, and Nash happily smiling at the camera standing in front of a half-built house.

  This is what a family looks like.

  I can see the love they have for each other in this one simple photo, a lump forms in my throat knowing I was so close to having this.

  Shaking my head at my stupid emotions, I continue moving down the stairs.

  Who the hell am I trying to kid? I was never close to having this because if someone loves you that much then they wouldn’t do what Patrick did to me.

  Running my hands down my face, pushing back against the despairing feelings trying to overrun me.

  For the first time in months, I had the best night's sleep, it’s so peaceful and calm out here compared to Newcastle.

  I wasn’t sure I could sleep but after a nice hot relaxing shower I crawled into a big four-poster bed and in no time I was out like a light, not once waking up until my alarm started blasting at 6 am.

  That's something I don’t know if I could get used to.

  I’m usually a night owl so being up at the ass crack of dawn is
something I am definitely not used to.

  “Good morning, sweetheart. How are you feeling this morning?” June asks, way too chipper for this time of the morning.

  Smiling warmly at me as she brings the cup in her hand to her mouth, taking a sip.

  She hums with satisfaction at what I can only presume is heaven in a cup.

  Making my way into the kitchen noticing she is already dressed and ready for the day in light blue jeans, black tank top with her pub’s logo embroidered above her left breast, a horseshoe with Steel Mare stamp over the top. Her long blonde hair tied back into a ponytail, her blue eyes shine from the sun coming through the massive kitchen window.

  Looking down at myself realising I probably should have gotten dressed first as I take in my white thin strapped singlet top, light pink pyjama pants that have puppy dogs scattered all over them and pink fluffy slippers. My hair is a mess and just thrown up haphazardly into a messy bun on top of my head with a few loose strands hanging down here and there.

  “I feel refreshed, Mrs Steel,” my voice is soft and I feel my cheeks heat in embarrassment at what I am wearing, twisting my fingers together in front of me.

  “Please call me June," she smiles warmly, winking at me.

  "Oh and don’t worry sweetie, when Lucy first started coming up here years ago she looked about the same. Actually, I think her pyjamas had frogs wearing top hats,” she laughs, shaking her head as she heads towards the kettle and flicking it on.

  “Oh, so you know Sophie’s sister?” I ask, taking a seat at the long breakfast bench running the tip of my finger over the grain in the polished wood.

  “Oh yeah, I used to be really good friends with their mother before she passed away," a sad look crosses over her features before she shakes it off.

  “When Lucy started getting herself into trouble, her mum thought it would do her some good to come up here. At first, she was reluctant, but once she was here and started helping Lou and Nash around the farm, we couldn’t keep her away,” she laughs again, resting a cup in front of me. Palming the warm ceramic in both hands, breathing in the delicious aroma of caffeine heaven, I’m mesmerized by the warm steam billows out swirling above the rim.


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