Cowboy Edition EBook

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Cowboy Edition EBook Page 46

by Maree, Kay

  “Good luck with that brother,” he calls to my retreating back laughing his ass off.

  Jogging back to the house just in time to see Lucy heading out the front door with June in toe. June says something to my girl, then waves goodbye as she heads for her car.

  Lucy is digging through her bag, probably looking for her keys when she hears me coming and looks up.

  A sexy smile playing on her lips.

  Grinding my teeth together when I take in her outfit choice.

  Her black Stetson sits on top of her black hair as it curls over her shoulders, the ends brushing against the sides of her breasts.

  That little black choker wrapped around her neck, with a silver fox charm dangling down the dip of her throat, has my hands wanting to take its place.

  Biting the corner of my lip as I take in the rest of her outfit.

  A black Top Gun tank that says Talk to me Goose on the front with a picture of a pair of sunglasses with the setting sun in the lenses emphasising her spectacular rack.

  The front of the shirt tucked into her high-waisted ripped blue denim shorts and I know before she even turns around that they would barely be covering her heart-shaped ass, the shine off her bronze belt buckle with the large rose in the centre and floral design on each side catches my eye before they slide down her tanned legs.

  I bite off a chuckle seeing the shoes she’s wearing.

  Open-toe ankle-heeled boots with sexy cut-outs on each side.


  I swear she is trying to drive me into an early grave.

  Everything about her is fucking spectacular and so fucking mine.

  From the top of her head, all the way done to those black painted toenails peeking out of those fuck-me heels.

  Last night holding her and telling her I loved her was the most freeing moment of my life.

  When I finally let her up for air, the smile beaming across those lips punched right through me.

  Even though she never said the words back I could see them shining in those evergreen eyes of hers.

  “Damn it,” she mumbles, going back to her bag.

  “What’s up Little Vixen?”

  “I can’t find Elektra’s keys,” she huffs.

  “Let me drive you today,” I say casually.

  “But I wanna drive my beast,” she whines, and it’s the cutest thing in the world.

  “Come on, Little Vixen, I have Kane Brown in the car,” I smirk.

  “The CD not the man,” I clarify, making her laugh.

  “Well, if you had the man, I wouldn’t be standing here talking with you,” she smirks, winking.

  “Get your cute ass in my truck before I take you back inside and show you all over again how mine you really are,” I gruff out, raising a brow.

  My hand twitching at my side, really wanting to see my handprint on that ass.

  “Yes Sir,” she salutes me.

  She doesn't miss my quick intake of breath as Sir leaves those pouty lips.

  “Smartass,” I mumble as she brushes past me and heads for my truck.

  “It’s not like you to have this kind of music,” she says, closing her door and going straight for the CD and putting it in.

  Shrugging, I don’t want to tell her I brought it cause she loves it.

  I have already lost my balls enough to this woman without giving her more ammunition.

  Jumping behind the wheel, I kick over the old beast humming when the engine purrs to life.

  I love this truck.

  It's a beast with its black paint job.

  395 horsepower under the hood.

  What’s not to love.

  I always wanted a Ford F-150, and last year I made that wish come true.

  Hearing giggling coming from my side, I turn my head seeing Lucy relaxed back in her seat, black sunglasses on, her nails tapping against the armrest built into the door.

  “You look like you need a moment,” she waves her hand down my body, smirking.

  “Let’s get your ass to work,” I laugh, shaking my head.

  “I have been ready for a while, Stallion,”

  The way she says that has me thinking she is talking about something completely different.

  “Right, well let’s not make the lady wait any longer, cause I’m ready for it all.”

  Reversing, straightening the car, I head down the driveway, not missing her intake of breath at my statement.

  “You got a song queued up,” I nod towards the CD case in her hands.

  “Ah huh,” licking her bottom lip she leans forward, selects the one she wants, then turns the volume up.

  For the next three minutes and twenty-one seconds, I try to concentrate on the road in front of me as Lucy gives the song everything she has, including air guitar moves and headbanging.

  I listen to the words and I love it not just because the beat is addictive but because she obviously loves it. As the song finishes the hum of the track going to the next song settles in the air I quickly ask what it was called and file it away for another time.

  “Rockstars,” she beams.

  Leaning over, she turns the music down.

  “So do you wanna tell me where my car keys are?” she asks.

  Pulling my eyes away from the road for a second.

  I look over and notice she is trying to fight off a smile, I wink before relaxing back into my seat.

  “I’m guessing wherever you put them last,” I say casually, shrugging.

  Lucy ain’t a stupid woman and I knew she would piece it together, but that doesn’t mean I am willing to give the game away just yet.

  “Lucas Conor Knight,” she growls, making me laugh.

  “Lucy Rose Jacobson,” I say right back, making her huff, folding her arms over her chest.

  My eyes zero in on her tits as they push up from the action.

  “Eye’s on the road, Stallion,” she guffaws.

  Running my hand up and down her bare thigh, I bite off a chuckle, feeling her whole body tremble as I pull my eyes back to the road.

  “Just let me drive you to work today.”

  “Like I have a choice,” she waves her hand around the cab of my truck.

