Cowboy Edition EBook

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Cowboy Edition EBook Page 18

by Maree, Kay

  That whiskey drunk tingle races down my spine before settling deep in my stomach.

  My head feels light-headed, heat begins to creep through my limbs, my fingers tingle as my toes curl in my socks, my thighs automatically squeeze together.

  “Damn,” I gasp, bracing a hand against the cool bench top, trying to settle myself down.

  “Are you okay? Little Mare,” he gruffs out, chuckling.

  “Stop talking,” I snap, making him laugh harder.

  Coming around the bench he leans into my space and as much as I tell my body to lean back it doesn’t cooperate. Instead, it has other ideas and leans into him.

  I whimper when his scent hits me square in the chest.

  Leaning down he cups my cheek bringing my face up to his, his thumb begins to circle over my cheek.

  “Finish your breakfast Beautiful, I have something to show you,” he murmurs.

  Planting small kisses left to right over my lips before tracing an imaginary line across my jawline, sucking the lobe of my ear into his warm wet mouth.

  My body shudders, my eyes flutter shut, a moan slips up my throat feeling the slight bite of his teeth against the sensitive skin.

  “Eat,” he clips.

  I try to blink a few times; my fingers tense against the bench, watching his naked muscled back flex as he heads upstairs.

  “Asshole,” I mumble, knowing he did that on purpose.

  “You’ll get used to it,” he throws over his shoulder laughing.

  Never in my life have I felt so drunk on a voice before.

  I was right when I said Nash Steel was like a shot of whiskey.

  That hard bite when it first hits you before smoothing out and heating every part of my insides. My head spins, but nothing stops the craving of wanting another one and fuck if I don’t want to drown in him.

  “Come on Beautiful, let’s have dinner.” Nash squeezes my hand that’s resting on his thigh.

  My thumb runs along the inseam of his jeans as we pull into a parking spot in front of Steel Mare, loving the way his leg stiffens with each upstroke.

  “Dad should be here soon.”

  “I want chicken schnitzel, chips with everything swimming in gravy,” I moan, my mouth watering. The scent of food cooking lingers through the air when I push open my door, making Nash laugh when he comes to my side to help me down.

  My stomach growls, making him laugh harder.

  “Yes ma’am, whatever you want,” he tips his hat, making me laugh.

  “I’m so hungry I could eat you, mister, so don’t push it,” I grumble jokingly.

  A sharp intake of breath has my head snapping towards him.

  My new black Stetson Nash surprised me with this morning blocks my view of his eyes, tilting my head back a little more.

  I swallow, noticing the hungry look coating his features.

  Before I can say anything he has me pinned to the side of his massive truck.

  His lips hitting mine in a soul-searing kiss, his hard body pushes against mine, making me moan into the kiss.

  “You wanna eat me, babe?” he growls when he pulls back way too quickly.

  “Hmm hmmm,” I hum.

  Flicking my tongue across my bottom lip.

  Relishing in his flavour as it explodes across my tongue.

  My stomach growls completely ruining the moment, making him chuckle.

  “Later,” he smiles before planting a smaller kiss to my lips.

  Releasing his weight off me but not letting go.

  He slides his palm against mine, our fingers interlocking as we head for the front doors.

  “You want my tongue wrapped around you Cowboy?” I whisper for his ears only.

  “Stop,” he grunts.

  Making me smile, having way too much fun torturing him.

  “What? You don’t want to imagine my tongue running over your hard body, the tip of my ton---”

  I don’t get the rest out as my back hits the wall beside the entrance doors, his tongue seeking entrance into my waiting mouth.

  My hat slides off when one of his hands tangles into my hair as the other grips my ass in a vice-like grip.

  Commanding my body without words to submit to him, my body melts into his being the willing victim to the onslaught of his rough hands and very talented tongue.

  My nails scrape the back of his neck as I hike up one of my legs and lock my ankle behind his knee, pushing our bodies closer together.

