Cowboy Edition EBook

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Cowboy Edition EBook Page 40

by Maree, Kay

  Murmuring softly, I encouraged her back to the stables and got her settled in the largest stall specifically designed for birthing.

  The drama of today fell away as I got back to basics—maintaining a visual over my livestock. I switched on the battery-powered lanterns and got fresh water while the mare shifted restlessly around the stall.

  When she finally lay down, I leaned over the wall and watched for signs of distress, completely forgetting that life wasn’t as simple as this moment, until scuffing footsteps had my senses roaring to life.


  I woke slowly and reached for Brandon, only to find the bed empty. Sitting and glancing around, it took a few moments to blink away the head spin before I pushed aside the plush blanket encasing my body.

  I felt like death, and I bet I looked just as terrible.

  Drawn downstairs by the smell of dinner cooking, I found Jake's back to me as he worked over the stove. I sidled up to him and awkwardly leaned against the bench. Neither of us spoke for a bit until Jake broke the ice.

  “He’s in the stables, jailbird.”

  "Jake, about this morning-" I started referring to him catching Brandon and me in bed together.

  He held up a stirring spoon. "Didn't see nothin'. Besides, I can't talk—seems like we both got a little much-needed action last night." He smirked and chuckled as my cheeks heated.

  “He’s sweet on you, Louisiana. I just hope you ain’t giving my boy false intentions.”

  While I appreciated Jake being upfront, the unintentional edge to his words stung.

  “You think I don’t know what’s at stake for both of us?” I snapped. “After today I’m even more confused.”


  The pounding within my head sidetracked the conversation, and I rubbed at my temples. “Do you have painkillers? I’ve got a killer headache.”

  Jake wordlessly found me the box, and after I’d downed two, I explained. “I’m confused because I like him. But this isn’t just about me; there’s Ollie, and no matter what I want, he’s got to come first.”

  Jake’s unwavering brown eyes bound me to the spot until I grew restless. “And what do you want, jailbird?”

  “In the perfect world?”

  He shrugged. “Sure.”

  “For Brandon to want me enough to want us to stay, and grow to love Ollie as much as I do, and that I wouldn’t have to choose between them. In the perfect world, I could have them both.”

  A smile lifted Jake’s mouth as if he’d known that all along. He loaded a dinner plate with food, then handed it to me.

  “Here, take this out to the stables. I believe you’ve just solved your own problem and now you need to have a conversation with my boy.”

  Blinking like I couldn’t believe how straightforward the epiphany seemed, I diligently slipped on my boots then traipsed across the yard with a hot plate of steaming dinner in my hands, unsure of what I would find in the stables.

  Snorting came from the far stall, and my steps faltered when I saw Brandon leaning motionless over the rails. His shirt was stretched across the expanse of his back, perfectly outlining the muscles as if the fabric was wet.

  When the toe of my boot scuffed against the floor, Brandon whirled around as if he’d seen a ghost—complete with a hissed curse.

  “Hey,” I said quietly.

  He relaxed immediately. “Hey. What are you doin’ out here, darlin’?”

  I held up the plate and shrugged. “Jake said to come and give you this.”

  The chuckle I’d grown to adore rolled my way, and Brandon waved me closer. “Did he now?”

  “Yeah. And it smells really good,” I admitted as the aroma created hunger pangs in my belly.

  Brandon’s eyes locked with mine. “Have you eaten yet?”

  “Not yet, I’ll grab something when I head back inside.”

  Brandon plucked the knife from between my fingers and scooped up a wad of mashed potato. He’d almost brought it to his mouth when he paused and indicated to the fork. “We’ll share. Dig in, sweetheart.”

  Rustling and a couple of snorts sounded, and I studied the side of Brandon’s profile as he peered over the short wall while casually chewing his mouthful as if we were sitting at the dinner table.

  “What’s going on?” I whispered.

  “Daphne is giving birth,” he replied without looking my way.