  “Is it so bad I want to drop you off?”

  “I guess not,” her hand lands on top of mine, stopping my movement as I get closer to her pussy, sticking out my little finger.

  I run it back and forth over the seam of her shorts between her legs making her wiggle in the seat.

  “Oh God,” comes out on a whispered breath.

  “Names Lucas baby,” I purr, wanting only my name on those lips.

  My cock hardens even more in my jeans, the cab of my truck filling with the scent of sweet cherries, and all I want to do is pull to the side of the road and take what’s fucking mine.

  Pulling my hand away before I do just that, I squeeze the shit out of the steering wheel, locking my jaw shut tight.

  “You did that to yourself,” she smarts out and fuck doesn’t that just have me wanting to ram my cock down her throat.

  “I have a way of shutting that pretty smart mouth up Little Vixen,” I grunt, pulling to a stop in front of the Steel Mare.

  “Oh yeah, Stallion,” she fucking purrs and it rolls straight through me.

  “In you go,” I grit out.

  “Brute,” she laughs

  “You’ll get used to it,” I smirk, winking at her.

  Clicking her seatbelt off, in one easy, smooth move she leans over covering my mouth in a hard kiss.

  I quickly take control, gripping her hair into a tight fist I pull, moving her to where I want her as I suck down her taste.

  Making her whimper and I take that too.

  Her small hand begins to rub the front of my jeans over my hard cock making me groan, my body shuddering, nipping her bottom lip making her hiss.

  I smirk against her lips when she pulls back.

  “Off you go, Litt
le Vixen,” I husk out, kissing her lips quickly.

  “I’ll pick you up when you're finished.”

  “I can just get a lift with June.”

  “Not happening. I have plans for us tonight so you keep your cute ass here and I’ll pick you up,” I give her a pointed look.

  “Yes Sir,” she salutes.

  Every time the word Sir leaves her mouth, my body tightens, making me grunt.

  “Oh, you like when I say that,” she smirks, running her nails through my beard.

  “You have no idea,” I mumble, but she hears me.

  “See you this afternoon Sir,” she emphasises Sir.

  “Fuck I love you Little Vixen.”

  Her eyes widen before softening leaning down she kisses me tenderly this time before jumping out of the truck.

  It’s gonna take her a while to realise everything I say is the truth, so her not saying it back to me right away doesn’t mean shit.

  It just means I have to keep showing her just how much I do love her.

  Loving Lucy isn’t just about saying the words,

  it’s about showing her the depth of those words...

  I love you.

  His throaty voice plays those three little words on a loop through my head all day and as much as I want to say it back the words won't trip off my tongue.

  What the hell am I so afraid of?

  Just as I ask myself that question I know the answer.

  The only man I have ever said that to was my father, and he left a long time ago.

  My heart twists at the thought, but I push it away.

  I try to think of anyone else I have said those words to.

  Okay, I have said similar words to Demetri, but it’s a completely different scenario.

  He loves my sister to the point of giving over his own life for her and he has proved that time and time again and he cares about me like a big brother.

  But this is different.

  I have wanted to hear those words from Lucas’s mouth for six years, and now I just don’t know what to do with them.

  Can I trust in the fact if I do say them he won’t ever leave me?

  Fuck, now I sound like one of those stage five clingy bitches.

  Even I want to smack my own face.

  Mentally, I roll my eyes at myself.

  “Motherfriggenshitbitch,” I grit out the words all meshing together.

  Now I can’t even speak simple words without them fucking up.

  He has my head so fucked up and spinning at the same time my brain has literally fried.

  “Wanna talk about whatever it is that has you off with the pixies today?” Earl chuckles, taking a mouthful of his beer.

  Earl is Lucas’s father and so easy to talk to.

  Most of the time he sits at the bar with Buddy and they give each other shit.

  Would he run back and tell his son whatever I tell him, or will he keep it between us?

  Knowing I really should talk to someone about my mixed emotions, my mouth falls open, but what I want to say and what actually comes out are two completely different things.

  “It’s… well…” I wave my hand through the air.

  “Never mind,” I breathe out.

  “You know, it’s hard to talk about things that you feel so deep about inside. Sometimes you just have to push through it and spit it out, otherwise, it will mess with your noggin,” he taps his head.

  “Even more so when you keep it all to yourself when you know you need to speak about it.”

  "I know," I breathe out, wiping down the bar.

  "It's just hard to explain and I don't know where to start," I throw my hands in the air.

  "Just start at the beginning," he says simply as if it's just that easy and maybe it is.

  For the next five minutes, that's what I do. I leave nothing untouched and just unload.

  "As you know, my father left not long after I turned ten.” I blow out a rough breath but keep going “One day he was there and the next he wasn't and I worry that maybe if I let myself love someone again they will just walk away. How was it so easy for him to walk away? I understand if you fall out of love with someone cause obviously you didn’t really love them to begin with but to just one day wake up, pack your stuff and leave," my voice catches, looking over my shoulder when I feel my eyes begin to glass over.

  “Hey,” Earl says softly, squeezing my hand, and I take a moment to soak in the heat of his palm.