  The ache in my clit has me rubbing against his hard cock, trying to push through his jeans.

  Heat flames through me, goosebumps break out across my skin.

  Pulling his hair tight between my fingers.

  He groans.

  Making me moan.

  Every cell in my body is exploding, needing more, needing everything he has to give.

  A throat clearing followed by a deep chuckle breaks through our moment, and I try to suck in as much air as possible when Nash finally pulls back.

  “Don’t let me interrupt you. But I don’t think a live porn show is what the nice folks of this town have signed up for,” that deep voice laughs and I have to stifle a giggle when Nash groans.

  Planting a kiss on the crown of my head as I burrow into his warm chest, feeling embarrassment flame through my cheeks.

  “Dad,” Nash grunts.

  I know he isn’t pissed when his body begins to shake against mine, chuckling.

  I’m mortified and turned on, not wanting to see Lou’s face right now.

  But I have no choice as Nash begins to move back.

  “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart,” Lou says, coming up beside us, slapping Nash on the back.

  “I think you need to train him a little better sweetheart, maybe start with how to act in public,” he blows out a frustrated breath before winking at me.

  “His mother and I have tried, but I guess we failed,” he shakes his head, laughing this time.

  I bite my lip, trying to stifle a giggle at his teasing.

  “Jesus, old man,” Nash grunts.

  “What if it was Cora’s fault?”

  I gasp, slapping him across the chest, making both of them crack up laughing.

  “It was not,” I defend knowing it really was my fault, Nash quirks a dark brow at me, challenging me, but I shut my mouth.

  I’m sticking to my story that I’m innocent in all this and that’s that.

  “You have no proof,” I blurt out, poking my tongue out like a little kid making Nash chuckle.

  “Self-control, that is all I’m saying, Son,” Lou chuckles again, making us all laugh.

  “I smell a steak with my name on it. Let's go eat. Then you two lovebirds can take off home to finish whatever this was about to turn into,” he waves between us.

  “Like you can talk, old man. I don’t even want to count how many times you have pinned my mother to a wall,” his whole body shudders at the thought, making me laugh harder.

  “What can I say that woman is my kryptonite,” he shrugs, pushing through the doors.

  “I know the fucking feeling,” Nash mumbles, sending completely different heat through me.

  “We better get in there,” I murmur cause I may have only been around this family for a week, but I know June will probably be out here soon once Lou tells her what he interrupted.

  “That was totally your fault,” he murmurs, sliding his lips over mine.

  “This mouth of yours will be the death of me, I’m gonna spank your ass when we get home,” he growls.

  “Why? What did I do?” I fake innocence trying to stifle a giggle when his eyes sharpen.

  “Behave, Little Mare.”

  The words are coated in so much heat my core clenches at the threat of being spanked.

  The heat of his palm slides over my ass before he squeezes.

  Sending a whimper slipping on my tongue, my eyelids flutter as the fire simmering through my veins sparks

  “I’ll give you what you want later,” he whispers.

  Leaning down, he swipes my hat off the ground, dusting the dirt off before placing it back on my head.

  “You are too cute,” he grunts, making me giggle as he takes my hand, leading me inside.

  The scents of mixed herbs, cooking meat, alcohol and cigarettes float through the space.

  Those scents shouldn’t smell so good together but they do, they blend together making you feel automatically comfortable.

  “Sweetheart, how was your day?” June calls out as soon as we step inside, a knowing look in her eyes making my cheeks heat once again. I push back my embarrassment and try to answer her in what I hope is a normal voice.

  “It was great,” I smile. “Nash taught me how to ride.”

  “Did he?” she quirks a brow, smirking.

  Nash’s deep chuckle from behind me jolts through me and I realize how that just sounded.

  “Bandit, I rode Bandit,” I rush out, stumbling over my words, making her crack up laughing.

  All I want to do is hide or hope the floor will open up and just suck me in right now, but it doesn’t

  “I thought if I taught her on Bandit, and she could ride him, Cora wouldn’t have any issues riding anything else after that,” Nash chuckles, making me gasp at the double meaning.