  There was something about Brandon being totally at ease in any environment, around both animals and humans, that sang to me. A sense of calm hung in the air around him and I found myself inching closer just to feel the full effects of the goodness he radiated.

  I stepped closer to take a peek at Daphne to find her resting in the hay. The unintentional brush of my arm against his made him turn, almost expectantly. The softness in his eyes visibly heated when his attention dropped to my mouth.

  “More?” I offered the plate.

  Brandon plucked the plate away and set his palm in my hand. It was equally as warm as the crockery, yet his simple touch heated the rest of my body on contact. That heat squeezed my lungs and weakened my knees.

  With a gentle tug, Brandon gracefully folded to sit in the hay-filled stall and held my hand as I dropped down beside him. He bent one knee and rested his forearm on it while holding the plate between us, though food seemed far from his mind when he finally replied to my question.

  “I definitely want more.”

  Each drawled syllable was laden with undertones that soared above the smell and rustling around us. The longer I stared into his hazel eyes, the further I got lost in the fantasy of us actually being able to find our happy ending. He was too good to be true, and I almost talked myself into finding imaginary faults to stop my heart falling that little bit further.

  Today had been rough. I was emotionally spent. My heart was battered and bruised. Yet, as Brandon reached to cup my face, I melted into his warm palm like the single touch gave me the strength I needed to get through the rest of the program.

  “More… food?”

  His lips quirked into a smile that left me holding my breath. “Among other things.”

  I watched his gaze dip downward then lift with amusement crinkling the corners. My mouth opened and closed wordlessly until he carefully set the plate aside and leaned closer with his weight braced on his arm. I welcomed his nearness, his smell. Despite the dull light in the barn, up close I could see the fine lines that fanned from the corner of his eyes and the barest hint of stubble after not shaving for a day or two. His hat was discarded when I came into the stable, but his dark, almost shaggy hair held the same shape it always did straight after he removed it.

  The alluring smile slowly slid from his mouth, then disappeared entirely with one lick of his tongue.

  “I want to kiss you again, darlin’, but don’t want to-”

  Hooking my finger in the collar of his shirt, I tugged his mouth to mine before the excuse not to kiss me passed his lips.

  A single beat of shock had both of us freezing. My eyes stayed open to gauge Brandon’s response, and our sight locked as if he was doing the same to me. Without looking away, Brandon’s lips began to coax mine further open, then gave way to a breathed groan as his brow crinkled.

  The sight was more than enough to have my eyelids fluttering closed. Our breath synced while our tongues danced and teased. Effortlessly luring the other, the fuse that relentlessly crackled between us combusted with a flash dazzling enough to remove the memory of how I ended up on my back. Brandon rolled above me and nudged my knees open with his. His weight pressed me into the fresh hay as he settled between my legs and kissed me slowly yet deeply. The heady smell of all that was Brandon spun around me, leaving me intoxicated and oblivious to everything around us.

  The touch of Brandon’s hand gliding down my waist before slipping under my hips, lifted them effortlessly. While propping himself on the opposite elbow and tangling his fingers in my hair, the subtl
e rhythmic roll of his hips grew more intentional. His jeans did little to hide his erection and each time it grazed over the perfect spot, I couldn’t help the breathy, sharp inhale that fleetingly broke our kiss.

  I was almost to the point of instigating clothing removal when a snort, then a grunt from the next stall broke our intimacy.

  Everything clarified; our dim surroundings, the high exposed beam roof of the barn, the hay that now felt scratchy where it had needled its way under my clothes.

  Brandon sprinkled a few more kisses on my mouth and claimed one more taste with his tongue before sitting back on his haunches, smiling yet puffing. Equally as breathless, I propped myself up on my elbows and felt my eyes ping wide when another grunt came through the stall wall.

  It sounded as if the horse was much closer to giving birth than she was when I arrived.

  Brandon stood and offered his hand, effortlessly pulling me to my feet then adjusting himself within his jeans with a wicked smirk. I coughed away a snigger, because hell, there was no need to rearrange myself, but I was still fighting off the arousal that concentrated between my legs.