  “Earl for six years I have been invisible to him, and now all of a sudden I’m it for him and I’m just supposed to believe that,” I snap, then feel guilty as shit when I see his eyes widen but after a moment they begin to soften.

  “You listen to me Miss Lucy, and you listen good cause I’m only gonna say this once,” he points at me and my whole body sags running out of steam.

  “He’s my boy and I love him but he’s also a dumb shit,” he smirks making me laugh.

  “That boy of mine has been fixated on you since the minute he met you, but out of respect for your age difference, he has tried to hide the way he feels. He wasn’t very good at it, but he gave it his best go,” he chuckles.

  “Now all bets are off,” he shrugs, and before I can get a word in edgewise, he just keeps on going, making my head explode even more.

  “Trust me when I say Lucas doesn’t do anything without thinking about it first. He may seem impulsive to you and that he is rushing into this. However, if my son is anything like me, he would have had a plan in place in making you his,” he takes another pull from his beer and I let his words roll through me.

  “He loves you so just let him show you,” he winks.

  “Yeah, but for how long?” I mumble under my breath, but Earl hears me.

  For an old man, he sure as shit has good hearing.

  “You're a game-changer, Lucy, you have always been his end game,” he pushes up from his seat when his mate Buddy walks in.

  “If we are done here Miss Lucy, Buddy and I have a game of pool waiting for us,” I wave my hand around in the air letting what he said settle inside me.

  “Oh, and Lucy,” Earl calls out, knocking me out of my head, looking over towards the open doorway to the beer garden.


  “My son couldn’t have picked a better woman, I would be proud to call you my daughter,” with that parting shot he turns and heads out the door.

  My chest tightens in my chest, fanning my hand in front of my eyes as they begin to blur over.

  The aroma of fresh-cut grass and sensual musk floats around me as I wipe down the tables in the beer garden.

  Heat crawls up my back.

  I know before I even turn around he is standing there.

  The warmth of his heated breath runs down my neck, goosebumps following in its wake. Trembling and without conscious thought, I tilt my head a little bit.

  “Little Vixen,” rumbles through his chest, vibrating straight through me, his large hands rest against my waist, his fingers flexing.

  I swear that voice has a direct line to my clit, my thighs squeeze together, my breathing picks up and my heartbeat thumps in my ears.

  “Bend over one more time in these fucking shorts and I will shred the motherfuckers,” his fingers run just under the waistband before twisting a little.

  I gasp when I hear the sound of strained denim stretching.

  “Lucas,” my voice is all kinds of breathy and I roll my eyes at myself cause that was just pathetic.

  “Yeah,” he whispers gravelly.

  “Behave,” I growl low, making him chuckle.

  Before I can react, I’m spun around and his lips are on mine, one hand in my hair and the other yep, you guessed it squeezing my ass making me whimper.

  “Fuck, I will never get enough of your taste, it’s enough to get me drunk,” he husks out, resting his forehead against mine.

  “And what do I taste like Stallion?” I smirk, licking
his minty taste off my bottom lip.

  “Daiquiris, but with a bite and fuck I’m thirsty,” he growls, his eyes not moving from my mouth as he leans down nipping my bottom lip.

  “Let me get you a beer while I finish my shift,” I say, needing a moment to get my bearings again.

  “I have plans for us tonight, Little Vixen. Go get your bag cause times a wastin,” he squeezes my ass again.

  “I can’t just leave. I hav--”

  “You can, June already knows,” he cuts me off.

  “Brute,” I grumble, snatching up the tray of empty glasses off the table.

  “You’ll get used to it,” he calls before a sting hits my ass, making me squeak out a really pathetic sound.

  Heading towards the bar, June materialized out of nowhere with my bag in her hand, taking the tray from my arms.

  “Have a good night,” she winks before disappearing as fast as she came.

  “What the hell?” I mumble.

  Butterflies taking flight in my belly when I look towards Lucas waiting at the front doors for me. Concentrating hard on not tripping over as I head towards him cause the hungry look in his eyes as he takes me in from head to toe has my whole body trembling.

  Walking out ahead of him, breathing in the early evening air, I can’t stop the excitement bubbling inside me.

  Lucas rounds me and opens the passenger side door, making me smile.

  “Who said chivalry was dead?” I giggle when he lifts me into his truck.

  Smirking, he closes my door.

  Quickly jogging around to his side.

  “I’m not that short, I can get in myself,” I shake my head at him as he jumps into the driver's seat.

  “I just wanted to touch you again,” he shrugs, putting the car in reverse and begins to head down the road.

  “So what’s the plan for tonight?” I ask, looking out at the setting sun.

  “It’s a surprise,” is all he says.

  For the next twenty-two minutes, the inside of the cab burns with anticipation of what’s to come.

  I know it was that long because my eyes kept looking at the digital clock on the dashboard.

  “Um… Lucas, why is Elektra here?” I ask, taking in Lucas’s two-storey modern rustic cabin in front of me, with wrap-around porches on both levels. It’s breathtaking with stone pillars going from the ground to the second floor, wood beams taking it the rest of the way to the roof, warm lights scattered here and there inviting you to enter.


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