  “Nash,” I gasp, burying my face into his side.

  Closing my eyes, trying not to laugh myself when laughter rings out all around us.

  “Oh leave the poor girl alone,” June says, I smile knowing his Mum wouldn’t let me suffer for too long.

  Winking, she waves her hand towards the table Lou is sitting at with a tray of cold beers waiting and a shit-eating grin, biting off a giggle when Nash grumbles behind me.

  Nash rattles off what we want to eat and June jots down on the pad in her hand before clipping the slip of paper above the window for Sam.

  “I won't be long, I just have to replace one of the kegs.” June winks over her shoulder as she makes her way towards the stockroom.

  “Come on, Beautiful.”

  “You totally set me up,” I grouch.


  “For what?” I hedge, knowing full well why he did it.

  The heat of his palm on my ass simmers through me, leaning down his warm breath runs down my neck leaving goosebumps in its wake.

  “I’ll show you when we get home,” that smooth whiskey whisper punches through me, my core tightens, my heart thunders in my ears as heat spreads down my neck.

  “Whiskey,” I blurted with a breathy tone.

  “What?” he pulls back a sexy smirk kicking up the corner of his lips.

  One dark brow pops up, questioning.

  “Don’t worry,” I wave my hand in front of my face as Nash pulls out my seat before sitting next to me. He grunts at the space between us and pulls my chair so it’s butted up against his.

  “Happy now?” I smirk.

  “Yep,” he clips, draping his arm along the back of the chair.

  “Did I hear someone mention Whiskey?” June pipes up, walking over to us with a bottle hanging between her fingers and shot glasses in her other hand.

  “I think Cora wants some,” Nash answers and my stomach tightens knowing it’s about to test what's smoother the bottle of Whiskey or Nash’s Whiskey voice.

  “Let’s do this,” I giggle, rubbing my hands together.

  The night is about to get interesting.

  In the Old West a shot of Whiskey was traded for Bullets hence the name shots but today, right now I know I have traded my heart just to get drunk on Nash Steel and just a simple whisper of his voice…

  “Your voice is like a shot of Whiskey,” Cora hiccups, placing the back of her hand across her mouth making me chuckle.

  “What Beautiful?”

  She is so goddamn beautiful.

  Those rosy cheeks, her glassy mood ring eyes shine under the overhead lights, white teeth bite into a plump bottom lip that has me wanting to do that.

  Running my thumb across the flesh her teeth let go leaving little teeth indentations making my already hard cock push against my zipper.

  Locking my jaw, I try to focus on what she is saying.

  “When you throw back a shot of Whiskey, it has a bite, a punch if you will, that has your throat protesting to swallow but once you do, your head spins, warmth spreads through your limbs and you can’t wait to do it again. It becomes a craving that you can never satisfy but want to give your life trying,” her breathy voice hits my ear, my hands tighten into fists wanting to throw her over my shoulder and get the fuck out of here.

  I resist loving how happy she looks just being here and laughing her ass off along with my Mum as Dad gives me shit.

  “That’s what your voice does to me, it hits me deep down and all I want to do is get drunk on you Nash. I want you to consume me and the word sober becomes a word from the past.”

  “Fuck, Little Mare,” I grunt, making her laugh, head thrown back, hair swaying across my arm that’s lying across the back of her chair.

  It's a captivating sight I will never get sick of.

  “What’s so funny?” Mum butts in but I can’t tear my eyes away from Cora, she is everything I never knew I would want.

  “June did you know the word shot comes from the Old West when cowboys couldn’t afford to pay for their whiskey they would trade a bullet for it,” Cora says smoothly as if she didn’t just rock my world to the core.

  “I did,” Mum agrees, nodding her head as she picks up the bottle, pouring another two shots for her and Cora.

  They have already had a beer each and two shots, but they are both giggling like schoolgirls.