  Brandon rested one elbow on the dividing wall and peered into the next stall, seemingly happy with what he saw.

  “Lou, come see. It’s time,” he whispered and drew me close.

  I was in no way prepared for what I saw. Brandon wasn’t kidding when he said it was time; the mare was on her side and pushing out her baby with an effort that had my eyes watering.

  The memory of giving birth to Ollie flooded back. How the cord was wrapped around his neck. How we had almost lost him. How rough the doctors were during his resuscitation.

  I dashed away the tears that sprang and tried to quietly swallow through the knot in my throat. As if hearing my memories, Brandon’s arm wove around my waist and held me secure.

  “Do you need to help her?” I asked when the anxiety wouldn’t ease.

  “No,” he murmured, his voice low and vibrating against my shoulder. “She’s doin’ great. We'll just stay until she begins to clean him up. She's a second-time mom, so she knows what to do."

  “It’s a boy?” I whispered back.

  “I dunno. Just easier than saying him or her.”

  I nodded and let out my held breath when the final push came and the foal slid onto the bed of hay.

  Despite my stomach being slightly squeamish, I found myself in awe of the beautiful moment. Momma horse stood and immediately turned to check on her new baby, and as I dashed away more tears, I let out a relieved exhale when the foal responded to her. He—or she—was alive and seemingly strong.

  Brandon murmured a few encouraging words to his horse. Only once satisfied that she was taking good care of her baby, he kissed the side of my head.

  “Ready to head back inside? They should be fine overnight now, though I’ll nip out later and check before we head to bed.”

  Warmth exploded through my chest. I didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but his words implied that we would be going to bed together.

  A chuckle resonated off the stall walls. "I can hear you overthinking it, Lou. You're welcome in my bed, but if you would rather your own space, then I’m not gonna be offended."

  Brandon stooped to pick up the discarded meal and paused, half-turned for the door. When I didn’t move, he angled further toward me while I bit my lip nervously.

  “Do you want me in your bed?”

  “Of course,” he replied without a hint of doubt.

  I let free the smile I’d been holding at bay, practically seeing hearts when a reciprocating smile appeared on Brandon’s face. Goddamn, he was gorgeous.

  Since I arrived at the ranch, my heart and personality had softened in response to his even and dependable presence. Trust formed without me seeking it or him forcing it. However, while I believe his intentions were true, we owed ourselves one hell of an honest conversation.

  “Jake said we need to talk,” I blurted.

  That got Brandon’s full attention, and a frown appeared on his brow. “Did he now? About what?”

  “Us.” I wasn’t sure that he’d heard me until he set down the plate and reached for me.

  “What do you want to know?”

  Looking up into his imploring eyes, they appeared full of earnest in the dim light. There was no agitation or frustration, just pure intent of hearing what I had to stay. I just hoped I didn’t royally screw it up.

  “You know I like you, right?”

  Brandon dipped his head. “Likewise.”

  I nodded. “And there’s Ollie.”

  “I like him, too.”

  “I just…. I need to know what’s going on in your head, because if this thing between us is just a passing phase while I’m here, then I need to stop, as of now.”

  Brandon swallowed thickly as his gaze searched mine. It sounded as painful as it looked. “You’re not a passing phase, Louisiana. If I had my way, I’d remove you from the program and ask you to date me officially. Ollie and all.”

  My throat grew tight. “So after I’m released?”

  Brandon put the barest space between us to look at me better. “I hope you stay on. You and Ollie. With me.”

  An ugly wash of emotion contorted my face as exhaustion and relief hit me all over again. I had no idea that I needed to hear those words from the man I was falling in love with, and the weight of knowing that Brandon’s path ran parallel with mine created a crushing wave of reassurance to hit me right in the feels.

  Brandon’s arms wrapped around my waist and steadied me. “You don’t need to decide anything right away. Though I’d like you to tell me you’d stay, I can’t force you to, sweetheart.”

  “I want to,” I breathed. “I really do.”

  The tension ebbed from his face as affection erased the worry around his eyes. “Well, I guess we’ve got some important things to discuss, you ‘n I.”

  I smiled up at him, then rose onto my tiptoes to press a kiss to his mouth. I liked being able to kiss Brandon whenever I wanted without him having to ask permission or feeling like I was overstepping a line. We’d already danced all over the rule book until it became ashes, and now I didn’t feel like the risk had been in vain.

  When we walked across the yard hand-in-hand, I looked up at the full Montana moon and wholeheartedly smiled. For the first time in my life, I was thankful for the events in my past that catapulted me to where I was today. My shameful history had shaped my fairytale future. A future where each tomorrow was infinitely brighter than I ever imagined it could be; my past had led me to Brandon.


  Jake had made himself scarce when Louisiana and I returned to the house, and I found him relaxed back on the couch watching TV. I stuck my head around the door frame, and leaned against it while Lou went to get more food.

  “Hey, thanks for dinner.”

  He muted the show, then flicked his dark eyes my way. “No probs, boss. You two sort some shit out?”

  A puff of a laugh came out my nose. “Some of it, for sure. We’re gonna see how it pans out.” I shrugged, even though I wanted to whoop at the top of my lungs and punch the air.

  Louisiana and I had made some major headway tonight, and now that we’d leveled with each other and laid out how we truly felt, all I wanted to do was recklessly fall headlong into seeing where it took us.

  “It’ll pan.” Jake smirked, then turned his attention back to the TV. “Now fuck off and stop wasting your time talkin’ to me.”

  Chuckling to myself, I got to the doorway of the kitchen and hesitated when I didn’t see Louisiana. Walking through then hooking left, she wasn’t in the dining room either. I frowned and retraced my steps. When I entered the hallway again, my eyes drew to the top of the staircase and widened.

  Louisiana stood looking down at me with a look on her face that made my entire body roar to life. I didn't need more of an invitation to take the stairs three at a time before coming to an abrupt halt
in front of her.

  “Hey,” I breathed.

  “Hey.” Her eyes heated and dropped to run over my body as if I was already unclothed.

  A single beat of uncertainty pulsed between us when her gaze reconnected with mine, and it had me throwing caution to the wind.

  “Oh, fuck it,” I hissed while grabbing her waist and pulling her hard against my chest.

  Louisiana’s mouth opened with a gasp, yet I wasted no time in claiming her parted lips with my own. Urgent. Careless. Insatiable.

  Her lips moved to match my hunger, and Lord help me, I groaned when she bit down on my bottom lip, hard. It struck the match. Without stopping devouring her, I boosted Louisiana into my arms, gripped her ass, and strode to my room.

  The door banged shut from my single kick. Pain burst across the back of my neck as her fingers wove into my hair, and an unhinged growl tore from my throat when she raked her nails over the sensitive skin.

  “You’re teasing a bull, darlin’,” I snarled, getting more worked up than a bull chasing a red cape.

  “I know,” Louisiana whispered against my mouth before kissing me hard and senseless. She’d just set the tone, and I was going to honor it.

  Spinning to sit on the bed with Louisiana grinding on my lap, I roughly pulled the hair tie from her hair then fisted the cascade of blond locks as it fell. The angle exposed her neck, inviting me to lick before latching onto her creamy skin.

  The second sharp burst of pain that cut across my scalp was overshadowed by the pleasure Louisiana generated by rocking against my jean-restricted erection.

  With gruff movements, I released her hair long enough to start removing her clothes. When she stood to kick off her jeans, I shoved mine down then tore at my shirt. I needed her so badly I nearly whimpered when I delayed her sinking onto me by reaching for the bedside drawer.

  I stopped Louisiana sprawling across my bed by wrapping a hand around the back of her thigh.

  “Not this time, darlin’. I want to watch you ride me.”

  The breath visibly left her lungs, then quickened to match the aching desire that all but choked the life from my veins.


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