  “I don’t have any bullets,” Cora blurts, making us all laugh.

  “It’s on the house this time, but I expect a full clip the next time,” Mum winks.

  “Deal,” Cora agrees, clinking her glass against Mum’s before they throw them back, humming at the burning sensation sliding through them.

  "Damn," Lucas chuckles.

  "I see you have your hands full with that one, brother," he slaps me on the shoulder.

  I smirk, nodding.

  "What brings you here tonight, Lucas?" Dad asks, taking a swig from his beer.

  "Dad called earlier and asked me to swing by and give him a hand with some stuff," he shrugs, taking a pull of his own beer.

  I smile knowing the old bugger Earl could call Lucas for anything and he would happily drop what he's doing to help his old man.

  They have had it tough the last couple of years and as much as Earl loved his land; he knew his heart wasn't in it anymore after he lost his wife, plus Lucas wanted to remodel the house.

  "Who's your dad?" Cora asks, leaning the side of her face against her fist.

  "You know Cora, that busybody Earl," Mum winks.

  "Oh, I love your dad, that man is full of wisdom," she nods like a bobblehead doll.

  "He's something alright," Lucas chuckles, taking a pull from his beer.

  "Everyone here is awesome," she slurs, smiling, making us chuckle.

  "What?" she asks, looking confused.

  "Son, I think if this keeps up we will be carrying these ladies out tonight.”

  “Never,” mum gasps.

  “We got this don’t we Cora,” she winks well tries to but fails horribly making us laugh.

  “Yep,” Cora’s smile is so big I can’t help but stare.

  “If you will excuse me, I just have to go to the ladies’ room,” Cora pushes to her feet, swaying a little before balancing her hands against the table.

  “I’ll come with you,” I blurt out, worried she may fall.

  “I got this Cowboy,” she grabs the brim of her hat, tipping it forward a little, making me chuckle.

  “Leave the girl alone, Nash,” Mum playfully scolds, slapping my hand on the table.

  “Easy love,” Dad laughs,
wrapping an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side and kissing her temple.

  I pull my eyes away from them and their antics, watching as my girl heads towards the ladies’ room, her hips swaying left to right. I growl, noticing not just my eyes on her heart-shaped ass.

  “Easy son, everyone knows she is yours.”

  "With the show, you put on out the front earlier, I doubt anybody will go after her," Lucas throws in laughing along with Dad, Mum snickers behind her hand.

  I grunt, folding my arms across my chest just as Jebson pushes through the glass doors and heads straight for us.

  "So Lucy is heading up here next week," Mum says, breaking through my head.

  "I was thinking we have a cookout."

  "Sounds good, Love.” Dad kisses her temple again.

  “Lucy hasn't been up here in nearly two years may as well go big," Dad says nodding.

  "Care to join us, Lucas?" Mum's eyes are sparkling again and I have to hold back my laugh. Lucas thinks we are blind, but we all know he has a thing for her.

  I don't know what the hell has stopped him from claiming her, but that's his business and I know he can handle her; she is a force of nature.

  It's actually quite comical watching them both fight the pull they have towards each other.

  "Let me know when and I'll be there," his voice rumbles with an edge none of us misses.

  I smirk as my focus draws back to Jebson when he stops a couple of feet in front of me.

  "Evening mate," I nod.

  "Nash," lifting his chin in greeting before greeting everyone else around the table.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, seeing a weird look cross his features.

  “We just found that town car you said Patrick was driving.”

  “Okay,” I say slowly.

  Pushing to my feet.

  “It was burnt out, Nash. Have you or Miss Hope seen him?”

  “No, not since that day. I just thought he got the hint and left,” I shrug, running a hand through my hair, an uneasy feeling rushing through me.

  “Can I speak with Miss Hope; do you know where she is?”

  “She just went to the bathroom.”

  “Right,” he nods, running a hand around the back of his neck.

  “What ain’t you telling me,” I spit out.


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